This bike seems a bit big
This bike seems a bit big
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it gay that I want to fuck that cute girl (boy)?
New single from Superfly is out btw
meant for
>there are frenchies watching this movie at this very moment
Don't be jealous, we are just the second japan
girl (boy)
it looks so fucking awesome, holy fuck. Look at that bike. Look at it! The colors! The shapes! Amazing. It's fucking awesome.
Lio is just a manlet
for who?
Frenchies had better surrender the Promare reels over to my local theater or I'll give them something to surrender over
>All those hype impressions
I can't take it anymore bros
it is if his voice isn't feminine
Even if it turns out to be a bad movie, it's stylish as fuck.
Everything is fine when it's Lio
Most of the reviews I've heard are glowing.
How did they do it, lads?
I don't think it's going to be a bad movie, I'm just saying that even if I don't end up liking what it does, it's going to be nice to look at.
RT lists September 17 as the release date but it might be an arbitrary placeholder.
>September 17
Well, I've waited for this since 2017, so what's 3 more months?
[screams internally]
>people in this thread ACTUALLY think they wouldn't lose all control and fuck him like an animal the moment they laid their hands on his tight little body
The European distributor hasn't given any official word, so I'd wait for something like that instead.
>this will never happen to you
I’m jealous
god I wish I were Lio
Galo’s hair is ugly
You're ugly
It is. The Galo and Lio aesthetic would be 10/10 if not for Galo's hair. Unfortunately, it's a 9.8.
what's a tight body?
Lean and fit.
I thought people hates boys that didn't have curves
"People" is a very broad category, and they have a wide variety of tastes.
Lio is small and has a delicious waistline.
Imagine how his midriff tightened as Galo entered him for the first time.
Lio isn't gay.
And yet the doujinshi will be grand.
We can all agree he is CUTE
He *will* be
Galo's dick will convert him
He's really cute.
I haven't seen these clips before. Where are they from?
Now this is cute
Galo is cute in general. The impression I've gotten is he's a wide-eyed dork trying to prove himself instead of the manly aniki everyone looks up to.
He's got plenty of hot blooded manliness.
Yep, the aniki is Kray but he's a shit
Hot blooded dork is even cuter. I just wish his hair weren't what it is.
>that proud face
US screenings when?
>mfw I thought this was just another vocal track from Sawano but turns out it's a whole different artist
Yeah he really looks up to Klay and wants to be like him but is still pretty confident
>This is your average triggernigger
you mean a normal person?
Don't reply.
You mean the pizza
Japs need to do better location scouting. Only Kekkai Sensen got its pizza right.
Even from the trailers I never really got a "Kamina" vibe from him. He's a hotblooded idiot with blue, spiky hair and no shirt but that's about where the similarities end.
I rarely see pizza in anime
What monstrous pig would dare to defile this?
arigatou anons
Koyama is truly devilish for this design.
I want to pinch his cheeks
Imagine not liking this hair
I wasn’t aware Galo had nipples.
Huh, usually they're absent. It might have been the animator's preference for that particular scene.
Weirdly Lio doesn't
More detail was drawn just for that eyecatch shot. They don't draw any nipples, ribs, and abs otherwise.
okay, why didn't they just let him be a girl? this shit is actually kind cute.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Fucking japs
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
When will this meme end?
Likely a mixture of:
-They wanted hotblooded male rivalry
-The character seems more of a threat as a male since he's the leader of a biker gang/mutants. A female wouldn't be taken as seriously and can't be bros with the other Burnish boys (people would ship her with too many boys)
-They wanted to venture into fujobait
fucking japs and their shit taste god dammit
You're the one with shit taste. It's a 2D character, it's not real so it doesn't matter if you feel attracted to it. They're drawings so if they're drawn sexy who cares, just enjoy it. A ton of artists and animators have already realized this and are fine with both female and male moe.
Yaoi shit
Lio being male makes his design gap moe as well.
generally speaking I'd prefer to have him to be female, but in this case I gladly make an exception. he cute. no homo. maybe a little.
I feel if they turn him into a girl and it detracts from the fast paced action flick because then trigger will feel obligated to insert a rushed love subplot. And it's cute either way
>“Well, Nakashima likes to write long exposition scenes. I get a bit bored, so I have the characters fall asleep during those scenes. I don’t think Nakashima likes that very much,” Imaishi says with a laugh.
>“Promare” features one such scene, through which protagonist Galo Thymos, in true Imaishi style, takes a nap. But the majority of the film’s near two-hour runtime is packed with action.
He's based
>Everyone laughs when they hear this, but I love (‘Transformers’ and ‘Armageddon’ director) Michael Bay.
This explains a lot. I wonder if he likes Quentin Tarantino.
Rough sex is the only correct answer. If you enjoy fucking a man on any level other than physical you are a FAGGOT
fucking garbage, cancer and gay.
Ep 4 of KlK had a pulp fiction reference.
When it stops working.
Quick rundown on this cute (male)?
Leader of a group of mutant terrorists of course.
Post more shirtless Lio please.
I wish that scene would be camripped at least.
Literally the most rewarding part of fucking a cute girly boy is trying to make him cum, which slower rhythmic grinding can often do better than chad pistoning. Yoi also get better noises that way
What is he doing?
Presumably showing Galo that Burnish flames aren't always dangerous.
>ywn look like lio
oh, so this is just fujobait. too bad, it seemed like it could be good.
Thanks user. I wonder if Lio’s nipples were shown in a shot.
Is there an actual shirtless Lio in the anime?
t.closet homo
Why has lulucos boyfriend gone homo?
Is there a clear pic and names for the mecha(s) in this?
>discount yoko lost to nia(male) in popularity
History repeats
Did he wear maid and bunnysuit in the movie?
there's also an aftercredits scene with him deepthroating a fat cock
based trigger
Why is Boy x Boy love so cute and pure?
Ragyo's son?
boys are capable of being better friends than any other combination of the sexes, so with that in mind we can extrapolate that their love is purer than pure
Bec women are toxic.
reminder that kissing boys is illegal
I think if men looked like I'd be okay with going gay.
Cute not gay
Almost think Sawano deserves this
Is this gay?
>no leg locking
not even close to being gay
Will the ending song be released any time soon?
Doujins when?!
It's in the ambitious single, check nyaa
reminder that he's a strict top, no switching
I believe it's the third track on Spotify
It's practice for when he rides NotKamina's big D.
A ton soon but there won't ever be scans
What the others have said
Yes very nice. However, can we stop with the faggotry now and concentrate on the cute girls instead?
What do you think we're doing?
You faguette niggers better gib film rips to my local mcdonalds/theater of I will personally nuke you
Hell no
I am only seeing a cute girl being posted so shut the fuck up
Yeah seriously, she doesn't even have a bulge
Do you think he tucks it? How big?
For the first 2, couldnt they have made him not look like a girl then?
what anime is this
Trigger likes contrasts in the leads whether physically or personality wise
Any frenchfags can tell me what the fuck is the "promare"
I want to see him fart out cum
Ore no burnish
Something like «take» in latin
NO! I'm not going back to fujoshit! Those days are over! NOOO
be honest user, you never left those days
>you will never watch lio melt as he rides you
>you will never listen to his delicious moans that are interrupted by squeals when you suddenly buck your hips in between your slow thrusts
someone show this to /m/
From Hiroyuki Imaishi & Studio TRIGGER
Special theatrical event for the super lit mega action human rescue drama on Sept. 17 & 19! Opens in select theaters Sept. 20
Redpill me on Kray
Very trustworthy man who rescued child Galo. Keeps those subhuman burnish in their pl- I mean, keeps the city nice and safe.
Guessing the event is either just gonna be in NY or LA.
No, it's in several other locations, but it seems pretty sparse right now.
I just checked Fandago and two more theaters have picked it up in my area since I last checked it a few hours ago. Keep on the look out anons, there is hope.
Admirable post
Who dies?
You really sure you wanna know? From what I've heard, nobody actually dies, not even the antagonists.
>no deaths
Damn did he get a gf?
>the homo story has happiest end
I live in Dallas, fuck yes. What is up with this licensor anyway? Who owns them, because the idea of naming a label "GKIDS" and turning around and licensing MFKZ is a bit intriguing.
No wonder all the fanart is so comfy
there is no homo story though?
Tell that to the artists making 90% of the Promare fanart be domestic boyfriends.
Sounds fake.
Sometimes comfy fanart comes from tragic endings as well.
A nip discovered some aspects of plot is a reference to Prometheus's fire
>Clay Foresight = Prometheus(forethought, Prometheus made man from clay)
>Dr.Deus = Zeus
>fire = Prometec engine/burnish
This was a good ending.
I would literally give anything to be a cute petite femboy
Nakashima is such a fucking literary nerd
He talked a bit about the origins of the characters' names at Trigger Night recently too. I need to dig up the Twitter thread I saw but I remember Lio's name came from Helios.
nm, I remembered it totally wrong. Lio's name came from Deucalion.
Why would any supposed heteronormative straight male willingly choose a haircut like that? I submit that it is not possible that getting bent over a rail and blasted with the force a thousand suns was not his intention from the beginning.
I wanna watch this movie so bad bros
looks much better
>it's another reimagining of TTGL
I don't think I can wait 3 months bros. It hurts.
Anime is saved.
Did that really happen?
>fugboi takes over the thread
>japs just drawing him more than the actual girls
yep im thinking their blessed
Yes, though I don't know if that's an accurate depiction of the scene.
Was like this
>poster vs movie
I'm in Japan for a while and saw it recently. I think Lio made me gay.
I was thinking the same thing.
No. Duce's little brother
Viral and Nia's lovechild.
Wish I was that pizza
For (You)
Based Lio converting lolicons
Holy based
Was it good?
I wish I was that Lio.
i wish i was his underwear
>just a few days ago everyone was saying he obviously looks like a boy
>now it's 180
Make up your minds
It's Imaishi's style cranked up to a point that's almost gratuitous. If there was a bingo card for every trait his work has, it would be filled within the first half hour. Whether or not that's "good" depends on your taste, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Are they going to fuck?
Their respective husbands
2 bottoms are incapable of being fulfilled by each other
Sounds like a fun time and Lio is a great bonus
I want to put my benis inside of that boy(feminine).
But watching them try anyway is what makes me hard.
Nice how everyone collectively decided that Lio would look cute as a maid.
I thought it was something that happened in the movie with how much fanart there is of it.
His personality and voice are manly as fuck, he could manhandle all of us.
how would one hypothetically achieve this body type?
>it's a "bottom tries to be a switch but inevitably ends up on his knees with a pouty face" episode
he's a tiny sticc user, you could bold both his wrists together with the strength of 3 of your fingers
I blame the puffy shirt.
I love that girl (boy) i want to share a bed with him.
if you're already quite thin?
either is fine for me
If you're already thin how do you not look like that?
hmm, maybe I should just lose more weight
Many boys in their teens have this body type, only during adolescence they start to become beefy.
Good for carrying on your shoulders
Oh jesus! I want to bend that sexy fuck over and destroy her(male) insides.
I bet Lio's hair smells like key lime pie.
who cares lmao? being gay is okay on Yea Forums now
they want those fujobux
I wonder if trigger expected this
Guh. Bay's action shit is garbage anyways.
Please come to Puerto Rico I beg you
It was always okay, they just called it gar back then.
It looks too natural
My fucking god I want to have sex with Lio so badly I can't take it, jesus christ
My fucking god I want to __________ be Lio so badly I can't take it, jesus christ
feed pizza to
how do I get my hair to look like that
asking for a friend
>all those lio faggots in here
more ardeboobs for me, I guess
>can't edge her pp with a fleshlight and make her ride you until she finishes
what's the point in having sex if you dkn't have someone with a pp and prostate to bully? Humans make no sense
I like her oneesan
I don't know. I'm a simple man.
man i would spread those delicious fucking cheeks and fill her(male) with dick milk till she explodes!
lio is so moe
Hard to fap too. Her hair looks really ugly, there's barely any linework. For me faces really matter for sexual attraction.
Why does this outfit look so sexy
The cravat and frilled cuffs, trust me I'm an expert.
What does the column above "kawaii" say?
Become extremely badass and join a gang
“Has a hot blooded idiot as a partner”
fancy leather goth slut
Lio wears it
Why is he so sexy?
Would be good if people who posted their tickets online were arrested
>girl wouldn't be taken seriously and everyone would ship her
>instead they do exactly that with a guy
His lithe figure and feminine face.
Koyama Shigeto is a madman
I want a French bf
buying now
Sub when
ofc not user it's a girl but with a dick
>Lio projects a giant inverse pink triangle of flame
So this is the power of the gays
he cute.
>make the perfect girl
>attach a dick
Japan pls
Making the perfect girl more perfect, based nips.
>dude voice
>basically a girl body
absolute madmen over there
Is Lucia /ourgirl/?
>trap maid
Yes, just like our cameo in LWA which even included red Announcement text.
The visual style of this movie kicks so much ass, they even made that brown paper bag look good. How did they do it?
I got the Liodegalon poster from Newtype, it's cool.
but gar was for manime crushes... not traps
>draw hot breedable teenage girl
>erase fake boobs (tits)
>call it a boy
>haha you are of the gay now!
>this entire thread
good to know that triggerniggers not only have shit taste, but are actual, degenerate faggots as well
Nothing degenerate about sex with Lio, look how fashionable (s)he is.
>fire magic and shit
Lio should have had a revolver.
That would be a badass biker
Where's Diana?
Gay is the way! I will suck fat cock if it comes from based trigger.
>he doesn't want to decimate Lio's sweet butthole
t. autistic hetfag
i want to suck his cock dry and then do passionate anal!
>is literally full of 3d cgi shit
I wish. This is bargain bin TTGL.
I would eat the colours in this show for breakfast lunch and dinner
The thin/absent outlines.
But why does he sit like that?
He wants the cock.
Maybe his butt hurts?
From what?
what the fuck? it looks shit. have you only seen like 3 anime?
anal in missionary?
>this is a dangerous terrorist
He uses a katana and a bow and arrow
yes, more
I have two questions
1 is that Kamina or Not Kamina?
2 is dvd/br/webrip out yet or are you all watching camrips?
fucking hell, Lio makes my cock so hard
It's Galo Thymos.
No. There are promotional screenshots and two 10-minute prologue episodes.
He will be when I’m through with him
Wide hips on boys is gross. It means they’re out of shape and hormonally imbalanced
hello, new phone screen
He knows he's based
High test manspreading
Make room bitches.
Why are frogs getting a july release?
More like Gaylord Homos.
Is it a translated version or a subbed one ?
You're a studio warrior and also hate faggots? Oh I know a perfect studio for you to hate on
So does me liking Lio mark me as straight or a lesbian? He is so cute. So is Galo... When is this coming to USA?
this is me
I wanted lewds of Lucia but I guess I'm fine with Lio porn flooding the usual places
Does it really matter, dear?
His last name "Fotia" is Greek and it literally means "fire".
i want trigger to stick to gay anime from now on. it's what they're good it
He killed millions.
Lio Hen at 1080p when?
Fucking subs for both when??
hopefully never
his face looks weird and long
Whenever it is released on GYAO like galo hen. Subs will probably come with BD
What's with the gibberish in "Kakusei?"
anyone else like to self insert as Lio and imagine the pleasure of having your anus stretched open by Galo?
OMG. are you me?
No, self inserting is gay. I just wish Lio were real to stretch open my asshole.
>is gay
And that is 100% okay!
bruh... every night since the pvs first came out
yaaas! they only wants the cock
more proof that boys are superior to bitches
Fuck off, stinky beta incel.
Rikka and Akane are the SSSS OTP. such a great couple
still would
Best song
Lio is my third waifu.
i keep imagining an extremely overweight black woman with a microphone on stage when listening to this
such a kawaii couple
to save billions
i want chibi Lio to blow me
>still no boobs
that poor thing
And that's fine
I want to pull on that tail as i thrust into her(male) rear end!
It seems more like Gueira and Meis were doing all the terroristing until Lio stopped them from killing people
She looks more like the girl that will get huge, enormous implants one day, when she's all grown up.
>having more than one
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
for what purpose
I think she's one of those hags that still look like a loli.
ALL burnish are dangerous mutants who will threaten the livelihood of upstanding citizens
People liek this animation?
Looks like some shitty cartoon netwrork show.
massive cringe
What about Aina.
fucking rat kills the boner.
But it's not elegant or sophisticated, it's simplistic and garish. It's the epitome of lazy, cheap and jejune shit. It's overdone with bad cg action. Learn English and watch more anime newfag.
His parents raised him well.
She seems alright
his anus is in danger of my penis
Her sister rapes her
She's voiced by Shintani, so I'd consider that to be the case.
This fanart looks better than the shit trigger drew. The added line-art in the hair now makes it bearable.
ugly slut
it's a fucking boy with a bra
Even better
If you don't like that bike, you're a pleb.
Can Burnish sexually reproduce with humans?
The perfect size
It looks retarded you twat. It's like the negative colors theme on my samsung.
They are regular humans
through anal intercourse, yes
Fucking hell this looks so shit compared to the promo. How the fuck could they not keep up decent quality for a movie? Especially since they're saving lots of time with corner cutting 3d.
Thinking about it gives me shivers up my rectum.
I love Lio's fluffy green hair.
I love Gueira's buggy.
Am I the only one wanting it the other way around ?
This boy is for marriage
Is it a mecha or armor?
Self inserting as Galo and bending over the cute boyslut? Nah me too!!
That's you, you garbage eating subhuman. You're the cancer dragging down the standards of this medium.
It's armor, though the big guy is blurring the line like Sanageyama's uniform did.
Is Lio’s cock as long as this bike?
>Because it flows in the battle scene in the movie, I wanted to provide a song that could push the video. Not only do I just fight the battle, but because I felt that the film itself was a work full of humanity, I imagined a battle that was not to hurt people, but to protect someone. The theme of the song is "Meditation", and Sabi casts words that don't make sense like spells. In meditation, I learned that I could reach the back of my heart by casting meaningless words over and over again, and I incorporated it as an idea. Not to mention coolness, I think that it has become a new thing that has not been found in previous Superfly works, which has the fun of collapsing melodies. I hope everyone will be able to cast a spell like the Sabi mantra together.
Superfly is cute! CUTE!
The mechanics I've seen so far are
Ignis' car
Aina's plane
Lucia's fire engine/command center
Varys and Remi's powersuits
Galo's Matoi Tech
Lio's armor
Meis' armor and motorcycle
Gueira's armor and ATV
Vulcan Haestus and his Freeze Force land/air vehicles
Kray Foresight's big unknown mech
Galo and Lio's combined Liodegalon they use to fight him
You can't begin to fathom the girth
There's also a 2nd form for liodegalon the trailers didn't spoil
I don't care what anyone else says, the answer is yes, with the girth and meatiness to match and nothing can change that.
>bought mine today
>there's lolitrash on the back of the promare poster
Fuck that almost ruined it for me but Lio and Galo look so good that I don't care.
Kray's is called クレイザーX.
is lio better at handjobs ot footjobs?
crappy designs
meaningless post
footjobs i hope and i want to lick and suck her(male) delectable feet
Is galode lion shown
>cursed with foot fetish
>cursed with stocking fetish
>cursed with femboy fetish
>cursed with crossdressing fetish
>can't fap to mice
Just let it out bro
>lio will never yelp and blush when your lips and tongue tease his soft toes
Frenchies are the biggest weebs. No surprise there
France has been sucking the Japanese animation industry's dick for a while now. They have their own sakuga-style ouiaboo animators and have been making some animations aimed at adults / shonenshit for a while now, either on their own or collab with Japanese animators. Example: one of their animation schools, Gobelins, did Japanese shorts made for film festivals this year.
tl;dr they really appreciate anime
>this guy rides up and slaps you're waifu on the ass
What do you do
Comics and cartoons are deeply ingrained in their culture.
Wonder why he suddenly slapped his own butt.
He's inviting you to do the same.
Is this not airing at Anime Expo? Makes sense if they did
Cute but why is she so flat?
nips don't have boobies
she's actually considered quite busty by the japanese community
Imagine kissing him on a late-autumn day and feeling the warmth of his lips against the cold.
Now this is gay
Don't worry. She(male) will get strong on daddy Galo's dick milk!
Nobody that well-dressed is malnourished.
cute queers
>usual places
that's a nice mental image
Burnish live in pretty shit conditions
i want to lick Lio's shaft all over
Hit the big league when the fatenigs get into it
I've never really been attracted to guys but I just ejaculated to Lio. What's my trigger fan level?? Also does this mean i'm bi now?
>What's my trigger fan level??
I didn't understand a single thing.
God tier and yes
Lio has entered the pantheon of cute anime boys that everyone is gay for.
>and yes
fuuuk. I grew up in an ultra conservative family. I think i'm going to be disowned and possibly beaten if i tell them i'm bisexual. wtf do i do
Have you ever heard the English phrase "It's the little things in life that count the most?" That's wabi sabi. Appreciating simple or imperfect things.
Keep fapping to cute boys in secret and keep your options open for a cute bf
I knew Trigger was gonna save anime. Again. That's pretty much their job. But not like this. Not. Like. This. Then again. I don't know, how to feel about this.
It doesn't actually make you bi, only if you're sexually attracted to 3D of both sexes. I'm attracted to both male and female drawings, but I would never be sexually attracted to a 3D of my gender.
All men should date men.
>those hips
>that waist
In 2D realm, sure. But leave some 3DPD boys for me.
Find me a man alive who looks like Lio and isn't a dicklet and I'll go for it.
>not wanting to suck a cute small nice-smelling sensitive cock
You absolute faggot
Promare deserves better than being reduced to flaming homo sex. You fucking faggots.
Based. FUCK Trigger haters and homophobes!
c o p e
Flaming homo sex elevates everything actually
You should know by now Yea Forums is driven by sex drive satan
Fuck off satan. Trigger made me realise my love for cock.
I'm getting erect for a boy again!
Was there any character as MADE for mob doujins as this cute little slut?
Fly to Japan to bone Aoi Shouta.
Lio, gay anal gang rape doujin when?
>these results
Trigger might as well do a Lio version
Trigger shouldn't have made Lio the way he is, Satan.
I'm gay so I really want this show to start a fujo trend.
You haven’t been on twitter for the past few weeks? It already is.
First of all it's not a show, second of all fujobait is already popular. Unless you meant you want Trigger to do more fujo-friendly stuff, then that'll depend on how much the overall box office sales end up. In any case, they've always drawn cute boys, people just don't quite notice because the thirst for their girls is more numerous.
Trigger should become a permanent gay pandering studio. It worked out really well for this and gridman. That's what they're best at, not shit goofy originals or their usual cheap, dishonest animation.
a movie is still a show dumbass
Is Lio a virgin?
>dishonest animation
Would you please fucking die
that is some serious QUALITY right there bruh
You could always go to /cm/ because there has already been enough to fill multiple threads
What’s next, Lio and Galo in matching tuxes?
He already lost his virginity to Galo.
When will you faggots learn that inbetweening is not QUALITY? No, zooming in on people's faces in the background is not QUALITY either.
god i hope so
>inbetween meme
it's just shit
It's an inbetween in a scene that's meant to be kinda goofy looking.
so lewd
>it's shit on purpose
Just want to say fuck footfags
dub when?
September 17th
Kill yourself you shit taste subhuman. Your mom's a fat slut.
thanks. fuck reading subs and fuck the cringe way japanese sounds
C-Calibur isn't for lewd.
Actually, yes.
This is just unfair
>the ED a cute song about melting a cold person's icy heart with warm feelings of love
Cute and canon
"君がいなくなると 灰になるの 燃え上がる想いが 焼き尽くすの" fucked me right up.
sword > anyone or anything else in gridman
Great thread, everyone.