*destroys manga*
*destroys manga*
Other urls found in this thread:
how so?
*is a fag
Imagine not buying physical manga
Fuck off back to discord, Jaiminigger.
The other thread was deleted, why?
*switches to batoto v3*
Zero effort to put your releases on another site.
Owner stated he wants to go legit like Crunchyroll or Fakku.
Hiromoot was alerted to shut it down.
He said he'd only do it if it didn't require him to lose the scanlations, so not like CR or Fakku.
There's literally nothing wrong with scanlators soliciting donations.
Meanwhile mangadex going legit just gives another middleman money and would force them to be a litigious banhammer for jap publishing corps.
That's not what was said you false flagging piece of shit
he acknowledges the only way the site survives long-term is by going legit, everybody is WORRIED they'll go the way of Crunchyroll and Fakku
They said it was a dream they never expect to come true, retard.
They are stupid for even thinking about it anyway.
>There's literally nothing wrong with scanlators soliciting donations.
>He said he'd only do it if it didn't require him to lose the scanlations
Which is impossible.
>Hey Shueisha let's be business partners, P.S. I host pirate versions of all your shit but don't worry about it
>he acknowledges the only way the site survives long-term is by going legit
Why? How did Batoto survive?
His hosting costs are relatively cheap, he could easily survive on donations.
We'd just migrate to a different site or all start torrenting individual manga.
>literally illegal business
>nothing wrong
pick one
There's nothing wrong with mangadex going official. 90% of the people crying here were probably in a crib during the fansubbing era and are too young to know how shit fansubbing was. Hopefully MD kills off scanlations and scanlation drama alongside with it just like how CR killed fansubbing.
The fact that it's a dream is already a problem.
Go lick some boots, statist
Oh look, it was just another Crunchyroll.
The guy wasn't running it for the love of Manga, but because he wanted to sell it off and get rich quick as its owner.
Very predictable.
Illegal != wrong.
How do Vietnamese translations of an obscure manga hurt anyone?
unlikely, but i'm fine with moving to the 'new batoto' when MD goes to shit. It's the same shit with torrenting, every time a site gets taken down, 3 more spring up in its place
Support mangaka.
Support scanlators.
Fuck the law.
Fuck publishers.
Fuck spooks.
They dont, but it's still illegal. This sort of illegal shit isn't amoral however demanding compensation for illegal work is amoral.
>There's nothing wrong with mangadex going official
>Hopefully MD kills off scanlations
Literally why would you want this? Do you only read WSJ series??
Fuck you!
Apparently, scanlation isn't Yea Forums related... hmm.
>work is not unethical but is illegal
>compensation for illegal is unethical
This makes no sense.
Big if true
>option A - read scanlations
>option B - fucking nothing because none of the manga I work on has an English license
Removing non-English languages wouldn't change anything. Mangadex doesn't have Spanish/French/Portuguese/Arabic for most manga.
Please remember that native English speakers are only 1/3 of all English speakers.
I was already pissed to meraki for removing all the scans of " Release that Witch " from both mangadex and their site, so nothing of value was lost.
Did something new actually happen or is this the same retarded scanlator drama?
I blame Discord, it brews circlejerks where these faggots translators with their overblown egos can hole themselves and tell each other they are the best and most special and that everyone should take their feelies into account, while a horde of patreon cucks reinforce this idea and make them think the "common man" supports their faggotry.
Manga scene is just being retarded as always, nothing will happen out of this. Most that will happen is another switch.
>How did Batoto survive?
EHm... Do we tell him?
Can't wait for trannies to delet this one too.
Yea Forums is fucking dead
The mangaka and the scanlators provide 95% of the value in the system.
If they want to host it on their own site or ask for donations, that's fine by me.
An aggregrator trying to gain control over whole ecosystem is not fine at all.
>Why? How did Batoto survive?
With ads
>supporting NEETS
If they want money they should find a real job instead of begging on the internet and using fake excuses.
There are a lot of web services that offer free hosting and uploading, needing money to keep your cryptominers online is a non-issue.
Translating manga takes like 30 minutes tops unless it's something with contrived writing like Nisioshit, saying that you need 100 bucks to translate some shitty isekai is just plain kikeness.
Jaimini's Box and a bunch of other shit groups are leaving mangadex, likely because they're desperate for ad revenue on their own sites, but are pinning the blame solely on MD admins over them being completely transparent that they would go legit down the road
Extension of the same retarded scanlator drama.
I don't see what the big deal is. You search and find any manga on baka updates by tags and categories. It has the all the releases listed along with the scanslators who are working on them, plus info about the artists and author, etc. Then go just go to the translator's website. Not only can you then download them from the scanslators, but you can often times read them on their site.
So what? its simple, just make another site or visit scanlators blogs directly.
I don't think so user, he'd take it really hard.
Mangadex cannot control the ecosystem, no-one can. It's literally just image hosting.
I don't understand the issue
>the moment they charge anyone drop them like hot coals
>move to new site(s)
>Can't wait for trannies to delet this one too
What did trannies have to do with batoto shutting down? Genuinely curious.
People are lazy and don't check mangaupdates most of the time.
What's wrong with being a transsexual, bigot?
My favorite group is Mangastream because they're honest and drama-free.
Why does a certain subset of Yea Forums hate scanlators so much?
It's likr you'd rather read nothing at all vs a single scanlator get a penny from a web ad.
Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face.
Dangerously logical for people dumb enough to try this.
Mangadex trying to go legit could provide Jap companies with more incentive to legally attack hosting sites.
>niggerstream because they're honest and drama-free
lots of old scanlator blogs are dead and some of the newer groups don't have blogs and just upload directly to mangadex.
Yeah. Just like Crunchyroll launching official manga translations did.
And it instantly backfires when they realize it isn't working, and they're not pulling in any money
It's not all scanlators, only the ones that are in it just for the money and internet fame.
As a manga fan/reader there is no benefit to having a large aggregator trying to go legit.
Publishers will NEVER agree to host grey market scans and they will NEVER agree to officialy translate as many series.
The only result would be a reduction in series available to read.
Why do people hate on mdex so much.
As a tl I only see them as a host, the same view I have of the sadpanda.
JB and the rest are big and can depend on donations to pay their own hosts and everything, but I don't, if mdex dies and no replacement is made I wouldn't have a place to host and archive my releases.
This is an issue of some syndicated groups thinking they're too good to depend on a free host like the rest of us.
*destroys manga piracy*
Because I want to read manga, not deal with some faggot pseudo-e-celeb's whining because people won't kneel and suck his virtual cock and someone commited the terrible crime of calling him greedy.
If the drama shit was just them screeching at each other in the forums I wouldn't give a fuck, but each time I see chapters deleted or series dropped because of shitty drama I can't help but hate them.
Scanlators have expenses.
Why do you care if they get some money for their time, paying for scans, hosting etc?
It's not like they stole it from the mangaka.
i don't feel so good, user...
I'm telling you guys, translate that shit to Esperanto and you will never have that issue of an official publisher picking it up.
Well then its simple, rip from mangadex, upload to clone site.
If mangadex goes against scanlators then they will have to move somewhere else.
Guys, I have a question. Why does it still says
>Notice: Certain features disabled for guests during DDoS mitigation. Login
when I use the search function? Why can't they just said "You need to register if you want to use the search function" like any other site that does this? I'm not a retard, I know that this have nothing to do with the DDoS mitigation.
I already dropped mangadex because of the ddos issues disabling search in tachiyomi. The other sites have the same stuff, plus content not available on mangadex, with no drama. I don't care if they're not respecting scanlators or whatever. Not my problem. Fuck mangadex seriously if they have these dreams of delusion. It's never gonna happen but fuck them for even thinking it.
Manga updates should be the first place anons check, though. Where else do anons find info after they get sauce on an manga they are interested in?
Crunchyroll is fucking shit you retard. Their translations often inject political, modern BS.
>As a tl I only see them as a host, the same view I have of the sadpanda.
Because when they try to go legit they will ban you from their site since your scans aren't kosher with publishers.
Mangadex is leveraging the unpaid work of scanlators to try and get a foothold so they can become middleman whose value preposition is shutting down scanlatoes for Jap publishers like Fakkue or Crunchyroll. They will stab you in back for $$$.
Scanlator drama is retarded but fuck Mangadex still. This kind of centralization is cancer and I can't wait for something to happen to Mangadex so we can repeat the fallout that happened after Batoto went down.
Make a blog and offer direct downloads or upload to torrent sites. Putting all of your eggs in one basket is a bad idea and has caused problems before. I don't have a problem with MD outside of it being the only place that some people offer their scanlations.
How hard would it be to create an aggregator like KissManga but without the ads, malware, etc.?
Because either the scanlation team is made out faggots that love drama or just attentionwhores or only exist to make other scanlation teams to stop translatting something.
what software can be used to rip chapters for personal archives?
>read manga
>ignore patreon link in site header
woooww so hard
Instead you fags want scanlators to die just for having gall to ask for donations.
Not hard, see mado.
>The other sites
uh huh
How do you fund it to keep it up?
And now it’s dead
Any site that protects colorized scans stolen from other scanlators is not worth being praised.
>Why does a certain subset of Yea Forums hate scanlators so much?
Fuck off, ya cunt.
Better ask, why someone would like them in the first place?
>Attention whoring
>Always jewing people in the long term
>Meme translations
>Taking moral-high ground
>Blackmailing for chapters
Fuck these people.
I don't give a shit about donations, I'm fine with those.
I'm talking about groups removing all their chapters from MD or dropping series due to shitty drama, not even due to staff abuse or a legit conflict, just "waaah faggot-kun called me a greedy dumdum".
Sounds like a lot of work when I can just upload it to a free site with no problem.
>Because when they try to go legit
This is completely unfounded. I'm not going through all the troubles and expenses of making my own blog just because some slander made turbo jews.
>I'm not a retard, I know that this have nothing to do with the DDoS mitigation.
Complex search queries tend to be pretty fucking expensive, particularly over vast datasets. Perfectly plausible, if they've been seeing people hammer it.
Just like Mangafox?
I use the mangarock plugin for tachiyomi. No ads, no hassle, hell even the chapters are properly numbered so my ocd thanks them, never been to their website ever.
>Attention whoring
Easy to ignore unless you're a fragile child.
>Always jewing people in the long term
Literally provide fruits of their labor for free.
>Meme translations
It's free.
Sell it to Elon Musk.
The choice between searching through all these sites or having something like Tachiyomi notify you whenever a new chapter comes out for everything you're reading is significant enough in terms of convenience and saved time.
I doubt I'd follow anywhere near the number of ongoing manga I do if I didn't have that level of ease.
Blame discord for that, not MD.
I don't know if you've noticed but lots of series as of late have had their chapters wiped of MD because scanlator drama
>I'm not a retard
Apparently you are.
>wah it's not on my personal aggregator site
How fucking lazy are you? Just go to whatever site they used.
People like you who need everything centralized for them are the cancer.
>giving those fags what they want
Yeah, no. Fuck off, retard.
They have 0 ads.
>being this naive
>ddos issues disabling search in tachiyomi
>he doesn't know how to search after the ddos
You literally could've figured this out with 2 seconds of googling.
There's always going to be alternatives. Even before mangadex popped up and casual retards thought it was the literal resurrection of manga scans.
>Sounds like a lot of work when I can just upload it to a free site with no problem.
Yeah and then that free site is taken down. If you keep everything you've ever scanlated that isn't an issue but plenty of scanlators don't and sometimes don't even bother replacing dead links on their blogs.
That has always been the case. Though, arguably most often when some "scanlator-friendly" online reader was involved.
I don't care. I don't want to jump through hoops to use something, no matter how small. If something doesn't work I install something that does.
I don't want to say that I told you so, BUT I TOLD YOU SO!
domo owner-kun
>I'm not a retard, I know that this have nothing to do with the DDoS
The search is one of the biggest attack vectors, and it's going to be reopened to guests once the update is finished
I remember Jewcob said something similar to this. Spoilers: It was a lie
has anyone even translated manga to esperanto in the last few years?
All that shit has been scrapped to other alternatives already.
My problem is not the lack of back up, my problem would be the lack of a public hub where to upload a finished chapter for the first time.
But mangaupdates is that aggregator site that is more up to date than any of the manga hosting websites in terms of series information?
>Why do you care if they get some money for their time, paying for scans, hosting etc?
I don't give a fuck if they use patreon, but they should stop throwing a fit every time someone criticizes them for begging.
>How hard
It's not about "hard." It's expensive. The server, the hosting service, costs money.
The internet isn't just some magical land of magical space you upload content to a site and others view it. It requires storage and bandwidth, and the more storage & especially the more bandwidth, the more it costs.
People get pissy at "aggregate" sites that do this because:
1. That site tends not to last long, due to the surprising cost. It stops existing.
2. The individual groups scanlating already have their own publicly private sites for you, the reader, to visit and download. Oh, yeah: those sites have ad revenue for how many people visit. So, if you don't visit their site, they don't get ad revenue. They hate that.
3. If the aggregate site is able to succeed, and lasts some time, the owner still hates the cost of maintenance...so maybe he should make some money of his own for the far larger number of people visiting the site, no? It stops being very "ad-free" by that point.
It's what happens when you read things for free when it's not free to produce. People start being grumpy.
All the groups that left were shit and if MD becomes shit like Batoto is now, someone else will just make a new site. This drama is completely worthless.
Freaking finally.
This is another reason to not use mangadex.
>the lack of a public hub where to upload a finished chapter for the first time
MangaUpdates can be used to get the word out. There's no reason for those two things to be tied together and all doing that does is create retards that don't know how to live without their centralized website. Check MU and see a new release, go to the releaser's site (or an aggregator) and read the chapter. Simple.
You do realize that the supposed "sell-out" of mdex haven't happened, and there is zero (0) indication that it will happen other than shills slander, right?
Shills that have something to profit from with the fall of mdex.
>and it's going to be reopened to guests once the update is finished
Ahahaha, good luck with that.
Nobody made a new site when Batoto went to shit. It had to be taken down before people started creating new sites.
Mangadex giving so much control to the scanlators really hasn't worked out well for them.
>create retards that don't know how to live without their centralized website
>check MU
People whining about having to go to scanlator site or other reader are lazy retards.
Still sounds like three times the work than:
>Upload to mangadex
>You're done.
It was in this very board. Try searching his tripcode in archive or something
When is the goddess coming back to save the manga community from jewishness? The site is fucking dead.
Then another site would appear to replace it, I guess
>Upload to mangadex*
*who's stated goal to is to destroy you
Scanlators and Mdex going legit cannot coexist. Why would they help their enemy?
This. I'm starting to think we have a bigger problem of newfags just being ignorant to baka updates.
>site of which the entire appeal is easy access to pirated manga
>"survive" by going legit
The only thing that survives here is the name. How are piracy sites able to go legit this easily anyway? Why are they they apparently offered so many opportunities to turn their illegal business into a legit one? I genuinely don't get this.
MU isn't hosting illegal content and has no reason to ever be taken down. It's also not a hub of jews trying to jew other jews that will result in being shut down because of drama.
Easier until they go down and someone possibly has a backup, or possibly doesn't, and you have to wait for a new website to be set up that will just succumb to the same fate eventually.
>When is the goddess coming back to save the manga community
They can't stop suck each other dicks with their elitism.
>b-but how do I know what to read without my mangadex account
Did people just forget pix exists?
We used to laugh people out of here when they mentioned reading online. Now, people barely know MU exists.
*Greedy scanlators and mdex cannot coexist
They provide me (for free) with a service I'm willing to use. Why would they be my enemies?
tldr version: They are waiting for the right moment to pull a Fakku, stealing the hard work from others to present it as their own, which they will use to improve their chance to strike a business deal with only them winning
When more people will be uploading, i guess.
i only upload to md and dont backup chapters, they can make money off it for all i care, suck my dick lol, i only want people to be able to read manga, dgaf about anything besides that
I don't know how considering mangadex itself even links to bakaupdates
I don't like mangadex but this for sure. How would they even make such a deal with publishers? It's a retarded dream. And what about the scans? Do they think they're going to keep those? Like Square Enix or whatever is going to be okay with fan translations? It's so stupid.
Scans were in IRC forever before discord
MU is 100% legal and in terms of bandwidth is cheap as fuck.
There's no reason for it to go down and creating a clone is way easier.
Go to a different site then? Also, you can't fucking complain about them stabbing people in the back for cash when most major scanlators make money off their work while also doing extremely scummy shit like sniping not-for-profit scanlators and even official scans.
I wonder, if Shueisha is free publishing its most popular series online and translated why wouldnt the others follow up, maybe entering in deals with scanlators group for a more professional and quick translation.
I wouldnt mind paying a moderate monthly fee to read everything I do knowing both scanlators and the authors are getting something out of it
Their dubs do. Not their subs. Their subs are just subpar.
Waiting for that new site is still much much easier than building and maintaining my own.
Again, big scanlators with many works can easily cost all that, it's worthy for them, but smaller tl with fewer series and who do it for free, have no good reason to go through all that.
>They provide me (for free) with a service I'm willing to use. Why would they be my enemies?
Because their states goal is to make it not free and/or reduce reading library.
There is no feasible way for mangadex to go legit while continuing to provide scanlations for free.
poor western faggots
doomed eternally to bicker among themselves about their sick mothers and how it's actually morally justifiable to profit off of someone else's work
WSJ is THE biggest manga magazine by far
The other magazines wouldn't even attract viewers even if they're completely free.
Honestly, if MD are going too jew, some gook user will just sick Line/webtoon C&D letter to them. Them gooks are not playing around, and seeing gook manga is pulling the heavy traffic, their jew dreams should die.
There's nothing wrong with sniping scans.
It's just competition in the free market.
Well mangafox and the like are still laughed at because they have compressed, shitty quality images over laid with watermarks. Since mangadex and early batoto (and manga traders rip) allowed high quality uploads without watermarks, the stigma has declined in terms of reading online. Even most translators offer the same images read on their websites like you would on mangadex. Static images don't have the same quality loss like encoded streamed video, after all.
>Because their states goal is to make it not free and/or reduce reading library.
This is not true.
Stop spreading fake shit made up by jews.
>scrape series you're reading with FMD
>avoid all the dramaqueens
Feels good not being retarded. I haven't checked anything other than the front page for new series in over a year.
Sure, but don't take the moral high ground if you do this shit.
>It's free.
Jumping from a tall building is also free.
>Literally provide fruits of their labor for free.
Yea, poor fucks breaking their backs for the sake of all people. Fuck them. None is forcing them do this shit, it's of free volition.
>Easy to ignore unless you're a fragile child.
Should probably praise & encourage such a behavior instead, right?
What a faggot.
it's all the same to be honest
western fags are like chinks
the only difference being the fact that
chinks know they're chinks and they don't pretend
but western fags act like chinks, but pretend they're better
>gook manga is pulling the heavy traffic
Is it? Who the fuck reads manwha unironically?
Not independently, but if they bunch togeher making some Spotify manga version of sorts... I dont know, it would be good for us but probably a terrible idea from a business point of view
>They are waiting for the right moment to pull a Fakku
CR already tried and failed miserably.
Federated network of decentralized servers owned by scanlators when?
>patreon with 45 supporters
t. jewminisbox
manga scanlation blockchain
where all donations scammed off by the scanlation groups go towards mangoka
Explain to me how Mdex will go legit while providing huge free scanlation library to read?
Look at similar examples.
>ganganonline, manga+, etc all free but super limited library of manga/chapters to read + annoying js drm/obfuscation
>crunchyroll, fakku, etc literally cost money to use
Publishers will never partner with them unless they purge content.
>needing 250 bucks to translate shitty shonen
>"Go legit"
Why is this even a talking point? There's nothing to "go legit" with, they don't have any content besides illegal fan scans
Zoomers. You can browse down and see the top viewed material.
>thirdworld ESL scanlators are making $12 a month!
>I'd rather manga scan community die than some brown faggot afford a hamburger!
Kill yourself you corp shills.
Pirates and scanlators are based.
I just checked for a few things I've read and the groups have no site. Searching for both their name and the manga name just gave me links to sites like Mangadex.
Why not just use the one that has everything I read without having to go between 50+ sites and still have to use a site like Mangadex for some of them? Tachiyomi can use multiple sources so it's not like I'm relying on just them.
it's real fucking simple
wanna get paid for your work?
go legit
can't go legit?
stop trying to get paid for then
>early batoto (and manga traders rip) allowed high quality uploads without watermarks
Early batoto allowed APNGs to be uploaded as a replacement for watemarks. Instead of permabanning any faggot who tried to pull that shit, they let them be.
Batoto was the biggest drama-magnet around and when they started banning any shit that was "too hardcore" they only confirmed that.
>receive another "stop doing what you are doing" letter from some publisher.
>let's ignore them, if not like they can close our site... right? That never happens.
>let's talk to them, offer some deal and see if we can make some secure money
Hard choice.
>Publishers will never partner with them unless they purge content.
And they know that. They said they don't want to do it if they have to purge content, which makes it even more clear that this is some unlikely dream of them and not a legit thing they plan to do in the near future.
The TL retards are panting this as if MD is going to go legit tomorrow when that's not really the case.
It's more likely that user will become a succesful bussinessman who has sex every day than MD going legit on their terms.
>I just checked for a few things I've read and the groups have no site.
Yes that is common.
>Searching for both their name and the manga name just gave me links to sites like Mangadex.
I'm sure there were more than one result. Which manga and I'll see if I can find their site. It's normal fair to just google and find it.
>Not knowing about SOLO LVLING TOP MANGA
CR is making big bucks from normalfaggots. Compared to Fakku though, they are getting less winnings for more effort. Hentai has better payoff with less mangagement.
So drug dealers should give away drugs for free?
>I just checked for a few things I've read and the groups have no site
Because faggots like you want everything in one place so it's easy to take down in one fell swoop just because it's a bit easier.
Yeah, JB is so poor that they can afford several week-long trips to Japan!
no, drug dealers should not fucking complain about their illegal bussiness getting shut down when someone blows the whistle
And thanks to that now we got Dex which allows hentai and works like a charm (when its not getting DDOsed)
I was talking about CR manga you dumb faggot.
>They said they don't want to do it if they have to purge content
Where have I heard before...
they'll do it the second publisher corp waves $$ check in their face.
Are anyone defending fucking Mangadex and their retarded readerbase? I mean they had a witch hunt for Hatigram scans or whoever it was that translated Anjou-san, nothing but crying about the high res scans we got. CAUSE IT TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD; FUCK OFF SCANLATORS.
>hamburgers are worth 200 dollars
So much apologism going on.
You aggregate bootleg content, you take volunteers as unwitting staff members that you don't need to pay, centralisation kills off the support network for individual groups, then you sell your monopoly and pocket all the cash yourself. The publishers don't care that you literally steal stuff because you've handed them the only viable Spotify/Netflix platform to launch their paid subscription service off of.
This is what Crunchyroll did. People forget that their business model was stealing fansubs, intentionally lowering the quality, then locking the "high quality" (i.e. the actual fansubs) behind paywalls on their site. Anyone seeing has thought "why can't I just do that with manga?"
I'd do it myself if I wasn't so lazy.
>faggot scanlator crying thread
just put in a job application at viz comics
>average is 10 dollars
oh I am laffin
It's not coming out of your pocket so why do you give a shit?
It this just manifestion of fox and grapes from butthurt anons?
They are supposed to make $0, scanlation is not a job, you don't do it for money.
>5 retards complaining
Grow thicker skin, Hatifaggot.
bunch of groups wanting more traffic whining so they get more money?
got it
>complains about translation quality of mangos
>won't work at mango translating companor
CR didn´t get the big manga. People don´t use CR to read fucking digital manga. They use it for those low quality stream with ads every 10 mins, and buying figures (yes, true).
The site owner does have some pretty dumb ambitions. A while back he was talking about organising a get together for mangadex users which for obvious reasons would literally never happen.
I just knew they were going to pull a fakku
People kick a shitstorm over some shitty minor TL group removing chapter and you think they'll be okay with purging content to please publishers?
The moment they actually do that shit they'll lose most of their userbase and get fucked.
The only reason MD can even dream of going legit is their massive numbers of readers, without that they are nothing.
Did you count cocksucker?
>pic related
>witch hunt
I've realized that people asshurt at scanlotors are just asshurt that they make small monry and know japanese.
Maybe you should learn or get a better job you fucking butthurt mcjob wagies.
Mangadex can't go legit.
Not even Fakku has a Spanish Version of their site.
Meanwhile, Mangadex has random languages and shit/
TL for a manga here: I just translate it for fun and so there are fans of the series in the western world. It's not like it's guaranteed to get a license in NA or an anime next month.
Why did it fail so hard?
Retards with retarded dreams are dangerous. They wanted to meet with the community some months ago. Yes, fucking have a rape gathering.
>Mangadex owners says he wants to go legit and threatens scan groups that he won't hire them once he makes it legit
Holy shit why is anyone defending this faggot?
He sounds like a greedy control freak.
Imagine actually using this garbage site in the first place
>we're gonna put our releases on 4 week delays so you all have to click on our shitty sites goys
No thanks
good thing I know more than a single language
unlike the burgers in this thread
this scanlation drama is fucking hilarious
>it's not harming the mangaka since there's never going to be an official translation of $obscure_manga into turkish or even english
When a translator becomes the ONLY source for an untapped market in a story, they can reinterpret it however they like without the awareness of either said market or the author.
Tell me, why SHOULD I pay someone who could easily lie to me?
Half of Yea Forums are Yea Forums posters. They worship e-celebs and think Mangadex as their home. They are mentally ill users.
has anybody noticed this thread is 95% bot messages from Yea Forums?
No one cares about gookshit
Gookshit scanlators are automatically shit
Finally some good fucking content in this shitty thread.
I think most people respect those that do it for fun/hobby. It's the tards that try to turn it into a profession that get scorn
ahh, the infamous Yea Forums card
>brown faggot afford a hamburger!
That is because ESL translators suck and badly.
How do i know? im a Mexican translator and i keep seeing shit like you have no idea.
If you read the thread where those out of context quotes were posted you will realize they were literally that: out of context quotes nitpicked so the admin would like Stalin while the faggot scanlators show themselves as the innocent victims.
I can read jap but raws mostly aren't free unless you only read super mainstream shit. scanlation is great because it's free and I can easily speedread them.
MD userbase is not legit.
They have to ban international scans for a true readership polling because Japan does not care how many South Americans visit mangadex.
scanlation is piracy
you know how to get people to go down extra fucking hard on piracy?
you start profiting off of it
I hate that group for trying to snipe lotte no omocha from anyone that tried to work on it back in 2013.
First of all, thank you for outing yourself as a JB member or shill.
Now listen here, saying what MD is planning to do is backhanded is hilariously hypocritical coming out of JB and co's mouths. You fucking faggots profit off of illegal scanlations and you're so shameless that you sniped OFFICIAL scanlations and if that wasn't enough, even after you got told by the community to stop all you did was to hide it behind a "secret club" membership.
The Anjou-san drama is really what made me start to question MD's motives. Getting sniped is one thing, but the guys who did it just kept bashing Hatigarm for having an easily ignorable donation page (ironically, they did it in their own much more annoying credit page) and the MD staff says their policy is to remain neutral even though they police comments like that all the time and their own site rules have shit about being civil. Not to mention the MD staff come out to thank the troll group for filling in the lost chapters. Now that I've learned they have aspirations of going legit, it all makes sense. They want as much content as they can get, by hook or by crook, so they can leverage it to make the site official, scanlators be damned.
You used to have to go to different IRC channels, find the right bots, then figure out how to search and download from the bot. It's so easy to find manga without even having to use MangaDex that this just doesn't make sense.
Well, Yea Forums was originally all about anime AND videogames, thats only natural
Its all the other weird stuff where the problem is (not you h/ you are small and irrelevant but I still like you)
Sniping manga is totally fair tho.
yeah, I mean the jap mangaka already fucking hate us
if you let them catch wind of groups not only ruining their livelihood, but profiting off of it?
that shit is gonna burn
and in the end, the only people ruining the scanlation community
are these faggot groups with their sick mothers and videogame addictions
Or just check the RSS feed if anything new was uploaded to the scanlator blog.
>No one care about gook shit
You been living under a rock? I bet you ignoring all them chink stuff gathering traction too.
>the site owner posted his retarded dream of going legit a year ago
>scanlatoon groups who are friends with hatigarm ‘find this’ a week after he cries about being bullied
>they’re able to see exactly what mangadex wants to do and how they’re going to do it
>coincidentally it’s cartoonishly evil
wow, thanks a bundle jewminis, please link your patreon again
>AND videogames
Yea Forums was not one of the original boards, while anime/random was.
Yeah, I've been doin' it for 3+ years and I just want to bring it over. I don't give a crap about fame or money (for this).
By the same token; when it is available to buy in a bookstore in English, I request people do. Let the author and their magazine know it's worth their effort.
The admin is a massive fag and his post is full of big fucking red light sirens.
>waves his authority instantly but acts like a benevolent master
>accuses people of strawmanning, but doesn't provide context or proof
>despite being obviously fazed to the point of accusing multiple people of being greedy and linking their patreon, acts all smug stating he's the best choice
Textbook Jakob. It's not even funny at this point.
go be a communist somewhere else.
Also, what high quality paywall is mdex implementing?
Funnily enough, when you mention hentai, there's far better site for that. In fact, features sadpanda build over years did for both readers and scanlators more that MD ever attempted. If MD wanted to actually do something useful they would establish a similar bounty system or somethin.
If a snipe kills the releases, you can only blame the people who stopped translating the series just because someone else picket it up.
not that user but there are many solo guys that just upload to mangadex only because they tl some chapters on a whim, and its the only tl available, and only on md
>I mean the jap mangaka already fucking hate us
My manga's author, and his artist, have both admitted to knowing about our translations and think it's hysterical and have outright incorporated our jokes into their own later-released chapters.
"Crunchyroll - but not run by asswipes" is a concept I would quite like to see
Mangadex mods are a bunch of pussies. The Higo wo Soru comment thread was restricted and lots of comments were deleted just because people comment that the main heroine is confirmed as a cumdumpster.
Raws also have the problem that a lot of sites with them use really shit file hosts so it takes hours to get.
A lot also seem to have watermarks on them or shit like this.
Is just another case of Fakku. Problem they have is that they are not smart enough to pull it off like Jewcob. I mean that dude didn´t do it before he had all the cards and a legion of cult-like followers.
Which manga?
>comments were deleted
Don't read public site comments, holy shit
>It's the tards that try to turn it into a profession that get scorn
My only problem are jackasses that want to be paid WITHOUT EVEN BEING APPROVED BY THE AUTHOR. If the author gave them the okay, I'm fine supporting the person being the author's rep.
>learning an entire language just to enjoy your chinese jerk-off cartoons
Buddy, if I was willing to put that much effort into something, I'd start lifting and get a better job and fuck actual women.
Plenty of us scanlate and don't take a fucking dime.
>put our releases on 4 week delays
What are you smoking?
based author/artist
He is like a dumber and loneliner Jacob. That one time he thought he had real life friend and wanted to meet them.
>poster count hasn't gone up in the last 100 replies
>thread is literally 1 guy yelling at herself
What's the operating cost for a site like mangadex anyway?
>and only on md
It's probably been ripped to other places. But you do bring up a good point, like when anons on Yea Forums have a scanslation thread without an easy to search subject and then it 404s. These solo translators will just upload it to the next site that takes it's place just like all the ones before it. At least with manga updates you will know that the chapter exists out there somewhere, which is enough for anyone competent at searching.
If I am not paying an author, I certainly am not going to pay the translators. Even asking for that is just asking for more legal problems too.
Oh no! Manga creators would get compensated for their work! How awful!
SO he wants to kill it, just like Fakku died.
>but the guys who did it just kept bashing Hatigarm for having an easily ignorable donation page
Funny that you conveniently ignored the ads they have on their reader too.
>but muh adblock
Doesn't matter. The point is that they still put ads on their shit so it's a lot less innocuous than a simple donation page.
Oh my sweet summer child.
You have to understand that majority of the readers of that trash were thinking the JK was pure waifu material even though some were smart enough to call her a whore early on. The mods were part of the feeling betrayed group. They are just coping.
>web readers cost money
Stop the presses!
What garbage series are you reading where there aren't any politics in the first place?
You guys are cool guys.
I'm not paying for digital releases. Especially when they're 1200 pixel tall jpegs. If manga creators want to get paid, get their shit licensed for physical releases. I doubt having yet another digital comics website would make much of a difference in the kind of shit that does get licensed. Viz could license pretty much anything owned by Shueisha and yet here I am not being able to read something because all they want to license is popular battle shonen.
>there are no free web hosting
Well yeah getting a legit translator job is different. Scanlators are doing something illegal and should just accept the epeen it get's them rather then try to cash in
in US there are three ways to obtain manga
1. pirate it - reading online scanlations
2. pretend you're buying it but you're actually just pirating it - paying for CR
3. actually buying the fucking manga
You pay for their servers then?
They want to earn three bucks for the 40 readers, let them.
JB's releases are on 2 week delays. The poster you quoted is just exaggerating, but 2 weeks is a reallt long time. By pulling out of mangadex, casual readers aren't even going to their site at all, but to bot-aggregate sites.
$600 per month tops.
>kept bashing
As far as I know it was one shitty credit page and nothing else. Even the comment section of that chapter was split between people shitting on donations and people supporting them.
If this was some sort of constant harassment or something that actually affected Hatigarm in any way even if it was something like shitting up their chapters' comment sections then it might make sense but it was pretty dumb thing that did nothing other than hurt those fags' ego.
They overreacted pretty hard and caused this whole mess because of a pretty dumb thing, unless it wasn't even that and they just used it as a convenient excuse to leave MD without looking like total cunts.
You mean UP TO three. There's plenty of shit with no official releases.
Except mangadex, the servers cost 0 for them and allowing tls to upload their chapters there is a ploy to demonetize JewBox and kill his dog.
The comment section for that manga about the girl who's whole character is not being a virgin was pretty great too
Mangadex is free to use tho.
After nyaa.se and batoto dying I thought everyone knew better than to put all your eggs in one basket.
you can, if you want, which I know you won't, buy the original manga from overseas
but in reality most people in the US just like to pretend to care about the industry and will not put their money where their mouth is
>not at least reading the first volume for free to see if you even like the series before paying money
I've been here longer than you
Well in term of nyaa, that is kind of it works. The cartel's version is good for finding subs of recent releases, while pantsu.cat is good for eroge and fap materiel. For example, there are less versions of Honey Select on the cartel's version.
why would I buy something I can't read?
Owner claimed $800 for the last month, and $200 of that is bribes for Cloudflare.
I have bought Japanese manga but I like to read manga I buy, not just put it on my shelf to remind myself that I supported the mangaka by buying something I can't even use.
you can put all your eggs in one basket, just remember to store them in your own basket too. That way i can download all from one source and keep my copy
why pretend to care about the industry
I buy the Japanese volumes of manga that I enjoyed the scanlations of.
>free web hosting
Please don't be serious, they either require you to host their ads, have limits on bandwidth you reach in a day unless you downscale or straight up have downtimes.
but I can.
99% of manga isn't really worth any money.
I doubt it, guy is lying.
This is what you get for using a site made by Doki Subs.
>MD free to use
>Scanlators site cost me to use
What cool aid are you drinking? Ublock, adblock, and rip the scans then read offline?
I'm pretty sure there are unpaid scanlators who actually still got the OK from the author because the scanlator's audience is outside the scope of that author's publisher, but I can't claim full certainty.
the $200 is part of the $800.
A bold statement considering your retarded post on the matter.
"$200 of $800" means $600 + $200 = $800
Certainly not worthy of rereading and having it wasting space at home.
People will never learn. I suspect there are more MD-only groups that there was on Batoto.
I fear the day when it goes down with no backup and half of the shit there will be lost.
That honestly sounds kinda low.
Wait. Nyaa is cartel or is pantsu cartel?
Nobody is talking about putting all eggs on mdex's basket alone.
The problem is that faggot alarmists and shills are trying to convince people to not put any eggs on the mdx basket and instead build their own basket and keep the eggs there for no one else to ever see.
So with bumping that up to $800 a month just to give a big enough cushion for overhead cost what's stopping any body from creating a donor based site? Surely with the many THOUSANDS of readers that flock to these sites every hour having a few hundred tip a dollar or even .50 cents here and there would be achievable right? Or am i vastly underestimating the work that goes into a manga site and the type of people that run them?
Learn some reading comprehension before posting you fucking mongoloid.
>I fear the day when it goes down with no backup and half of the shit there will be lost.
saucenao has been building a full backup
Key word.
You can't even compare the amount of donators a random scanlator group gets vs a large aggregator glorifying itself as being "just" for the retardbux.
Best idea would be to create a backup for MD, and use that one whenever they go full jew. No content lose and no downtime. Power corrupts is proven time and time again.
You’re vastly overestimating peoples willingness to donate online
Well, they have donations for that, don't they? Also I'm sure all the ad and donation money simply goes into keeping the site, which, by the way, hosts illegal content, up and certainly not into their pockets.
People are retarded. I have a crawler reading my follows looking for updates and downloading them, so i always have a full backup. The API they made is really good for doing this.
Fuck publishers.
Fuck crunchyroll.
Fuck fakku.
Fuck mangadex.
Fuck donating.
Love scanlators.
Love pirates.
Love scan snipers.
Love adblock.
Love mangakalot.
That's not even half of it.
They've done a ton of super shady shit and not to mention that for like 9 months all of the user accounts were compromised but they also had terrible breach disclosure.
Hell they used an md5 hash of your password hash for a session token.
Keep in mind he also resells ovh servers as over priced "Seedboxes".
Dude probably makes a killing off that alone.
I think our manga might only "be uploaded" to mangadex (I'm sure it's elsewhere by this point), but even if it somehow all gets lost, I have every single chapter and art and what not still. I'll just re-upload it myself to somewhere so people can keep on enjoying.
Okay newfag.
Bandwidth and storage can be cheap.
There's like a million manga hosting sites. Once a scan is on the internet it's always out there.
*saves manga*
Just sometimes more difficult to find the original and know it's the best available when some downscale them.
>tfw mangakakalot's name is a kakarot pun
Wait a minute. Why do we care?
I'm on MD's side on this one but the admins should really learn to keep their autism in check.
That Zeph guy honors his Tarkin avatar with how authoritative he can get and Holo goes full passive-agressive the second someone throws even the slightest offense.
Ironically the only active staff member I have seen that is logical and calm is the dude who apparently is only in charge of coding shit.
Basically they've done everything in the worst possible way.
They have a bunch of servers that act as a cdn that they just have rsync cron jobs to.
They have db slave servers and probably a main application server as well.
Wasabi is like what 5 bux a terrabyte with unlimited egress?
You could even proxy it as well to avoid possible dmca notices.
Top these off with terrible caching and terrible search optimization which has been clearly the source of these ""ddos"" attacks for the past however long
Jokes on you
I wish manga reached my shithole of a country just for collecting purpose
Between shipping cost it's just not worth
based and piratepilled
>decide to host pirate media site
>site becomes more and more popular
>see your graphs of shit tons of visits/users and imagine how much money $$$ you could make of them
>forget that your site is literally 100% built off pirate media
I don't get what's going on.
I guess I'll just continue to browse mangakakalot
I know, that is why $800 sounds too expensive, anything between $450 and $650 would be realistic.
I only read HuterxHunter so nothing of this affects me.
Once you read HxH all the other manga becomes so inferior that there is no point really
Plus their poor attempts at acting like they are open to criticism and level-headed when it's clear they have a massive power boner that they can barely hide.
>caring about scanlator drama
>caring about fucking online reader drama
You're all stupid faggots, myself included for posting in this thread.
best post ITT
>only read HuterxHunter so nothing of this affects me.
Of course it does not affect you, it is on hiatus.
Why aren't they putting some ads?
Manga sites? I use dynasty-scans of course.
>read pirate scans all the time
>mail my favorite mangaka envelopes full of cash a couple times a year
Yes I'm better than you.
I dont know, if a bunch of people literally pay pirates I don't see why they couldn't or wouldn't pay for the web viewer site
Just use SAL user.
They apparently had to invest into better hardware due to the sheer traffic lagging the site to hell a year ago according to them.
>I don’t cut open your NEET mail and pocket the cash in the mail room
You’re worse, you’re paying me to laugh at you
They have to keep up the facade that it's not about the money until they become big enough to pull a Jewcob.
>Love mangakalot.
They are, which is stupid.
Like they just admitted they increased the delayed chapter shit for one week to two weeks just so the faggots from JB would upload their shit there.
And to the surprise of no one, they used that shit just to advertise their website since most people would go there to read the newest chapter instead of waiting for two fucking weeks and then took the first chance to sabotage MD by joining this dumb exodus and leaving.
That's actually a very good idea, too bad it's illegal in my country to mail hard cash.
What's the delayed chapter shit?
Careful, you might attract the local autist.
I just donate around $200 if they have a fantia or something and/or buy merchandise directly from them.
Example Tkmiz art book and cups(Which can only be used for alcohol since its rather small) unrelated to girls last tour merchandise.
1)Set up a patreon.
Because everyone above IQ80 uses adblockers.
>Why yes I use just use the first result on Yandex, how did you know?
>doesn't know that mangaka don't personally read the letters and it is first checked by others.
faggot you are giving money to the mail checker.
This is the data served directly from the webserver, which doesn't cover NA/EU cached data. EU used 189TB this month, NA used somewhere in the region of 900TB.
Like I said, the $800 includes $200 for the business tier of Cloudflare.
Funny, I am looking at the releases list and I see then working on it from chapter 10 to 29 were at that point Loli Brigade took over until 47, they did release chapter 30 but I assume that was already being done and they released it as their last.
And yes, there is a 10 months break from 29 to 30 and there is a Yea Forumsnonymous release back in June but when Loli Brigade took over they did it for a about a year and then dropped, Clue picked it up about 6 months later and finished it.
Groups can have their chapters get "uploaded" to MD but only be available for reading after X time, meaning that while their page has the latest chapter avialable right now, it won't really be available in MD till 2 weeks later at max.
Learn Japanese.
I just use open source FMD and get everything from the sources
Put an annoying popup that asks them to de-active it to support the site.
Nice try, figure out yourself how to get rid of those.
Pop-ups are blocked by default in every ad blocker retard.
Holo could really use some better PR. All he had to do is post the context on all those discord quotes and OP would've looked like the idiot he is. Going "muh out of context and ulterior jew motives" is not doing him any favors, but at the end of the day I guess it doesn't matter that much because most people will either take a side regardless of the autism or not give a shit.
>pantsu.cat is good for eroge and fap materiel.
That may have been true briefly at the start, but these days it is pretty much not a thing anymore. Anything that pantsu has, Nyaa will have, usually more stuff now.
>For example, there are less versions of Honey Select on Nyaa
There are actually the same amount on both, try searching with the GAMES category selected. Unless you're seriously trying to argue Chinese spam that never gets removed like pic related is what you meant by "more".
Good try though pantsu shill.
Sankaku tried that too, one week later the update blocked that too.
Also post your power levels.
Misused the word. An annoying banner.
A couple of garbage sniping teams and a bunch of teams doing Chinese cultivation garbage are chasing the money, woe betide us what are we to do
What would happen of somebody were to setup a site that would allow people to donate money to actual mangakas? Like, aggregate links to whatever the Japanese equivalent of paypal and patreon is, maybe even reach out to them and suggest they setup something.
That way when you want to actually "support the author" you can easily give money to the actual content producers without doing something extreme like importing manga volumes. The cool guy, non-greedy scanlators would be able to just link the site. The donations wouldn't be technically connected to any specific work, so mangakas shouldn't have problems with licensing and whatnot.
Wow that was hard
>literally one complaint
>gone forever
It would get taken down by Japanese DMCAs.
no publisher will work with a digital platform that also offers piracy on the side. you're either all in cartel or not at all. mangadex is aiming to go cartel, and no matter what the admin claims his intentions are there's no pussyfooting about it
Over what? Giving money to the author?
>monopoly of manga? not possible since me and my pirate crew will fight for freedom
You know how to do it but most people won't bother.
>379 responses
>not a single screencap of these claims
Neo-Yea Forums is so fucking stupid. Even if he said this shit you’ve been discussing and arguing over literally nothing, because you don’t even have his claims to cite
On what basis? There would be no illegal content there, just donation links and information which manga/author they support.
>Because everyone above IQ80 uses adblockers.
That's like 15% of MD userbase.
Because everyone came here from the previous deleted thread, which I quoted on .
Who needs proof when we have hysteria?
What did you expect? The "claims" are some shit said on Discord a fucking year ago and the only proof shown so far were clearly out of context replies.
I remember gookmoot said something similar as well
>expecting logical responses from Japanese publishers
>if I do this maybe they will make me a mod!
Japanese publishers can be as autistic as they want, it won't change the fact that their law gives them no power to prevent people from donating money to an author as far as I know.
The only way they could take action is if the one who comes up with that page makes it clear that the donations are compensation for pirating the author's works, as long as it's presented as honest and good-intentioned support there is nothing they can complain about.
>expecting an actual reply from user instead of a thought-terminating cliche
Yeah, I admit that was naive.
>he fell for the consumer spook
Manga is mine to take and not to be given to.
Sadpanda already does that.
>there is nothing they can complain about
They could complain they aren't getting a portion of the money, and tell the author not to accept any of it if they like working..
I don't like the format but desu it has better selections than mangadex.
so im a newfag, does this mean ill have to find a new place to read manga now or what
What portion? You are not paying the author for his work, you are just giving him money because you feel like it.
You are right that they could try to force him to not take that money, but that has nothing to do with the law.
My point is that, legally, they couldn't do shit to stop people from giving money to a guy they like.
No, it's literally nothing, just a bunch of shitty scanlators leaving the site.
I guarantee in a matter of days they'll return after some "negotiations" with the staff.
As a manga reader it doesn't affect you, it will only affect scanlators.
>There's literally nothing wrong with scanlators soliciting donations.
The problems is that are feeding bullshit to everyone, by saying "Euhuh, we don't want you to use our scans, we are pulling out".
cool, thanks anons.
There was a previous thread with all the screencaps.
Sadpanda features are shit, the only thing they have over MD is backlog.
The people who run it would eventually get shoved out in favor of bug-jews.
Which parasitic scanlation group are you part of? Meraki? Jaminisbox? Easy Going Scans?
Where is this information situated on their site? I can't seem to find it.
Links to twitter, Pixiv, fantia, enty, patreon, and fantia are always added.
A giant ad for 2D Market too above tags.
It kinda does, if they take off their stuff you get fucked when reading
Avatar fagging will get you eventually. Their egos are reaching a cancerous level and is hurting the site in general. Especially when some smutty manga might trigger them more than others, and that manga will be removed.
Codeguy should fuck off from there, his code is the only thing everyone want.
Use it while it's there. Move to the next ones when it's gone, as always.
Money potential will fuck up everyone no matter how good they were.
Who gives a shit, it will just be replaced like all the others. Remember batoto? Me neither.
Because they're already established, fully-functional organizations. Why shut them down and let them spring up elsewhere while you're the bad guy hunting down fans when you can acquire all of their branding, expertise, and resources for a small fee while looking like you support fan efforts? It's just good business.
That said, it'd never work in this case because the scanlation community is massive and fragmented with ridiculous differences in stylistics, scheduling, and quality standards and only like five actually scanlators work for MD. Also, there are already a bunch of legit companies in that sphere.
They know they can't stop them.
And that's impossible. You can't pick both.
It would have to be along the lines of striking deals with literally every mag that publishes shit, making the unofficial scanlations into pseudo-official ones. Alongside that, there would have to be relatively competitive pay for the people doing the work, making Mangadex into something like Steam's Workshop.
There may have to be a lot of vetting of quality to confirm payworthiness, and sniping would make things much messier than it already is, and it's really fucking messy already.
This is just my best guess, but I can't really see them thinking along any other lines if they really are serious about this.
How are you supporting the mangaka by reading scans for free?
Social media in general is cancer.
>o-of course I'd only go legit at that condition, m-my fellow pirates...
Exposure. If an EOP is able to read a manga after it's translated maybe they'll get into the series and buy related goods or the official manga if it ever becomes licensed. The money spent on physical goods highly supports the artists and authors of the work.
You can do both things separately
mangadex isn’t helping itself with how shittily its mods handle things, like how put it
but these scanlators just presented something that holo said a year ago as more than a pipe dream, so obviously they’re not doing it for the readers
methinks they just wanted to leave because they weren’t happy with not being supported unconditionally with the hatigarm drama and cherry-picking retarded plans for your pirate site is easier than saying ‘we’re buttmad so we’re leaving’
Oh, and it would have to all be some form of ad-supported only.
So yeah, like, good luck.
That said, any series that gets upwards of 10-50k views per chapter could get some decent dosh.
>The individual groups scanlating already have their own publicly private sites for you, the reader, to visit and download. Oh, yeah: those sites have ad revenue for how many people visit. So, if you don't visit their site, they don't get ad revenue. They hate that.
Ads are an outdated form of money making. I will never whitelist a site or turn off my adblocker. Fuck them.
Jewmini's Box and the like deserve no respect.
To be honest, when the mangadex site was still being worked on, I remember suggesting no forums ever on mangadex but I guess they didn't listen.
By buying shitload of merch related to the series.
And i would spend thousands but fuck SAL.
Mangadex has forums? Who even uses them?
I don't think exposure pays for food or rent.
Unless you're reading the kind of garbage shonenshit, chinkhua and gooktoons these fags translate then you're likely fine.
/g/ had a clone but the problem with /g/ was that the people were using Golang and no volunteers wanted to touch that crap and the team leader was Australian so people needed to wait for a certain time zone before he responded to anybody
>actually going to anime/manga sites that are not Yea Forums for discussions
same people who used bato's forums.
Pretty much everyone you'd never want to associate with.
The comments on MD are cancerous beyond even Yea Forums levels. I don't know why people are so acerbic and demanding on there.
it's always about donation money
Wow, the classic "exposure" argument for not paying artists
Mangaka get a cut of every tankobon that's sold. I'm pretty sure they don't get a cut of each toy that's sold.
Please tell me you're joking
How much food can I buy with exposure?
>For a weekly publication that costs $3
What the fuck kind of transportation can cost that much? Is their raw provider chartering a boat from Guam every week?
These teams are Gook Teams.
Remember, Gooks and Chinks started bringing money on to the scanlation scene.
Yomanga was the most outrageous gookshit group ever.
Look how much gooks expect to be paid to "translate" gookshit.
80 Dollars for Server
20 Dollars for Raws
80 Dollars for Translation
50 Dollars for Typesetting
Other gooks and chinks saw what Yomanga was doing and got greedy.
Imagine paying $55 for WSJ when you can just read official translations for $1.99 a month on Jump Plus. Fucking idiots wonder why nobody visits their shitty malware sites.
Man fuck off you tasteless faggot.
If not for scanlation, we would be missing tons of shit that would NEVER leave Japan. Especially seinen demograpgic ones.
Fucking shounentards and their dumbass comments...no wonder crunchyroll is still surviving with these types of bitches supporting them.
>Mangaka get a cut of every tankobon that's sold. I'm pretty sure they don't get a cut of each toy that's sold.
Depends in the publisher and the contract but most of them get a part from merch sales.
Depends on the set up contract. Oda undoubtedly gets a cut of One Piece merch I'd bet but Gintama's creator never got royalties for merch sales, ticket sales of movies, BD sales, etc. Most of the time mangaka only get paid what amounts to an option if their work is adapted. The rest of it goes to the studios/committees.
Some Mangadex staff use the forums.
To be honest, for a former or partially active Yea Forums anime fansub group, some of Holo's staff don't seem to have a thicker skin in the online world despite supposedly being on Yea Forums in the past.
After all, before mangadex, Anidex was all they were ever known for and I guess some Yuri Hentai Scanlations now and them from Holo's group.
>$55 for magazine cost
>$45 for transportation cost
Just read it somewhere else, problem solved.
Whatever happened to Mangastream. They used to be the monopoly on Weekly Jump Shit and occasionally getting into pissing matches with Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach competing scanlation groups.
Didn't Mangastream attempt some kind of bitcoin crap or was it some other group.
MD is nice but if they go Fakku then no one's gonna bother to go on that sinking ship.
How many of these groups threatening to leave Mangadex have catalogs that are largely shonenshit with some chink and gook shit sprinkled in?
For the most part seinen and other demographic scanlators seem cool and if their series is more obscure and niche they're usually alright because they're really only doing it out of love for the series. Shonenshit though brings out the fucking worst monkey IQ fuckers imaginable in every facet: fans, scanlators, all of them.
If Mangadex was legit, 99% of everything other than shonenshit would be removed from the site.
Japan only bothers exporting shonenshit most of the time.
Hell, the West barely even comes close to licensing all the shoujo manga from Japan, just a trickle now and then.
Even if these overblown costs were true, they would still be chump change considering they scanlate literally the most popular mangas on the market
>mangadex gets rid of shonenshit and gook trash
>only actual good manga remain on the site
Absolutely BASED
>for a former or partially active Yea Forums anime fansub group, some of Holo's staff don't seem to have a thicker skin in the online world
most of mangadex staff was no associated with doki prior to mangadex
The motherfucker just has to go to the fucking corner store to buy it.
They have spoilers out on wednesday and the chapter out on friday compared to sunday.
Spoilers are serious business too, that one piece spoiler provider got caught in a japanese police raid and were arrested.
They made $750K a year on shounen spoilers do to ad and donation revenues.
Imagine making a shitposting thread because you misinterpreted something, shitposting for hours in it, and not having your low quality OP deleted because of Yea Forums's wonderfully moody moderation.
The most shadiest Seinen Manga Scanlation group were a couple of teams, maybe just one group mainly; who scanlate the Baki Manga.
Yeah, Baki Manga has some drama or feud that goes on a long time already.
Don't know if the drama still exists today but Baki scanlations used to be locked down, supposedly.
Yeah, niggerstream was using a crypto-miner and kept using it even after people bitched and the fact it was only bringing in a couple of bucks a month.
100%. The ones throwing tantrums are all doing so because Mangadex won't ban the people sniping them, and they're getting sniped because they're picking up a weekly series and then releasing a chapter a month.
_anq delivered Hatigarm Anjou on a silver platter, all caught up and ready to continue as soon as a new chapter was released. When Facepalm started releasing chapters, Hatigarm was almost 10 chapters behind.
You know what I'm saying. Their work is shown to a larger audience which then has the potential to lead to more returns with nothing lost for doing so. How much is obviously unknown but it's found money and already much more than they get from official providers.
This reads like about 100$ a month is supposed to be a lot, but I'm pretty sure they can make it easily in a week or two at best with ad revenue alone.
Exactly my point. We don't know what kind of contracts they have or don't have with toy companies, but we know for sure that they get a cut any time a copy of the original work is sold.
Whenever someone asks the authors themselves what's the best way to support them, they always say buy the fucking manga or novel. Buy merch if you really want to jack off to figures but don't buy them to support the author.
The dude's not even buying the WSJ.
He goes into the store, grabs it and flees.
The $55 are for the getaway driver.
MD going official won't get rid of shounenshit and gook trash,user. If MD actually go legit, then wouldn't they have more of shounenshit because JP loves shounen and know that normalfags outside of JP love the genre.
I miss going to One Manga every Wednesday for my weekly dose of shounen.
Where are the alita translations?
Yea Forums only knows about hentai contracts like Bastard author's is allowed to release Rated 18 doujins of his Bastard series and Jump even advertises his canon doujins.
Yea Forums doesn't really know about merchandise contracts on the other hand.
Sometimes the author doesn't even know anything?
Remember Polar Bear Cafe author controversy?
She didn't sign any contracts or have anybody show up to discuss the terms and conditions of a Polar Bear cafe anime adaption and therefore did not receive any money from the anime adaption until she threatened to go on indefinite hiatus.
So yeah, companies can act pretty shady sometimes.
What would stop other groups from taking JBs pages, "retranslating" (only rewording and typesetting) it and uploading it to MD?
JB shouldn't care, right? It the same thing they do to Shūeisha.