Would the story change if Tanjirou and Kanao got together before the series ended?
Kimetsu no Yaiba
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Not really but it would be pretty dumb and would hurt the manga’s reputation of straying relatively off the cookie cutter trope filled storyline too many shounen mangaka tend to go off of. I think it would be nice if they got closer and became good friends though, and they would probably make a cute couple.
Also I don’t think we really need a new thread yet
Why would it change? Btw I'm staring to like Inosuke x Kanao.
It wouldn't happen for one simple reason, that being that Tanjirou is focused on curing Nezuko and defeating Muzan right now. They've been making gains, they are pretty damn close relatively speaking, so he would not choose to distract himself even if he had the option
never end together no one in japan even supports this shit pairing
t. Incestnigger and cope
Wani obviously intended them to get together but I'm not sure how much narrative room there is for it now. They won't really have time to bond unless Douma escapes and gets another arc, which seems unlikely.
What's her breath style?
They're siblings not lovers.
Inosuke is a chad
they can share tanjirou
Breath of Flower
So what each Breath Style speciality is?
> Water: adapted, change with the flow
> Lightning: Fast and sudden
> Mist: Distraction, illusion
> Insect: adapted like water but more focus in speed to inject poison.
The rest????
It hasn't been confirmed that Kimetsu's ending, right? There's a high possibility of Muzan having multiple bodies like the swamp demon
>Tanjiro breaks his leg and a rib
>crawls for like 5 mins and then just walks it off
Snake style is about flexibilty and attacking from unexpected angles
Their kid would have
>breath of the sunflower
They are not siblings you turd
You realize that this has been nitpicked to death in the other threads already right
Besides it’s going to affect him in his fight later anyways, though only to a slight degree
I didn't know, watched the episode just now.
Wouldn't that just solidify the Naraku comparisons?
Surely gun must be effective.
Is it true that Zenitsu's VA said that episodes 11 and 12 are really good?
course they are, the best character will finally appear
Maybe he said it on the program that aired today?
Zenitsu pv btw
I laughed, Shimono is great
Are you expecting him to not shill the episodes where he becomes a part of the main cast?
Man the soundtrack is so disgustingly good
Where did you hear that from?
You are forgiven
Sound is probably about explosive power and speed but differently from lightning.
kek. NL Jap like this pairing
Kanao isn't even a tsundere like Aoi. She has less than zero chance of winning.
All of you fags are wrong. Tanjirou belongs to everyone, including me. He is the communal husbando,
I think it's someone's original character. I thought it was just a discount Tomioka at first.
Nezuko figurine.
It's never implied that Muzan has multiple bodies. Rather, what seems to be implied is that Muzan hunts around for families to hide within that have a strong background in medicine or chemistry to try and find the blue spider lily. The only time we see him at more than one spot at a time is when the biwa demon is using her time-space magic to open doors between one location and her fortress.
Should've just had Tanjirou go through puberty with Shinobu before she died.
New guest member of the TV program
>Episodes where he debuts as a main character
Gee I wonder why he thinks it's good
It wouldn't, because Kanao is higher ranked than Tanjirou.
Papa Douma
Could've been canon.
I wish Douma was my mom
>broken leg and rib
>few hours later, jogs around like nothing's wrong and doesn't flinch when hugged
Is this explained in the manga?
He's just numbed to the pain from all the adrenaline. I've had fractures before and you absolutely can use the bones, it's just painful as fuck afterwards
Could these three beat Daki?
Wouldn't them getting together before the series end subvert the cookie cutter trope of last minute/last chapter romances?
How likely is it that there will be multiple seasons soon
Niggas do not ever make a thread with viz translations, wait for tl user to make the tl thread.
He's kind of a champ in that way.
It even shows the fracture in his rib cage.
It amuses me that he thinks that he can endure all the pain because he is the eldest son.
Holy shit, I forgot how absolutely unbearable early Zenitsu is. He becomes much more likable later.
So is this manga good?
>He becomes much more likable later.
Thanks to Tanjirou kept giving him disgusting/angry looks. Same for Inosuke.
>It amuses me that he thinks that he can endure all the pain because he is the eldest son.
Birth order is pretty important in Asia
I found it hilarious how much of a loser he was, but he definitely did get better later.
I think in anime version he is just funny
>his screaming
holy shit it's not at all what i imagined
it's better
I am sure they purposefully found him a VA with a very pleasant voice so his screams won't scare off anime watchers (like a certain short MC did some time ago).
what are you talking about? he's still annoying as fuck later in the manga
can't wait to see this cute nezuko next week
We learn more about his character so it retroactively makes him easier to deal with even if he's more or less the same
I know. I'm an Asian myself. What I find amusing is that traditional ideals are deeply ingrained in Tanjirou that he believes he can overcome hardship on the virtue of being the the firstborn son.
I think being friend with Tanjirou actually changed Zenitsu and Inosuke for the better, even though their core personalities remain the same. Zenitsu is less cowardice and Inosuke is less reckless than their initial appearances.
she is fucking cute
Can’t wait for all the fucking shitposting about this when the anime adapts it
Can't wait for all the "Muzan is trans" twitter posts!
But that won’t happen
If anything people will flood the threads here with ironic trapposting
Didn't you know Inosuke is a tranny?
What are the fan event news?
That’s just underaged fags having stupid headcanons. You cannot actually think that that person believes the boar is trans when he’s shown his bare chest
I ship her with Masao Go
Why is there so little/no art of her on the boorus and stuff?
She's cute/hot as fuck, and one would think her *special feature* would get a lot of fetish freaks interested in her.
Anyway, so sad she's dead; On top of her being super adorable, she was real fun and had a great VA.
Tanjirou x Love Pillar is the superior pairing.
She likes eating and Tanijrou is pro at cooking
Agree, but oh well. That said we got like 5 good fanart of her thanks to these episodes.
Love Pillar was the only one who made MC get a nose bleed.
yeah, sucks that 99% of the fanart of this series is Nezuko.
ok, nezuko's cute, but she's not the only cute one!
god shes so cute
I want him to throatfuck her in that position.
Junichi Suwabe as the Drum demon
Yes. It's completely retarded as a concept. He can't get together with anyone before the end because he's completely willing to throw away his life for his mission and he's too pure to put that stress on his partner. He also just wouldn't be able to commit since he has a higher priority right now. He will retire with her at the end and have a dozen children though.
Seems like he spins while using the breath of lightning
It could add some addtional levity
I doubt it will happen before the end. Tanj is too focused on saving his sister and getting stronger.
When are they going to take the stick out of her mouth?
Season 2 finale if ufo doesn't go bankrupt.
Imaging having sex with Nezuko, haha
Imagine having sex with Douma, lol haha
Why the fuck are they waiting so long? She's fine to be left unmonitored at the udon cart for hours, but apparently when she's around other demons and her brother, she's TOO DANGEROUS to be left unmuzzled? It's such a stupid crutch for the writer, who thinks he can write the story with a small number of characters and not have to keep track of another character until later.
I wish his other sister or sisters survived.
Don't worry, if ufotable is kill Jcstaff is always ready for the job.
In these past chapters, it has occurred to me that witnessing Inosuke without his boar mask, as beautiful as he may be, feels wrong and unsettling.
It may be because he doesn't frequently take it off, but unlike other characters whose face is hidden, Inosuke puts me at unease when he's not wearing his mask. As if that is not how it should be, as if I'm not suppose to see what I'm seeing.
I believe his face is beautiful, he is a very pretty guy, who makes me question my sexual orientation. His eyes are that of a beautiful girl, and so is the structure of his face. Capturing his beauty on paper doesn't come easy, I bet.
His hair are also very comforting, barely reaching shoulder level, they appear soft, like those of a pretty young lady.
It all seems wonderful, as long as its hidden below his boar mask, which appears as if it's purposely there to seal away that beautiful, mysterious gaze of his.
I still recall of a scene in a chapter where Inosuke peeked out of his mask, ever so slightly, to grab something to eat. I couldn't help but freeze myself for a second, and stare at his face, focused on the task of consuming the food that stood before him. That very face, felt as if it was a blessing, which no mere human like myself was allowed to experience.
In recent chapters, there's a lot of mask-less Inosuke, which creates a disturbing sensation which goes down my spine every time I see a panel representing him. Is this right? Should I look away? Should I keep reading as if nothing was happening?
How could I possibly pretend that his face didn't give me a feeling of discomfort. That was simply not possible. Panel after panel, he is there, as precious and graceful as ever, perhaps even more than usual.
To think that one day, in the near future, his face will be animated, makes me feel even more upset. If mere panels in the Manga have this overwhelming effect on me, what of a full-fledged Animation? How could anyone, anyone at all, withstand such a thing?
So how is a bamboo stick preventing her from unleashing berserker mode?
So beautiful
Chewing bamboo prevent chewing people
Bamboo is not very nutritious.
imagine the smell
You smell
we’ll have a translation thread soon
Bruh don't live in the past >
imagine smelling Susamaru, haha
imagine smelling Gyokko ahahaha
With a strong nose like Tanjirou wouldn't it be funny if someone farted near him?
imagine smelling Inosuke's pants, haha
>When are they going to take the stick out of her mouth?
When Tanjirou finds a different 'stick' to put in her mouth.
>All she does is sleep or chew bamboo all day
My God... She's actually a panda!
I can't wait for my wife Inosuke's first appearance next week.