
so do you like this woman?
is she a good character?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just dont ask her to chill in a hottub with you.


pick all


Do you ever wonder how many retards develope AGP from watching Ranma and ruined their lives for it?

I want to have sex with her.

Attached: hot.gif (326x247, 401K)

>gets the ability to turn into a cute girl at will
>spends all his time trying to get rid of it
why was Ranma such a fag?

me too

Why Ranma thought that if he dives into the spring of drown man he'll become man again?
Maybe he'll become a hermaphrodite

That's a boy, user.

The logic is the curse will replace the other curse. Pantyhose Taro gaining tentacles shows it doesn't work that way though. It'll just add to the previous curse. So you might just be correct.

>looks like a hot girl
>keeps his masc personality

i would rather fuck a girly trap

Attached: D0hW2BiXQAAVeFr.png (900x862, 558K)

I'd like to marry Ranma, if possible.

>female body
>male personality (i.e. a real personality) instead of a vain, superficial, social-climbing female personality
what's the problem here again?

>boobs attached to shoulders
I never noticed before but that author can't fucking draw

There's literally an episode where they get basically off brand spring of drowned man water that is one use. It doesn't combine the curses, Taro just dipped his back into the octopus spring.

>long-running gender reversal series
>not one masturbation joke
sasuka 80s manga/anime industry

>off brand
Why would the off brand work exactly the same?

she is a slut

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I like him
I want to fuck her

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>red hair ranma

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>tfw you'd fuck both female AND male Ranma

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Why is there a kappa in a space suit holding onto the outside of a rocket there?

UY reference

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heh heh, what if when Ranma was acting like a sexy girl she suddenly got splashed with water but didn't know it and he just went on as a sexy trap

Yes and Yes

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Trannies can't comprehend that, since they're the worst of both worlds (male body female personality).

>can fight
>can cook
>can clean
>can do plenty of shit around the house
>willing to dress up in lots of clothes
>attracts other women and rich men
Who wouldn't love her?

You realize trans men exist too right?

How the hell did Rumiko Takahashi make a character so fucking based?

>mc is best girl
>mc is also best boy
>best romance episodes/chapters involve girl form becoming her own separate entity and going after male form

This show awakened a lot of stuff in me.

Attached: Ranma ghost.gif (500x357, 1023K)

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Ranko is the absolute best anime character.

.>Nice to you if treat him/her with kindness and respect
>Will help you out when you need it
>Playful personality

I liked Ranma regardless of gender despite all of his/her flaws.

Attached: Ranma and Ranko.jpg (500x517, 285K)

She literally a female Jiraiya IRL.

No and no.

I can hear the outback twang in your post.
>tis a silly place!

Attached: monty-python-and-the-holy-grail.jpg (498x276, 58K)

Ranma is a girl user. A girl who will make a good and loyal wife to the luckiest man in the world and who will raise his children well while her memories of ever being a boy grow more and more distant.

Attached: the guy who sang liar.jpg (600x500, 51K)

Fucking lucky Ryoga.

>Keeps his masculine personality

Was that only in the anime? Ranma was absolutely not above using sex appeal/bragging about looking better than Akane in the manga.

What's that expression trying to convey here?

Ranma using sex appeal for personal gain and bragging about looking better than Akane is not so much be him being less masculine as it is more him being a smug piece of shit.

Attached: ataru offers ranma the d.jpg (1265x711, 105K)

>>mc is also best boy
Ryoga isn't the mc.

>best boy

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When I watched it way back I thought there might be a message there. Like some non-political gender is partially a social construct shit.

Like, you'd flirt for free ice cream if you got turned into a chick for the same reason other chicks do. It's not your feminine heart shining through, it's because you're getting some free fuckin' ice cream.

What happens if she jumps into another lake like the one Ryouga fell into, the pig one. Would that turn MC into a female pig?

More like a half pig half humanoid beast

He's supposed to be a macho hardened martial artist, of course he doesn't enjoy being a girl

Based on what happened to Taro the curses only combine if the water touches specific parts of your body.

Like he's a big combination of animals because those animals all drowned there at once, and then he added the octopus one to his back.

Also for the cure, IE being submerged in the spring of drowned whatever you originally are, to work would require them to replace each other.

I wouldn't mind this woman (male) serving me


the episode where he spends the day dating Tatewaki

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Whenever Ryugo comes over


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He says he wants to get rid of it but he never really tries that hard.

Ranma is a manipulative bitch who pretends to be interested in men in order to get them to do her favors or to buy her things and them she ditches them. Fuck her.


Best boy and best girl!


Opening for one of the OVAs highlighting female Ranma. It's pretty cute.

what would happen if you pour warm water on her while having vaginal sex?

Dick gets sucked into a black whole

It was actually a series aimed a kids and young teens that aired in early evening. Stuff like exposed breasts weren't an issue in the early 90s.

Because the only difference mentioned is that it only worked once. There's no reason to think anything else was different.

>that cute white dress
she would never wear it

Attached: cute4.png (599x775, 619K)


The animators loved to put Ranma in white sundresses.

>exposed breasts weren't an issue in the early 90s.
And why are they now?
What happened


Attached: cute5.png (907x740, 1.23M)

Right, which is the fun of Ranma 1/2. He basically uses his female form to act like Bugs Bunny.

she's most people's first gender blender manga/animu.


>she's most people's first manga/animu

and I wish it wasn't. I don't like this fetish I have because of young age exposure.

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Accelerated graphics port?

Censorship got tighter during the late 90s. Generally Evangelion is blamed for it, since it was a rushed production that didn't get to be overseen before airing in later episodes. It even got moved to late night timeslots for reruns during the 90s themselves. Although I'd say a big part of it is just anime/manga otaku gaining more visibility among Japan's mainstream and some pushback to that.

The censorship implemented was often clearly otaku focused, like anime in daytime timeslots doing away with pantyshots and exposed nipples, but still getting away with partial nudity as long as there aren't nipples/crotch/visible underwear (like hotspring scenes).

3DPD became jealous of anime tiddies.

Source for the pic?


Rumic World OVA


Rumic World, a Inuyasha/Ranma/Urusei Yatsura crossover short used as an introduction for a trio of OVAs released for those series back in the 00s.

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Ranma-chan's purplish pink eye shadow does wonder to my dick

To paraphrase: Rumiko Takahashi didn't think too hard about it, and she doesn't want you to, either. Next question.

I bet Ranma and Ryouga would be sicken if they found out that the entire fanbase is shipping them

even if Ranma was 100% female she still wouldn't be Ryouga's type

I agree, because ryoga & ukyo are meant for each other

based Ukyogafag

It's Ranma fault for always teasing Ryoga with female form. And it looks like she/he fucking enjoyed it too.


Attached: Ryoga-and-Ukyo.jpg (386x317, 26K)

>ryoga & ukyo are meant for each other

First off, the cave of ex lovers proved that was a lie.

Also, Ukyo gets her own harem, and Ryoga gets Akari.

Attached: ryoga akari.jpg (1029x1287, 99K)

Indeed. Akari is the best choice for Ryoga.

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Akari is kind of boring though. She is just way too convenient. Appearing out of nowhere as the perfect girl for Ryoga's needs.

>First off, the cave of ex lovers proved that was a lie.
What? But the spirits attacked them because they considered them lovers due to how well they were working together.

No, this woman was the better choice

Attached: ryogasfiancee.jpg (455x322, 22K)

>But the spirits attacked them because they considered them lovers due to how well they were working together.

Right, and now they are cursed to split apart because of it.

They are never seen conversing or hanging out with each other after that, manga or anime.

Akari "is" a consolation prize, but they had to do something for Ryoga towards the end of the manga.

But he also got a new ninja dog that keeps him from getting lost, so he woulda made it out ok regardless.

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>best romance episodes/chapters involve girl form becoming her own separate entity and going after male form
What episode was this?

Fuck off, Rumiko.

>tfw my parent told me I'm not allowed to watch ranma when I was a kid
I ended up a sick fuck regardless. Thanks for nothing.

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Fuck you, Ukyo and ranma belong to each other

>Ukyo and ranma belong to each other
Lel no ranma is a fag and doesn't deserve such a precious girl

>I ended up a sick fuck regardless

Maybe ranma isn't the only cause of sick fuckery, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the reasons of my sickfuckery.

Regardless, We're all sick fucks, I guess that's what makes us special.

Rejoice, the broken are the more evolved.
-M.N. Shyamalalalalan

Or something like that.

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Ryoga was a better match for Ranma than Ukyo turned out to be. Takahashi's assassination of Ukyo's character into just being another of the jealous jilteds saw to that.

Trust me. Your parents were looking out for you. Ranma was one my first anime. And i have a shit ton of weird fetishes

>They are never seen conversing or hanging out with each other after that, manga or anime.
I mean, they never handed around much in the manga, and the anime had little original content after that point since it was a late OVA.

I think he is talking about a demon possession episode for the anime, I can't remember which one. For the manga, he is probably talking about the Mirror Ranma story from volumes 33/35 (depending on which numbering).

Started watching this a few days ago. It's fun as shit and I really want to fuck Ranma.

Wait, you like ranma more than the actual girls?

Well I really want to fuck Akane too, but Ranma is tops at the moment. Tomboyish types make my dick rock hard.

The mirror Ranma story is the one with this infamous panel. The copy created by the curse mirror was only female, but Ranma could still switch forms. Then at the end of the story a male-only copy is created and they fall for each other.

Attached: Mirror Ranma.png (627x571, 109K)

Ranma was supposedly a clothes hoarder who kept literally every costume he wore include outfits worn on the cover of the volumes. Just imagining how much fetish wear Ranma has in his closet has to be worrisome to his father.

>See's son in law in female form topless
>Hugs you

Akane... please forgive your father

Attached: Soun.png (737x566, 802K)

Zoomers don't know about this series

I can feel his pain.
He has to continue the anything goes martial arts school but his son in law is a pervert and crossdresser. And did i mention he turns into a girl.

There is still hope though, marry nabiki to kuno and let them inherit the dojo.

Based, ukyo is probably my favorite girl in Ranma. Too bad she got too little focus compared to the others
Did she even get any NSFW scene in the manga?

In the manga he's shown to be pissed at Genma as well for engaging Ranma to so many people unknowingly. Then I also realized that Ranma treated with more respect than his actual father. As a kid I thought Ranma was gay for Ryoga or Soun.

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I don't like ukyo that much. I guess it's because when she was introduced in the anime there were already too many girls.

She just didn't stand out that much. There were nothing as a character she offered that the others didn't.
She is a tomboy? So is akane.
She cooks? So does shampoo.
Has an unique item with her always? So does shampoo.
She is engaged to ranma? So is everyone in the show.

The closest stuff I recall are a couple of bath scenes but unfortunately her nipples were covered by water

She was a copy of Ryuunosuke except she lusted over the MC's ass.


The infamous pregnant Ranma question comes to mind

You say that only because she resembles Kagome

Milhouse would be like mousse in this context, a total jobber.

Ryoga is different, he could cuck ranma more than once in many ways


>Too bad she got too little focus compared to the others
Try being a Kodachi fan


My god I feel sorry for you, legitimately bro

There was an OVA released around 2010 that gave us a high quality, full frontal view of Ranma-chan's milkies. Please don't ban me, mods, pic related was an actual part of the OVA.

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They've banned me for less, this board has retarded censorship standards

Ranma's milkies are the reason behind my boob fetish.

Based and milkiepilled.

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post more ukyo fags

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more Ucchan for you user

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Tell me about Taro, why does he wear the pantyhouse?

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Happosai literally named him "Pantyhose Taro" and he's mad about it.

Shampoo best girl


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>shampoo was cursed to turn into a cat

I genuinely forgot about that. They didn't use it nearly enough.

Yea the cat form doesn't appear enough unless she has to get naked or something like that (gets wet, turns into a cat, loses clothes)

best girl

this show gave me a lot of fetishes, most of which i'm not proud of

what fetishes? Tell more.

>Yea the cat form doesn't appear enough unless she has to get naked
That happens a fair amount of times though.

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Best girl

>this was allowed in a kid's show

>Amazing cook
>Successful business owner while in highschool
>Can wear both conservative and lewd clothing well
>Was completely willing to take care of Ranma when he was crippled

There will never be anyone better.

Ni hao~

Right here friend.

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Why shouldn't he? Ranma is best girl.

God, I loved it whenever Ranma wore slutty outfits on his own accord.

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Who do female Akane fans hate her so much?

You meant why?

Yeah, sorry user for the typo.

Nipples aren't suitable for children

That's a boy. However girls that look and dress like boys is my fetish.

How many anons on nu-Yea Forums have even watched Ranma? I'm willing to bet most of the posters in this thread haven't watched or read it.

Attached: ranma_056.jpg (640x480, 67K)

This series was ahead of its time.

Ryoga doesn't ALWAYS lose.

I watched the anime then read the manga in the summer of 2003 when I was in highschool -- I am very old

I graduated from highschool in 05, we're pretty close in age. I watched the whole series as a kid, however going back and rewatching it as an adult is a very different experience, in a good way.

Yeah he does,heck even Kuno has beaten Ranma. Ryoga is a scrub

39yrs old here. Still have my Ranma VHS collection.

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Can Ranma impregnate her self with her own sperm?

Don't think I watched anything more than a handfull of episodes, but I read a good bit of the manga. Not all that much, though, as I recall because I don't think I ever got to the point Soup or whoever the guy was with the wack ass Chimera form.

I'm not as old as most of those who had watched it but I binged it on my iphone 3 in my grandmas bathroom

I don't think about that, and neither should you.

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I don't see why he couldn't.

Can i impregnate Ranma wile he's a boy?

Next level inbreeding

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Started watching Ranma 1/2 in the summer of 2002 when I was in 1st grade. Then I found the manga at my local library and read what they had.
My aunt use to whine to my parents about the nuditywhen I brought my VHS tapes over to her house, but they didn't care as long as it kept me happy and entertained.

>the curse will replace the other curse
what if permanently female ranma



... why in your grandma's bathroom?

Fuck this dumb whore for giving me the fucking embarrassing fetish that is gender bending. Holy shit I hate this. Time to go fap.

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Ranma1/2 was one of the first anime series I watched when I started getting into anime back when I was twelve. At least it's one of the few series I remember watching from back then.

Since then it's been one of my favorite anime/manga series along with Urusei Yatsura. I prefer the Ranma manga to it's anime but not by much, and the Urusei Yatsura anime to it's manga.

Attached: kodachi kuno 2.jpg (1000x1000, 340K)

I din't have any head phones and i didn't want anyone to know i watch anime.

Dropped it when shampoo came in, and ranma stopped showing fanservice. Ep 11 (or 10?) is the best anyways.

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Question, what was the point of this character?

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Read the manga back in 2017, stopped because my family was moving. I recently ordered them by the chapter volumes so I could catch up. I also agree with

And parents. And suits.

To replace Gosunkugi for some reason.

Would he/she lose the baby if she turns back into a man during the pregnancy stages?


Well. Fuck. Poor Ranma is gonna have to take cold showers for the next 9 months.

Not a fetish, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I suddenly woke up in someone else's body, or my own but female.

Last time it aired "in my country" was in the late 2000s on Cartoon Network. I didn't watch it there, I found it on YouTube last year and binged it.

Ranko is the absolute best


Started in 2002. Then I got internet in 2003 and it all escalated when I found out Ranma 1/2 had like SNES games and RPGs and I coudn't understand jack shit Englsh or Japanese.

So I learned English because it was easier, then later I learned Japanese.

Thinking back I mostly fap to futa these days, I'm guessing Ranma 1/2 is to blame since this is what my puberty years were and I'm guessing this shit got stuck in my subconsciously head.

Even went to Japan and visited Shirako-gawa and Shakuji-Koen Park.

Basically this youinjapan.net/otaku-places/ranma.php

Sadly these days Japan doesn't really look that typical 90s look... as brand new cars, houses and advertisements are everywhere.

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what is she pointing to?

I bought my first Ranma manga volume in 1997. That was back when they came out only a few volumes a year, with the pages mirrored so you read it left to right. Forget having seen it or not, there are posters here who weren't even born then.

Don't forget she has a nice body and sexy boobs

Literally only one Nabiki post in this Ranma thread. What the fuck?

Attached: Nabiki-Tendo.jpg (1641x1221, 141K)

Because she would sell even her own family for money.

Nabiki is nothing special.
Akane was the best daughter.

Thanks user but I'd rather a girl who didn't try to sell my organs on the black market after sex.

Not him, but for me it was

K-Chris W

today i will remind them

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She's definitely the source of my red hair preference.

very very lewd

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Was she 16 in these?

I like Kasumi's summer dress. I wish she had another design like that though, since her other "standard" outfits are all just boring.

Technically no Ranma character ever ages a year officially, although the girls are generally drawn with more curves in movie 2 and the OVAs, and there was even a chapter about Ranma's breasts having grown.

If i recall correctly akane told ranma once "you've been living in our house for 2 years and never help us with home tasks", something along the lines.
Who knows if that was a dub mistake or nonsense filler

You call this lewd? Don't make me laugh.

Attached: anime.gif (320x240, 193K)

That's a guy who cares

Anyone that isn't a zoomer

Pretty sure that's dub-only since I've watched the tv series fairly recently. It's clear that no time passes since they never change classes. Kuno is a 2nd year in the beginning of the series so if two years passed he'd have graduated.

Not even top 5

Quite gay

What would happen if she got pregnant then changed back to male? Would he be pregnant too or does it kill the baby?

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Episode 87.
It was more a reference to the fact that the show had been airing for roughly two years at that point. It's dumb as hell and is never referenced again.
Actually, I'm almost sure they still refer to Ranma and Akane as sixteen again some time after this.

Attached: Ranma 2 Years.png (1249x931, 1.33M)

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Guys, guys... what if Ranma turned into a girl with a tiny little penis? Wouldn't that be funny ha ha.

Don't matter if good or bad.
Still instilled me with kinks.

Attached: FenekRanmama.png (881x1388, 227K)

Yes and yes
And if she misbehaves, just squeeze her boobs hard

In the manga Ukyo ends with Konatsu(a trap) and Ryoga with Akari.

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>Wouldn't be Ryoga's type
>Despite constantly being smitten with Ranma's disguise personas
>Despite defending Ranma when the rest of their rivals tried to ambush them while locked in female form
>Despite constantly pushing each other further

If a new Ranma series came out, the fanbase would certainly make a RanRyo pairing as likely to come to fruition as a RanAkane one.

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>cute girl and cute trap

>ends with Konatsu(a trap)
Absolutely disgusting

I can only imagine the horde of Fujos that would rain down on it. It would start out as Ranma-chan X Ryoga but after a year it would be exclusively Ranma as a male.

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It is a mystery

Tell me what your masterplan for fucking a genderbend character would be. That shit is absolutely impossible.

Idk they seem to tend to get immediate lust for dick in all the doujinshi I read

What is hitting it and quitting it?

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Ranma is still a boy though so I doubt he'd cheat on Akane for some cheap cock. I'll still try to smash though.

And a nice trap will have sexy body like a girl and the mind of a man. The dream eh?

>It's not your feminine heart shining through, it's because you're getting some free fuckin' ice cream
>Implying there isn't an infestation of gays and trannies here
If I wanted ice cream, I'd just kick your ass.

you missed the corset episodes bro

>left to right
Jeez, how old is this?

>Decided to rewatch the series after 20+ years

Goddamn, Akane is somehow even worse than I remember from childhood. I mean, she's cute but jesus christ.

Attached: akane_snap3.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Meh at least l get to see her naked so she gets a pass

Its ranma who provokes her

No, she's the one that started it all. He wouldn't treat her that way if she wasn't such a cunt to him at the start.

>mfw 99% of manga sites keep using the same rips from older manga sites dating back 30 years

Dragonball literally looks like it was redrawn using MSPaint its so bad.

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>cunt to him
When did this happen? She was nothing but nice to him.
In the first episode she got scared upon seeing a strange naked man in her bathroom. After that she cooled down.
it was ranma who told her she was build like a brick. That made her angry. In the anime its always ranma who starts the fight.

Damn, I watched Ranma as a child and I also often fap to futa. There has to be some connection.

She was nice before she found out Ranma was male, then it all went downhill from there. He was all ready to accept her friendship and everything, but she kept calling him a pervert and whatnot, even though she's the one that walked in on him, after taking a good, long look at him from head to toe.

She became best girl later in the manga(it was kind of showing in the later OVAs, not the 2008 one)

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Is this show the most degenerate ever?

Attached: x15 (1).png (800x1108, 131K)

I feel like modern attempts at recapturing the genderbender magic are way more degenerate. Those are entirely focused on sex and don't have any heart or story beyond "omg hot girl lets fug"

This is problem that crops up modern anime in general. Not all, but it's a particular sickness only now. People joke about Miyazaki's infamous line a lot, but there was point there. We're on like our third generation of anime/manga makers by this point, many of which grew up consuming material made by people who grew up consuming the material themselves. At a certain point, people have distilled and heavily narrowed in on the particular aspects they liked about the big works of their time. As much as we can shit on Ranma or Fruits Basket, the gender/shapeshifting thing in both was largely a means to an end. In the latter more than the former, I'd guess, but in both it was a vehicle for the story itself. A big part you can't really disentangle from the overall work, but not the ultimate goal in it of itself. But for some people they may have been the point of it in particular and so the works it inspires become further and further concentrated down onto those aspects to the exclusion of the other, larger points.

Not that this is to ignore the many kind of degenerate fan service and motivations in classic anime or manga, but just to explain how the chain of inspiration leads us to where we are.

No way
Shit like high shool dxd is the most degenerate shit ever

I agree. In one thread people shared all of their favorite genderbender mangas so I saved them all to my backlog. For every single one I only got a few chapters in before giving up. They had absolutely no substance beyond "A guy is a girl now surrounded by horny guy friends".

rape her

You start by being drink buddies and then when she's drunk as my uncle Yuri, you fuck and impregnate her.


How do you make "drink buddies" with someone?

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May I join?

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>all these South park kids

I didn't know South Park had a Japanese dub.

>The entire series has a subplot about a love triangle between Ranma, Ryoga and Hibiki
>Doesn't make it a full blown cyclical love triangle by having Girl Ranma with Ryoga

Wasted potential; what was even the point of the genderbend if you can't even think of that?

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There are a few clips on youtube but i don't think they are the ones with Kappei Yamaguchi (Ranma's voice actor)

He also (surprisingly) voiced Baki

I just wanted these two to be together.
At least there's Boku Girl...

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Does anyone have a link to a torrent of the entire English translated manga? I saw it somewhere the other day. I thought I downloaded it. But I cant find it.

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When he transforms his body is always reset.

>I just wanted these two to be together.
It says you're gay.jpg

Ranma's female va voiced Marcie in Peanuts which i thought was pretty cool

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That explains why I thought she sounded kinda hot.

I've watched it twice.

Doesn't matter

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>Despite constantly being smitten with Ranma's disguise personas
Ranma was pretending to be Ryouga's type
>Despite defending Ranma when the rest of their rivals tried to ambush them while locked in female form
Ryouga is an honorable guy wants to fight him fair and square
>Despite constantly pushing each other further
I bet you think all male rivalries are romantic


Ukyo, Nabiki and Ranma are the best girls.

Why do people like Nabiki so much? She'll steal all your shit and has absolutely no romantic feelings for anything other than money. She had some nice boobies and nothing else.

Her voice is pure sex.

There's one in something like the first chapter, just lost/removed in translation.

Really, REALLY nice boobies, and also her early-chapter characterization before LOL MONEY XD was great.

This was the moment I started shipping Akane and Ranma

When I was a kid I lover ranma, it was one of my favourite mangas. But now almost everything about it pisses me off.

I concur
She started as the slacker sister and the middle ground between the doormat Kasumi and the tomboy Akane.
She acted aloof most of the time but had a playful side like that time in the public bath when she greeted ranma from the wall when he was bathing and she was naked

Reminder that Shampoo is literally the best pick for Ranma.

>grew up almost just like he did with psycho training and horrible parental guidance
>has a curse
>over the course of the manga grew to not mind Ranma's girl form
>was always game for girl ranma shenanigans when Ranma wanted to trick someone or get free shit
>cares about martial arts almost as much as she cares about Ranma
>loves to travel, just like Ranma

They were made for each other. The only thing that kept them apart was Rumiko throwing a shitfit at her editor.

Attached: Shampoo-ranma-1-2-shampoo-ranma-36986241-987-768.jpg (987x768, 304K)

Why is it that pretty much all Ranma doujins these days make her into a disgusting chubby slob?

The only problem with trying to have sex with Ranma is that the curse works on gag physics. So it doesn't matter the circumstances, overpowered and trying to rape, consensual, amnesia. Something will happen, no matter how unlikely, that will change her back into a man. The only way that you could make it work is with the locking ladle.

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That's just MAGE.

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I was just thinking today about how curses seem to have genetics to them. The musk dynasty inherited aspects of animals from the cursed women. So would it work in reverse? Would Shampoo birth humans with cat features? Or, in the same vein. If she was locked in cat form and had kittens, would those kittens have human features? Also, what does this bode for Ranma? Will Akane just end up giving birth to girls no matter what?

>All men
Damn, atleast my orbiters are smarter

Wait a sec.

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Kinda true, kinda not. The female form does seem to change, so it isn't like in a quantum locked state when not in it, but I'm sure that is more or less because it is being built based on his actual body. I would doubt though that he would transform and be on her period, much less would still continue to be pregnant, otherwise there would be no point to the locking ladle the Musk use.

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Yeah it was kinda funny how Shampoo almost became Lum 2.0.

>introduced as a rival for the violent tsundere love interest
>editors try and make her the main love-interest

The first major difference comes in how Lum was introduced in the first chapter. In contrast to the anime which brought Lum back almost immediately, she was actually gone for a few chapters because she wasn't intended to be a main character.

While Shampoo was introduced after Akane was clearly established as the main love-interest and it still almost happened again.

Attached: Lum.gif (500x375, 2.06M)

Don't forget the anime team going completely rogue. Bless those guys.

since its a magic/curse thing
it could be likely work as an illusory magic where impregnation isnt even possible on the first place because its magic shit

on the other hand, the magic could have polymorphic effects and the magic can alter the natural biology of a person
in that case the fetus would be possibly just be absorbed by the human body when the magic reverts back

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Her dub voice is even better

>what brought lum back was a bunch of crazy assholes chanting at the sky

Was that a subtle jab at how she didn't want to do it?

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Female Ranma
>Genious fighter
>Great body
>Didn't care about being half naked/exposed in public
>Pretty clever, can pull it off situations whitout fighting all the time
>Exploit her body to get advantages like a boss

>Good fighter
>Has a job
>Financtially independet
>Great cook
>Adult mindset
>Would be a great wife and mother

>Great fighter
>Cutest girl
>Stubborn (in a good way)
>Has a job
>Respect traditions
>Grown up training just like ranma (they basically even share the same martial arts masters)

>Atlethic and in a great shape
>Fucking hangry at dick because all female school
>A little psycho but if you wanna have a relation with her there is no problem
>Takes the initiative

>Always angry
>Bad body shape
>Literally jealous of Female Ranma (and every other female in the manga, jesus christ she is jealous even of her harmless sister Kasumi)
>Little to nothing fighting skills
>Every occasion is good to mess with you and pick a fight
>Shit at cooking
>Stupid angry-with-the-world-teenager mindset
>Violent, overreacting all the time, cant let you time to explain yourself
>Dumb as fuck, can't even figure out Ryouga is P-chan

Seriously guys, why we still fighting each other about who is the best girl? Every girl is a great deal exept Akane.

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> genuinely the nicest person in ranma1/2
> a real beauty. All of furinken high is crazy about her.
> was forced to marry a pervert who changes into a girl. Still loves him.
> ranma cheats on her with every other girl and sometimes men too. She still is faithful to him.

Why do people hate akane so much?

I'll admit Akane isn't that bad in the manga, but the anime made her the worst character aside from Happousai, maybe.

>Konatsu(a trap)
This character was completely unneeded. Just bring back Tsubasa if you want a trap for Ukyo.

Nabiki and Ukyo are the best girls in the show.

fat ranma is hot

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First anime I watched back in the early 90's when I was 4/5.

Do you know how long it would take to learn all the martial arts before I can imagine Ranma a couple of kids? I might as well manipulate him into studying the science of the pleasure of being cummed inside.

hinako >> your bitches

That would make zero sense given Ranmas character. Ranma remained completely masculine and the curse was mostly just an annoyance and played up in the manga for laughs more than anything else.

Yeah but Akane was the authors self insert and so was destined to win no matter what.


No, that's a girl. Please check your eyes.
Are you a retard? Ranma is a girl when turned into a girl, that is the whole point of his curse. He turns into a GIRL. That means a female brain. Only reason he doesn't act more like a girl is because his memories of being a boy make him feel creeped out by the idea. We have seen scenes in the manga where Ranma actually started reacting to things such a Kuno. It just took a while and was never focused on in the story because Rumiko wanted an awkward girl like Akane be the heroine.

I hope we all agree that all three of them are hot as fuck?

Attached: hot.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Hot, Hottest, Hotter.

Because the shift in build between Ranma and Ranko is more visually interesting and she's cuter with some plushness to her anyway.

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I wish the series had played up more aspects of the genderbending besides Ranma occasionally playing cute or getting free food.

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Because Ranma's physique is already at its peak so his female form being fat in all the right places makes perfect sense. Not only is Ranma a perverted slut but her body just can't help being the most breedable girl in the manga.

too bad about the shit doujins

>Only reason he doesn't act more like a girl is because his memories of being a boy make him feel creeped out by the idea
Yeah no shit dumbass I just said that.

Attached: ranma7.png (451x570, 48K)

Can't you just keep a bottle of water with you in case he changes form? I'd do anything I could to keep pounding that tight, fat ass for the future of our children.

Kasumi is hotter

I agree, all of the Tendo girls are indeed hot as fuck.

Attached: The-Tendo-Sisters-the-girls-of-ranma-1-2-38480949-500-375.jpg (500x375, 38K)

please kill yourself.
>more visually interesting and she's cuter with some plushness to her anyway.
Only it isn't. The artist that draw her like this are retarded chubby chasers. "mage" for instance gives her a rack that makes you wonder how the fuck she is able to move and he makes her so fat that calling her a martial artist becomes a joke.
>Because Ranma's physique is already at its peak so his female form being fat in all the right places makes perfect sense.
No, it makes ZERO sense. If you have a thin body, why the hell would your become a fat slob when you changed sex? Canon Ranma isn't fat so this is just a case of some artists having a disgusting fetish. Unless you are a walrus you don't become more breed-able because you are fat, the opposite is actually true.

>Good fighter
Nope. Not one bit. She is worse than Akane. She just uses a lot of trickery.
>Has a job
>Financtially independet
Onlty because she is a scrooge.
Not one bit. She has a conniving jealous and very selfish personality.
>Great cook
She can only cook one thing.
>Adult mindset
If you mean conniving and underhanded, then yes.
>Would be a great wife and mother
Hahaha no. Bitch always takes advantage of Ranma and other people. She would do the same to her own children.

>Great fighter
She could have been better if she for some reason didn't stop training after she came to Japan.
>Cutest girl
No, that would be Ranma.
>Stubborn (in a good way)
errr. okay.
>Has a job
No, she literally works for her own family.
>Respect traditions
Only when it suits her. It has more to do with her own self-image.
>Grown up training just like ranma (they basically even share the same martial arts masters)
True, but either Cologne and other people sucked as teachers, or they for some reason decided that she wasn't good enough to train properly. I mean come on. The roasted chestnuts technique wouldn't have been that difficult for Shampoo to learn.

Her family is wealthy, she is not.
>Atlethic and in a great shape
Better than a normal gymnast.
>Fucking hangry at dick because all female school
No, she is just love crazy. Not dick crazy.
Yes, she is insane.
>A little psycho but if you wanna have a relation with her there is no problem
I agree, she isn't actually that insane, especially if you compare her to the other girls in the manga.
>Takes the initiative
So does all the other girls.

Nabiki has the sexiest voice in Ranma

>roasted chestnuts technique
Didn't she used it combined with that other tecnique to braiwash Akane?

Literally "wash" since it was a shampooing (hue hue) technique.

----> continued
The problem with Akane is based Shinobu from Urusei Yatsura. Rumiko wanted to write a story where literally the WORST girl would get the main prince. Everyone loved Lum though, so Rumiko was forced by her producers to make Lum the herone. Rumiko deliberately made Akane what in Japan would be considered a "trash" woman. She sucks at being feminine, can't cook, has an ugly body and an unlikable personality. She literally has NOTHING that makes her special. Aside from being Ranma's fiancee, her whole personality is literally that she is just flawed beyond redemption. She is just a stage prop that allowed Rumiko to show readers that even an awkward (see worst loser) can get the best prince. Meanwhile Rumiko never married.
>Always angry
Not always, that is just the anime flanderizing her. She does behave like a bitch though, but I actually blame that on Kasumi encouraging her. Look at how Kasumi was portrayed in the first and second volume back when she actually had a personality and you will understand what I mean.
>Bad body shape
This is true.
>Literally jealous of Female Ranma (and every other female in the manga
>she is jealous even of her harmless sister Kasumi
Kasumi is a bitch though, but it is only shown in the first two volumes.
>Little to nothing fighting skills
Well, pretty much everyone in the manga is.
>Every occasion is good to mess with you and pick a fight
?? not sure what you are saying here.
>Shit at cooking
>Stupid angry-with-the-world-teenager mindset
They mostly have her interact with Ranma and crazy people around him so her behavior doesn't really prove that she is like this with normal people.
>Violent, overreacting all the time, cant let you time to explain yourself
>Dumb as fuck, can't even figure out Ryouga is P-chan
There isn't really a scene that would ever make her think that Ryouga is P-chan. Only thing telling is his bandanna.


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>Female Ranma
>>Genious fighter
I wouldn't go that far. I'd argue that despite being a but of a dolt at times, Genma was actually an incredible teacher.
>>Great body
Yes. This is true. But she has a beautiful face as well.
>>Didn't care about being half naked/exposed in public
Only at first. This seems to be realted to her not considering showing her nipples an issue. I mean, how many guys try to cover up their nipples? So even when her brain changed into that of a girl, she wouldn't have enough self-awareness that it would be something she had to hide. In the manga at least, this actually changed in the last few stories where she got embarrassed about being naked in front of Kuno. Of course maybe this is because she actually like him? He was after all the only guy or girl that she acted shy around like this.
>>Pretty clever, can pull it off situations whitout fighting all the time
Same could be said about Shampoo, or even Ukyuu. One of the funnier stories was when Shampoo and Ranma teamed up and disguised themselves to trick Ryouga. Ranma goes on about how their disguises were great (they were really bad) and Shampoo just goes: "they is?"
>>Exploit her body to get advantages like a boss
This is actually both good and bad. But it does become cute when you realize that she doesn't always think through the consequences of such actions. Her actions actually seem to have more to do with how she has seen women act. So she just does the same. I mean, Shampoo does the exact same thing when she tries to get close to Ranma after all.

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>Yeah no shit dumbass I just said that.
Only you didn't.
Makes you wonder who is to blame here. Rumiko, or her editors? The manga, the first few volumes had a stronger story to it. Especially Kuno. They really should have allowed Kuno to actually become a valid love interest for Ranma, and then made say Ukyuu a guy for good measure. Then Akane, Shampoo and Kodachi would have been the female love interest while Tatewaki and Ukyuu would have been the male ones. (and no, I deliberately did not include Ryouga, because honestly he is less of a man than Akane is) I'm not asking for some heavy handed gender writing here like in "Futaba-kun change", but it would have been nice if it had actually had more of an impact.
I prefer the voice for female Ranma.
No, but that showed us that she should have been fast enough to be able to do it. It really was ridiculous when she was later put on the same level as the other girls. Akane "defeated" her because of a lucky kick and Ukyuu somehow manages to survive despite only being able to use petty tricks. The anime was even worse as the movies did her a huge disfavor and made her skills at fighting look like trash.

Ryouga's type is literally any girl that is a little nice to him.
>Despite constantly being smitten with Ranma's disguise personas
He isn't though. Ryouga is just a loser that will go for any girl. When he finds out that he has an admirer he becomes happy. When he finds out he has a fiancee he tries to rape her. When he etc etc etc The real problem here is that he never recognizes her. This shows that he doesn't care enough about her female form. To him, she is literally "any girl" because he keeps on being fooled by her.
>Ryouga is an honorable guy wants to fight him fair and square
Only he isn't. Ryouga and Mousse decided to murder Ranma and bury her when she was trapped in her female form during the magical kettle incident. Only reason Ryouga acts the way he does is because of his ego. It isn't because he is honorable, it is because he wants to be seen as honorable. Or didn't you see his thoughts when he "helped" her whens he was weak from the moxibution? His thoughts were basically "Yes! I am such a great guy! i am so honorable! This mean Akane will like me!"
Ryouga was just trash as always.

Why though? Ryouga was trash and never liked her. The guy she should have been with was always Tatewaki

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C'mon buddy, Ranma learned all the tecniques and won all the fights, he even figured out how to use in a creative way that thyphoon tecnique against Safulan, call it MC plot armor or whatever, but he's actually a gifted fighter becuse reasons.

>Kasumi is a bitch though, but it is only shown in the first two volumes.
Can you make me some examples? I read the first chapters something like 30 years ago and I didn't remember her being a bitch.

No. Ukyuu is trash and there is nothing between her and Ryouga. Ryouga despite being such a loser, has Akari.
>Akari is kind of boring though.
she has more personality than Ukyuu at least.
>She is just way too convenient. Appearing out of nowhere as the perfect girl for Ryoga's needs.
But that is just the thing, Ryouga is a loser. He will fall in love with literally any girl that is nice to him. Akari just so happens to be finally a girl that actually likes him. You might even call her liking him a certain form of insanity, so she is actually a type of girl that was different from all the other girls. She is a genuinely nice girl that makes her Sumo pig beat her up because she loves Ryouga so much. It is true that her stories were generally rather boring, but that was because centered around Ryouga. There were never any stories where she was allowed to actually really interact with other characters much.
>But the spirits attacked them because they considered them lovers due to how well they were working together.
No, they attacked any couples that entered the cave. It had nothing to do with them working well toghether. Rather that chapter and later ones have always showed that Ukyuu and Ryouga really don't get along at all. Ukyuu really thinks of Ryouga as a loser and Ryouga actually sees Ukyuu as a bad person despite her being female. The anime bullshit was just something they made up on their own and can't really be considered canon.
Why did you post a picture of Tatewaki's sweetheart?

I never said he wasn't gifted, I was just saying that he wasn't a genius. His real martial proves wasn't his ability to learn techniques but rather how good he was at using them. The real genius was Genma.
>how was Kasumi a bitch? Examples?
It was her general way of thinking But I'll mention the ones I can remeber here.

1.When Ranma first arrived she found it being a bother to be engaged so instead of creating a united front where all sisters just told their dad to shove it, she and Nabiki betrayed Akane and sold her down the river. Akane doesn't like boys so she can be engaged to a girl! yeah... that is just retarded. Akane was never a lesbian so Kasumi was just being a bitch here.
2. When Ranma wakes up Kasumi gleefully describes her sister as terrible person that can be nice. "She is actually a good person despite being a violent maniac". Gee what a nice sister Kasumi is.

3. When Ranma and Ryuoga is fighting outside in the rain and Akane wonders if they are burglars... Kasumi hands her a dumbbell and has her throw it at the possible burglars. So not only is she using her sister to do the dirty work, it is Kasumi's idea that throwing a dumbbell and people she doesn't even know if they are criminals or not...

But yes, it was only in the first two volumes. After this they flanderized Kasumi and she never showed even a hint of personality. had the show continued on as it were, I don't doubt for even a second that she would have done more meanspirited shit like this.

>The guy she should have been with was always Tatewaki
Kuno is literally a madman though (much like everyone else, admittedly), and only got worse as the series went on. Kuno's mind is usually so high in the clouds he hardly ever comes down to act like a real person, unlike some of the others. He also has no idea that the pig-tailed girl is actually Ranma, and that's after more than 100 episodes and 400 chapters.

>Ryouga was trash and never liked her.
People ship Ranma and Ryoga because they're usually the only martial artists in the show that match each other somewhat in combat. They're rivals, and Ranma's teasing of Ryoga can be cute sometimes. They have an interesting dynamic.

>The anime bullshit was just something they made up on their own and can't really be considered canon.
Well, it's anime canon, not manga canon. The Ranma anime and manga are so different that there's not a lot of point in saying which canon is more canon than the other. They're separate with how off the rails the show went.

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I watched the dub on tv when it first aired in my cunt. Only the first 80 episodes though because Ranmas VA just straight up fucking died in the studio during voicework and after that it just stopped

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Yes dub, I was 8 and liked watching cartoons on tv

>watching Ranma at 8
How many fetishes do you have now?

>Bad body shape
ok homos

Attached: cute.png (375x1022, 574K)

Fuck man, I Just remember the first one. She was really a bitch.

>caring how anons watch anime

Surprisingly no gay shit


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Something's wrong with this user. It's broken.

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such a cutie

Attached: cute1.png (423x1080, 770K)

Kasumi is a closet slut

Attached: slut.png (323x904, 555K)

she doesn't look like a human. But no, that season of the anime had QUALITY animation. Real Akane (see the manga) was built like a stick and flat as a stick. Female Ranma's tits were never that large in the manga, but they looked large compared to Akane's breasts.
See, here is an anime episode where her build is closer to what it actually is. Her tits are NOT that large. And even then, the tits in this image look more like how they looked at the end of the show than they did at the start or the middle.
Please read the manga again. Tatewaki was never all that crazy in the manga, the anime just shit on all the characters. It is true that he doesn't find out that Ranma is the same person as hid pigtailed girl, but there aren't that many scenes in the manga where he can.

Besides, ignoring the obvious does not make a person insane, it just makes him a bit oblivious.

>Ranma and Ryouga
They literally ship them because of he Koi rod story. Hell I remember that story myself and was hoping that he would have sex with her. It doesn't make him a good match for Ranma though nor does it make him interesting. Pantyhose Taro is arguably a better fighter than Ryouga. As far as technique goes, the lost boy hasn't really improved all that much. All he did was make his body tougher so that he can soak up damage, and then a KI attack that is based on how depressed he is. But even then at the end of the manga his fights with Ranma was as much of a joke as those the other boy had with Tatewaki. Ryouga just became a character that new rivals were allowed to trash so that they could show that they were a bigger threat to Ranma.

>anime canon
There is no such thing as "anime canon". We call that shit filler and garbage. Only thing that is canon is what is created by the actual creator of the show. Anything else is on the same level as fanfiction.

She so pure she won't even know what sex is until after the wedding day

yeah, no.
she said on the first episode something along the lines of
" i hope ranma isn't young, because young men are so Young"
basically implying that they are inexperienced.

I also watched a dub first but I have no excuse.

I grew up watching 4kids thinking it was good, so yeah that happened. Some 4kids stuff genuinely wasn't that bad so I kept thinking "it's probably just me" whenever I didn't like something on it.

She's so pure when she got possessed by that oni that amplified evil thoughts she just started doing super petty pranks sprinkled among her normal everyday activities.

The best episode

Attached: Ranma - Bath 1.webm (960x720, 2.36M)

Attached: Ranma - Bath 2.webm (960x720, 2.41M)

Attached: Ranma - Bath 3.webm (960x720, 2.5M)

I don't remember if it was anime-only but there was an episode where Happousai used some magic bullshit to separate female Ranma in spirit form who completely ignored the old man and called Ranma out of bed every night to spend time together.

Attached: ghost ranma with male ranma 4.png (1201x911, 705K)

Basically they'd do this until the sun rose and then she'd vanish.

Attached: ghost ranma with male ranma 5.png (1198x909, 591K)

Attached: Ranma - Bath 4.webm (960x720, 2.37M)

And then this happened when the Tendo family tried to separate them. Ranma's father was okay with the whole thing as long as he could find female-Ranma a rich husband.

Attached: ghost ranma with male ranma 6.png (1205x909, 611K)

>Your own clone is your soulmate
It kinda makes sense

>Ranma's father was okay with the whole thing
Genma was either extremely progressive or just didnt give a fuck about those things for the whole series.

He was the only character actually enjoying his curse and never complain about it. shampoo either

no the best episode was the one where ryoga fights ranma with the breaking point technique. it was also the best fight in the series.

Until you didn't know the tecnique wont work on people

Akane is canonically a flatty fatty.

You should not base you judgment upon how characters look in the anime/manga. They all look pretty much in shape. But it is stated by female Ranma (when she is borrowing female clothes from her) that Akane has a small breast and large hips, suggesting some kind of a pear shape.

Attached: Ranma_ep02[1].png (1066x795, 658K)

> But it is stated by female Ranma (when she is borrowing female clothes from her) that Akane has a small breast and large hips, suggesting some kind of a pear shape.

these comparison are made by ranma, the bustiest girl in the anime. Akane's "small" tits are just average. and besides why shouldn't i use anime or manga as the reference ? akane and all the girls were martial artists or athletic. so it made sense they'd all be in shape.

Ranma said the top was too tight and the jeans was too large. This means Akane has small tits and large hips, dude it's in the manga, it's canonical that Akane has a shitty body shape.

It was anime only and it was trash. meanwhile the manga had the much superior mirror clone storyline.

Shampoo only cared about the curse because it was a CAT curse and Ranma was afraid of her.

sure fags

Attached: cute.jpg (744x652, 181K)

As I said before, they are all in shape a correctly drawed BUT in takahashi's mind she has a bad body shape, she stated it again and again for the whole series, so just keep believing what the fuck you want dude, I dont care.

>You should not base you judgment upon how characters look in the anime/manga.
The fuck did I just read? Are you saying I should not base how characters look, based on how they look?

Anime is one thing since they are supposed to be based on the work of the manga, but since it has several animation studios and a lot of them are trash... they can't be used as a reliable reference. So we only have the manga to go by.

Kasumi is bustier in the anime. Shampoo is bustier in the anime. It is just in some seasons the animators were crap.

Akane's ass is square shaped. She is built like a brick.

Its true. Albeit as far as the hips go we have to remember that Akane is taller than Ranma so it is only natural that her hips are bigger. This also means that Akane's tits are really small. Female Ranma at the start of the manga had a bust size that was a small b-cup. At the end of the manga she had a large b-cup. Now take this into consideration when you remember that Ranma said that Akane was built like a brick. Akane was REALLY flat.

Sure what? Her body looks like a stick and her tits are at most an A-cup.

>they can't be used as a reliable reference. So we only have the manga to go by.

Oh jesus christ, I'm trying to say, it's like when in Jojo a new villaing step in and he's tall, muscular and intimidating and after he's defeated he's nothing more a midget, what you see didn't matter. Takahashi draw every character in a proper way, and everyone looks proportioned and well shaped BUT she told us, countless times Akane has a bad body shape, and it's not simply a Ranma point of view/comparison, there are countless gags about it. She is canonically pear shaped.

No, she isn't. The top is to small around the busty, not around the upper body. Ranma was complaining that the bust part was too small, not that the shirt itself was. There is no proof that she is pear shaped. Thereis however proof that she is shaped like a stick. Heck if you want to take what characters say in the manga as gospel, then that only proves my point even more. She is built like a brick, and looks like a stick.
Nobody said that Akane wasn't it shape. The argument was that she was built like a brick and looked like a stick. She was skinny because of all the training she did. Basically this is Akane's bodyshape:

1. Hips are around the same width and her upper torso.
2. Almost no discernible waist.
3. A-cup breasts
4. Thin thighs but thick calves, both a result of her training.
5. While not having heavy muscles, because she is so thing he muscles stand out and results in her body being hard.
6. No ass.

Basically she had the body of a young guy. If I recall correctly isn't there even a scene where somebody mistakes Akane as a boy?

Didn't help matter that they cut her hair and removed the last ounce of femininity she ever had. (also the school uniform is one of the worst female uniforms I have seen in any manga.)

oh yeah, then why did everyone want to date her in the first few episodes before they found out she was engaged ?

Ok, understood, keep dreaming. You literally can't accept what is canon. Cya

Because of Kuno's retarded game

Well I watched it in german and the dub was pretty good, I would have liked to watch the entire thing dubbed

Because the boys at Furinkan high are retarded.Tatewaki wanted to date her because he had this weird fetish for women that act manly and the other boys used his announcement as an excuse. All those boys are dateless virgins so when they hear that they only need to defeat a girl to make her date them, even if that girl has no tits, hat is still better than having no date at all.

Notice that nobody ever tried to date her normally.
Hooh? So which is canon?

1. What is actually shownin the manga.

2. a theory based of off a single off-shot comment that was meant to be played as a joke.

hmmm I wonder.

there was no game, he simply said and i quote
"the vengeance of heaven is slow but sure, if you wish to take akane out on a date ,you must defeat her in combat, i tatekwaki kuno will accept no other terms"

> they were dateless virgins
not everyone in the group.
> when they hear that they only need to defeat a girl to make her date them, even if that girl has no tits, hat is still better than having no date at all.
kuno never said akane will accept to go on a date if you defeat her. or you simply need to defeat her to take her against her will.

he said if you wish to take her on a date ,first you must defeat her otherwise i won't allow it.
>Notice that nobody ever tried to date her normally.
nobody asked her out normally because they were all scared of kuno. that nigga busted a concrete wall with a wooden stick.

>Girly Traps
Male Body
Female Personality

>Reverse Trap
Female Body
Male Personality

Fucking a Trap is gayer than gay sex because not only are you fucking a guy but you're putting up with a woman's faggotry as well. Reverse Traps are the least gay as they are the complete opposite.

she fat, but it's because her tits fill out later.

Attached: Akane fat belly.gif (800x1257, 143K)

>best girl is actually a boy
How can women even compete

By growing dicks and becoming men themselves clearly

>Hooh? So which is canon?

Yes but Japanese can be tricky and be interpreted as if he told them that defeating Akane would actually make her date them. So the boys were hearing what they wanted to hear.

>Yes but Japanese can be tricky
Nabiki in particular.

ITT people screaming for akane being a cutie

>not everyone in the group.
You have evidence right?
>kuno never said
What he said in Japanese could interpreted that way.
>nobody asked her out normally because they were all scared of kuno.
So when she was 14-15 nobody asked her out even though they weren't in the same school? Please actually read the manga. Everyone thought Akane would make a much better boy. Even in elementary girl, everyone voted her to play the role of the prince.
He would be much better if you could genderswap him. But there are even Japanese fans that get angry at the prospect and say that it would ruin him. In a way they are right... it is the same way with genderswap that some artists decided to add a dick type for some reason and am make into futanari. If you change the actual concept of a character, it is no longer the character that people fell in love with.
hahaha more like her muscles stopped him from getting his hand in there, but this makes it funnier. That story was just so sad though. The battle suit only liked girls that didn't have any tits and Akane for some reason thought that her having a suit that did 95% of all the fighting somehow legitimatized her ability.

Ranma was no better though. Even if I can understand he didn't like that Akane now became even more of a jerk to him, his reasoning to remove the suit from her if I recall... was because it was perverted. So he was jealous of he clothes. Now imagine if instead of a battle suit, it had been a pair of panties.

Exactly. She showed us multiple times that Akane was built like a stick and that her brain was a brick. Akane was never pear shaped.
She isn't though. At best you can argue that she is gap moe or something, but even that is stretching it. Akane was meant to be the worst imaginable heroine. The last line of the manga was Rumiko cementing it herself.

Why isn't there any trophy boyfriend for kodachi? All she wanted was romantic love yet the author makes her stay forever alone.

That scene is supposed to be emotional and romantic but i fapped to Akane's plump tits anyway

She's got a great pair of tits in canon and fan art.

Attached: Ranma by Harumagedon.jpg (1289x1820, 274K)

God I love this pic. It tells an entire story.

Genma Saotome gave no fucks. Not a one. Turning into a fat throw pillow that did nothing but eat was simply a logical extension of his personality.

Attached: 1555801653479.jpg (1920x1080, 991K)

ryoga honestly seems like the best match for her.
they are both looking for love and she wouldn't have a problem with his pig situation.

>Ranma and Ryoga fighting again
>Ranma gets splashed with water, fight stops because Ryoga can't handle tits
>Tired of this, Ranma decides to help him get over his embaressment
>first it's just fondling her tits, then he gets bold and wants to see down there
>Ranma regretting, but also getting hot and bothered, they finally solved Ryoga's problem
>Except now they have a new problem

What happens to Akane when she realizes Ranma and Ryoga are fucking on the sly?


At first she's furious, how could Ranma betray her like this, but then she wants to see and then it turns into threesomes. Sometimes with the bros going to town on Akane, then sometimes with Ryoga doing both of them as girls. They stopped for a good while though when Ranma got changed back into a man while Ryoga was balls deep in her.

She'll be livid of course. The real question is what will happen to Ranma when Akane gets her uncute tomboy hands on him?

"So you like doing it as a girl, huh?!"

This is the entire framing for the sequel doujin.

She's MY wife you fuckhead! Back off!!

Attached: Ranma_pout.png (576x432, 228K)

Are mentally challenged?

>There is no such thing as "anime canon". We call that shit filler and garbage.

I mean, if the anime consistently referenced itself it's clear they had their own "canon" up to a point, like the Sasuke character.

Pairing up Ryoga/Ukyuu together in a friendly way (as well as outright -removing- several of Ukyuu's worse moments like when she attacked Nabiki once she became Ranma's fiancée) is one of the things the anime did a few times even though it was never a thing in the manga.

If anything, I think one of the problems of the Ranma anime was how fearful they were overall of deviating from the manga in spite of having so much filler due to catching up with it. Urusei Yatsura's anime-only stories could deviate much more from the manga (or having large original filler segments alongside manga story, rather than stretching the manga stuff) and that made for a better show overall since many of the most memorable episodes are "filler".

Ranma likely would be remembered in a more positive way overall if the anime had ended with something like Urusei Yatsura's tv finale which added an actual kiss that never happened in the manga for example.

>There were never any stories where she was allowed to actually really interact with other characters much.

Because she was specifically created to be Ryoga's perfect love interest and all her traits are based on that. She'd need more traits in order to be featured in stories that don't have Ryoga as a focus, but that was never the point of her character.


Attached: 1534591145505.jpg (1600x2133, 290K)

She's mine though.

Is that her body after her 3rd child?

It's her body after her third dinner.

Ranma is made for Childbearing.

Attached: 1451803072715.jpg (1280x1861, 322K)



Attached: Couple.jpg (367x449, 127K)


You are gay.

Ukyo is basic.