How can the author be so based?
Oshiete! Galko-chan
He is such a westaboo.
so otako is gay for galko
Did Okako just came to laugh at me?
We already knew that.
Could the author stop being awesome and start working on his freaking manga already.
Isn't it published on twitter or something?
The release date for the next official english translated volume is already decided, so it's possible that if you want to read raws they are out there
So have aything new been published on his twitter lately?
Absolutely based
I don’t get how the western publishers can have a volume release date already when the manga has updated like five times since the last volume (Most of them single page omakes too).
Holy shit, really? I guess he's either doing them off-line specifically for paper publishing or he's got a deadline coming soon.
The release date is in December so it's a ways off, but that's for the English volume and I don't know if they're simul-published with the JP volumes.
Seven seas already published the latest ever Galko volume, 5. There isn’t anymore so they have to be referring to the new one but I honestly don’t see it being possible. There just isn’t enough material for it.
Dude has been non stop drawing Titsy Morgan pics to sell at cons instead of chapters.
A sad state of affairs. This is my favourite SoL, it'd be a shame if it didn't get another volume.
At least it can't really be axed, given it's published on twitter, although he's gonna need a new publishing agreement for paper.
So did Danke ever came up with their version of Volume 5?
Agemi is a fucking pedo
What's this?
Why do all his characters look like they are over 200 pounds?
Because they are, and that’s a good thing.
>no one cosplaying Sei
That's because your eyes only attracted to the thicc ones. Not that it is a bad thing.
I'm glad all his characters look like they are over 200 pounds.
shit game
Suzuki wouldn’t like a bad game.
So has anything happened since Galko's sister got back together with the otaku or no?
What's up with all these Japanese author collabs with indie games? Is PC gaming on the rise there
Yes. Akihabara now has a lot of PC gaming stores filled with gaming PC hardware
That must be why the oneeshota pics have the pc parts as bait.
Isn't Undertale fucking massive in Japan as well?
They have good taste.
No, they haven’t had a focus chapter yet.