Azumanga Daioh

Tsukurimashou, tsukurimashou,
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na

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Blessed thread

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A baby with Chiyo-chan.

Osaka > Kagura > Yukari > Nyamo > Yomi > Sakaki > Chiyo > Tomo

Sakaki should be higher

Osaka is kinda slow...


hello everynyan 
how are you i’m fine thank you

Sakaki is boring

Sakaki is perfect

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i wish i were a bird

Kagura was unnecessary.


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Kagura was just Tomo but not shit

Chigau. Tomo knew how to have fun while Kagura was just a third wheel for her entire presence.
>C-can I bring home these desks?

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Hai Dekimashita!!!!!

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What the FUCK did she mean by this?

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Saluting Il Duce

Still waters run deep, user.

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For me? It's Koyomi "Yomi" Mizuhara.

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Why is Tomo so shit? She ruined the whole episode.

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You're both wrong.
Osaka > Chiyo > Kagura > Tomo > Sakaki > Yukari > Yomi > Nyamo

Hai! Dekimashitaaaa!

Anybody who puts Tomo anywhere but at the bottom is a baka

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What font is this?

First anime I ever watched, picked up on a lark. I couldn't have gotten more lucky. I was sold in the first five seconds of Chiyo.


>Osaka should be able to solve this

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Stealing Chiyo's hair buns!

In all the right places.

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That entire gag ranks very high on a "how funny it should be vs how funny it actually is" chart

Non-Chinese escalators can't break, they can only temporarily become stairs. Sorry for the convenience.

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Roma invicta.

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Matsuoka Yuki just fucking sells it so beautifully and fully commits to every Osaka gag, so it always works.

I think if Osaka listened to a Mitch standup routine, she'd have a dramatic existential panic for a few days before achieving perfect Zen enlightenment.

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But where's the !
You ruined the whole thread!

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Nobody likes Tomo because she's a rotten cunt. She's merely tolerated.