The only friends the male MC has are cute girls

>the only friends the male MC has are cute girls

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Congrats OP, you just discovered the Harem genre

aka every single romance anime

I don't have any friends who are not cute girls.
You are my friends, right?

>see retarded post on Yea Forums
>has a kirino image attached to it

Who is Kirino?

The anime cut all of the BRO chapters of the LN though, Kyousuke is such a fucking blast on parties.

kirino is for anal

Are you sure you are not just obsessed about something? I don't think even the 0.001% of retarded comments here have Kirino attached to it.

But that's wrong, you retard. There's usually a goofy and a bit dumb or cool and handsome but somehow without a harem of his own bro sidekick.

>MC only has one male friend
>Is hated by his harem

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That's what you get for watching escapism, OP.

>girl only has one friend
>it's the MC

my life desu
except my friends are stinky shegoblins

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Impossible, there is no animes like this.

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Not all retarded posts have Kirino attached to them but all posts with Kirino attached to them are retarded

Kaguya-sama doesn't have a harem or only girls in the main cast

So, obsessed, ok.

Never heard of such an anime

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>MC is a pervert
>but his friend is a sexual assaulter so MC is just blushed and maybe thrown something at while his friend is punched and kicked

whats wrong with that, males are fucking disgusting


This, OP wasn't a faggot today.

Go back to your cave.

>mixed school
>male students almost never get screentime

Kirino a shit

Who wants to see males?