Another great episode of animation.
The week off really helped.
It's time to apologize to JC Staff, Yea Forums.
Another great episode of animation.
The week off really helped.
It's time to apologize to JC Staff, Yea Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
Let me guess. He should not have cooked that monster gummball, hu? What a retard.
That's the joke, it's supposed to be eaten raw and not cooked. He tried to be sophisticated and ate it cooked with red wine so he ended up shitting himself.
Since he lost weight, he got faster and he thinks it improved him.
Oh boy more J.C. Shit shilling on 4channel. keep sucking their dicks nigger. and tell us all how it taste why don't you.
Comparing to Madhouse is just not fair. It looks fine, but it also looks shit if you compare it to s1
it looks like shit compared to your average anime
>JC Staff gets motivated and puts in greater effort for a fan favorite character scene
Color me surprised, this also happened with Index 3
Most if not all of the Mikoto scenes were well done
Imagine taking the bait so hard. Go back
Post an average anime's fight scene.
Srry, JC Staff.
but there's always a scene like this in every episode
>Sonic will assassinate you
Why even live?
Dicks taste mostly like sweat until you suck enough. Precum tastes salty.
So is this ghosting just how anime will be in the future now?
I want to assassinate his fucking balls.
1 dude at jc staff, yeah
I stan this cock and ball torture icon
Go back where? he's in reddit already
Would you?
Yes, but he has to wear a condom.
>wearing condoms
It has nothing to do with the anime rushing. It has to do with ONE adding the fucking retarded tournament that served no purpose.
>adding the fucking retarded tournament that served no purpose.
It was to get saitama away from all of the powerful monsters for a while obviously.
Why doesn't King work with child emperor or Dr.kuseno to make a mech he can pilot with a video game controller to actually make him a powerful hero?
anything in the web comic for that?
Could've done the same thing with Saitama and King already hanging out. With Genos stepping outside because it was noisy and encountering the same battles. Saitama and King will have the same philosophical discussion and then ending with the infinite combo. Then they both head out because Genos has been gone for a while and then head over to where Elder Centipede is at.
The directing is so horrible in S2. I could probably stand the characters going slightly off-model if he could properly build up a scene instead of lazily lifting pages from the manga. The Gouketsu defeat was wasted in the anime.
isn't it exactly how it was in the manga? We really didn't need to see the fight.
bad writing
I've been saying it since episode one but season 2 is still better animated than your average Anime even if it completely pales in comparison to season 1. The direction and the fact that most of this season is filler is the real problem.
hang on I'm trying to fix the issue.
>The direction and the fact that most of this season is filler is the real problem
As usual, it's ONE's dogshit filler that's the issue.
If the director had to adapt 6-7 volumes instead of 9, it'll have the same pacing as S1.
The sequence works well in manga but felt pretty rushed and abrupt in the anime.
>thinking ONE is going to change Two Joke Man back to One Joke Man
Unironically the best part of the episode.
armoured gorilla + zombieman = good scene
Where are the screenshots of Sonic's ass and bulge?
why would you know this
Not him but I can autofellatio
cause he sucked a dick, presumably
that's a HAPPY looking tats
we've never seen her smile from pure happiness once, only sadistic/smug grins
it's kinda sad
Does OPM ever pick back up? It's fucking boring now, don't really like it. I liked seeing Saitama fuck shit up in one punch but now he's too lazy to even do that.
>It's time to apologize to JC Staff, Yea Forums.
nope. it's still mass produced garbo where the creative directors STILL don't understand the source material. having one-off "good" animation doesn't automatically mean everything else they did (didn't do, rather) suddenly becomes better.
>served no purpose.
>arbitrarily choosing what "purpose" is
>can be equally attributed "purpose" as any excuse you come up with
please change your outlook.
The purpose was that JC staff wouldn't ruin the original webcomic story.
>literally not understanding the point of King
k. if you don't mind me asking, why are you reading this series? I mean, what do you want to get out of it?
imagine being a genuine skilled creative working on the project getting your ambition and your vision crushed by the fucking retard directing this trash
Not true.
Thanos vs Saitama memes
that was a mere deception though
unironically praising 17 secs of bang-average animation when the rest of the episode looks like shit
No, it was genuine. Afterwards she even says sorry.
Why don't you faggot back up what you claim in every thread?
ok so Saitama might lose if he's put into the Marvel Universe, Thanos loses if he's put into the OPM universe. competition over. back on topic, if people don't understand what the very fundamental point of King is by suggesting he does something that makes him viable, what do they expect to get out of this series? I feel like there are a bunch of people here who seem to miss the point of the satire in this series.
your average anime is about cute girls doing cute things
There's a lot more Saitama content near the end (and after) the Monster Association arc if you read the webcomic.
>It looks fine
no it fucking doesn't
it looks like shit
all the animation quality and perfect colouring in the world wouldn't fix the direction issues
>Saitama might lose if he's put into the Marvel Universe,
Err no. Saitama would win. What's the point of Saitama if he loses all his power as soon as he's put in a different universe? He's still all powerful
No, it doesn't. Leave this thread.
if you're too retarded to see it's objectively cheap, average schlock, that's on you.
They actually would but stay in denial and sperg more about direction issues reeeeeeeeeee.
>doesn't have anything to back up
As expected from a mob fag.
Nobody is going to believe he needs that shit
sure thing, JUST staff shill
>ONE makes 5 chapters of Saitama fucking himself in the ass with a dragon dildo
>'wow, who are you to say this chapter isn't crucial to the integrity of the story?"
don't be childish. if you don't understand the slippery slope fallacy there, don't bother to respond.
dragon dildo has dragon+ tier durability
because king is the strongest being on earth retard
Everybody aready agreed that tournament is filler.
>doesn't deny
When are you fucking off from these threads?
Dragon dildo is clearly a God tier threat. Nobody can resist the charge of a 12-inch purple dragon dildo with its complementary cum-pump. Read the manga.
He was intelligent enough to think that a piece of raw meat needed to be cooked before eating which is common sense actually.
Wow. Sorry that I waited for JC Staff to fully bring the dragon dildo arc to life, you elitist.
never seen nor read mob, fuck off
it's the same cheap ghosting technique they've used all season. occasionally aoki animates something half-decent but otherwise it's all shit
Only scene animated by the guy that have made all the good scenes so far
Studio LAN will save episodes 10-12.
> nothing happens episode
> no battles
> only talk, talk
> wow what a great episode, mum
>all those autists arguing about QUALITY
i'm just happy that the manga is getting an anime adaptation,maybe i'm not retard enough to see the "shit quality".
There are at least other 2 great animator in this season but keep sperging.
coloring and sound director
>I don't think so
is it bad that I'm looking forward more to Murata's version of the Tats vs Saitama fight than I am of the Garou fight?
how would you feel about Studio LAN supporting Madhouse for Season 3?
Nice of ONE to ruin Sonic's character like that. That faggot can't write for shit.
>Sonic is one of the fastest ninjas out of his village, only behind Flash
>oh wait no, these 2 other shitters I pulled out of my ass are better than him as well
>actually, Sonic is quite fucking shit
Hope they won't hurt Sonic. She's too pure.
>got hit because didn't expect 2 of them
>still, fighting well against the two faggots
>faggots ask your help because they are too weak
>decide to take the monster cell to take on Saitama and who careas about those faggots
Continue false flagging flashfag.
No because Garou is a manchild that is fighting for a stupid reason.
The worst part about it is that Sonic just cooks the shit for more power when hardwork and motherfucking dedication was his entire character in order to beat Saitama. The joke would've actually made sense if he tuned them out and only ate the monster cell because he was hungry but fuck pride and humanity, amirite?
Same, little shit need a good spank unlike Garu
Sonic was faster than them
until they ate the monster cells
No because the fanservice and romantic undertones will be increased tenfold. Also imagine all of the doujins that'll be made once S4 gets animated.
That is why it failed.
Not really beforehand they handed his ass until Murata redrew the fight to make it look like sonic had a decent chance.
But you are right. Undermines his character. He was never into shortcuts.
I see you have no argument to substantiate your claim. Cope and kneel.
Because Murata doesn't know shit about power levels and draws randomly out of his ass. ONE corrects him afterwards.
you're talking as though any of that is a bad thing
Not really a power level thing just didn't want sonic to look pathetic after so many failures.
Saitama was actually grabbing her ass.
No I am too
So you have no arguments, good to know.
>maybe I'm an easily-pleased retard that slurps up whatever shit is fed to me as long as the spoon holding it is silver
or maybe i'm not autistic enough to carry about animation quality of CHILDREN CARTOONS.
>n-no I'm too SMART to be critical
Fucking retard.
i didn't say i'm too smart,just not childish enough to be a anime's critic. are you having a stroke user?
>criticizing something is being childish
That's an easy way to get out of ever having to deal with criticism, user. It would almost be smart if it wasn't so fucking stupid.
Only reason I clicked this thread
no homo
Even the animeonlies should know that it instantly failed but that's not the point. The point is that ONE fucked up once again by ruining Sonic's character and the joke by playing it completely straight.
After that Orochi jobfest, I wonder how butchered the MA arc is going to be.
Why aren't the ladies freaking out? Do they not know who Abe is?
>unsatisfaction = childish
How many kids does that guy have?
Abe is childless
because the whole point of his character is that no-one knows he isnt strong
he just lucks out every time and wins anyway
you are unhappy with animation quality from a kiddie cartoon,user.
if you don't think that is weird and stupid,then you are hopeless.
But King is already very powerful?
Why the fuck does Tatsumaki give me a boner every single time I look at her? This has never happened with any girl before, real or not. My gf says I should have a checkup but I'm too embarrassed to go. What should I do?
>i only watch anime for the fight scenes
>i only watch OPM for the fight scenes
>a-anime is animated s-so that means it's a cartoon for kids!
Don't touch me you fucking filthy casual.
This season feels fillerish, almost Naruto tier filler.
Yes, i am unhappy with the quality of a product i am consuming. I dont see a problem, and if you do then youre hopeless.
WatchDogMan vs Garou
Saitama vs Garou
Armorer Gorilla vs Martial Gorilla
Effortless BTFO all around.
The weak should fear the strong - the episode.
none, his wife is barren
Nothing you can do user. It happens to all of us
He has 127 million children and he wants them all to live happy and prosperous lives, blessed with multiple children of their own.
1. Flash
10. Transformed Ninjas
100. Ninjas
9001. Sonic
>He was intelligent enough to think that a piece of raw meat needed to be cooked before eating which is common sense actually.
Look at this uncultured pleb. Everyone knows a monster cell is best when it's rare. When you cook it well done, it loses all of its flavor and monster transformation properties
Is it possible that jc staff is putting the outlines of the characters as the "base" layer, instead of the top layer, and thus some lines appear to be smeared?
>you're unhappy with the quality of a product you're consuming h-haha you're so weird
Shut the fuck up, dog. Kneel before me.
you didn't even pay for it,scum. you are watching it for FREE.
What part of my post implied I don't love this ship? Even ONE obviously ships them the hardest especially after that acquaintance comment.
If we could have a Solo Leveling anime or OPM season 2 redone by the s1 team. Which would you choose?
>b-but it's free so you CAN'T BE UNSATISFIED WITH IT
You are a literal sheep. Get back to your kennel, dog. Your master has no time to waste on your sub-intellectual meanderings.
Nobody cares about solo leveing faggot.
Why a solo leveling anime?
t. friendless NEET
I can't believe monsters are white supremacists now.
they produced it knowing people would watch it for free (like on tv). they still make money from it.
What does the japanese audience think of season 2?
Nothing is free but they're still getting paid for it regardless.
Read the manga/webcomic.
what the fuck is a solo leveling anime
When are they marrying?
Her and the hotdog monster? I don't think it will work out.
solo leveling is a korean isekai manga with an overpowered character, like Saitama, that Yea Forums likes.
Lets assume i didnt. Why in the world would i not be able to complain about it? Youre clearly deluded into licking corporate boots its not even funny.
oh I thought it was just another genre i never heard about
Don't fake foolishness user.
>posting a shit quality version
My man
based and redditpilled
If Yea Forums likes it then its no good.
>posting a shittier version full of artifacts at that
>literally being this uneducated
I feel bad for you, man.
Seems that Aoki is thanking Nihara(another animator) for animating Sonic(and his juicy ass).
The monster cells are just catalysts, you have to be willing to become a monster for it to work.
Sonic only wants to be able to defeat Saitama, you can see how unwilling he is, to they point that he wouldn't even eat it raw, so to him the cells become just like when Saitama or Garou eat monster meat.
>living cell
>obviously pulsating like a heart
>it must be swallowed so that it can integrate with the host body
>lol let me cook it, that will surely not alter its effects
He's fucking retarded.
Yes, because Garou's fight with Saitama drawn by Murata is guaranteed to be a masterpiece leagues above that shit.
I still won't forgive J.C for ruining watchdogman
EVER !!!!!
None of that obvious, Orochi.
Not how it works, if it was like this then force-feeding someone a monster cell would turn them into monsters.
Monster cells only accelerate what is already there, Sonic doesn't want to become a monster.
>Shit beating like a heart
>Probably thinks its alive so he cooks it
I wouldn't eat that shit either raw or fried but that does make sense. Now if only he didn't know about the contents of the monster cells, his character would've have been completely tarnished in one, single chapter.
>Another great episode of animation
Exactly and it gets even worse because even though Suiryu was acting like a punk bitch during his pointless beatdown he never even considered eating that nasty shit, which would've given him an easy win with some healing on the side. But here comes Sonic rejecting his pride before he even made an attempt at using his full power.
I can't believe this is the same guy who wrote the Sea King arc.
I love that Saitama vs Garou happens at night time right before dawn.
It's gonna be KINO as fuck in the manga.
> it’s shit because Sonic’s personality isn’t what I tought it was
Suiryu being how he is litterally shows that nothing changed compared to the DSK arc.
That looks like shit. Barely any actual animations, just freeze frames cobbled together in a smart way.
The animator has a twitter, you can go tell him it sucked ass.
>Most if not all of the Mikoto scenes were well done
Her scenes we about as good as the other scenes, no need to wank her. About the only leg up she has was the helicopter scene, and they cut the Russian base scene entirely
Then by all means user share this ultimate picture with us
You beat me to it. This is like a different show. Not that the first season blew my mind, but this season has been fucking boring as shit. Only find myself watching it because of muh investment.
I think you might be missing the point, user.
Better off reading the manga as the anime fails on being its own and adapting anything from their. It has has slow moments but better executed then this.
Agreed. I can barely bring myself to read the manga now though because of how shitty a taste this has left in my mouth.
Every episode has about 20 seconds of sakuga at least but I will never understand poorly done shots like this. Are they really that incompetent at tracing anything that's not Garou's rock hard body?
In the end sonic wascthe smartest because he ended up living after the end of the arc, even if it was a dumb coincidence
What happens to Suiryu after this?
nothing aside from fingerbang nurses up until the current point in the story webcomic/manga-wise. Hopeful he eventually heals up and joins the hero associationor nu-hero association
That bad huh? Well I'm reading both the manga and webcomic and that's the only reason I'm not too angry about it. I expected it to be average or below mediocre to bad. Plus I already had to series adapted poorly which was Karakuri and Goblin slayer so I'm used to it sort of. In more on how the committee just gave it up with no care to a studio who has too much work on their hands. Deen should have been chosen if this was the case.
I know the director is a newbie but you would think he would know something after being animation director for many projects.
Nothing. He doesn't appear.
So far nothing yet as the story is going back to the MA raid and webcomic material plus new stuff. As the other user said well possibly see him after the whole MA vs HA war and in the webcomic.
>He likes shit writing and speedreads a manga for teens
I somewhat respect Suiryu for that but you just contradicted the shit outta yourself with that statement. Also Suiryu is no where near the likes of Snek and Max let alone Licenseless Rider because they only fight to protect, not beg and bitch for protection.
It's so boring to see the same repetitive and washed out complains about the anime quality every week. Can't wait for S2 to end so you fucking babies forget about it and end the obsession.
He'll become and ugmon after losing his teeth.
OPM is basically Jojo 2.0 at this point where everyone heals up too fast. Where's the hero who becomes a healer after pushing his/her limits as a doctor?
A friend of mine was into Goblin Slayer a while back but he hasn't mentioned it since to me now lmao
Well S class heros are superhuman so its reasonable that they heal fast. People like mumen rider and sting are shown to be fucked up for a while after they get beaten up.
>Plus I already had to series adapted poorly which was Karakuri
The last episode I saw was pretty great. Was everything else that bad?
Goblin slayer started off good but just tanked in quality after the first few episodes, really sad.
Read the webcomic.
Did you even read the manga or watch the anime?
Suiryu didn't eat the monster cell out of sheer arrogance. He blatantly states so himself, he doesn't want to eat it because he doesn't want to look like, well, a monster. Plus, until Gouketsu effortlessly ragdolls him, he firmly believes that he is stronger than any of the monsters.
Sonic's actions also make sense. After being so easily humiliated by Saitama he is single mindedly obsessed with surpassing him while being aware that there is a gigantic gap in power. He even explicitly says that he can't see himself surpassing Saitama just by honing his skills.
None of this is even remotely conveyed in subtext or up to interpretation, it's blatantly stated.
The problem isn't ONE's writing, it's you being either too dumb to see the obvious, or willfully ignorant because reality doesn't match your headcanon.
Goku could destroy planets and he was still out of commission for 6 months after his fight with Vegeta. And the entirety of OPM up into the current chapter of the webcomic has only been 3 months.
The anime had a few good moments but that's about it. At least it made sjw and idiots angry about the first episode. After that it went the old boring light novel adaptation route. So far shield hero anime has done it a few times while still being good.
The anime rushes through a lot of development or plot points that explained certain events just to fit the number of episodes it had. I stopped following and just continued the manga since someone is consistently translating it now along with the author's other works.
About 2 months really.
It's filler. He never shows up again.
New chapter fucking when?
3 more episodes and all of this will end. We and J.C Staff will taste true freedom.
Damn your friend is a missing out dumbass. Does he even know what manga and LNs are?
He's too strong for a mech it would just break as soon as he got in it retard
Doubt for JC staff as they have more anime next season piled up on them.
I hope JC Staff announces S3 at the end of the 12th episode.
Every arc took about a day or two thanks to Saitama so I wonder how long the in-between timeskips have been.
You now realize OPM is fucking shit? Some characters take forever to heal, putting them out of commission for ages. Some are fine after you beat the shit out of them, they lose a gallon of blood, and have their skulls cracked open after a few hours.
>J.C Staff will taste true freedom
>4 anime in next season
Not until they die or change their career paths.
In between staff were probably days or weeks within each other as well after certain events. Though its ridiculous how in 2 months they have all this crazy shit happening to them. If the association didn't exist after Saitama or blast many people wouldn't even exist.
Oh so that was the problem. I thought the animation almost had more quality then OPM but from what I've seen they handled the fight and emotional scenes pretty well.
That's pretty much its strong point along with the art being consistent for the most part though some fights are meh. So far my favorite had been the Narumi vs puppets at the hospital. Also the ost is great and I'm waiting for that to come out.
That's true but with Saitama's hero hobby they'll always be killed eventually. It makes you wonder if there's any Saitamas or Boros in other parts of the world.
OPM at least isn't shitty as Part 5. Every single scene has some type of asspull happening so I can at least be grateful for OPM only fucking its consistency up where injuries are concerned.
Boros its possible since he mentioned how his species survived their harsh planet due to their regen and adaptability. He was just the best of them. Saitama it seems only Blast is that level and Garou got close to breaking his limiter.
What the fuck, the entire Suiryu vs monsters thing up to this point looked exactly like the plot mascots use in mall performances just with added blood. How can anyone stomach this shit?
Sonic actions doesn't make sense retard. If you had watched the ova + the bonus chapter, you would know. He is always training and Saitama is supporting this behavior. Saitama even encouraged Sonic to do his best.
And after all of this, we have Sonic accepting to eat the cells.
This retarded plot, where Sonic meets with the two ninja was probably brought by Murata and ONE tried to modify it so Sonic wouldn't be affected but failed to do so.
god I want to fuck him
Sonic had cool shots even in between animation this episode.
GetRecktsu reporting for duty
I will never understand Fubuki shippers. This arc basically confirmed that Saitama and Tatsumaki will fuck eachother whether they want to or not.
I'll probably watch it then since I only saw two episodes and they both looked great.
You know I'm kinda feeling bad for most of the monsters since they're rarely even seen killing people and yet they themselves get slaughtered by heroes.
>Laughs at 40% frame rate
Garou please
but garou kill monster
So how likely is it that were getting a S3? When and who is going to make it?
Inb4 JUST satff
BONES please
Same but with Fubuki.
this isnt a good thing though. anime is getting shitter and shitter so when something average comes out we think it's good.
At least Garou kills the nasty ones
The anime will probably end on season 3. But knowing how anime studios work they almost always hire whoever animated the first season to animate the rest, no matter how good or bad they are. Like how Overlord's widespread popularity didn't get them better studios and how attack on titan didn't get worse animators for the rest of their series despite the loss in attention. Since the first season is impossible to bring back for OPM then it'll probably be JC staff for the rest.
monster are monster
Reminder that Bang would have lost against Melzalgald if he was alone.he is low dragon at best while Flashy is high dragon.
90% of anime post 2010 looks like garbage
I want Garou to be my dad.
Is this guy the MirioErifag of BnHA threads?
It started off fine though about I think episode 6-7 that's when the rushing starts. The hospital arc skipped a couple of stuff but as a condensed arc it was fine. The anime suffers the same pacing issues as OPM s2 later on with how they try to cram as much shit as they can to reach the next arc.
too late
>and how attack on titan didn't get worse animators for the rest of their series
WIT just dropped Attack on Titan, so a different studio is going to do the last season
>implying there will be a last season
Attack on titan was booked for 2 more seasons. Who knows if it'll get another after the popularity plummeted
No, I'm not a pedophile
ONEPUNCHBROS. I made comic of Tatsumaki drinking that Make-ya tall milk from the special chapter in an effort to grow bigger.
I'm shocked to see that there is not more art of this premise for her. :(
I will post this to the drawing thread, in hopes that a better artist with a digital pad can recreate this, which will make more people create art with this milk joke.
quit talking like a faggot, your art is rookie tier but the potential is there. Go practice
Retards coming out on shitting on the gouketsu fight even though that's how it was in the manga.
make a smol fubuki near the big tatsumaki in her imagination bubble.
You're stupidity is showing my boi. Suiryu was gonna die if he didn't eat the monster cell so he was obviously being facetious about keeping his humanity intact you fruitcake. For Sonic, if honing his skills didn't matter, how the fuck is a monster cell going to do anything if Saitama eats every monster's ass for breakfast and sometimes dinner?
There is no reason for that joke or your headcanon if his obviously prideful character is getting shit on when he didn't even become a monster in the first place.
This is the ship everyone wants, not that disgusting pedo shit that makes no sense in MHA.
The pacing isn't that bad in S2 its just that they're taking content out because of pure laziness.
I'm sorry. I come from the Bocchi threads.
good idea user, I will try.
I feel like the ninjas mentioning that becoming a monster means 0 problem and Sonic could just switched back to his human form must have helped.
Just watched it and King is based.
Saitama pity party getting stomped out.
That you for not providing a safe space for pedos here.
Its bad and worse in certain episodes. So far ep 3 got it right with 4 and 1 being somewhat decent.
That's because it is. And we're only just beginning.
I want to FUCK him but at the same time I want to BE him. Might cosplay if I stop being lazy and learn how to make a costume
>That everyone wants
Lmao fuck off with your shipping garbage
King doesn’t need any gimmicks to fight retard. He’s not Saitama.
>It's time to apologize to JC Staff, Yea Forums.
I'm sorry they are still in business
>no sonic diarrhea doujin
>He doesn't like the cute interactions and banter of Saitama and Tatsumaki
You're acting like I'm bringing up dumbshit like Nardo or NGE when I only enjoy well-written ships.
JC ruined any chance of a season 3
Who are you to judge what is and what isn't relevant and or "good" for the series?
Why does every chapter and storyline have to be focused on advancing the plot?
Why are you under the delusion that "muh plot" is the only important aspect of writing a story? How long have you had these erroneous beliefs?
hey guys, is the antisemitism really needed here?
Its moslty just them wanting the webcomic stuff of Garou to be made.
Never read the comic but the show seems fine. Last season had lots of dumb shit comparable to this tournament.
Dumb shit in what manner do you mean? Also this season is so behind fine in many aspects.
How does ONE's cum taste? How do you even type with his tiny cock in your hands?
I dunno, we had a fucking episode about Genos stealing Saitama's french fry.
Actually it's mostly jaded people who don't know what the fuck they even want.
>where's muh Saitama
>wah wah Saitama's additional manga screentime was boring
bipolar syndrome situation.
pretty sure that ova
Really nigga?
That was an Ova.
Yep that's pretty much how it's been so far not just here but even other sites.
I mean did you really want the filler tournament to be slow paced? At least the manga looked great so the shittiness of it was toned down somewhat.
Your mom is an OVA
Also just take a look at all the people unironically reading this shit and then complaining about the art.
Tournament isn't really even bad. Hell it wasn't the main focus until Suryui and Saitama. It was background to the other stuff happening at the same time which was the invasion. Also I want a steady pace not an inconsistent or super fast one this season has been doing.
>vaccine man destroyed a huge city block and killed thousands of people
>Boros and co leveled an entire city
>Kabuto said he will go on a complete rambage for an entire week
>deep sea king hunted and wanted to murder civilians
>Marugori probably killed hundreds of people with every step
okay retard.
You take that back. Sure my ma's an Ova but that's a big improvement compared to my dad and I who are nothing hut PV's.
Because you are a pedophile.
>people actually took this bait
let's see how many of you get this right:
who or what is Gouketsu and his character design based on?
I'm a pedophile too.
I like tatsumi and usually have sex with girls that look like teenagers
not sure if serious, but if so: you're just experiencing a bout of fetishism. understand that she's not real and have sex/fap more often. doing it once a week is not going to be enough. sex sure, but fap more often (like 2-3 times a week).
Gouketsu is based on Gouki and THE BEARD FROM KENGAN ASHURAAAAAAA
Looks like webm related was animated by Takagi Yuji, the guy who did the best cuts in Index III OP, did sakuga for Shippuden and more.
>Takagi Yuji
Bless this boy. Better than aoki but rarely seen.
Wish we could see more of him. His work looks the closest to what s1 looked like. Surprised he didn't catch the ghost.
Takagi and Aoki make a good team.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
melzagard was a high demon at most
he only managed to land a single hit on an S-class hero, a hit that barely scratched said hero
his only saving grace was super-OP regen
Not in the £4¢3 of this QUALITY.
Best uncle
It's the coloring that annoys me, I don't hate it otherwise
hey Yea Forums, should I attempt to ejaculate to Tatsumaki 24 times in one day?
season 1 quality
No, don't jerk off more than twice a day
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Up until now I had recognized that the quality was dogshit but lived with it and enjoyed the show anyway just because I like the world of One Punch Man. But after being made to wait an extra week and with this episode being such a massive let down with next to nothing occurring at all, I'm not living with it so well.
So what? Is he only working on 1 episode this season? So far, this is the only thing we've seen of his.
Or is he being saved up for episodes 10-12?
All the good animators are saving their stuff for the Garou vs 8 heros fight
That's not the only scene. Takagi was listed in the credits for the previous episode as well.
>nothing occurring
Blame ONE.
Wonder what he did, then. Maybe a minor scene.
>fap more often
honestly I'm just waiting for the soundtrack to release
that'll be the only decent takeaway from this whole mess
>bad end
should've went the Fubuki route Murata warned you
You know what I'm autistic enough about tho when it comes to quality? These omaha steaks!
Presumably the crows. It wasn't as eye-catching of a cut as the one with Garou and TTM, but it was a good cut nonetheless.
In a perfect world, Madhouse should have released S2 and at the same time JC should have finally released S2 of pic related
How much does something like this cost?
So everything was dogshit except for Garou basically.
>waiting for the soundtrack to release
What soundtrack? 3 new tracks? JC hacks almost exclusively have been only badly reusing the themes from first season.
garou theme really
that's all I want
There are much more tracks than just 3. Also, they aren't the first season osts but a remixed version. Almost always.
> animated ouroboros never ever
Garou's theme and S2's main theme, which is probably titled Strength or something. Both are great.
Every osts are great retards. It is the same composer, at least that.
what atrocious design
No one is saying the composer isn't great, retard.
We're just naming the standout tracks for us personally.
Maybe you, but the other user clearly implied he didn't like any other osts.
Ghosting physically hurts me.
Honestly never saw this much ghosting in an anime.
it hurts
>much more tracks than just 3
No, just 3 significant: Garou's, Metal bat's and Suiryu's. Where are the tracks for monsters? Or Tats and Fubu? And why did "the ruler" became Flash's theme now, for what reason?
I'm still trying to figure out why they used their best guys here instead the Metal Bat and Suiryu fights.
Why is more than twice a day bad?
Stop replying to tripfags you fucking subhumans
King theme first episode, Genos battle theme 1, Genos battle theme 2 (that is used many times), King flashback theme, Kuseno speech ost, Sonic speech and Fubuki walking ost, Garou's theme, Battle Genos and Sonic start and there are many others.
Just because you are deaf doesn't mean there aren't others and just because you don't hear them in a fight, doesn't mean they are less significant.
>still nowhere enough fanart of twink sonic
my disappointment - immeasurable
But what if I don't care about them being tripfags?
>shit animation
Don't worry, they are just acquaintances.
Did I say something wrong retard?
That's where all the budget went.
Mob thread is calling you fag.
Any updates on when new chapters release?
you should, newfriend
yeah, right. Unlike reddit, I can post whatever I want here
Nah, it just looks shit in general.
I really really really hope they've saved all their money and animators for the garou vs a class vs genos vs elder centipede gauntlet. It's my favourite fight in the redraw and I've been panicking they'll fuck it up since JC was announced. The budget has to have gone somewhere and it's not been on the previous 9 episodes, r-right?
user...don't be naive. I'm serious.
I believe my studio has the potential to bring your manga to life in season 3
>not understanding shippers
>proceeds to ship anyways
>in a series where the author is notorious for giving shipperfags the proverbial middle finger.
jesus christ how can you shipperfags be this deluded? tatsumaki will end up alone. same with saitama. same with fu uki and king. get over it bitch.
JC staff embezzled the money
How to make a legal loli: Stunt a human's growth by making them extremely powerful in psychic/ESP power. Trade off is extreme physical weakness unless they do physical training after their possible overall body growth has stopped as they matured.
Gentlemen, let's get to it. So how the fuck do we awaken psychic powers? Pickpocketing doesn't count ya fucking joos.
>those thighs on Tatsumaki
Golden Sperm's theme sounds so familiar. Will he appear this season?
Tatsucucks are delusional, they genuinely think Saitama will have a love interest anytime in the series
If ONE ships it then why should I disagree?
You might as well give up with this message.
>Video from last year
>"OST REAL NAME : Naruto Girei Ost lucas fader remix"
>"Look ma, I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet again, and an actual retard just gave me a (You) to call me justifying my bullshit!"
I guess if I'm going to embarrass myself replying to you, I might as well go all in with pic related.
1. Saitama
2. Ascended Garou
3. Boros
4. Golden Sperm
5. Tatsumaki
6. Orochi
7. Elder Centipede
8. Rover
9. Flashy Flash
10. Bang
>flashy flash anywhere on the top 10
nice bait
tats would win against GS
GS was weakened too. He had 10 trillion not 11 trillion cells in total
Atomicjobberfag seething
because what tripfags crave most of all is attention, and by giving them that you encourage them to continue to shit up threads with their attention whoring presence
Do we really want a s3 at this point?
If JC gives up and gives OPM back to Madhouse, yes
I wouldn't trust Madhouse fully but if it has a good staff like the last one then maybe. Otherwise after this I'm contempt with just the manga and webcomic.
>can literally cut lightning
>flashy fag can't even cut through his opponents' swords
s4 is going to be in 2026 at this rate
good to know this thread didn't devolve into Borosfags vs Garoufags powerwanking again
This is some tasty bait!
I'd decimate his boypussy with gleeful abandon.
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it had no purpose.
Keep coping.
Never write a comedy, you insipid lobotomite.
You're an NPC with no original thiughts of your own. To simply regurgitate the same stale Yea Forums opinions like a cat chucks up its own hairballs.
You've outed yourself as an impatient child. Go watch Fairy Tail; it's probably more your speed.
I called it. I fucking called it. They ruined it, what an absolute joke of an adaptation. It's like J.C. Staff murdered the series and are now just fucking it's corpse live on TV. They made Saitama's introspection, one of the most surprisingly poignant moments of characterization for him that actually made him far more interesting compared to other anime protagonists into a generic sad anime scene.
They fucking ruined it, they made what should've been an entirely quiet and personal moment for the character laughably stupid by playing generic sad piano music and then not even letting it have a moment to sit, they just have King show up IMMEDIATELY after because the pacing of this show is hot garbage.
This is the most soulless adaptation we could've gotten, I'd have gladly waited 5 more years to get even a decent one. Fuck J.C. Staff, J.C.
Mob and Tsubomi are shit tier characters that never interacted while Saitama and Tatsumaki actually have well-written interactions with one another. How much a retard could you possibly be to not see all the effort and hints he's putting in every scene they're together in?
Mob may have been utter shit and fujo trash like your gay ass but ONE has definitely changed his faggoty ways from his previous works after seeing such a shipfest of a fight.
Do it. Hopefully, you'll die of dehydration by the end.
>I've been panicking they'll fuck it up since JC was announced. The budget has to have gone somewhere and it's not been on the previous 9 episodes, r-right?
>Mob and Tsubomi are shit tier characters
What an unintelligent post, do you even have an argument-
>Fujo trash
Of course not, based retard
Imagine being butthurt that I'm funnier and smarter than that shitty writer you dickride so much.
thought i was the only one that was disappointed by that part of the ep.
>Fuck J.C. Staff, J.C.
that's a little clever
I like it
Stealing this copypasta.
They also cut off some parts of King's speech. Bravo mister director. Bravo.
? is blast
Because it was ridiculous. JC staff did a great job there.
You're about as smart as a five-year-old, and as funny as one being beaten to death with a baseball bat.
the good counterpart to "god"
ONE should still be checking on the anime. The script writer is the same as s1 so ONE is cutting dialogues.
>tfw seething too much to post properly
I wish it was copypasta, I'm genuinely mad. J.C. Staff are the worst producers of anime.
J.C. shills are retards, news at 11
bang and bomb's younger brother
>ONE should still be checking on the anime.
The producers themselves aren't checking on the anime, why else do you think this is such a rushed piece of shit season? If ONE was working on this we'd have at least 1 episode paced right, none of it has been paced well.
It is not funny to ruin a character retard. Jokes can be told even without ruining everything that came before those jokes.
based, fuck J.U.STaff
that's Saitama
My argument is those fujo cumslurping faggot threads you jack off too you androgynous mutant.
It was like that in the manga too retard. You can't solve the pace of filler.
no, saitama is an ordinary person who broke his limited
"god" is much different to that
Tell me how those part JC staff cut were vital to understand Saitama's inner feeling and King's Einstein, when the whole scene was played for a joke.
You just proved my point you insolent autist. Also you're going to choke to death on ONE's cock sooner or later but for everyone else's sake I hope it's right this instant.
*nephew*, son of their yet unnamed older brother who was even stronger than Bang and Bomb and whose strength was inherited fully by Blast
No it wasn't you absolute brainlet, it was paced far more deliberately in the manga, here it's rushed up the ass.
>muh filler
Based retard.
>muh threads
Stay in them if they're on your mind that much, braindead user.
It wasn't played for a joke in the manga, that's exactly why it's butchered in the anime. It had bits of levity but it was ultimately an introspection into Saitama's genuine feelings of emptiness, later helped by him getting something in return for opening up a bit to someone he sees as an actual friend. That was a moment of characterization for both that also made Saitama more than just a bored guy who punches things in his free time.
If you can't see how the anime butchered it, you're braindead, imagine being unable to understand a fucking manga.
A foil, he basically functions as King, except he was completely invented by HA
Saitama has no limiter to his strength, he has the power of a god.
and you think some jobber who couldn't beat EC and gives out bad advice can face up to god?
The tournament and the other additions are filler by definition so what your greentext doesn't make sense.
I think its on your mind too much you retarded crossdresser. I'll kick your stupid ass if you defend that gay shit one more time.
>muh filler
Again, the most braindead argument you can come up with. ONE is the author of the webcomic AND the manga. Every addition in the manga has been deliberately done by ONE, that's what makes them such a good team. Murata delivers the godly artwork while ONE is able to flesh out the series much further than he could've with the webcomic.
Learn the definition of filler instead of vomiting it out when you have no argument.
Why are you so obsessed with crossdressing? That's pretty gay man
it is that one user is bitching because they didn't animate his fanfiction
No it wasn't, J.C. Shill. Try harder at defending it you drone
Bless the user that shared the launch codes in the previous thread. Best OPM one i found.
epic simply epic
Yes it was played as a joke, retard. The serie never takes it self too seriously. It wouldn't make sense for Saitama to have these kind of thoughts after a fucking stupid tournament where there was nobody, when he wasn't even bothered a bit by the fact that an alien that travelled for 20 yrs around the space, searching for for a true battle, didn't even come close to the subterraneans of his dream. It was all played for us to see that there are other way for Saitama to not feel bored, but he is just too lazy. This whole thing is remarked in the last conversation with King. When King asked him to play, he refuse because he knew he would lose and was too lazy to put more effort on the game. After King gave himself a huge handicap, Saitama burst into his true feelings and gladly accepted the challenge because it seemed easier. All his talking about his emotions going dull and him being lone was a fluke as his anger came out and he was ready to play with King.
Retard, I don't you know what filler means. Just because it was wrote by the author, doesn't mean it can't be filler.
Cope bullshit for butthurt tatsu fags
>to Madhouse
only if they have the same director from s1 and his connections otherwise we will have overlord tier animation
notice how we've never seen Blast's face, nor Watchdogman's hair
the last line was even better thanks to the seiyuu though
>hurrdurr jcstaff shill
fuck off retard there are worse things to pick from this shitty adaptation and you chose to bitch because they didn't animate a nonexistent fight from the manga
You know what makes me depressed as a drawfag? I can draw ten times better than ONE (I know he can be good when he sets his mind to it) but I will never be able to make something like OPM
I loathe you faggots so much. Do you really think cockgobbling is a good hobby?
If you haven't already, draw some porn. It worked for Murata.
please draw porn
Yes, you can.
S4 will probably be out around 2031 if we are going by how long it took for S2 to get greenlit.
s2 was greenlit in 2016, after like 7-8 months from s1.
They need to genderbend sonic.
What the fuck is that face? Also is he nervous? This one is better cos he looks happy too
I do. That's not the point tho, I want to do something more with my art than just make something to jack off to...
>It worked for Murata.
I meant how long it took to for the season to start. 3 years is just too damn long.
ONE said so, ONE's word is law
>18 seconds of alright animation
>The sound design was still shit
>Ghosting up the ass
>The rest of the episode was fucking trash.
The true opposite of Saitama. Everyone always prays for blast to show up and win easily, but he doesn't. No one cares about Saitama yet he shows up anyways and wins easily.
You do you user, im just trying to grow my folder.
>I do
Post some for your boy. Also I thought Murata having his very own personal porn stash of Tatsumaki and Fubuki was common knowledge at this point.
Nothing happened though except butchered directing.
>After King gave himself a huge handicap, Saitama burst into his true feelings and gladly accepted the challenge because it seemed easier.
>burst into his true feelings and gladly accepted the challenge because it seemed easier.
Holy fucking shit, imagine being such an autist, who can't understand the most basic human psychology
and all the quality.
One of the staff had thing for Terraformers.
>used their best guys
>still looks like shit thanks to shading/colour issues
of course. I'm a little sorry to keep banging on about it but they made my boy genos look so FUCKING BAD
I'm still mad
Wasn't Terraformars a qualityfest as well?
but user, don't you like the photoshop built in metal texture
Terraformers had more of censor fest in the first season and dialogue galore even comparer to the manga. Also limited animation. S2 was even worse.
A shared hallucination
oh no no no no no
Such amount of pixelation sores my eyes.
What do the Japanese think of this adaptation?
I don't think they care that much.
Most think its an average anime and enjoy it while some do complain about it.
The average jap otaku is tamed as fuck for 99% of shit, and only go in autistic rampages for shit like Seyuu Idols getting a boyfriend.
They dont think the season is bad. In fact i doubt they actually have the brain cells necessary to realize how much lower the quality of this season is.
Best sister
Why is Sonic the weakest ninja?
He wanted to be, the joke was that he was just oblivious as hell.
Gale and Hellfire were toying with Sonic barehanded.
Just compare how they fought FF with their weapons and ninjutsu in their human form
>takes a joke manga seriously
You are the manchild
Yea Forums has hated tripfags forever. Tripfags are attention seekers and we all anonymous here. They can go to Plebbit to fight for the attention they desperately crave with all other millions of autitsts like himself.
Make "Yea Forums draws OPM S2" threads for a few decades until its done.
i haven't watched the last 4 episodes
does it get any better?
Let's be honest. It would probably work on pleddit with 1-3 director and 15 contributors.
I would fucking die if it gets sued tho'
Melzalgald one shotted the Sky King who was on par with the Sea King who was in turn high demon level. Melzalgad is solidly in the dragon territory without even factoring his regeneration.
Nah, just accept it and try to enjoy it for being opm.
Not sure if it got just very slightly better, if it was the King scenes, or if I'm just becoming numb to all the bad stuff
Durzo Blint's kino MMVs >>>> S2
No it doesn't really. You better off with just the manga.
Es que Mano e Flango me gusta garamegoooo.
This was actually the first good episode all season. The pacing wasn't laughably broken, there were minimal earrape SFX, and the animation was fine.
>Is this the one shonen (that's what OPM actually is) that is even more soiboi-er than My Cuckademia?
>Like literally every single one of the posters itt except me is an :O faced soiboi who cried when watching the new Star Wars trailer.
Can confirm
The joke is he SAID he wanted to be a monster with only one desire for revenge.
And then immediately prepares it as a nice meal with trimming and garnishes and even sauce and then even sets a table just to get the ambience right. He SAYS he wants to throw away his humanity and then immediately does the most human thing.
reject what
>if dio took Monster cells and the mask
How does ONE's cock taste?
I disliked the tournament while it was going on because of how long it took to wrap up, but in retrospect I like it in the story because it gives us more saitama action, helps introduce the MA properly, and takes the story away from Garou for just a little bit. The webcomic was waaaaay too Garou focused imo. I love Garou, but I don't need 50 straight chapters about him
yeah great animation for 2019, literally no anime this year cant beat this masterpiece in terms of animation
Yeah, we know you're blind.
No, you merely have good taste. Tatsumaki will develop a crush on Saitama because he is the first stronger person than her she ever met.
Based. They got their priorities right.
Bec his big ass is slowing him down.
>because he is the first stronger person than her she ever met.
I think Tats was genuinely just too powerful to have ANYONE be in close contact with her. That scene is pointing out that her own powers are ironically the very thing limiting her own life and possible romantic relationships. It’s honestly hard to look at it because it implies how lonely and disconnected she is with others.
except for Saitama aka her future husband
Still got hope