Are buccialati an his gang the bad guys?

Are buccialati an his gang the bad guys?
Boss just wanted to just stay anonymous and have his daughter in his custody again.

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They're anti-heroes
They (meaning Bucciaratti and Giorno, and presumably the rest of the gang when all is said and done) still want to be in control of a major criminal organization that holds a dominant stake over all aspects of Italian life, and regularly deals in payed assassinations, gambling and prostitution, but they care enough to stop selling drugs, or at least forbid their dealers from selling to children. In the larger picture, Diavolo isn't any more of a villain than they are beyond wanting to kill Trish and serve his own paranoia about staying anonymous, he's just the guy who has to die so Bucciaratti and Giorno can get what they want

Don't think there's any real villains or good guys in part 5.
If bucci gang wanted to take down Passione they'd be good guys, but they want to take over Passione. Sure, drugs bad, but a mafia is still a mafia.

Giorno and Bucciaratti hate drugs, so everything they are doing is a-okay

They literally just beat people up over nothing.

The real villain in part 5 is fate

>leads an organization of drug dealers and murderers
>"just wanted to stay anonymous"

Guess what Giorno does at the end of Part 5.

>have his daughter in his custody again
Why was he trying to kill her again?

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Something to do with the fact that people might be able to work out his identity through Trish or his ability through her stand, which hadn't manifested when he tried to kill her

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aka Araki's shitty writing.

They only hate drugs when they are peddled to kids. Guaranteed Giorno kept the heroin trade going but laid down the law about their customers.

family members being able to intrinsically sense each other's presence has been a thing since at least part 3

Trish has been going "My father is in this town... I can sense it!" occasionally. The Jojoverse has a lot of stuff about fate and mystical connections to others, especially if related by blood.

This. "Taking her daughter into custody" involved cutting off her arm, even if he didn't want to kill her he sure as hell wasn't trying to be a good father.

>Boss distributes drugs, orders assassinations, enabled a team of brutal torturers, burned down a town, tortured his mother, and tried to kill his own daughter
>"He dindu nuffin. Bruno was the villain."

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Isn't it indicated that Giorno wanted to use the gang as a force for good as well? Beyond just the no drugs thing

>Boss just wanted to have his daughter in his custody again.
Did you forget that Diavolo wanted to kill her?

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So this is what Part 5 would turn out if it was by CLAMP

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Would Diavolo have minded Bruno having a somewhat more strict policy on who to give drugs? Polpo was the one who had control over the drug trade, right?

Imagine if Bruno talked things out instead of screeching "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY FEELINGS"

Bruno cared more about the fact that he tried to murder Trish, once the boss did that any good will was gone, it seems you didn't understand his feelings

Diavolo is a sperg. Bruno being a man of principles isn't really an unknown fact, obviously suddenly killing Trish while leaving Bruno with her severed hand was gonna make him freak out. If he just asked him to drop Trish in a room then exit the building, he could have killed her without having a capo rebelling.

When Bruno was blind and Doppio helped him cross the street, why didn't Bruno lick Doppio to determine if he was trustworthy?

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Diavolo rules by fear, it can be explained that he did this purposely to strike fear into Bruno and keep him subjugated. He also had a traitor cut into tiny slices and sent him through the mail to his own men to remind them to not fuck around.

Killing your family is wrong.

Made me chuckle.

He wanted to KILL his daughter.

as far as he could tell Doppio was a bystander

He did this to La Squadra because Sorbet and Gelato were trying to find him, thus threatening his secrecy and position. Bruno was from Diavolo's knowledge at the time a reliable, loyal henchman who succesfully brought him the one thing he needed to fully hide his past. There was pretty much no need to scare him. He only did this because his mind couldn't understand why people wouldn't agree with a father violently murdering his daughter for personal gain. Like I said, he's a pure sperg.

Giorno will likely transform the organization into a benevolent peace keeping idealized yakuza sorta deal.

It must be a secondary effect of having a stand. Probably related to the same shit that attracts stand users to one another and makes them likely to fight for dominance.

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Bruno is beloved by the citizens in his town. He’s not some random thug.

Bruno is also a sperg in that moment. What makes him immediately think that it's the Boss stealing/killing Trish with a leftover hand and not some La Squadra member still after them?

If we assume Araki has planned things ha! then this is probably it, since Joseph couldn't pick up on his mom's presence yet.
Plus Stands get distributed through bloodlines retroactively, so there's that too.

>and then diavolo and Trish had loads of sex

Because there's absolutely no reason for a La Squadra member to be right where the Boss asked Bruno to be since Ghiaccio couldn't get the disc? This is such a dumb argument anyway. If Diavolo wasn't the culprit, the situation would have calmed down later when the assassin would have been dealt with.