finally caught up on boruto and wanted to try bhna and why is the protagonist such a pussy? naurto would of fought this guy on the spot and this deku faggot is just shivering ???
Finally caught up on boruto and wanted to try bhna and why is the protagonist such a pussy...
Because is a different series, with different characters
He’s called Decuck for a reason.
so you like it because you can relate to this beta deku or does he start being cool l8r?
Stop typing like a faggot
careful what you say faggot
He also gets very stupid asspull.
I wonder what made OP mad he started making multiple threads again?
Stop priyecting user, not everyone needs a "relatable" character or a self insert to enjoy a series, that being said, deku is a faggot and mha is mediocre with some good parts.
You typed like a faggot
This is Yea Forums not the youtube comment section, I expect posters here to at have the dignity to at the very least attempt to type words out
And here you are typing like an absolute faggot, shaming yourself and thousands of oldfags that came before you
Never forget that this is MY board boy and never let me catch you typing like an eight year old normalfag reddit refuge again
If my main character isnt identical in the first and last chapter except with a title im mad
We are under so many layers of irony that I don't know how to take posts like this.
>waah deku
Deku is a little bitch, MHA is just a copy of naruto, dont watch it
based and redpilled
You don't like Deku because YOU relate to him too much and you hate yourself. Grow a little bit.
based post
Deku and bakugo are both faggots. Series would be better off without them
k-kowai ...
>finally caught up on boruto and wanted to try bhna
Boku no r3dddit faggotdemia is the worst show out at the moment. Every single fan has asshole aids and "accidently" will get drunk, stumble, their pants will fall down and homeless men will buttfuck them
this is so gay holy shit
I wanted to mock you for trying too hard, but I can't tell if you're genuinely a desperate newfag trying to fit in or if this is a masterwork of a post coated in 79 different flavors of irony, good job user.
He's still a boring, green Naruto lol
>Kacchan PLEASE