Why haven't you updated your manga collection using the wonders of the technology? The image on the left is the original.
Why haven't you updated your manga collection using the wonders of the technology...
And this is the updated version.
>colored manga
are you guys for real?
No one cares. Fuck off.
>waifu2x'd, colored manga
you're not a real manga fan op nigger
Certain Manga are much better with color than colorless. One Piece definitely looks far better with color, since the world itself is extremely colorful and diverse, which ends up giving each character and location more personality.
>not wanting low res images means you're not a manga fan
>one piece
its trash no matter how you look at it
I don't read colored manga. And I generally don't read stuff popular enough to get constant updates for scan quality. I do download official digital releases if possible though so I don't have to deal with 1200p scanlations. Judging by your image names though, whoever is doing this is running the image through filters for some ungodly reason.
I guess you have a point, even tho I don't read op and can't really grasp what you mean. I am not , so please don't aim shonenwars at me if you're about to start one
All I see is ruined color grading.
>distorted reflections on the pyramid
>turned into weird black scribbles
Yeah, nah, all you do is making it worse.
>cost cutting is art
I fucking hate people who think aping poor technology of the past is somehow more wholesome. Be it black-and-white movies, pixel-art video games, or colorless manga. Manga's colorless because publishers want a chapter churned out each week for a minimum amount of expenses. If you ever held an actual Shonen Jump in your hands, it has paper quality of a low-tier newspaper. Not having colors doesn't lend it any additional artistic integrity, it's just cheap.
I don't care in the slightest how you call it or what the reason for it to be b&w is. It defined the genre, intetionally or not, and it's how it should be
your eyes are hopeless if you think colored manga is pleasant let alone beautiful
People still occasionally make black and white movies. It is an artistic thing these days and black and white movies of the past still have artistic value even though color is a thing and has been for forever. People still made black and white movies in the 60s, 70s, etc even though color was available then too. Black and white art is fundamentally different than color art. It doesn't matter if it's cost saving, manga is made to be in black and white and coloring it very often negatively affects the art.
Just because Shueisha found another method of money grabbing by releasing colored manga doesn't mean it somehow has more artistic value than the original piece of art.
it means that one piece is complete garbage no matter if you're reading it in a shitty artifact ridden b&w jpeg or a beautiful 8k resolution color image.
>Literally IDENTICAL, save for higher resolution
>Oh wow it's completely wrong muh reflections
a beautiful 8K b&w png sounds better tho
>A person partially agreeing with an argument, specifically pointing out that they don't want to get into shonenwars
What drives retards like this?
Just delete physical mags and go full digital.
Well, he's either doing it deliberately to start a fight, in which case he's just someone starving for attention and sensation of self-importance, or he genuinely believes it in which case he's so massively insecure about One Piece, he feels the need to point out his dismantlement with it. Which it is, we will never know.
The only thing that can fix bad scans is replacing them with higher quality scans. You can approximate lost detail, but you can't recreate it.
Shounen is for babies. Just read seinen and take the black pill
>He can't enjoy both
If I want to blur my images I'll just use the viewer's zoom function, thank you.
Not since I turned 21. You can’t be whitepilled and blackpilled at the same time. You’d have to be greypilled
How many colors of pills are there?
How much time do you have?
Seinen is for edgy high schoolers, shounen is for high test lads
Seinen isn't all Berserk and Vinland Saga stuff you know.
All of it
There are as many color pills are there are stars in the sky
But what does each color signify?
That is something scholars are still desperately trying to find out
>trusting the author of KHR ever again