Goes from literally murdering the MC in cold blood to loving him for no reason

>goes from literally murdering the MC in cold blood to loving him for no reason
>fanbase considers her best girl

Excuse me?

Attached: rem.png (1280x720, 706K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/Rem say "I love you"/

Remfags are mentally ill

you don't get that loops reset and that first impressions matter a lot

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Remfags have no taste

The word "best" is relative.

Even then, he never did anything that warranted murder. It was completely asinine.

she is a visual gimmick
of course people love her


>too retarded to understand why she wanted to kill him in one loop
>too retarded to understand why she changed her mind in the other loop
Rem is a great retard filter

listen retard, if you were in her position you would've killed Subaru on sight, Rem was kind enough and gave him a chance to prove himself

based and checked

>I will defend the character im mentally obsessed with to the point that I will insult everyone and misunderstand on purpose the story.
Remfags are really the worst thing that spawned out of that series.

anyone who isn't mentally retarded would understand her actions, when you write stuff like "she fell for him for no reason" even though she delivers a 10ish min confession you must be either trolling or you're actually retarded

It's fine because I self insert as the MC. If she likes him its basically like she likes me!

>The remtard now is putting words I never said in the first place, thinking that will win the argument
Remtards really are the bottom of the barrel, such cheap antics to make themselves the winners in these situation, sad.

nice how you drift away from the actual topic to "muh remfags are so mean", cry more you little bitch

>b-b-b--bb-ut she could smell the witch so its justified
What the fuck do I care, nigger?
She killed him. Period. The reasoning doesn't matter.
You don't act like an autistic sperg and go "well you smelled like some other person so I just had to kill u lol". Literal bootlicker cuckold.

Killing Subaru specifically goes against Emilia's wishes and against all experiences they had with the 3 days with him, which shows him as harmless and incompetent. No, it doesn't make sense no matter how much you wish it does.

The topic i first started with is this , Im not insulting the character, im insulting your kin

is cute thats why

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my first post
"loving him for no reason"
coming from
>hurr durr I didn't say that
congrats user, you're either that guy who insults just because or you're OP and you did say that

either way I win

Yanderes are cute, more news at two.

>i win because i say so
If that makes you feel better sure, go with it. Remember that I never insulted Rem, in fact i couldnt care less about her. I just despise how you all are mentally obsessed over her and insult everyone who disagrees.

eat a dick, you're little nigger brain can't comprehend anime aimed for 12 years old

>goes against Emilia wishes
who cares Rem serves Roswaal not Emilia she's just a guest

>experiences they had with the 3 days with him
you mean the loop where he literally did nothing and then left and acted like a spy? yup

Nope, he did.
First, Rem has the unique ability to smell the scent of the witch. This scent is usually associated with the Witch of Envy, who ate half the world 400 years back. This smell can also be smelt by members of the Witch cult
This cult is so dangerous that they are considered kill on sight. The higher ups of the cult, the Sin Archbishops, are mass murderers of which two are known, Sloth and Greed. Sloth perpetuated many horrendous but small time crimes, Greed subjugated entire cities all by himself. The others sins are not known due to the fact that their abilities leave no witnesses alive to see them in use.
Subaru has a witch smell equal to or greater than an Archbishop. Plus the cult killed Rem's entire village and took away her sisters horn, I'm surprised she had the patience to keep him alive in spite of that. Subaru was only killed when he made himself super suspicious

lel you dont even know what you are saying anymore

>start to insult people
>someone insults you back
>start crying because others fight back
haha back to school little boy

>start crying
Jesus kek you guys are so miserable, even lying to defend an anime character. Sad.

dude I couldn't care less what scum like you think about whatever, it's just fun to make fun of you when you make crucial mistakes and then tries to desperately get out of it, loser

based brainlet shitposter

>I couldnt care less
>yet you have replied to me 5 times already
What crucial mistakes have I made? I havent said anything about Rem, just made fun of you faggots.

Tbf the other girls aren't any better

prime waifubait

yeah imagine that I'm bored right now and you're the perfect target to make fun of in the meanwhile

yeah you started insulting people and agreeing to retarded OP, which makes you a retard too, and then you started crying about me insulting you, just think about for a second what you did wrong

>imagine not being able to comprehend resonable actions
man I thought Yea Forums was for smart people and not for brainlets OP

fuck remmit and fuck remmitors

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I never agreed to the OP, i simply said that your kin is mentally ill, and you are giving me the reason.
Now you are saying that im crying about it for whatever reason when im simply collecting the (You)s

like some youtube thumbnail google search fag has any right to shit on anyone

Attached: 1476170064379.png (1536x1536, 1.01M)

>im simply collecting the (You)s
>not retarded
wow user that's just sad holy fuck

>I never agreed to the OP
that means that my former suggestion was correct and that you insult people for no reasons, great user you totally saved it here

>loving him
DEEP loving him.
Shes fighting the urge to pin him down and rape him with her superior Oni strength daily

Attached: 1553766123980.png (548x1198, 602K)

>either way I win
and that's all that matters

Nah i dont insult people for no reason. I insult Remfags for being so cringey and defending their character for simply saying something bad about it.

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version ncode.syosetu.com/n2267be/138/
WN Eng Version remonwater.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/rezero-web-novel-translated-scene-of-rem-feigning-her-death/
LN Yen Press Version pastebin.com/XPWB6xPr

This. Can't ever get past her crushing his skull while the guy was dying, begging for help. Remfags are sick masochists.

dude no one even said anything in this thread, you were literally the first one to respond hahaha what the actual fuck, you lose so hard man I didn't expect it to be this easy damn

>genuinely loving someone when you view them as a series of levers and loops

Waifufags are sad shit

what I wouldn't do for some hot bone-crushing remdom in my life

Attached: 1474437821610.jpg (800x1200, 425K)

>re zero thread about Emilia or Rem
>instantly devolves into shitposting and the same exact arguments everytime
I’m convinced it’s the same 10 posters every thread

She's the Zoomer waifu, and Zoomers are just awful people in general.

Someone has to say something in this thread and then I have to insult them? what kind of logic is that holy kekkles.

Rem isn't a sane individual. No where does the work try to pretend that she is. She has a very warped personality and world view due to her upbringing of living under Ram's shadow then living with the guilt of the emotion she felt when Ram lost her horn which her abusive adoptive parent Roswaal didn't try to remedy. Rem values things like heroics and self sacrifice deeply, the story about Wilhem and Theresa is one of her favorites. Now here comes Subaru.

During that week of the successful loop, Subaru tried his absolute hardest at everything while trying to hide his ineptitude, his lack of talent, which despite his best efforts did not go unnoticed under Rem's watchful eye. Rem was watching him so very closely because she was originally trying to find a reason to kill him and remove the interloper from her world. Him trying his absolute hardest despite his lack of skill spoke to Rem, Rem wasn't naturally good at anything unlike Ram and so she felt a connection to Subaru. Then here comes the Ulgram incident, Subaru plunging into the forest to save the kids Rem saw as something heroic which begun Rem's guilt to Subaru. Rem was straight up looking for a reason to end his life without giving him the benefit of the doubt. And then later when Subaru pushes Rem out the way and gets turned into a chew toy, it brings her guilt to a new level because Rem had a chance to pull Subaru with her and "save" him but she hesitated because of the Witch's scent. She thought she doomed him to a painful death and it was her fault. And later when Subaru sacrifices himself to save Rem a second time it destroys her again. But Subaru comes back alive despite that there was no way for him to survive against all those demon/witch/whatever beasts.

Attached: x35.png (891x1280, 521K)

>best girl
King of the fanbase here.

Sorry but Rem just can't compete with this powerful top 3.

Attached: 1558124564090.jpg (1481x2048, 866K)

user you're just digging your hole even deeper right now, what the fuck is wrong with you

Good fucking taste

Attached: 6759890B-207B-4A6A-9155-7C581EA4DBAD.png (1024x1092, 1.25M)

weak bait, she's barely a character

When Subaru comes back alive he does something. He tries to relieve Rem of her inferiority complex almost effortlessly speaking the words she needed to hear, when she needed to hear them. It doesn't immediately resolve it but it's a start, even in Arc 3 she was still having problems with it.

Imagine it, your hero wakes up and pardons you of your guilt that you feel because he sacrificed himself for you twice (which in your eyes are both your completely fault). He almost died several times over in the last day but can laugh and smile and speaks some magic words relieving you of your inferiority complex, and then gives you a head pat.

Seriously. He's a superhuman hero in her eyes. Something that came out of the books she read. She then holds that expectation from Subaru, in that world she is the only person to ever expect anything from Subaru. She knows how weak and powerless he is but knows what he is capable of.

>Arc 4 Chapter 73
>Subaru: “Loving me, loving her, kind to me, in love with me—and more than anyone in the world strict on me, unsparing to me, that girl is Rem!”

Attached: x23.png (891x1280, 547K)

>not giving arguments, just evading them as always
As expected of Remcucks. I seriously hope she isnt the winner in the end so you all poke your eyes out of fury.


>wasted 400 years because stupid
>not even a character
>best witch
>best girl
>not even a character
your list is wrong

Why are shitposters latching so hard onto re:zero all of a sudden?

what arguments? I'm discussing your retarded behavior at this point and I gave you all the erasons and proof there is to show you how scummy you are

Rem is objectively a bad written character and Emilia is going to be the winner at the end give me (You)s

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Attached: (you).webm (640x360, 439K)

Please do not insult Beako

Im scummy for giving my opinion about your kin? you are the one who took it personal.
At the end everyone who isnt a Remcuck actively despises you all for being such faggots for her.
Im just reafirming that idea.

Ram a best

Attached: 60275434_p0.jpg (700x930, 573K)

Satella has shown up once and managed to be cuter than damn near every other girl in the series.

>waiting for "they" for 400 fucking years who never arrives
lmao mfw

Attached: 66242487_p3_master1200.jpg (660x1200, 378K)

you came into this thread and just started to insult people who have a different opinion than you, I then called you out on your bullshit and you started to cry about these mean remfags like a spoiled child, know your place faggot you're acting worse than any of these remfags here

Imagine actually fucking a clown who murdered your family.

rent free

Does an actual person respond with this every time that pic is posted or is it a bot?

>everyone who isnt a Remcuck actively despises you all for being such faggots for her.
you aren't everyone, in fact you're nobody. remfags are the one who keep this series alive.

>enter a thread
>why are people insulting and acting that wayyy!!!!

animeonly here
has RBD'e origin been revealed yet?
was it confirmed or denied that emilia is actually satella?

Is that a bad thing? Im just reafirming that Remcucks are mentally ill and you have given me the reason over and over. For some reason you are making a bigger deal.


Attached: DtK2ClEUUAIIERu.jpg large.jpg (1315x1376, 176K)

So it's nothing?

>enter a thread
>no one said anything
>user starts insulting people
>gets insulted back
>starts crying about how mean remfags are

t. Remcuck

dude you're not in the position to call someone mentally ill, just take a look at yourself first

Another thread ruined by Remfaggots, as always.

>has RBD'e origin been revealed yet?
>was it confirmed or denied that emilia is actually satella?
no, Emilia is not Satella. That would be an actual development of Emilia and we cannot have that.

nice counter arguments, oh wait actually no

>user who takes banter seriously, lies and actively tries to evade the discussion calls me mentally ill

They are different people but they are related in some way according to the other witches who say shes a daughter.

t. Remcuck faglord

It's in the LN too.

>user who takes banter seriously, lies and actively tries to evade the discussion calls me mentally ill
well that's literally you how ironic

Don’t bully the drill loli. She’s just a kid

>yeah let me have the last reply because that makes me think im winning
This post is bait, if you reply to it or imply you are I win.

Rem a cute! Cute!

I won like 20 posts ago, deal with it faggot

Only good response to come out of this thread.

Good work user

if they are different people why did she call herself satella and why do they have the same va?

>I won because I say so
>eating the clearly stated bait
also you replied, I win. Thanks

She/Puck wanted Subaru to fuck off, it's like introducing yourself as a mass murderer that's on the run who also looks exactly like you.

>Loving me, loving her,
This wording is a bit odd, but whatever. The girl who loves me, who I love too.

Is this anime any good, I've heard mixed things.

now you're getting boring, time to search for a new toy

you loser

It's a prewritten response to this thread that comes around monthly.

>you l-loser!!
What is this, a teen sitcom?
Either way you still gave me (You)s 2 times even when i clearly said I was baiting.
Thanks for reafirming your illness, now I can put autuism in that list as well.
"Remcucks are mentally ill and autists", rolls off the tongue, doesnt it?


another TL's take on it
>Subaru: A girl who loves me, who’s loved by me, who’s kind to me, who’s head over heels for me―― who’s more strict and uncompromising with me than anyone else in this world, THAT is Rem!

>collecting you's
>calling others mentally ill and autistic
find some friends man

Why do Rem haters always such autistic shitposters?

low IQ

>Still replying to me
3 bait posts and still replies to me.
How long can we go people?

Because they are mad. Mad that Subaru loves this demon instead of their featureless ""heroine"".

Attached: 74334559_p0.png (1948x1948, 3.4M)

no u

You can literally say the same for Remfags. They cant conceive people calling their character for something bad

It got popular with the other fanbases in quartet and they hate that

4 in a row people, this time with a "no u". So not only he is autistic and mentally ill, he is also a Discord tranny as well.
How many more adjectives can we give?

Season 2 soon I guess
This is just old shitposting anyway

>They cant conceive people calling their character for something bad
Say this again but in English next time. Maybe it's because people's "complaints" about Rem are just them not understanding the story, speedwatching the anime, or just plain mental gymnastics.

Nah, its more about the powerleveling faggotry Re:fags and Overlordcucks make in those threads. Its nothing about popularity.

if the bad stuff was actually true but stuff like "she fell for him for no reasons" just shows how little attention the rem hater pays

I'm just guessing that they are buttmad that Rem is winning the Subarubowl by a landslide.

who are you even talking to? I'm a different user and you didn't even notice

Im not saying its because of the story, you can literally say anything bad about her character or that you simply dont like her and they will shit on you to death. They are clearly mad in the head.

Kek I still remember the damage control people were having when Subaru confessed to Rem.

>hurr durr im gonna pretend im another user now
5 in a row.

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it's a normal reaction? if someone insults something you like you won't just take it, though I don't think that anyone will attack you if you just say that you don't like her

>you can literally say anything bad about her character
I have yet to see this happen. This thread literally opened with OP not understanding the story and the next post is someone complaining about "Remcucks" who haven't even entered the thread yet.

He flat out said people weren't going to like her ending.

Attached: 1559611708426.png (360x822, 324K)

Have you ever thought that some of the flaws you do list that aren't outright lies are also the reasons why people like her? Due to some of her flaws her dynamic with Subaru is unmatched. Its a lot like how Subaru's dynamic with Echidna is like and why people like her.

no seriously I just wanted to see if I could join

>He flat out said people weren't going to like her ending.
When. Everytime someone (you) brings this up there has been no proof.

he nerver said that, it's just something an emiliafag spreads for damage control

The ending is pure suffering but the gate to Subaru's descent I to madness and Dark Lordom will definitely be Rem's death.

>132 posts
>35 posters
Jesus christ you people are obsessed, both sides.

Never did I say insulting. You can simply say that she is a flawed character and she has made wrong decitions, yet Remfags will latch at you for not thinking like their hive mind.
>Implying it has to happen in this thread to become true
What does that have to do with people saying that if she is not that great Remfags will throw shit at you?

Just now, Tappei here ask me anything.

>no seriously, the other user hasnt replied but i take his place
6 in a row

So basically Rem is as big a loser as Barusu, but Barusu gets 50 first dates.

Remfags straight up translate the web novels and almost all comics then can get their hands on as well as a few who color them, ho.e have memorized the story down to the page. Never underestimate their love for Re:Zero.

>You can simply say that she is a flawed character and she has made wrong decitions, yet Remfags will latch at you for not thinking like their hive mind.
when you do that you're trying to engage a discussion, only people who do not share your opinion will talk to you, it's normal. If you say that her decisions were wrong people will argue with you, that's normal. If you say that you don't like her no one will give a fuck

>Implying it has to happen in this thread to become true
So when does it happen? I have yet to see it happen and trust me when I say I'm always here.

This is true.
Especially since he didn't say *all* Remfags are mentally ill.
The people in my social circle and extended social circle who are Remfags happen to be mentally ill in one way or another. Can't be a coincidence.

If discussion for you is insulting and calling you an Emiliafag even when you havent mentioned her then you are only giving me the reason.
>trust me bro

It's funny how this is true but the reverse isn't, if you say you like Rem people just in calling you a Remcuck.

maybe you're the mentally ill one, I don't know any person who is mentally ill and a Remfag and I know many of them, some are weird but mostly in a good and likable way. In the re:zero community they are also the most active fans and do something for the series unlike let's say emiliafags

Why can’t we have a good re zero thread for once?

>taking banter literally
Not sure if bait or autism

The other thread is still up and is better than this. This thread was obviously bait so why did you expect quality?

>If discussion for you is insulting and calling you an Emiliafag even when you havent mentioned her then you are only giving me the reason.
I don't think that happened, and if it did happen then probably because you did state something very stupid and it's only normal that they'd call you an emiliafag for that. Don't pretend to be the victim now no one likes people like that

It's called character development. There's a famous and poignant line from Orson Scott Card that goes something like

>The best characters aren't good people by nature. They're people with the capacity to hurt others, who are inclined to be evil, yet CHOOSE to be good.

That is to say, if your character never had the ability to harm others, then they don't show any control, willpower, or growth when they decide to be the good guy after all. Rem is a crazy bitch to start with - but becomes a good person through the power of love. Doesn't that show how in love she is? That's why people like her, because she's a complex character who grew.

Emilia, well, from the start she's so perfect she could never hurt a fly. You don't admire her the same way you do Rem, cause you know Rem worked hard to be a good person, and sacrificed a lot of things. Emilia is born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Without any flaws, characters cannot grow. Rem's flaws let her develop in sympathetic and human ways.

Autism, most likely. Everything you say they take it seriously.

user I've been at this for three years. All you've done is throw shit around like a spastic monkey yelling "Remcuck" at every opportunity you get. Much like the other anons before you who, mind you, got banned for shitposting. Your arguements also have no substance or rather uninformed or misinformed, remfags here know her flaws very well. Yet the flaws you list are literally just pure delusion.

Where's the next WN chapter you lazy fuck

Im out fags, gotta work
Thanks for giving me the reason of why Remfags really are the worst thing that has happened to this fanbase.

I’ve gotta work with the anime team to design the next Emilia outfit. Sorry

What the fuck did you mean by this?

Q: I’m not sure what kind of end the story is heading towards, but if Emilia continues like this and becomes the queen, what will Subaru’s position and responsibilities be? Marry Emilia and become a royal family member? Find work as a member of the royal knights? Or something like being true to his nature as a butler, and staying as he is now?
A: To start with, I’m not sure Emilia-tan will take Subaru as a husband.

Wow so Anonymous isn't going to post anymore? Good let's let this shit thread die.

Are you seriously blog posting?

End of the series is Emilia becoming Satella and sending Subaru into the past with no memories.
Its revealed this has happened dozens of times.

>no reason
How's the autism treating you?

Emilia will become queen. Rem and Ram will be her maids.

Subaru, Beatrice, and Satella will fuck off and live a happy life

Rem and Ram do not serve Emilia. They serve Roswaal, who owns Emilia.

Rem won't be a maid anymore, she has different plans

Like what

First post
Best post

teacher or author or something in that direction, she's a maid because of Ram but since Subaru came into her life she becomes more herself and less like Ram's copy

fpbp, fuck Remfags


just how low can these hater even go?


Attached: Captura de pantalla (31).png (396x125, 7K)

hopefully not. I don't think the adventures of the [Little Girl User] Natsuki Subaru would sell very well.

The witches of Vainglory and Acedia break Subaru completely and turn him into the first ever Archbishop of Vainglory in their ploy to destroy the other witches by using the combined witch factors he absorbed over the course of the series.
Rem becomes the witch of envy functioning as the contract that allows him to return by death and Emilia Satella by undoing the seal with Beatrices sacrifice.

Patrice becomes the new Divine Dragon and is killed by Reinhard when she tries to protect Subaru from him.

So does subaru stop being so jealous, clingy, and cringy as the series goes on? Because none of the characters are really that likable, the only thing keeping me going are the time loops and villians he has to defeat.

An innocent girl who got the wrong impression about him and was genuinely won over by his accomplishments
A bland megolomaniac who kidnapped him, kills and revives him constantly for fun, tortures him with magic, has a fucking deadman's pact to trigger a world ending catastrophe if she dies.

In the end their both just Siesta and Louise so who cares.

>subhuman monkey
>thinking screencaps mean anything in 2019 when you can just edit the page to remove the (you)

congrats you know how to use ms paint


Attached: cope.jpg (439x129, 8K)

You can't have a normal thread without them shoving her bait character all over your face

Rem is a bland waifubait for underage ironic weebs. She started loving MC for no reason. Horrible story-telling.

Attached: Rem (6).jpg (630x840, 198K)

Isn’t this a thread specifically about Rem?

yes my waifu emilia-tan is the best


I'm not talking about this thread in particular, I was referring to the ones that don't have Rem in the OP

maybe you should learn some demographics.

Attached: longest active ReZero poll to date.png (648x428, 20K)

dude it was basically the same exact post 1 minute and 5 seconds apart. Stop lying.

Great minds think alike. Banter aside I dont know how I can prove that Im not samefagging if you keep saying that "muh paint" and "muh edits". Either way other anons have agreed with that post.

Nice fanfic.

okay Hitler how about you stop being an annoying bitch

And maybe you should stop shoving Rem in everything I say. You are obnoxious.

okay animeonly

I wasn't either of the other anons. I'll give you a tip though, next time use your phone to post less than a minute apart and it will be a little bit less obvious. You got caught by literally the most basic shit because you are retarded.

I wonder if nips have ever made a more recent one

Attached: 1545118252094.jpg (1920x1080, 390K)

This thread in a nutshell
>Rem is bad
>You guys really are annoying
>I think Emilia is better

Again, it was a coincidence that we say the same thing and it was a minute lapse between the two. I know that Im not samefaggins so I dont have to prove anything to you all.

This is what I see

Attached: Remfag vision.jpg (550x95, 10K)

dude just think for a second what this thread was made for, I eman your low IQ won't make it easy for you but try it, use your brain for once it doesn't hurt I promise

You aren't fooling anyone. Just stop.

>poster count not changing
>posts appearing that are pretending to be new people
Wow makes me think

show me where

more like
>Rem is bad because "insert lie here"
>no man it's not true, it's actually like this

>your low IQ
Welp you just reafirmed it, if i dont think like your hive mind you are gonna insult me
Dont try to play the victim card when you know this thread isnt the only example.

>this pasta again...

Attached: 1554950001170.gif (250x282, 1.1M)

you said you'd head off to work, why are you still here? man you keep making these mistakes

Why the fuck are you guys still replying to this retard?

Attached: F2C40E8D-6FD1-4A88-8A52-3FD5D93FA176.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

He called the second guy he quoted full of shit despite doing exactly that in the chain with the first guy he quoted. Please stop responding to this garbage bait.

all this because of a happy meal character

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/Rem say "I love you"/

>you know this thread isnt the only example.
it's not even one example cause it literally is what I wrote, you cry about Remfags correcting your nonsense and you can't handle it

Remfags are mentally ill

It's self insert and escapism, that's what isekai shows are about, so the fanbase will favor the girl that likes the MC.

Look mom, I got so many (You)s, are you proud of me now?

You know that even when you are not giving (You) you are still replying and its basically the same?

It isn't the same for these mental disorder having faggots.

As for me, I like Subaru x Tanya

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Based and lolimancerpilled

I like Emilia better


Fuck of faggot, Emilia is a retard cumbucket.


If only that guy in the Emilia ova actually managed to capture her and keep her in a cage

I think it has more to do with Emilia being really fucking boring whose only motivation seems to be "be nice". Rem is just filling a vacuum (though only dubiously)

>n-no its only banter!

Is this your first day on Yea Forums

I guess this means he didn't use his save points to get Emilia elected class president.

Isekai Quartet seems to go out of its way to not make jokes

Remfags are mentally ill.

Remfags are the sane ones in this insane world. Rise up Remgang.

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It would be INCREDIBLY out of character for Subaru to use RBD other such a trivial matter. I'm so glad it's confirmed he hasn't used it.

Why does the majority have to Rise? We are at the top already

It's time to take to the streets. Today is the day of Remtribution.

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Maybe after I'm done jerking it to Rem doujins.

Is that what Rem would want from you?

at least wait until she wakes up


day of Remtribution put on hold

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What are you reading

So what was the reason Betelgeus could possess Subaru's body? Shouldn't it be restricted to cultists who consent to it? If it isn't, doesn't it make him normally 100% invincible and he was only defeated due to Satella Deus Ex Machina?

Maid no Oshigoto, I like the idea of twins
next up is Gohoubi Kai!

Emilia didn't even do anything to justify Suburu naming her best girl and she's still best girl.

something to do with Subaru's contention to Satella made him a suitable host like Betelgeus' Fingers.

fans of this anime are mentally ill

Is there any case of 'Fuck my fanbase' more than this?

Infinite Stratos

Okay, REAL series. Not someone's power trip fanfic

I’m still mad

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You are like little baby
Watch this
>Editor steps in and refuses to let me release the final volume so fans wont riot any harder

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What happened there?

What happened in that one?


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I made a summary that gets posted years ago but
>Comfy harem LN
>Author decides half way through its not a harem anymore
>Goes through multiple books flag crushing heroines other than the really boring main heroine despite many of them being really emotionally dependent on MC
>And the fact that the entire cast sans one are demons who polygamy is the norm for and the entire cast kinda being 100% fine with a harem
Eventually the editor/publisher stepped in and its been nearly 10 years and the final books still not out.

Its really bizarre honestly.

>heorine is basically Emilia but even worse
>all the supporting girls are superior in every way
>author gets butthurt that everyone doesn’t like his waifu heroine
>instead of writing the main girl better he starts making the girls look worse and tanking their characterization

Most LN series honestly

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You have to go easy on them, after all they are retarded enough to like re:zero

>Remfags BTFO in the LN

What’s wrong with re zero?


>has the ability to smell witch
>doesn't smell it on him the whole time he's there until he comes back from town
>she decides he somehow transformed into the witch literally so the show can just reset the loop with some dumb drama on top
It's just shit writing

Here I had to hunt this down since it always makes me laugh

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Did you watch the anime at 4X speed with audio off?

Literally everything you just said is wrong. If you want to talk shit about a character at least use correct information about them

>doesn't smell it on him the whole time he's there until he comes back from town
No, she smelled it the entire time. She even considered killing him in his sleep. The only time she actually kills him is when he's already dying.

>Goes FROM murdering main character TO loving him
How do you speed watch so fucking badly that you didn't notice Subaru was TRAVELING BACK IN TIME to BEFORE Rem was trying to murder him.

It didn't seem strange to you that the events of the story kept repeating? or that Rem didn't have any memory of wanting to kill him? or that he wasn't dead anymore?

Rem goes from literally murdering the MC in cold blood to ceasing to exist except in alternate universe what if stories.
A new rem that was restarted from the save point was the one that falls in love with Subaru after a much different set of events take place.

Untrue she kills him in that other loop when hes in the woods spying on the mansion.
Though its half the witch small and half of him getting close with Ram with said smell that makes her snap.

Nope. Ram killed him. Rem wasn't done interrogating.

Rem wasn’t done with him. She was going to torture, heal, torture, heal until he broke.


Oh wow your 100% right.

This, seriously.
I mean i really feel that most people pick their waifus based in their design and in their design only and never really consider if the character's personality is even likeable.
Just look at how many people have Rei and Asuka as their waifus or how there's so many people picking textbook tsunderes or yanderes.

You say that as if Emilia doesn't also suffer from this same exact problem

>Satella: “—Please don't cry. Please don't hurt. Please don't suffer. Please don't, look sad.”
>Satella: “...Please don't hurt. Be more dear to yourself.”
>Satella: “—I love you. So please, love yourself as well, protect yourself.”

>Satella: “Don't deliberate alone. Please, with those who think you dear alongside...”
>Subaru: “—”
>Satella: “With the people who don't desire your death, the people who desire not to let you die, fight alongside. ...And when even that isn't enough, die without forgetting what it is to fear death.”
>Subaru: “—”
>Satella: “Please don't forget―that there are people, who will grieve your death.”

How can any other girl compete?

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Most popular waifus suffer from that, because as i said most people do pick them because of stupid reasons like those.

How about following the story? You fags don't even watch anime, you just react to whatever anyone else does or says.

Only casualfags need a character to be "likable". Have you even watched Eva?

>Even then, why was it that he felt this warmth in his chest.

>Why, at the back of his chest, he felt slight fever coming up.

>???: “Stand up, Natsuki Subaru! Stand up! ーーRem’s hero!!”

>Hearing the teary voice of the girl who was not in his memories, as she called out to her hero, his heart trembled.

>Subaru’s heart trembled at her laughably unbelievable words.

>Cracking, cracking, his cracking accelerates.

>It became visible that Natsuki Subaru will break away this shell of 『Natsuki Subaru』.

>But what slept inside that shell now was barely any different than what had slept before.

>ーーNo, if it were to really change, it would be from now.

>Stand up was what she said, and with fear chewing up his heart, he now stood, just as she had wanted.

>???: ”If you’ve managed to stand up then, please go. Go, and save, everything.”

>Everything, what’s that. What does she mean, everything.

>She said it way too bluntly. Just what the hell did everything mean.

>???: “Everything is everything. Anything and everything. Everything, everyone, yourself, and your beloved others too!”

>What’s up with that.

>Is that, even possible to do? Does she actually think that’s doable?

>By him, who couldn’t stand so many things, couldn’t even save his own self.

>For those who loved Subaru, for those who cared for Subaru, for those who cherished Subaru, for those whose memories he did not want to lose.

>Does she seriously believe that Subaru could do this alone?

>???: “You can do it. After all”

>After all.

>After all, what.

>Give me the strength, give me the answer. If you give it to me, if you say those words.

>I truly hope, blue haired girl, through your words, I’llーー,

>Rem: “ーーSubaru-kun is…… Rem’s hero.”


>He felt something fall into his chest.

>That black something, as if it had been purified by the voice of the girl’s seeming confession of love. ーーNo, it wasn’t a seeming confession of love. It was indeed, a confession of love.

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Just realized that everyone who shit on re:zero are complete idiots, i was under the idea that they we're just baiting, oh god how mistaken i was.

Emilia a SHIT
rem only girl
satella on suicide watch

No they are just baiting, in fact you mistaken them for doing it makes you guilty as well.

How can you not love Rem?

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Can you seriously say that after seeing this thread?
Come the fuck up, men

I'm not into gurls who lacks self love.

I don't know. I think there must be something wrong with the people who don't like her, like something mentally wrong with them. Brain problems.

She was on the path of fixing that.

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Are you new on Yea Forums?

Her hair is dumb, reminds me of pic related

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Kek, i wish i could leave this hole.
You're acting like a newbie btw.

Getting obsessed with someone is not fixing that problem.

>Kek, i wish i could leave this hole.
Stop trying to fit in, you are embarrasing yourself

>fitting in Yea Forums
What an amazing feat

he was trying to fix it

Imagine thinking you can embarrass yourself on the net. D E L U S I O N A L
See ya, kiddo.

Aside of your autism dont say "trying to fix it". Instead say "yes, thats one of her problems because she is not perfect"
That way you wont look like an obsessed manchild

Im getting some strong Discord tranny vives out of you

I dropped it around that point. Couldn't take the faggy annoying MC anymore and every girl being terrible.

nigger what

Subaru tries to fix her self esteem issues. "Rem's day off" for example. The longer she's in contact with Subaru the more confidence she gets.

>acts suspicious as fuck
>acts knows where things are in the mansion that weren't shown to him
>drops hints of knowing other things he shouldn't know
>decides to leave at a strange time, only to establish a watchout post on a nearby hill after stealing a knife
>their job is to protect someone who many are out to incapacitate or even assassinate, and whom if she were to die has a spirit that will bring about the literal apocalypse (Reinhard's turbo Saitama status not withstanding)
>Starts spewing nonsense when cornerned that outright contradicts everything you have experienced and makes no sense as being stated from your perspective other than buying time, possibly for any number of magic effects that litter this world to take effect and he's drenched in the scent of the witch
>"Guys, there is no good reason why she should have excersized lethal force."

Pretty much zero Remfags here think Rem is perfect. And he meant "He". Subaru gets an ego-boost from helping Rem out with her problems, so he tries to help her out with her problems.

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But Rem is perfect user

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Bullshit. The bitch is crazy.

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She's perfect but she's not perfect.


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Well, if that's your taste.

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Rem is the only one who may sniff her man.
This is very erotic.

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Wait till she meets Shaula

Which explains why she decided to torture him, heal him, torture him, heal him, etc, right?
Rem is mentally deranged, she was looking for an excuse to kill him because he was "suspicious", but then had a grand old time torturing him without allowing him any opportunity to justify himself. Hell, he never even met the deadly force triangle, he was just "suspicious". Why the fuck would anyone love Rem after she did that shit in sadistic cold blood with the thinnest of justifications

Makes me wonder what other things you just talked out of your ass in this thread

rem reminds me of this. she's possessive, violent, and obsessive.

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If your family was slaughtered by cultist and a dude smelling like them showed up at your house and started getting close with your sister I bet you’d remain calm

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she has the ability to smell the witch, whose scent hangs strongly on Subaru. That is enough evidence.

>Why the fuck would anyone love Rem after she did that shit in sadistic cold blood with the thinnest of justifications
Kind of a joke the author did but Subaru accidentally trips every single one of her flags and the same Rem that made Subaru loop more than once is happy from the bottom of her heart that he came back alive.

Are you stupid? They are fucking with you. They don't think "Rem is perfect" ie flawless they think she is "perfect" as in best.

I think it's equally as insane to fall in love with that person as it is to kill him without any solid evidence.


>solid evidence.
Her nose is enough evidence. Didn't fail her before when she hunted cultists.

That’s the magic of time loops. Given enough attempts you can make anyone hate or love you

>its NOT your definition of perfect, its MY definition of perfect
The bullshit detector is off the charts!

>he smells like the witch so that means I can kill him
This is the exact reason I fucking hated Rem, she just decided to end a man's life (with torture) because he smells evil. She doesn't even try to inquire, she just decides her fucking nose can't be wrong, and murders him when he "acts suspicious"

okay retard

Actually, no, I wouldn't follow him outside and torture and kill him without any knowledge of him or his intentions just because he smells like cultists. Would you? Maybe you should seek help.

>randomly walks off the main path
>finds a vantage point with clear view of Emilia’s room
>stole a knife from the mansion
>waits all day till nightfall

There are no good people who smell of the witch.

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> she just decided to end a man's life (with torture) because he smells evil.
He smells the same as the cultists that killed her parents, stole her sister's horn, slaughtered her entire village, are mass murderers regularly destroying entire villages and sometimes even cities, and who do so in the name of a witch who destroyed the half the entire world.

The Kingdom has decreed that all cultists are to be killed on sight.


I'm calling (You) retarded

>smells like a cultist
>therefore he is a cultist
>my nose cannot be wrong, ever
Fuck Rem

>Im the retarded for not using YOUR definition of perfect instead of the global accepted definition
Besides I jus wanted to post that image, long time since i used it.

It wasn't wrong before.

the archive says you haven't used it before. Why are you lying? The filename says you downloaded it recently.

Beatrice could smell it as well

Nothing about Subaru suggests he is a competent assassin. Nothing about what he's doing there makes any sense. Rem displayed a complete failure to maintain a questioning attitude, and instead used his suspicious behavior to justify a brutal murder that she already wanted to commit. She was looking for reasons to kill him, she didn't care about whether he might not actually be evil.

That's literally a fallacy.

And best girl didn't brutally murder the MC for retarded reasons, so now we're on to something

Ram was just watching the whole time and only mercy killed him. Was she in the wrong as well? She could have easily stepped in and stopped it

Well Beatrice was literally made and raised by a witch

Because i deleted all my reaction folder to have some space in my hardrive and I just redownloaded my images.
Dont be so schizo about it

>Was she in the wrong as well?

She's the head maid. She can do whatever she wants.

I don't think you have much experience with the Witch Cult. They are crazies.
>Nothing about Subaru suggests he is a competent assassin.
Just because he isn't competent doesn't make him any less of a threat. A British man flew to America to kill Donald Trump. He tried stealing a gun from a Police Officer at a Donald Trump event to shoot him. He very much was a threat but not a competent one.

In the business of staying alive there is no reason to not think he's a cultist when he smells like one. A scent you have only smelled off of witch cultists.

She doesn't care about what happens outside of her Archive. She has sat there for 400 years waiting for someone who will never arrive.

>She's the head maid. She can do whatever she wants.
>Just because he isn't competent doesn't make him any less of a threat.
So maybe the correct action is to detain and interrogate, not torture until your sister mercy kills.

>So maybe the correct action is to detain and interrogate
That's exactly what she was going to do. Ram stepping in was not part of her plan.

>So what was the reason Petelgeuse could possess Subaru's body?
Petelgeuse is a spirit. The way his "possession" works is that he makes a contract with a human (sort of like Puck has a contract that binds him to Emilia), except Petelgeuse has the power to make the contract without the other party's consent, and he decides the terms (i.e. "unconditional 24/7 control over my contractor's body").

The reason that Subaru is a candidate to be possessed is because he's compatible with spirits (recall his reaction to Nect), which not everyone is. The only reason that Petelgeuse couldn't possess Julius or Emilia (who are spiritualist mediums like Subaru) is because they already have formal contracts with other spirits, which protects them from Petelgeuse's intrusion.

Felt masterrace.

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Go away Reinhard

I hope Satella wins the toyota

She’s pretty much guaranteed to

Rem is a complete uggo
The witches however...

>one eyed blueberry
Yeah I agree.
Echidna a cute.

>nothing suggests he is a competent assassin.
See, this is where you are wrong. Subaru does not have the mere smell of a witch cultist (regular members are psychotic too), he has a smell equal to that of the Archbishops. If you think that all of the Archbishops are like Petelgeuse, cease thinking this. The most powerful Archbishop in direct combat, whose authority allows him to fight on near equal grounds with the calamity that is Reinhard (the #1 strongest), is often mistaken for an average, unremarkable dude. This guy also casually subjugates entire cities of people on a whim
The magic of the Witch cultists are an anomaly which should not be tested, and Archbishops aren't psychologically sound. Greed would kill an entire city block of people if someone dared to refute him or violate one of his madeup "rights" Rem made all of the right choices with Subaru.

Wrath is best girl.

Ironic weebs with little to no anime experience fall for her immediately. Peak waifubait.


4th time ive seen this posted today.

It's very relevant. And funny.

Maybe she has a secret scat fetish, since he smells like shit.

Why should we care about rem?
She doesn’t have personality or any goals as a person (implying she is a person) she is obsessed with some random guy, apparently she never speak to another man in that mansion or the town, she only lives for other just tu justify her own existence, and remfags can say “it’s pure love” not it isn’t, if you ever been in love before you know love (at last good love) doest work that way, damn! At las emilia have her own dreams and goals...

>Why should we care about rem?
Because she is the girl who made the Subaru who supposed to have ended move again.

Based and correctpilled

I'd be happy with a meal of Rem, Satan.

Imagine being this guy and calling others mentally ill while saying something like that0

Holy fuck, that might be the most epic comeback ive seen Holy jesus fuck. Stop right there before someone dies of epicness, madlad.

>nobody posting best girl

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That isn't Ferris.

why do people who didnt read the WN think they have any right to discuss re:zero

here's the thing brainlet, she has a personality and she has goals and wishes but she supresses it all because she feels guilty, most of her life she's been her sister's shadow and lived in the past instead of being herself and enjoy her life a bit, now that Subaru came into her life she's starting to change

why should we care? because her character is realer and more human than most other female characters in anime

to be honest, they should just drop rezero web novel and translate shield hero web novel instead.

Only when its summer Rem gets this much hate. Really makes you think doesnt it?

>the author should change his story to appease the fanbase
you fucking niggers. he could've easily made rem the main girl and rack up extra $$$ from merch, but he's not doing that cause he's based. thinking that the most popular girl should always win is retarded, just fuck off.

Rem should be the main girl not because she's more popular than Emilia, but because she's much more interesting and likeable character than Emilia. Who gives a shit about popularity?

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if we go by character quality Rem would be the main heroine and Emilia some random side character

oh shit, here we go again

i do not give a fuck. tappei specifically has emilia as the main girl because he has the story he wants to tell and that's all. just because your favourite waifubait is a vegetable doesn't mean you should shitpost all day.

this main girl has been shit for years if you don't let him know it will just stay that way, don't you want improvement, shiteater


>t. Tappei

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the fanbase should NOT have any impact on the story, period.

>I shouldn't listen to criticism

then he should wirst write the story and then publish it, the only reason WNs exist is because author's want and need feedback from the audience

>changing the story is ok when it's fanservice

A beach episode is fanservice. Basing your story around interesting characters is common sense.

listen retard, if the author didn't want so amny people to like Rem more then his shitty main heroine half elf slut then he should have written the story differently, taking criticism is not fanservice

changing the heroine because of a character's popularity IS fan service. rem being more interesting is a matter of opinion (no shit that remfags will swear that she's the best character).

if teh author didn't listen to the fanbase then re:zero would have never gotten a LN and anime adaptation

oh look, more than 50% like Rem after she's been for several years in coma still more than Emilia who's been shilled non stop, wow man they must be wrong in the head

>rem's popularity spiked after the anime adaptation (in which emilia had less screen time)
really makes you think, doesn't it

Hey it's me, a different user. I'm replying because I want to see you sperg out more. Continue please. You make me feel so smart

The show is shit, so it obviously attracts shitty people with shit taste

>what are WN polls

link me to a WN poll from BEFORE the anime has aired

oh now you're saying that Emilia is more popular than Rem for WN readers?

here right in this thread: poll is from 2014

It's going to be a good day when Rem wins.

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>poll is from 2014
it's from 2014 to the current moment. show me how it looked like in 2015 and we'll talk

So?? It shows us what Rem is capable of and how little it takes to set her off.

She's a fucking PSYCHO.

guess what this one is from early 2016

>how little it takes to set her off

yeah man there is totally no difference between a guy who acts very suspiecious, knows the mansion, steals and spies and a guy who risks hios life to save kids


She's a CUTE psycho.

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>guy who acts very suspiecious, knows the mansion, steals and spies and a guy who risks hios life to save kids
except she kills him pretty early on AND when he was already dying from the curse.

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>still suspiecious
>still smells like a cultist
>was dead anyways
>was on the way to Emilia's room

People who complain about Rem killing Subaru are literal mouthbreathers.

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Rem is a retarded moebait and her best part in the show was being forgotten. Mobilia on the other hand is magnificent because she manages to be even worse. A character that stands for nothing yet still wants the throne. Literally worse than Khaleesi. The best girl was the girl that didn't know what apples looked like, closely followed by notHitler.

he decided to move to Emilia's room , that was a big mistake

in the loop where he stays in bed Rem holds his hand and wants to help him

>he's basically dead anyway, so let me make him suffer and fucking destroy half of his torso
yup, that's rational. also she should've talked to roswaal about the smell and her suspicions, considering that subaru's death basically means roswaal committing suicide.

he died pretty fast, could have been faster but it was still much faster than letting him die from the curse

>also she should've talked to roswaal about the smell and her suspicions
true Rem didn't do everything right, she jumps to conclusions too fast and acts rather by herself, it's part of her character and some good character flaws

>considering that subaru's death basically means roswaal committing suicide.
no one knows that so what's even this point? are you dumb?

>she jumps to conclusions too fast and acts rather by herself, it's part of her character and some good character flaws
There’s a difference between jumping to conclusions and taking someone’s head off out of suspicion. That’s straight up second degree murder.

the entirety of the shows character development is retarded
i still dont get how the dude fell in such servile love with emilia in like a day or less
or how every other chars development is as if author forgets they actually get reset and in fact like 2 days have passed

It’s a spell user. He’s a bishop and she’s a witch. He HAS to be completely devoted to her

no there is no difference, when she killed him in the mansion he was already dying and on his way to Emilia's room and in the forest he was spying on them

I really don't give a fuck how you feel about her actions but they do make a lot of sense and are a sign of a well written character

>he died pretty fast, could have been faster but it was still much faster than letting him die from the curse
she made him suffer on purpose and it's pretty fucking clear in the WN.
>she jumps to conclusions too fast
if her character flaw is being a dumb psycho then sure
>no one knows that so what's even this point?
again pretty fuckin clear in the WN

alright I've seen Remfags defend Rem's arc 2 actions

now can Emiliafags explain arc 1 to me:
after the fight against Elsa, Emilia takes Subaru with her to the mansion. That desicion doesn't make much sense imo.
1. She doesn't know him
2. He helped her for no reasons from her perspective and she should be skeptical because people usually are hostile towards her
3. She takes him to the mansion that is supposed to be hidden, so she's giving the location away to a guy she doesn't know
4. Reinhardt, the sword saint, offered to take Subaru with him, it would have made waaaay more sense when he actually did

so what's up with that? bad writing?

>she made him suffer on purpose and it's pretty fucking clear in the WN.
arc 2 WN isn't even translated so don't give me that bulshit, if she wanted him to suffer she just wouldn't have let him die from the curse and just keep him away from Emilia's room

>if her character flaw is being a dumb psycho then sure
if you think that way then whatever, I think her actions do make sense, way more than anything Emilia has ever done

>again pretty fuckin clear in the WN
from tzhe character's perspective, no one knows that not even Roswaal what Subaru's power is, again just stupid shit coming from you

>Rem: “Yes, My Sister is exactly correct. Weakened, Subaru-kun was on the border of death. The curse's effects had sapped his vitality to the absolute limit, and having determined that to save him would be impossible...
>”Emilia: “You beat him to death with your flail. —And brutally.”
>Emilia: “The facts are the facts. ...Subaru's body, his torso and head were in awful condition. If you were just meaning to give him an execution, there had to have been a gentler way. So then, why?”
>Rem: “That, would be...”
>Rem is stuck for words.That she does not say anything further is because Rem's personality is not one for telling lies, and because Emilia's statement hit accurately on her motives.
>Rem harboured intense distrust for Subaru back then.After the second loop in the mansion loop series—where Rem had bludgeoned Subaru to death, failed to conceal the fact, and was resultingly having this conversation.
>You could also say that Rem's hostility for a Subaru interacting familiarly with Ram had intensified, and she could not keep from actualizing her desire to murder.

Arc 4
>Roswaal: “Should this veer from the writ, then here... wooooooould be where my track ends.”
>Ram: “Roswaal-sama...”
>Whispers Roswaal powerlessly, Ram speaking with concern as she takes his hand. The clown glances at the girl gazing worriedly at him, a weak smile rising on his face.
>Roswaal: “Ram, you would appear the winner of ooooooour bet. Here is where my purposes have likely hit an impasse... in short, the contract can be fulfilled.”
>Ram: “...Yes. Yes, Roswaal-sama.”

Arc 5
>Roswaal: “Should time proceed down a path diverged from the gospel's writ, my goals face a standstill. Should I lose sight of my goals, my life loses all meaning. You are permitted to do whatever you wish with my husk.”
>Ram: “Your life or death rests upon me.”
>Roswaal: “That waaaaaaaaas the contract.”

Emilia didn't get to be caractarized in the anime the sisters were the focus for most of the anime also the royal guards

so what's your point? I already said that she could've had finished him off faster but also could've let him suffer even more. What are you even arguing at this point

why are you posting Ram Roswaal conversations when we're talking about Rem here? Rem doesn't know the same as Ram does, and it's still true that Roswaal does not know what Subaru's powers are

I was waiting for your pasta, autist-kun
Proving once again that Remfags are mentally ill

>best girl was the girl that didn't know what apples looked like
>t. submissive bottom

Also, she so happens to fall into his "stroke zone".

Pretty much. People shit all over Nissan's spergout/confession, but Emilia herself didn't make the most logical choices for someone in her position, as you've pointed out.

She's super cute, hard working and loyal. What's not to love?

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>so what's your point?
that rem is a psycho bitch and she did everything to make him suffer, twisting it in a way that it was a mercy killing is retarded.
>why are you posting Ram Roswaal conversations
that rem killing subaru basically means roswaal is gonna kill himself (emilia leaves, it's not in the gospel etc)
>Roswaal does not know what Subaru's powers are
he knows subaru can redo everything, he just doesn't know he has to die to do so

If you can't see the obvious perfection of ojou-samas I have nothing to say to you user.

>that rem is a psycho bitch and she did everything to make him suffer,
Yeah, she does the same for any members of the witch cult. They killed everyone she knew and almost killed her sister, crippling her permanently. Subaru acts suspicious and stinks of the witch cult, so he gets the flail.

She would have done the same to anyone that had the same smell. They can't be trusted as the moment you turn your back they go Allah Akhbar on you.

Also Rem is autistic about her orders given. And Roswaal ordered her to watch over Subaru in case he did anything suspicious, along with protecting the mansion. She did both.

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I can appreciate a good ojousama. Pricksilla is not.

I want to see how that meeting will go. Shaula is very similar to Rem, except more powerful because Flugel's cum is still in her.

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>that rem is a psycho bitch and she did everything to make him suffer, twisting it in a way that it was a mercy killing is retarded.
I think there're many ways she could have made him suffer a lot more

>that rem killing subaru basically means roswaal is gonna kill himself (emilia leaves, it's not in the gospel etc)
literally doesn't matter

>he knows subaru can redo everything, he just doesn't know he has to die to do so
also doesn't matter at all

>Nothing about Subaru suggests he is a competent assassin.
The most powerful member of the Witch Cult is a lazy, incompetent, autistic retard.

Neither did the merchant that smuggled the firestones into the village and blew himself up. Witch cultists are competent, crazy and good enough at acting that they can pass off as normal until it's time to kill.

>apparently she never speak to another man in that mansion or the town
There are multiple occasions upon which she's spoken to other men.

Genuinely curious, what would Rem's goals be in the series? What do you think she intends to do once she wakes up and all the witch stuff is over?

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>would Rem's goals be in the series
repopulating the Oni

first clear things up with Ram and Roswaal, stop working as a maid and then do something she herself wants to do, it could be having a peaceful life, maybe open a restaurant or work as a teacher

or maybe travel the world, she's been a hikki for a long time

Fucking faggot Subaru. I would have loved to help her with that.

Though even if she wanted to, there are no onis left for her in the series so the oni race are all doomed already. Unless Lust did something to her and she's planning to place her eggs inside Emilia's womb...

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>she made him suffer on purpose and it's pretty fucking clear in the WN.
Having read the WN, he was already suffering. Rem actually very much ended his suffering quicker than if she had left him alone. She just could have ended it much quicker. The end result is that it was an unnecessarily drawn out mercy kill.

This one was from the tail end of Arc 4.

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>Smelled like the cultists who slaughtered her people
>Monsters start attacking the village after he shows up
>Curses start killing people

Not saying I condone it, but I get it.

Oh, and I should let you know, I've read the old WN threads from 2012 and 2013. Rem's been the most popular character for a very, very long time.

How is she doing by arc 6? Have there been any polls recently?

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Who's Rem?

The same poll is still running and has become increasingly pacman shaped.


Rem's the blue haired oni with the most loyal hearty. She's a hard working maid at Roswaal's Manor, where she stays with her sister Ram. Rem utterly worships her sister and thinks little of her own skill. Nonetheless she has been developing herself through sheer hard work and force of will until becoming a very powerful maid, and a brutal fighter and defender of the mansion.

She enjoys brawling with a flail, and her specialty is ice magic. She also loves manga, cooking, poetry and underdog stories. She loves Natsuki Subaru despite having previously hated him, after he sacrificed himself to save the children of their village and her and her sister's lives. She admires his rough features and the fact he never gives up despite being weaker than her. She also loves to protect him and wants to have many half onis with him. While she is a maiden and pure of heart, she's also an oni with strong lust and desire to be ravaged, willing to make up for her lack of knowledge about sex with effort and eagerness.

She is loving, politely and professional at her job, but still is not above teasing or the occasional prank here and there. She will lay her life or kill for those that she cares about, and her loyalty knows no limit.

That's who this blue haired oni is. She's Rem.

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She's literally eating her competition. That's Gluttony. Does Tappei know of the poll? If so I bet he hates it.

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Well, Emilia's jumped to second place with a notable lead. In short, the popularity of waifu characters did indeed spike after the anime, as we can see in the position change of Echidna, Emilia, and Rem's pacman shape. Betty used to be the second most popular female character and Otto was above Echidna. But Rem was always on top.
She's also not above trying to roofie Subaru, because she's actually kind of scary in more ways than one, and not entirely right in the head.

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>Well, Emilia's jumped to second place with a notable lead. In short, the popularity of waifu characters did indeed spike after the anime, as we can see in the position change of Echidna, Emilia, and Rem's pacman shape. Betty used to be the second most popular female character and Otto was above Echidna. But Rem was always on top.
Maybe Emilia has a chance after season 2 given that Rem is busy being a potato.

>She's also not above trying to roofie Subaru, because she's actually kind of scary in more ways than one, and not entirely right in the head.
Weirdly enough that only adds to her charm. As the saying goes: most great characters would be people we can't stand in real life.

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Its like those dragon ball blasts fighting each other

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She isn't going to be leaving Subaru's side, I can guarantee you that

>Maybe Emilia has a chance after season 2 given that Rem is busy being a potato.
Oh, I should also mention, I've compared multiple polling sites and discovered something very interesting about Rem. Roughly a third of the userbase on one site voted saying that they're a woman last I checked. So as of the latest poll, this is how the various characters lean.
>Rem: Roughly equal.
>Emilia: Roughly equal.
>Ram: Women.
>Pete: Roughly equal.
>Betty: Women.
>Crusch: Men.
>Reinhard: Women.
>Felt: Roughly equal.
>Echidna: Men.
>Subaru: Women.
>Julius: Women.
>Otto: Women.
>Felix: Women.
And so on. Surprisingly, Wilhelm is almost entirely favored by men, while Roswaal's votes are almost all women.

based. Emilia is for subaru only

Let this be the official 'what are blue onis for?' pasta

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I knew that Rem is popular amongst both genders


>Crusch: Men.
Who's the feminist now girls?
>Surprisingly, Wilhelm is almost entirely favored by men
Not really, what man wouldn't be in awe of that man.

The only characters that actually have a strong male bias are characters like Crusch, Priscilla, Echidna, Theresia, and Wilhelm. Especially Wilhelm. Which is to say that the female votes for them are notable below a third.

Cute lolis and handsome men have the strongest female bias, as well as Ram, but most males have disproportionate female votes too.

She’s a virgin though. She mentioned she wanted Subaru to finally fuck her

>Wilhelm is almost entirely favored by men
Makes sense. That guy is the ultimate shonen fantasy, I'd love to grow to be as powerful and professional as him (no dead wife though pls).

>(no dead wife though pls
Don't worry, you need a wife before you can lose a wife

No wonder she's so Flugel obsessed. Being thirsty for cock for over 300 years. That's Flugel for you, the ultimate tease.

And I'd rather be a manwhore. Though I'd marry to someone like Rem.

I got that reference.

What I don't understand is how remfags can love their blue haired oni so much when she has no distinctive traits. She reminds me so much of wormslut who is only there to be a victim, is passive and only waits for others to act and grows up to be a yamato nadeshiko with a slutty side. She really has no differences or distinctive traits to make her a good character.

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Bad ojousama is an oxymoron.

>no distinctive traits
her character feels more genuine to me than any other female character in the 350+ anime that I've seen, I think she's pretty unique in that way

Read the story. Or watch the anime. The girl who almost strangled Subaru in his sleep the moment he came to the mansion is far from a character with no distinctive traits. Nor is the one who deceives and coerces Betty into stupid shit, or the one who relentlessly bullies Garfiel, or fills a bathtub with mayonnaise.

Blame the anime for butchering her character

consume gayness

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Rem has no personality. Ram is superior, Rem is just a shit replacement in case you break your Ram.

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weak bait

>clown onahole


So what? Wormslut tried to eat her sister and lover. She actually did it in one of the bad ends. Face it, your oni is not special in any way.

okay thanks for telling me what I should think, I hate Rem now!

And so one more soul sees the light!

who should I like now, please tell me

Shut up Rem, you like Subaru so you're not qualified to decide who's best.

lololol what a fucking loser

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Julius is the best knight in the country besides Reinhard.

lololol ok

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>hating Subaru

lolol he's trash

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It's the path of least resistance

Try posting anything bad about rem on remmit and they rape you

Rem literally has no soul, Ram is actually witty and is much more fun than some yandere stupid cunt. If Ram didn't lose her horn because of the dumb weak pathetic Rem this series would of been fine despite Subushit.

Ram is literally the best girl out there. She helps out whenever someone's in trouble and doesn't go around killing people for being suspicious


I like Emilia

The answer is simple
The average anime fan is a lonely fuck who self inserts to cope with his miserable life
When they see shit like Rem's confession and "experience" a girl offering unconditional love their weak hearts can't handle it

She didn't trust him at first because Subaru had the witch's sent.
>for no reason
Subaru gained her trust. He also pulled Rem out or her darkness. Rem felt like she was a horrible person, inferior to Ram, and Subaru showed her why that wasn't the case.

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Rem is such a kek that she has to compete with a dumb lizard for Subushits affection

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dude stop with the weak baits you're not getting any (You)

Go home, Aqua

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I honestly hope someone murders your family

Read the web novel. The first kill was a mercy kill.
She knew he was fatally cursed, and she put him out of his misery. She missed the first shot because she hesitated.

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The lizard is a bigger threat than Emilia

A whore

>after the fight against Elsa, Emilia takes Subaru with her to the mansion. That desicion doesn't make much sense imo.

He risked his life to save her AND get back her insignia for no other reason than to get her name, and Puck straight up vouched for him as being a good guy with a high affinity for spirits.

Reinhard was going to take him home too, but that's because he's a goody-two-shoes tryhard and thinks Subaru is cool for being heroic while having ZERO blessings or strength. (Seriously, Reinhard REALLY likes Subaru, and sees him as a better person than himself)

Emilia does it out of obligation and because she literally has the brain of a 12 year old.


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so it's bad writing

Emilia is just bad all around

He's literally the most heroic person in the story.
Even Reinhard has a broner for him. He sees him as the potential to be a greater and more genuine hero than even himself.
If he didn't have Felt to take care of, he would join him in a heartbeat.
Tappei: "Reinhard respects him (Subaru) as someone who has something that Reinhard lacks, and thinks he’s an amazing guy who puts all his effort into what he wants to do."

From what I can gather from this thread I can conclude that Remfags are easily triggered and dont know how to banter
Also they are mentally ill

>he believes they are triggered

don't look if you don't want to ruin the surprise ending {spoiler] emilia is actually the witch [spoiler/]

>muh rem pls run away with me
>a hero
ur a dumb weeb faggot loser
go kek yourself

You can simply look at this thread and see it for yourself, what a bunch of pussies you all are

>she literally has the brain of a 12 year old.

The only person to ever see Subaru when he’s weak has been Rem. Everyone else sees the impossible hero. Subaru’s weakness belongs to Rem.

Uh sorry user. The LN changed that

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all I see here are a bunch of retards begging for Yous, probably some mental disorder

All those are shitposts and bait, honestly its all your fault for replying to them in the first place.

>implying that's showing weakness

why are you acting like that matters? people who bait and shitpost for Yous are very sad and miserable people so let them a this "win" as least

In the WN he didn’t want Emilia to see him at that moment

The LN can go fuck itself. Seriously they forgot about the contract between Subaru and Roswaal and just decided to shove it in after Subaru defeats Roswaal. What the fuck were they thinking.

>only person to ever see Subaru when he’s weak has been Rem
Not so fast

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>people who bait and shitpost for Yous are very sad
holy fuck is this your first day here? Leddit is really invading this site day by day.
Remfags are all ledditors confirmed

He cried like a bitch on Emilia's lap in arc 2

So he's a self-insert garbage character. Gotcha.

yeah because he wanted to be alone with Rem, doesn't have anything to do with his weakness

failed loop

Smart adults dont watch cartoons.

no I've been here for too long, I don't see the appeal of You's so don't be triggered because I called you miserable

elon musk does, guess he isn't that smart then

>When with the Rem who knew Subaru was weak, but even so believed in his efforts to act with strength, was the only time Subaru could go without hiding the fact he was weak. Not to Emilia, not to Beatrice, not to anyone else could he show it. The only person could a Subaru who needed to be strong show his weakness to was Rem.

The noncanon story where he marries the loli's maid was based..

Nah, you are all so easily triggered by shitpost and banter its honestly sad. Taking everything seriously makes you all look like that creepy kid at school.
Cya tard

okay why are you so triggered then?


I get why she wanted to murder him, but why did she fell in love with him? Just because he didn't mind she was an Oni?

tldr Subaru accidently trips every single one of her flags and then head pats her. She's addicted to head pats.

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no, because he is a pathetic and weak guy but manages to change stuff for the better and doesn't give up

damn head pats junkie this Rem

This sounds like she's been traumatized into loving him.