Toaru Kagaku no Accel is confirmed 12 episodes
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Ha, fitting for Accelerator.
Is this any good? The main series I mean, Accelerator looks cool as hell. Gives me Kumagawa vibes.
Index is pretty autistic. The hyperspecific details kind of autism
Accel is shaping up to be the best Raildex anime so far.
Reminder that the Queen won.
And that she did absolutely nothing wrong as I have been saying this whole time.
So are we going to contain Accel anime itt or are we going to split it off into another thread?
There's no point. Everyone will just crosspost in both threads anyway.
If by main series you mean accelerators manga then no. Its pretty bad. The series its based of though is good chuunishit if you're into that shit
Obviously not split it off?
This. I still remember that thread where an animeonly made a thread that was purely to talk about how sexy Awaki was and it got shitposted to death by those dumbasses who wanted to screech about how much they hated the show. Both hilarious and depressing.
Why can't Haimura design dresses?
Why did that artist shrink Misaki's chest?
He's simply too chuuni to be contained to normal looking clothes. See; thor and othinus look great, but dresses like villian's look bad.
Kek that looks like the Yuriko design that someone posted
Haimura can't draw.
>Misaka's dress has the color scheme of the AAA
Since when is the AAA blue
The joints of it are
Haimura should just draw them naked instead.
Not really much of a challenge.
We're one step closer to seeing more Saten!
More Saten may be good, but I want to see more of others like Kuroko.
Predict the stupid twist(s) that'll happen at the end of NT22R. I'll start
Aiwass takes Yuiitsu's corpse, Othinus is Touma's actual Observer, and Kamachi timeskips past Christmas
Saten is the only likeable Raildex. She's also the hottest
I can believe these with the exception of the othinus observer one. She doesnt seem to really know much about what touma is like when she first meets him and it wouldnt take them quite that long to understand each other if she had been watching him before that. (Also makes scenes like NT2 where they need to track him much weirder)
Touma timeslips back into NT18 and replays everything onward with different options.
What if the reason High Priest saved her was to make her the observer?
High priest was jealous of her. Plus I dont think observer is an official position so much as a title high priest slapped on the meme of someone following touma around. Othinus is already doing that as is by living in his pocket.
No, and accel is nothing similar to kumagawa, although he is a well written character who has actual development. His manga is trash though
Mugino kills dion fortune. Dion is fine next novel as her cards reform.
>Saten is the only likeable Raildex. She's also the hottest
Stiyl appears.
Desu I don't think Hamazura and Accel are gonna be in this
IT/Dragons wins the Toumabowl
Is the only way to kill her now killing hamazura?
Don't let the people saying the manga is bad discourage you from watching the show. It's one of those rare cases where the anime is shaping up to be better than the manga source in every shape and form.
What are the odds of J.C Staff botching it?
I don't know. Half the fun of reading the first arc was how retarded the art style was. Fucking black face everywhere. It might go from "entertainingly bad" to "mediocre".
The threads were a particularly Dark Matter
It would be an epilogue thing
Carl- wait a second
Not NT22R but Kamachi does cover Christmas but the volume follows Kamisato.
They both lost because Biondetta was tired of their shit
Christmas is covered but its a crossover SS like the speed dating so everyone questions how canon it is
Accel and Hamazura are more likely to be in NTR22 than not.
I dunno, 400 pages and no mention of them? Every synopsis has mentioned them since NT19
>we won't be getting any accel nagaispace
I feel both relieved and disappointed.
Only in the full summaries that are released after the brief one is released but we've only got a short summery this time around. Someone mentioned that a full lengthy summery won't be released for NTR22.
Touma gives birth to a loli dragon.
Touma's loli gives birth to a dragon
Touma's dragon gives a loli a birth
The whole thing happens from Komoe's perspective and we learn that she was part of the grand kekaiku all along
Where is this from? Reverse search only returns random unrelated sketches
What the fuck is wrong with their faces
*a bath
12 episodes should be plenty for based J.C. Staff to adapt all 9 volumes
Things are completely normal but Touma's atmosphere feels different, like an imitation.
IT's unveiled when it slips up and decides to remember Misaki. Ensue dimensional fuckery, IT continually "rebirths" itself into a Touma discarding the old ones that fuck up, they all feel different. The ones that do fuck up devour and murder every single thing, forcing the imprisoned Touma inside to use the power of the reference point to reverse everything. The entire novel is "reversing and rebirthing"
There was some new stuff, like the actual tutorial being the start of OT1 up to being attacked by Mikoto, it was fully voiced and they kept the line where Mikoto completely shits on levels 0 (reviving the Saten memes on the chat). Also the gacha pull costs.
The best parts were when they were all hard bullying Subaru for not knowing shit about Raildex at all, and other fun stuff like Aqua trying to imitate Accelerator's (her favorite character) laugh, when Fubuki tried to explain Tsuchimikado (her favorite) to Subaru (double triple quadruple agent onmyouji esper siscon maid fetishist who dresses in a hawaiian shirt showing his 6-pack abs),and when they mentioned Frenda, the chat started going Fre/Nda and they desperately tried to stop before Subaru caught on what the joke is about.
So the beta world but with no Othinus for moral support?
Of course, its not just Misaki first. Every girl notices something wrong, the list is not limited to but includes Misaki, Mikoto, Index and Othinus. They all point a change in character with Touma
Of course, Kakine cameo too referencing his eventual return. Don't know where it would be placed.
>beta world Touma was IT
Othinus was finishing touma's sentences for him just last novel, sentences he was only saying in his head. If she doesnt notice a body double it would honestly be pretty bullshit
I hope Touma dies for good this volume
The third Kamijou Touma is incoming
How many series do you read where the main character dies permanently before the end of the series?
Kami-nyan Touma.
What do you think Touma’s real power is?
Being normal.
Being unlucky.
He's an eldritch onahole
Its essentially a volume where everyone would be celebrating on the outside while on the inside Touma is desperately fighting to keep the girls safe, with each of the girls discovering an issue with Touma one by one. This would be referenced by the tiny green portion near IB.
Well when Touma reverses the world it would essentially be like if nothing happened, the next IT would attempt to mitigate or damage control the girls actions and act more and more similar to Touma himself, eventually surpassing him in character. However the intense dread and fear that stemmed from the beginning of the release still remains and plants major doubts. It isn't until the end of the volume that Othinus and all the other girls realize that Super Touma is a fake, all of the girls. IT doesn't go apeshit, but rather something something something happens and the third Kamijou Touma is born via the split of the NT Touma and the IT Touma.
The gameplay of this isn’t really looking too exciting so far, probably doesn’t help I haven’t seen any interesting characters and the models and stuff doesn’t look that good
>Yamata no Orochi
Alright Kamachi, which one is IT?
IT is Kamijou Touma.
It is OC do not steal.
Honestly I have no real desire to play mobage and the only ones I've played so far were for series I really care about, so I'd rather they just make something that doesn't get tiring too quickly even if it's brainless so I can collect my favorite characters.
It's probably something a little more ancient than any of those things.
How different is gacha from pay to win mobile games?
Worse, they're just lootbox simulators
Demiurge is the one that fits the divine yet artificial description from NT22
Probably something slightly more relevant to Thelema. It seems to be something that encompasses all the Aeons.
Worse. Gacha gives you a random chance to get something while other p2w mobage give you your item the second you pay for it.
Only reason why I play the other one is because of the genuine effort at least the modeler and animators put into the characters, that and sometimes it’s just nice walking around taking pictures and hanging out with whoever is playing
Depends entirely on the game. The main thing gacha have in common is a theme of wanting to get new and shiny units, which are usually waifus. If the base game/story is decent enough it can be forgivable but if its not you're usually not going to care enough to collect the pixels of your waifu.
>it would be like nothing happened
Thats not even close to what my point was. Its not about him making obvious mistakes, othinus was thinking the same things touma was *while he was still thinking them in his head and correctly responded to his concerns before he even voiced them*. To go from that to not noticing that touma has been replaced with a copy in a single novel would be extremely silly. If you want to pull a story like that you can either have her not be around or make the copy have happened in OT22 and she's only ever met the copy.
It doesnt look thrilling, but no rpg ever *looks* particularly thrilling regardless and I usually enjoy them all the same. It'll more come down to how much the story has interesting elements or voices or special events will expand on the series than anything else for me.
Some gacha have "safety nets" that let you pick if you pull hard enough, though I won't hold my breath for index to have one
What’s the difference between Saten and all the magic side sluts?
Alright so combining the rolls from Yukachi in the seiyuus stream and the rolls from each of the Homolive girls in the Vtuber stream, we got:
Battle Characters:
6 Angelene (1 star)
3 Touma (1 star), 1 Touma (2 stars)
2 Mikoto (1 star)
2 Etzali (1 star)
1 Tsuchimikado (1 star)
1 Kanzaki (1 star), 1 Kanzaki (2 stars)
1 Kuroko (1 star)
1 Mugino (2 stars)
1 Index (3 stars)
1 Misaka Imouto (2 stars)
1 Misaki (3 stars)
1 Kongou (1 star)
Assist Characters:
4 Shiina (1 star)
3 Last Order (1 star), 2 Last Order (2 stars)
3 Touya (1 star)
3 Orsola (2 stars)
2 Yoshikawa (1 star)
2 Index (2 stars)
2 Saten (1 star), 1 Saten (2 stars)
1 Knight Leader (3 stars)
1 Bayloupe (3 stars)
1 Uiharu (2 stars)
1 Lancis (3 stars)
1 Villian (3 stars)
1 Yomikawa (1 star), 1 Yomikawa (2 stars)
1 Maika (1 star)
1 Himegami (2 stars)
1 Lidvia (2 stars)
1 Konori (1 star)
1 Lessar (3 stars)
1 Uiharu (1 star)
1 Heaven Canceller (1 star)
1 Takitsubo (2 stars)
tl;dr I hope you guys fucking like Angele
They’re sluts and she’s not.
The lowest safety net I've seen is 60 pulls (with an increased rate every 10 pulls prior) in DL and the other being 100 pulls in Re:Live. Do Square Enix mobile games have a safety net?
I assume not all the characters are in yet so I'd wait for it to drop before we can really tell what the rates are like. Doesnt japan have laws about needing to tell you the rates anyways?
What do starts mean? What do they mean?
Rarity. Higher rarity units are better than lower rarity units.
Square Enix games are more greedy than FGO
Of all battle characters, seriously?
Its MP dont bother. Was the pointless repetition not obvious enough?
No fucking way they are greedier than you have to pull the same 5* servant (
Yeah, they have to show the rates. Wasn't trying to see how they were, just listing the results for fun.
I like how they managed to roll all of New Light at 3* except for Floris who wasn't pulled at all.
Considering that it looks like getting dupes of a character gives you some sort of resource thats coded to that character in particular I wouldnt be surprised if getting that first pull of them isnt that hard
>Do Square Enix mobile games have a safety net?
TnM doesn't really have one but the limit breaking system in that game is a lot more generous than others. Some events offer tickets if you roll enough but they're not reliable.
>tl;dr I hope you guys fucking like Angele
This must be Kamachi's doing. Having one of the earliest blonde loli available at the lowest rarity so he can pull an excess amount of her.
>Kamachi gets one request for the game
>make blonde lolis easy to get
>The dev team monkey paws his request so the popular blondes are still hard to get
>6 Angelene (1 star)
Holyshit. I've always had the notion that raildex had top tier waifus and completely blocked her from my memory.
I'm going to be pissed off if I get angelene
It's likely to increase their stats, in the same way idol mobage increase the card stats when you combine dupes.
It is not raildex if it doesn't get monkey paw'd in some way
The tone of this post is all over the place
She is blonde and loli, literally perfect
Oh I'm sure. But if the focus is on getting multiple of a character to increase their stats, instead of other gacha like granblue where once you have them you have them, like I said I could see the draw rates being somewhat more relaxed.
Let's put it this way. I'll be literally fine with any other girl as my starting one than to start with Angelene. Any other girl. yes, including Saten
We all like Saten as our starting unit.
Just start off with Kakine. You'd win the game automatically
Given how MGs like Othinus don't even have a single idea about what IT is but Aiwass and Aleister do, it's either
> Something more ancient than MGs, Aiwass knows because he started existing since forever and he ended up telling Crowley about it
> Something at least outside of Aeons of Isis and Osiris and so, outside of the MG's scope of knowledge. Might be Horus or even above that / outside all Aeons
> Some OC entity that started existing because Thelema came into existence (kinda like how angels doesn't exist before Christianity became a thing)
Just reroll. Sticking with your very first roll on a gacha unless the intro takes hours to do is silly
Did they really pull six different versions of angelene?
Also are the 3* stars the "rainbows" of the game?
>MGs dont know it because its some new fangled religion
>Its from scientology
No the same angelene 6 times
It was the same Angelene 6 times.
Also yes, 3 stars seems to be the highest you can go with gacha rolls, though it looks like the characters can go up to 6 stars. Which makes me think getting characters won't be that hard for any of them, but actually making them good will probably be a huge pain in the ass.
>yfw natural 6s exist
>mfw Kakine is one of them
Does rerolling cost money?
Well I mean the mechanics, to be honest when they said card game rpg it should’ve been something like dragonball heroes, at least that one is both fanservice but also hype as hell.
But it turns out it’s just another mobage rpg and I hear it even has a turn limit so you can’t even do stalling builds
>IT is the dark lord Xenu
Of course not retard
No, you uninstall/reinstall the game to get a new account. That's why it's a pain if the intro tutorial is long.
I assume the turn limit is only for some modes. I do like that positioning seems to matter at least
Pretty sure the turn/time limit they showed with sherry was because it was a raid battle where you team up with other players. The sherry has like 200x the HP that Abe's characters had after all
How much last order is there in the manga?
HP might have alluded to knowing what it is in NT13
Not enough.
There's a lot less of both of them than secondaries are expecting
There’s actually a lot of last order scenes
Not nearly enough, I crave more cute stupid face melted popsicle last order but aRATa just won't do it
Limb exploder.
Just read it you stupid secondary
So 3 star is the highest rare, or are they just unlucky?
3 is probably just the highest you can draw and you either grind or need more copies to get higher
No user this is when you make it even harder to roll them on top of having to roll them multiple times to get the best out of it, SE knows how to milk people
Guys did anyone get all the smiling photos for the polls?
Floris' smug lives in my heart
Why do you hate SE so much? Every fucking thread you're bitching about them
He is one of the youngest MGs too
I'm sure he got a 5* Cyan in FFBE. I'd be pissed off too
To be fair Othinus knew something was in there too, but has no idea what the hell it is.
I'm talking about how he knew about the one who purifies god and slays demons
Zero ni suru
They shot his dog
sexiest new light
Assist characters were a mistake
I think being angry at Squenix is more common than otherwise
They're ok in theory, but having them be characters other than fourth stringers like angelene or arlands was
serie source?
We've already seen there are characters with both assist and battle versions, and considering how it doesn't take much to make an assist character I imagine pretty much everyone will have an assist version.
Oh, that. Yeah, who knows what he knew before getting evaporated. Unless his plan was to die I am not sure what he was going for. Then again, HP was crazy as fuck.
This is the first time I’ve ever mentioned SE though
I love Mikoto
Looks like fanart of Akame ga kill
Is there any particular reason there was such a big gap between season 2 & 3?
Looking more likely that the game wasn’t gonna have this massive roster on release yeah?
Even two years from now (if it survives that long) I don't think it'll have a big roster.
Enjoy having 10 different alts of Mikoto.
Production issues up the ass to my understanding.
Distribution rights changed and schedules were filled afterward
Thats one phallic looking nametag.
Related characters get assist bonus etc etc
Why is Mikoto tanned?
Misaki a pile of shit
It was a "Joint Battle" where up to 5 players fight the same boss together
>Tatemiya is playable but not KL
She went on a trip to Mexico.
We don't know if KL is playable or not yet
If they don't release any Accel-anime related characters during the time frame that it airs, that's when you know that they don't give a fuck about non-OT characters.
Here comes a month of bikini rateups
>Cripple Accel Rate up
>daily free 1x roll per week
>the less Accel loses, the shittier he gets
Hmm, I see.
At the end of the novel Touma been replace by IT and Touma is look at as the monster/demon by everyone but WILL and Othinus.
WILL still had to fulfill that promise of staying by Touma side, even if he look or become a demonlord.
I genuinely don't think Index, Mikoto, Misaki or Accelerator would ever look at him like a monster either.
Biritzali soon
They held up a sign with the number 132 up last stream so I assume that's how many characters there will be. Either way though it's certainly been advertised as aiming to have most if not all of Kamachi's characters in it.
It was 1-3-2 and it was just how much the seiyuu said "nyaa" on stream
This is going to be like the MMO where there's some hilarious oversights on what counts as "related" isn't it?
>Non OT
You mean non main series. They've already flat out stated they're going to be doing NT characters and that the idea of the game is to release even characters from the latest novels.
Well, that's what raid battles are so it looks like I'm right.
I see. Maybe that 300 that floated around is still right then. If you count the fact there's two Indexes it wouldn't be a hard number to hit.
>They've already flat out stated they're going to be doing NT characters
I'll give them 3 or 4 playable characters at best, the rest will be alts.
You mean assists?
There's enough.
Alts. We’ve seen different versions of one character for battle and assist as well as for different rarities. I’d imagine they’ll wait to release most of the NT characters until they’re seen in the anime.
Then your sentence doesn't make sense. Why are you quoting my pointing out they're making NT characters and characters from the new novels to say "the rest" as the non NT characters? Just say that only 3-4 characters will be from NT (which is laughable since we're talking about not just launch here) and don't clutter the rest of your sentence.
How many "Accel characters" are there even anyways? 3? Besides Estelle and ImoutoMan is anyone even going to care about them?
No one's gonna give a shit about Hishigata in the anime since he'll only bleed out for like 10 minutes compared to 10 months
They're basically Railgun characters now. They even changed Friction's gender.
It's probably a good idea to include characters who debuted in Accel and could possibly appear in the Railgun anime too.
Is Naru saying none of them are Asian
I want Maria Kumokawa to have the IB
Impregnate every nun
The nun's will just use ancient catholic secrets to cleanse their bodies
Alcohol/Falcon punches.
That’s why you must lock them up in the rape dungeon
In her vagina?
In her hand or leg.
Hope meant students attend Tokiwadai?
Surely out of all of them at least a few are looking for boyfriends.
So a handjob or thighjob, then.
Where can I read the manga in its entirety? Heard the newer adaptations were shit, and I'm not an LN guy.
The manga skipped 2 arcs from s1
>Im not a LN guy
well too bad because this series is mainly LN
Manga is fucking great, but its slow. It's been the entirety of Index III and we haven't passed by episode 5 of Index III yet. The light novels are the only choice if you ever get curious to read further ahead.
>those hours without a thread after anons started bullying us
Where were you guys? I thought you were gone for good!
OT14 started like 2 years ago by now, Chuuya is damned if he's not making it a good adaptation
I was jerking off, thanks for asking, Index
Have to wait until the weekend for lovey-dovey rom-com so no motivation.
I was taking a shit I'm sorry index
Anywhere I can find them for free? I guess I'll give it a shot.
Mangadex/goddess? Honestly just watch the anime alongside it at least for s1 and you'll be fine
At the usual places newfag
I’m a Railgun fan.
We all are.
What does he need to wield WR again? I think the conviction he reached with the MGs should allow him to, but Kamachi saving something else for him is more likely.
>neph or Niang kill Aiwass
>that is exactly what he wanted to happen
>it breaks his contract with Anna
Now I kind of want Aiwass to be the one with batshit keikakus
>knight leader
Enjoy endless Mikoto and Accelerator alts
Why is the lightning blue instead of green?
Can't wait for Accel Alter Santa Lily.
I need that Komoe sprite ripped I need more Komoe
I mean something did change in him after NT15's ending but it is hard to put it into words, but something similar happened with Touma in NT22
I would, beating them all with the 6 star Kakine
I sincerely doubt IF will ever have a png to justify my downloading the game.
You don't download gachas for the pictures, you do it for the voices and such being tied to a picture. More so though, for events featuring those pictures.
Why this happens all the time when the character who knows anything about IB/IT info they die
post twitter
Can someone possibly beat Mathers (out of potatoes)?
He lost his desire for revenge, his hatred was the only thing keeping WR from erasing him, he said himself it wasn't like he didn't have doubts or wavered, just that his hatred was that strong. So I thought the desire he reaches in NT17--that is, to keep trying to shine in the normal world, could be strong enough in the same sense.
I understand he wouldn't just stick WR back on to see if it works, though. Something drastic would have to force him to do that.
Give me April fools Accelerator in a black dress
they could have made bank if they gave Yuriko her own spinoff
wasted potential
We've already seen characters with both battle and assist versions
>talking to Last Order
Did such a thing ever happen? Or it might be one of those daily interactions.
Didn't it happen in one of the psp games?
I dont think Stiyl has ever talked to LO no
Who should voice Yuriko?
Care to find out?
You keep Okamoto, obviously.
I'm good
Which one?
Definitely. Ignore the raging lolicons
Holy fuck
thanks user
There's those respawning spots with new short stories
And those quests that aren't based on the novels. They're divided by "groups" (Science side, magic side, A certain highschool, apparently more since you're able to scroll down), and the "Character stories" quests section that we haven't seen anything of yet.
I imagine at least one of those should have some new character interactions, I just hope Kamachi wrote them.
>Character stories" quests section
Not like Kamachi doesnt have the drive, he's probably written all sorts of random fluff about the characters with how much better his banter has gotten over the years.
cursed image
Next one cumming should be tomorrow
It involves orgasm denial
How much have you spent on these so far?
Somewhere in the range of $350 total
Expendable income and a sacred duty to right the wrong that was no Frolaytia doujins.
I haven't seen that show but she seems like used goods.
will this be endgame
I'm making a triple Stiyl team and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>Mikoto (1 star)
>Misaka Imouto (2 stars)
>Last Order (1 star), Last Order (2 stars)
Why does Mikoto looks way manlier than Accel?
You know why. He could never compare to Kakine in physique, soon Kakine shall surpass him in power as well
>Why does a brute look manlier than a cute girl
Boy, what did I tell you about stupid questions?
Mikoot IS the cute girl though
Only if Mikoto joins the Misaka Network and gets indoctrinated. Will would not counts it as cheating if Mikoto becomes one with her.
>no + glitter
>no stars
>no glitter or star cleavage
>puts fucking flowers
Normies can't into Misaki
I feel like in that image, Misaka is far more suited for stars in her black dress with blue linings because Nuit and MisaMisa.
It's never happening
I wonder how much actual overlap is there between Vtubers fans and Raildex fans. The one girl that didn't know jack shit about the series is getting a lot of replies by people trying to drag her into the Raildex swamp now, it's funny.
NT Anime soon
Did anyone save the stream where the VAs played the game?
And yet only normalfags like her. Ironic.
Normalfags are too busy worshipping babby's first waifu, Mikoto.
I love mikoto and like all of her clones
>Shokugeki and Railgun in fall
They start plasying at 34:28.
And here's more game footage from today's stream, already timed at when they start actually playing.
which one of the two will get JC staff'd?
Dude I haven’t kept up with the novels, Yuiitsu is dead? Damn
Shokugeki has been getting fucked since S2. So both.
And Aleister is now roommates with Lola after giving AC to Accel
Shokugeki is literally dead so it'll be Bloodivores level
Yuiitsu's fate was never confirmed. Knowing Kamachi that means she's still alive.
Thats bullshit
But I believe it
Yeah but that based guy who talked shit to Aleister got vaporized a few hundred pages beforehand, maybe she's better off dead considering Noukan is over her
>Shokugeki got another season despite the fans abandoning the manga in rage
>mentioning mikoto out of the blue
Classical misakitoddler.
And a sequel manga
>sequel manga
I thought it’s just getting three long monthly chapters to wrap shit up like NuraMago
Considering nearly every moment Misaki is on screen these days its with Mikoto it's not that surprising
Yeah, it's not suprising. Predictable even.
The longer you let Misaki live rent free in your head, the longer you'll get predictable replies against your waifu. It's pretty simple.
I can't even tell which of you is baiting the other here
I really want to know how she'd get away alive from Kamisato's psychotic not to mention Kihara memed harem.
Are these the B lister v tubers or something? I would have expected popular vtubers to be a bit cuter, as is they seem a bit too screechy.
The only Vtuber I know is Kizuna Ai, who can be a bit shrill at times but seems like a professional quality VA. She can't play video games worth a damn from what I've seen. Is there any game she's actually good at? She was playing Newcomer mode for Mega Man 11 and died so many fucking times throughout a single stage. Granted, it was Bounce Man, whose stage is a pain if you're used to Mega Man, but still.
I wanna see Abe and Sugita talk about dumb shit together.
Shokugeki and Railgun 3 in the same season? That sounds like a recipe for disaster and a particularly Dark Matter
Chinese MMO OP VER.3
There was a version 2? Hell, this thing is still alive?
Will Mikotofags and Misakifags finally make peace when the two kiss passionately on screen?
To all those guys who were bitching about the IF OP, this is what an actual mediocre and cheap looking OP looks like, not the IF one. There's less animation in this than the average MAD
>Uncensored Itsuwa
More or less. They're fairly well known if you're into Vtubers in general so it's not like they're literal whos, but they aren't the most famous ones (in Japan). Only the white haired fox girl Tsuchimikadofag (Shirakami Fubuki) is actually popular in general. The Hololive Vtubers are all really popular on Bilibili though, Fubuki is second only behind Ai on there, so maybe Squenix went for a 2-in-1 deal by reaching China with minimal effort.
Also Aqua (purple haired one) is actually caught up with all the Raildex novels so that's an easy choice.
>chinks have to make a goddamn MAD because JC still hasn't delivered their OP almost a year later
This is getting sad.
Did JC ever say they were going to make an OP for the MMO? It's not even coming to Japan, why bother?
As I recall the original plan was that the switch to the new Fripside song would also come with an OP animated by JC Staff. But the devs already said something about not wanting to get in the way of Index 3 production back then, so it might have been quietly (or I just didn't hear) cancelled once they realized how fucked they were with S3 alone.
>the original plan was that the switch to the new Fripside song would also come with an OP animated by JC Staff.
Was this actually said though or just rumored? Because this is the first I'm hearing of it, I only remember anons wishfully thinking they'll get one.
I'm tired of the effects in Kurosaki's songs. Sometimes you can't even tell what she's singing because her voice is so muffled. What the fuck is she doing?
Magic World wasn't this bad, even if its Engrish was no less horrendous.
>Takes 45 mins to even play the OP and 50 mins to even show anything not already shown elsewhere
I'm so fucking glad I decided not to wake up at 4 AM for this shit
My only source is vague memories of things the devs said translated by other people, but I'm pretty sure they did mention at least requesting an OP from JC, and also the "not wanting to get in the way of Index 3 production" part. Could also be that they just thought about and decided against it in the end.
Wait, what? Shokugeki is still going on? I figured they gave up on the anime especially now that the manga is bleeding the fuck out
Looking over the pulls that were shown it does at least seem like the chance of getting 3 star characters is pretty decent even if it seems to be rather weighted to assists. Pretty much all of them had 2 or so.
The guy offscreen said that getting two 3-stars in a single roll was pretty shocking.
Fair enough, but it does still seem to be better than most gacha from what I can tell of these few rolls. Better than the usual 3% anyways
has SE announced an NA release date yet?
Why is the manga so bad? This is the only good panel
Who needs one? Just have an english language options like Granblue
angels were made for breeding
Unless you're FF or SINoAlice you're not getting anything in English.
I literally just listed an example besides those two though. Neither of those are FGO or FEH either, isn't that Shin Megami one in english too? And the rest of the shit cygames has?
We're talking about Square Enix not Cygames, doofus.
So you yourself listed two games by square that have english translations and are then bold enough to claim that it will never happen for anything else that they own? I'm not sure that's any better.
Two exceptions carried by global appeal. There are more SE mobile games without English support than with. So yeah, good luck with that.
Considering I've never even heard of the latter, global appeal must be pretty cheap.
>doesn't know about Taro
That rock you live under must be quite comfortable.
Probably tv broadcast version.
disgusting barbarian. Tokiwadai girls are for marriage courting
The fuck is taro doing wasting his time on mobile games
< - This page too.
>you will never be a butler hired by the school to instruct the ladies on court etiquette and one day get asked how they should seduce strapping young men
Toaru Majutsu no Index MMO
(Massive Multiplayer Action Role-playing Video Game) OP -Version 3:
Song by fripSide: Adverse Wind
That is how HC really looks like. He is just messing with other people's head so they'll he him differently.
>fripSide: Adverse Wind
Chink pay alot of money than Game IF
What if a proper Index game? Not this mobage shit, but an actual good game.
NT I in 2020
Astral Buddy I in 2021
Railgun IV in 2021
Accelerator II in 2022
NT II in 2022
Astral Buddy II in 2023
Railgun V in 2023
Accelerator III in 2024
NT III in 2024
Astral Buddy III in 2025
Railgun VI in 2025
Accelerator IV in 2026
NT IV in 2026
Astral Buddy IV in 2027
Railgun VII in 2027
Accelerator V in 2028
NT V in 2028
Ideally, what they should do is have Railgun III be 1-cour, with the Dream Ranker route, and then have a 1-cour Astral Buddy adaptation. Because Astral Buddy and Railgun's Dream Ranker route are supposed to happen roughly simultaneously.
You mean Railgun IV because Railgun III come out this year and it the Daihaseisai Arc and most likely some kind of Filler.
there's already a ps4 game and it flopped so hard it was pulled from stores
Quite clever targeting youth/student restaurant for promo tour
Accelerator is only a compelling main character due to his character development, and since his character is basically frozen in place in his own series, he's honestly a pretty shit protagonist.
>his character development
NCND Miki owned resto?
Reminder that Kamikoto is true endgame
How about a proper Index fighting game? Though it might be a problem if the main character only has one special move.
Read the LN
Will this anime be good?
>Chinks get Index MMO
>Japs get IF
W-What about the West?
No it was a fucking catastrophe, there aren't even nipples despite showing TWO anime original bathing scenes.
I kept asking that as well, except for an actual good anime instead.
I meant the upcoming accelerator anime. Even though it's the same studio, the staff is different. They got the Clockwork Planet and Shiki writer, what could go wrong?
Beat your meat to all the soba doujins in a row simulator.
I've read the books. Accel has jackshit development past OT5.
I told your faggots but you didn't believe me.
Next is Index being (finally) shafted and Takitsubou being cucked (again).
>Read the novels
>Says that Accel has no development past OT 5
Is accel anime going to be edgy as fuck or am I going to be disappointed?
No, that's just plain shit. If is mediocre but not total shit.
Speaking of chinese shit, this one is from a chinese game.
>An awful gang of middle schoolers gangraped their teacher for years.
>MC gets the STD ridden sloppy seconds.
My sides.
>open world index game where you play as touma
>massively detailed and interactive Academy City with shops restaurants transportation and distinct districts
>Story quests appear on AC map as dots
>on your way to a story quest you get harassed by skill outs and you beat them brawler style
so much potential. heck, Give it to the Yakuza team or KoeiTecmo team that did the Hakuto no Ken game. this way we'll get the best adaptation of OT+NT.
He's kinda right though. Acquiring taste for loli cunny and not viewing himself as a villain which was never any important anyway is not what I'd call good character development. Accelerator's development is by far the most overrated thing about Raildex.
There's a massive difference between having no character development and no "good" character development.
One is a fact and one is an opinion.
It's simply not deep enough for more than 40 volumes is what I was saying.
What do you call good character development? When male characters start literally fucking each others dicks?
Astral and Railgun spoilers when?
And I'm saying you totally missed the point. That's your opinion, not a fact.
He was claiming an incorrect fact "there isn't". It has nothing to do about the quality. It's cold fact about whether it exists or not regardless of the quality.
You however expressed your opinion : "It's not good enough". That's your opinion and that doesn't affect in anyway the fact that the character developed. Those are two totally different subjects.
That's just semantics.
I stopped reading at "He's kinda right though."
> that doesn't affect in anyway the fact that the character developed
At least half of Raildex has developed. What makes Accel special?
I will never not be pissed at watching ROAR. It pisses me off cause the visuals are so fucking good, we could've had that for the actual show. I can only imagine what the rest of the fights would look like in that orgasmic Sakuga, and only Accelerator vs Kakine (before black wings) and the last episode come anywhere close to that. I mean, I actually think Accelerator vs Kakine was rushed as well, they leave out the fact that the battle was super highspeed, that the fight was supposed to look equal. Plus, the additional time on Black vs White leads me to believe that it was actually much longer
When did anyone say that no one apart from Accel has character development?
>Accelerator's development is by far the most overrated thing about Raildex.
Quite frankly, I agree with this. People act like his redemption story is genuinely sort of unique or how much development he got makes him an amazing character.
That's a renowned head-animater with a personal team tho, no? Pretty sure he did big titles like Naruto (and not just for one ep or two) so you can't compared it to whoever handled IF/MMOshit stuff
Don't know how they hired him but big name animators that make sure their all their work is eye-candy shouldn't really be used for reference.
I also think it was rushed but it still is the best fight in the anime. Maybe Worst vs Accel was close but that's about it. The thing about Accelerator vs Kakine is the fight was more or less just as short in the LN as well, both figured each others gimmick/hax out and Accel was the one to adapt faster and that was all.
Now obviously most anime adaptions would add couple of filler stuff to such iconic fight sure (especially the aerial combat that even the novel hyped up), but JC staff were fucked as is so they did the bare minimum without any real passion, hence we got an average fight with slight sprinkles of awesome (pebble clash, flight , voice acting)
The purple aura completely ruins the Accelerator vs Kakine fight for me.
Longer NTR summary when?
>Accelerator is only a compelling main character
Bin yourself edgy boy.
Kurosaki Maon “ROAR” MV [1024x576px Hi10bit x264 AAC]
Toaru Majutsu no Index III OP2 RAW "ROAR" [No Credit text]
if anyone here has cool Aegisub karaoke effect subtitle please share here, I will make some hardsub video later
Manga are slower than Kamachi LNs, there's no way Astral buddy will be right behind NT like that. Unless Kamachi starts writing Astral Buddy LNs.
Short as it was, the battle was a lot more faster, destructive, and larger in scale. Remember, the entire fight was more of a summary than a full on fight scene. Nishikiori being uninspired to go beyond killed the potential of mayhem between two of the strongest
>Be Kamachi
>Create a great character that has special connections with evil, salvation, heroism, religion, angles, demons, new World, old World and power
>Utilize said character to create a story that allows the series to reach bestseller in 2009-2010
>Bring back character but give him no ample dialouge, off-panel his fights, share nothing about his decision to help the MC.
>Make Fiamma not appear in NT10 despite having more to do with Othinus than literal no names that get entire chapters like Agnese
>Bring character back again but only to powerscale and hype another char
>Forget HR and it's symbolic value and similarity to IB
> Focus on Dengki Bunkos' popularity polls fapbaits instead of coming up with a new way to introduce the infinite potential that is Fiamma.
>Guy who was literally born to save the world with angelic powers isn't there when a demon is threatening to end it
Is this not the hackiest Kamachi will ever be anons...?
>implying Fiamma wouldn't shit his pants if he had to fight Touma again
Honestly the only real problem was sitting out the crowley arc despite that being literally why Olly saved him. But who knows maybe now that IT is actually out he will come back.
Amazing contribution to the discussion, MP.
Mind your tounge speed-reader, Fiamma was merely cautious knowing the extremely demonic residence within such young boy's arm. Had his power grown organically, and dirty backstabbing cockroaches like Acqua and pope not forced him to rush ceremonies/Interfere connections with Gabriel, salvation would have become a reality.
It was now or never since the manga is getting axed
Lola please
Keep your wet dreams to yourself, Lola
I mean both OPs aren’t really impressive, only real difference is the artstyle, though IF uses more characters in it
The MMO is moving to other regions so you’d probably just get that
Fiamma wasnt in NT10 because he's literally the guy who stabbed othinus with a fairy spear. He knows better than anyone that its fine
Will Lola join the Hamazura brigade when she is free of Aliester?
Yeah sure, just like its been "totally on the way" for the past year right.
>everyone I don't like is MP
Why are accelfags so pathetic?
Is that so? Nice.
Technically, that wasn't wrong though, since it does have a SEA server(with some pretty bad english), a TW/HK server I ain't wrong with saying that since its by netease and they like to spread their shit if it did well enough on its first year. It probably is your best bet right now unless you wanna play that shitty dengeki turn based one
When will purple show this to Touman?
She's busy
You mean the one coming next month? It looks a lot better than the chink MMO so obviously its a better bet.
That's not how that works at all.
>Dengeki turn based one
I'm referring to exactly what I said, not IF.
That being said, I'd say MMO has better models but thats besides the point, IF is too new to get any other region releases. So your best bet is MMO or the Dengeki Bunko game
IF is associated with dengeki and is turn based, your fault for being vague not mine
It's really your fault for not knowing about the literal Dengeki game, logically speaking every game that uses a Dengeki IP is associated with Dengeki, and that even includes the Chinese MMO. But none of them is the literal Dengeki Bunko games except for you know, the literal Dengeki Bunko Game
>At least half of Raildex has developed.
Sure pal.
I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about being too vague to be properly understood
was she delusional?
Probably because you didn't even bother to google it before assuming I was talking shit about a game that wasn't even released.
Its almost like theres only been two games mentioned on the threads, you mentioned two games, and gave literally no description of the game but "its turn based". You could just admit you fucked up you know?
>Thought she could beat Kakine
But user, how will his honor recover on an anonymous forum if he calmly admits to a mistake instead of desperately fighting to be in the right?
The ironic thing is that you could literally google Dengeki turn based game and it'd tell you exactly what I was referring to. Literally nobody calls any Index game the "dengeki" games
>calling a game by what it is properly is a mistake
>still no soba doujin where she steals Touma from Kanzaki and Misaki
>no prominent doujin at all.
Accelerator, despite having a neural network comprising of tens of thousands of clones at his fingertips, has mental capacity to think about riveting questions such as "is this good or evil". Index is your typical power level wank shounengarbage equivalent to capeshit.
that only puts it up against index s1
>dude being able to do calculations means you have perfect logical capacity dude
You really shouldn’t be making fun of anything
Well, she wasn't good but also not terrible.
Its not ironic at all though. You were too vague and left your statement at a point were it needed to be researched to see what the hell you were talking about. Thats your fault not mine. I can either assume you're talking about some other game no one has ever mentioned or given a shit about or that you've made up a new name for the one people talk about. You want to know what its called when theres multiple interpretations and your statement doesnt give enough information to properly identify your subject? I'll give you a hint, it starts with a v. Seriously bud, are you going to die if you admit you're not the best communicator?
Can Mikoto do this?
This is a whole lot of shit that really just boils down to
>Sorry mate, I assumed you were talking about a different game by a different name
>advertising Hishigata before the Scavengers
They're not very popular outside these threads, are they?
The only thing I'm sorry about is that user somehow thinks its my fault he cant express himself clearly
Well considering that you're still talking about it doesn't really make you any better at all.
Scavenger only got popular because one of them is a trap and Naru raped it
Not particularly, but they're also not the main villain
Popular or not hishigata is the arc villain so it makes some sense. Its like how Fiamma got on the ww3 visual over popular characters like worst or mikoto
People who refuse to own up to their own mistakes just annoy me, it being such a minor mistake just makes it worse.
Time to see pissing in a Raildex anime.
You should talk, you entire life is a mistake and you still haven't owned up to it. You make me sick.
Just wait for the Roberto scandal filler in NT s1
>when all of Leader's lewds will just be about pissing
What is new gonna Touma be like?
>first is a moralfag
>second is a degenerate
A battle maniac?
Shota, thats what the Rebirth/Reverse is alluding to
Please no, shota is even worse than NTR
we need lo x accel doujins.
Thats just a Railgun but sillier so yes This can only be intentional.
This is why touma is the worst char in this series...never losing indeed makes one shittier.
Ah shit here we go again
>Touma never loses
Looking for this? (You)
Worst place in the world---Raildex country.
If you wanted some drugs all (You) had to do was ask.
No, they definitely should be used for reference when it comes to what's really "good".
Kabaneri Op is also great.
All FGO OP/CM range from good to breathtaking.
Moreover, Yamashita and his webgen friends are not as much of a celebrity as you think. They're nowhere near as well known or expensive/hard to contact as guys like Inoue or Okiura in that circle.
Yamashita is pretty much a very accessible freelancer. He worked for Pierrot, Tatsunoko, BONES and A1 at the top of my mind. Probably more.
New Touma will be into guys.
>[Last Order disliked that]
If it's thor than it's fine
JCSTAFF To Aru Majutsu no Index III MV for “ROAR” [1024x576px Hi10 x264 AAC]
>Bonus BDBox content
I was going to say that it was shit but that one frame of Lola leg made the whole thing worth it.
Do you have the rest of the OST?
>he's still at it
Just buy the BDs if you care that much
Accel gets a single cour, but Railgun had to be ruined with filler. Fuck everything.
Sorry, you were so whiny about it the uploader didn't want to upload it anymore.
Get a job
There isn't enough for more than a cour retard
Thats literally his point retard
Why are you letting OSTfag live rent free in your heads like this?
>not wanting to hear that track when Fiamma took IT
JC Staff shills in full force today
I can though, because I bought the BDs
The OST is already out on Animebytes.
Wouldnt a JC staff shill do the opposite and do their best to promote the material and say its great
your post makes no sense
If anything the shill is the one constantly yelling about the OST. Not the people telling him to shut his gob.
I will share
Once they release all 8 BD Boxes
>Still no one doing subs for Index-tan 7?
>Still no one doing subs for Index-tan 7?
Sad, very sad indeed
Speaking of BDs anything on if Accel's BDs will have a LN?
We'll know in a month
Nice. Kamikami endgame soon.
Kakine will appear in NTR:22 somehow, but it will be a small start. From this volume on, he will gain power surpassing Accelerator, eventually usurping God by not merely touching, but taking God's territory. I can't wait to see this crazy volume unfold.
He won't appear. Maybe in part 3 but definitely not in NTR22.
He will never surpass Accelerator, so get over it.
Fucking thor isnt gay though