Ask a guy who has seen every Lupin the Third film/series anything

Ask a guy who has seen every Lupin the Third film/series anything

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why would you think anyone gives a single fuck what you think?


Are you italian?

when are they making Lupin the 4th


No but close

When we're dead

Where i begin?

Who the fuck cares? Answer that on your way out back to eddit, faggot.

Hav you seen Lupin the Second?

Castle of cagliostro

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This is on the Miyazaki collection. I still need to watch it

what's eddit


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It's that website where people collect pvotes and post age faces, but it really depends on the particular ubeddit. Very similar to gag.

From the modern series/movies (last 10 years or so) what is a must see?

tits or ass?

Part IV and Part V are the best Lupin series
There's also the "Why is Lupin burning" OAV that came out after, it's also great

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The Fujiko miniseries had a great artstyle, is not worth it?


Do I need to watch Lupin the Second and Lupin the First to get into the series?

If you want but not necessary

What's a good watching order?

Castle of Cagliostro, then Part I then Parts IV & V then Fuma Clan

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Fujiko series is great, don't listen to this guy. The Jigen/Goemon movies directed by koike are also great.

What are your favourite bands?


fujiko is trash
Destroy yourself

Jackson 5

No more Koike Lupin I guess.

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Why was part IV so horrible?
There were some good EPs in it but most of them were 100% trash.
Only good thing is they brought the part II dub cast back for it.

Red VS. Green
preference and opinion of the movie?