Characters that would have been better final villains than Diavolo
>Punished Leaky Eye Luca >Truck driver >Pistol no 4 >The Fly >The gangster from Giorno's backstory >That one guy Abbacchio/Mista/Narancia beat up for no reason >Koichi >The female prison guard >Fugo >Solido Naso >Reincarnated Janitor Mario >Punished Polnareff >DIO >Pesci >Another Jojo >Pericolo >Trish >Some random faggot from a gang members backstory
>The gangster from Giorno's backstory Honestly I'd take this, it could atleast be used to cause some actual internal conflict with Giorno, but any of the other listed are still a better option than how Diavolo turned out.
Thomas White
Seriously what was the point the character? It feels like Araki actually intended for him to become the main villain but changed his mind.
Brody Cooper
I wouldn't mind Pesci as the final fight. maybe they don't kill him and he gets super jacked or some shit.
Jonathan Parker
I love it when a minor henchman develops into an actual threat later in the series
Cooper Stewart
Autism thread
Alexander Williams
This is just fucking bruno 2.0
Owen Rivera
you're going to confuse the retard posters saying things like that
Jose Flores
That's fucking dumb. It's not about Giorno's internal struggle in particular. It's about fulfilling fate.
Julian Bell
>>Another Jojo Johnny is the Head Doctor
William Smith
>>Trish That would be an interesting twist.
>mfw Boss was a good guy in trying to get rid of Trish
Yeah, do you SERIOUSLY have to ask why the idea of Trish being the secret villain is retarded? If that were the case, Diavolo would have just ordered someone else to kill her. No need for the psychotic paranoia or the delivery at all.
Hunter Phillips
He would want to be sure the deed is done. What's so retarded about it? If somebody planned on betraying him, they would fake Trish's death.
Daniel Ross
>If somebody planned on betraying him, they would fake Trish's death. For what purpose? They don't know that she is to be killed. Everyone needs her alive. This is retarded
Elijah Nguyen
To use Trish to track Boss. Plus if EvilTrish was canon, she would kill her dad for shit and giggles, if not for power.
Jacob Brooks
>To use Trish to track Boss. how does faking her death help them accomplish this? >Plus if EvilTrish was canon thank god it isnt >she would kill her dad for shit and giggles, if not for power. totally irrelevant
Andrew Brooks
>how does faking her death help them accomplish this? She's off the radar and Diavolo lets his guard down. Then Trish and whomever is helping her can dig around without attracting much attention.
>totally irrelevant You post is.
Dylan Martinez
>She's off the radar and Diavolo lets his guard down. Then Trish and whomever is helping her can dig around without attracting much attention. so we've reached retarded fanfiction tier >Y-You(r) p-post is.... Retard
Jack Murphy
Yeah, and the self-fulfilling fate was a fucking retarded idea to center this part around.
Luis Murphy
good thing anonymous retard opinion is ignored by mangaka
Josiah Harris
Still no argument. I'm waiting.
Jaxon Johnson
A plot exploring fate and characters dealing with it could be very interesting, but araki just couldnt write well back then
Jack Jenkins
>Still no argument I don't need to argue against retarded fanfiction because its retarded fanfiction Trish isn't the secret villain because that would be retarded.
most retards in Jojo threads are because they hopped the >muh manime train during 1-2-3 and haven't fucked off yet
James Morris
somehow part 5 ended up worse than 3, when they are nearly the same story. I have still yet to understand why Araki decided to set his narrative around these characters and these stories only to flip back to some of the main cast in part 6
Adrian Butler
>when they are nearly the same story based retard letting us know how to not think
Ayden King
Retard containment thread.
Carter Adams
Still no argument.
Eli Nguyen
>still no reading comprehension your retarded fanfiction will never be real and never make any sense, cope
Jason Miller
It's already enough in the form of following characters whose various circumstances in life stuck them into a similar bad position, that could be considered their ''fates'' up until that point, and now a path can be opened to allow these individuals to band together in a group effort to dismantle the criminal organisation for various reasons and they can change throughout etc. whatever. But Araki had to go on an autistic tangent about ''destiny'' in an attempt to be poignant when it actually devalues any sort of meaningful conflict and development the characters could have, a story about underdogs should not rely on already fixed resolutions.
And this is fucking JoJo at the end of the day, where the bizarre scenarios, creativity and style should be the front and centre, and not writing yourself into a corner by trying to shoehorn in some specific themes just for their own sake. But just mentioning the word ''theme'' tricks people into thinking its instantly meaningful or deep. Part 5 just takes itself way too seriously for its own good and cannot compensate.
Christian Bennett
jojo and his gang of five friends heads to defeat the main gang while stomping annoying mooks for 95% of the run time before the final showdown. Man based retard indeed
Easton Cox
>stomping annoying mooks for 95% of the run time before the final showdown >what is the entire of part 5?? VERY based retard
Jaxon Robinson
based retard deceiving himself into thinking he's smart when he's just throwing an unintelligible KINO tantrum
Alexander Reyes
I'm sorry that couple of sentences are too much for you to handle user. I should probably just write ''ur a faggit'' instead and call it a day, to keep with the spirit of the site.
Christian Jackson
based retard continues his tantrum, doesn't get more BASED and KINO than this
Matthew Lopez
I'm still waiting for your arguments.
Joseph Reed
I'm still waiting for you to cope, fanfiction author Maybe join a Jojo RP discord and pitch your "evil Trish" idea there instead of on Yea Forums?
Easton Harris
So you have no argument, other than calling people names.
Brody Cook
>retard fanfiction author thinks its people adorable, cope