Will Seething Baby Retards ever realize their villain of the week cowboy and dinosaur manga is actually entry level trash? Why is this mediocre shit so overrated by MALtists?
Steel Ball Run
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I stopped reading at "seething"
way to out yourself
SBR is just phantom blood structured like stardust crusaders
Going in, I wasn't expecting a narrative masterpiece, but I was expecting a compelling story. I was very disappointed. There really isn't any depth to it other than "I want to complete the race first", or "I want to assemble the corpse". The corpse could have been a very interesting part of the story - but besides it being an object that everybody wants, and some small abilities, it was hardly touched upon.
There was almost non-stop fighting, and because of that there wasn't much of a story. It was basically a stereotypical shounen way of handling stories. After 22 volumes, I had nearly no emotional attachment to a single one of the characters. I think this is due to the manga being absolutely dominated by fighting. When there is no flashback scene or racing going on, the characters are most definitely fighting, leading to close to no exploration of the character's personalities or character. I honestly think the manga absolutely dropped the ball in this regard, there were some painful and not-showing-at-all moments where one character would say a "gag", but besides that there really wasn't any interesting shows of personalities. Most of them felt like cookie cutter good guys that were just on different sides. Each bad guy was given a brief exposition of why he wasn't really "bad", then was thrust toward the main characters to get beat.
Overall this manga felt like a mediocre shounen. No interesting characters, no emotional attachment, no interesting story, just tons of fighting with chunk of them being decided by plot armor.
based retard doesn't understand the complexities of the pizza mozzarella song.
I quite agree with you. I would read the first part as a fully fledged manga.
I mean, when you’re literally fighting for you life trying to win the SBR, you have no choice BUT to fight. It’s the little moments inbetween that make the character, sometimes even from the narrative carried by the fight we see the nature of the characters’ struggles
4 and 5 make it look like a joke, but it pisses on 6.
>caring about MAL
there's your problem, user
If they hold SBR in such regard they're already not as big of faggots as OP.
so random and epic my jojobros!
>its a nu-Yea Forums tries to fit in episode
Diego was the most entertaining character.
Johnny and Gyro were nice too.
The battles were some of the most mundane in jojo.
Sugar mountain was great.
6 was peak araki. 7 felt so milquetoast after 6's conclusion.
The anime will suck because only a high budget ova or movie can do it justice
cute girl.
Stone ocean was better
The only good part about part 6 is that Araki made part 7 and 8 right after it
haha good one user never heard that one before
Milagro Man is the dumbest arc that Araki wrote in a long time.
Of course. It's a fact after all.