Burn them all.
Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin
Press S to spit on his cocoon.
Cute silk moth mommy
Do you keep the scar to remember your hatred or because you're a poor bitch that can't get plastic surgery?
Seriously, what did she even mean here? I have to assume it's a slight mistranslation.
You called?
Coyote being a cute wife as per usual this episode. More than ever before, too.
Seriously why didn't they make him a woman?
He is an eldritch abomination.
wouldn't be as cute
so why can't humanoid anothers learn to write or use sign language if they're perfectly capable of understanding the japanese language?
Because Anothers are fucking unreasonable like that, never negotiate with them!
>if they're perfectly capable of understanding the japanese language
Why do you think they are? MC magic just does seamless translation.
Why can't gorillas just learn sign language ?
When Arata met the mother and her two sons again, for a moment I thought the freed little boy would say: "Why did you kill my friend?"
It was definitely a subversion of expectations, especially with how the scene was directed. I did like how it was an unambiguously good outcome for the family, because it makes Arata's conflict more interesting. Unfortunately, the guy serving as his foil is now Evil(tm) and is causing both human and another casualties. Only Arata can save them now! Not a fan of that heavy handed story telling.
I think his last outfit was gayer, but that hairband is really gay.
I wanted him to stomp on the aztek god of faggotry, fucking annoying faggot.
Or at least not brown
Probably just how humans don't really care about understanding Anothers, Anothers don't care about understanding humans. They just do what they want.
Is that the faggot? I hope he gets fucked soon
What a cute girl
>last week's episode
>when all you want in life is to run about without pants on and play video games but the government man stops you
You can't stomp what is more powerful than you. It might be amusing to see him try and get curb stomped himself, the arrogant shit.
You miss this shot?
>Is that the faggot?
That could refer to many different characters in this anime.
Nice music around 11:00
Actually the whole ambience for this episode was cool
Haven't had time to watch the episode yet
Woman are stinky
Was Coyote going to kill them all?
Don't bully Theo!
Only if asked directly.
Sadly he'll be saved, I wonder if he'll even change his ways from this. Should just let him die, fuck him.
Seeing (or hearing afterwards, can't really see from the cocoon) that Arata successfully parleyed for his life with something Bureau can't kill probably won't change his outlook significantly. After all, it's still within "if we can't kill it, let it be".
He's a god of dance, maybe he'd make them dance all night?
>not brown
how much of a shit taste you can have
>surely there won't be a huge backlash if we fuck with powerful supernatural beings
seriously how did this idiot ever get into a shot-calling position?
He's probably just been dealing with small fries like that dream Another and had no problems just killing them. Now he gets himself into this position and gets fucked.
Yeah but, he's gotta realize that gods are real right? How did he think his policy was going to work when he ran into a literal god?