Hunter x Hunter 2011 is superior over 1999 version. It has better animation, design, soundtrack, colors, nearly no fillers and more and accurate adapted arc.
Hunter x Hunter 2011 is superior over 1999 version. It has better animation, design, soundtrack, colors...
Other urls found in this thread:
Watch & Learn
I wish this series looked good, it needs the murata treatment
bait harder net time.
I watched the 2011 version first and then watched the 99 version and I would have to say that I personally like the darker theme to the 99 version because it’s really aesthetic I would say and gives me a weird sense of nostalgia I can’t explain. Whereas the 2011 does have more detail in it’s animation. The whole thing is really pros and cons and I don’t think that one truly is better than the other because they both have things they do better than the other and the other way around.
>Purely my opinion
>this phoneposting namefag herocuck is still posting in HxH threads
Yes just because most of my images are on my phone and not on my computer as well as ease of access to shitposting anywhere. I never understood this meme because I can literally post from my computer and I would say the same shit that I’m saying now but because I post it from a computer makes my point somewhat more valid?
No name no opinion, ghost-cuck lmao
Because someone literally put Chrollobro as their name in a thread and said they liked MHA that means it’s me. Whatever, no point in trying to explain something to someone clearly not as intelligent as myself.
>posting in hxh threads
Yeah was playing Arma3 but got bored so here I am.
These threads are full of faggots.
99' is basically on the very tail end of the cel animation era right before every animation studio switched to digital, of course it has that nostalgic anime feel to it. My main complaint with 99 is that everything feels too zoomed in and claustrophobic when watching and it looks cheaper than a lot of other cel anime produced in the 90s. The best thing 99 has going for it is the beautiful backgrounds and artwork
Here we go again.
>misunderstanding the whole concept of being anonymous
You aren't someone here,you're your own opinion
Pic related is you.
Yeah, you’re one of them.
That was the one point in that post I was baiting
Based my man
Pitou is the best girl and is my wife
Dr. STRONG anime will beat both, whisperfag.
I honestly can't wait for Dr. Stone. I'm gonna spend the entire week before it releases just masturbating because I am fucking excited nigga.
That Yea Forums sings Departure is a total false flag. Contributing to it was never brought up in any HxH threads and it was most definitely cooked up by some Yea Forums discord server
Either way, Departure is a shitty song and I'd be willing to bet that tons of HxH fans actually despise the song (such as myself). Maybe next time chapters start releasing /WE/ can actually cook up a REAL Yea Forums sings of a 99 OP or 2011 ED. I think Hunting for your Dream would be the best one to do
The best hxh op is pray from '99 and that's a fact
Is that the Yorknew OP? I thought OP1 of 99 was kind of meh
No it's the first opening of '99 greed island. 4th op in all.
Yorknew 2
GI 2
I kind of get why people say they like Gon more in 99, because he comes off as more earnestly sweet, but I thought the whole point of his character was that he wasn't right in the head? From the beginning he never struck me as a sweet kid, from the way he stated his very motive to his absurdly unrealistic optimism he struck me as literally kind of not wired right in the brain.
>Emperors time
>To give a marionette life
>Elegy of the dynast
Best OST other than Hunting for your dreams and Departure of course.
Pray is ok I guess
He was a sweet caring kid but at the same time he wasn't quite right in his head. one can also say he doesn't care or think too much about right or wrong and has a curiosity to try different things without caring about morals.
>these hands
>Legend of the Martial Artist
>Hegemony of the Food Chain
>You Can Be Stronger
>In the Palace ~ Lamentoso
>Theme of Kage & RASETSU
Plastic candy hands
oh great, another shonentrash fandom to create banter threads putting hunter x hunter versus their garbage series as if any one of us give a damn about manchildren media
'sup guys?
I bought all 34 colored HxH volumes from Amazon JP today.
You can download the Japanese raws for the 34 colored volumes here: ubooquity [dot] [slash] comics [slash] 9061 [slash] folderCover
I'll be slowly copying the official English translation from Viz over the Japanese volumes to create the world's first colored English HxH release.
You can follow my progress on my Discord server: discord [dot] gg [slash] r4NtZN7
>Departure is a shitty song and I'd be willing to bet that tons of HxH fans actually despise the song
yea, no
I know you'll copypaste this again any chance you can in the future but I'll say it anyway, refrain from typing this again
>Cazador X
>Netero vs Meruem
>Phantom Troupe theme
>Uvogin requiem
Is Kurapika a genius?
Is Kurapika a Gary Stue?
this version is definitely better
MEGA link:
2 weeks until the dub is finished
Youpi, a chimera ant consists of a magical beast and a Lovecraftian demon.
shut the fuck up you cancerous reposter
Explain that bit you mad faggot. Also don't tell me what to do you cancerous big mouth prick.
>anime colored
why bother with all the work, it's so palpably inferior
literally namefagging and posting the same files every fucking hunter thread
obviously you're a triggered fat ugly dumblr girl
2 weeks for the dub and 1 week later for the update and announcement about the new chapters.
He is not wrong tho, departure is a shit song. Hyori ittai and Hunting for your dream are top tier, however
why can't these ultravirgin cringelords be part of the one piece fandom or some autistic moe seasonal crap, they're always part of the same group I'm in
>He is not wrong tho
control your autism. I understand it kicks in everytime you look in the mirror so you have to behave like this for an entire night or afternoon but please search other ways to remedy that
it's an assmad gemposter that got his ass handed to him
does it really matter though?
Ok schizo
>literally namefagging
Nothing wrong with having a name
> posting the same files every fucking hunter thread
I saved this pic and filename from someone else. Cope and seeth.
>obviously you're a triggered fat ugly dumblr girl
I'm neither triggered, fat, ugly or a girl. I have have never been on tumblr. I know that you are a fat seething autistic bitter self-hating ashamed faggot.
Kys you pathetic waste of a man.
"chrollobro" and "phinksbro" are the reason why I keep my admiration for this series to myself
they are literal autistic attention whores pseuds trying to fit in
Pitou is for petting tenderly and lovingly
>why can't these ultravirgin cringelords be part of the one piece fandom or some autistic moe seasonal crap
Why can't whiny bitching ultrafaggots neckbeards like you keep their dumb mouth shut and fuck off to shit threads where they belong with snktards, mhafags and other scum?
>they're always part of the same group I'm in
Which group (except hxh) would that be, edgy dramaqueen.
more like him
and he's shaping to be the new ACK
holy fucking cancer just stop posting
And not the other cancer like pitouscum and falseflaggers who bring up "franchise war" and derailing hxh threads by inviting the other trash from other threads? Not suprising cause you are probably part of that problem.
t. autistic attention seeking complaining whore
Imagine being so unnecessarily obnoxious you make the pitouposter feel invisible to the eyes of everybody when you get in a thread
holy fucking shit just kys aready
Imagine being that pathetic
This is why I cucked him and he took his rage on the hunter threads
>Is Kurapika a genius?
>Is Kurapika a Gary Stue?
>Is Kurapika a girl?
Kurapika might be a genius
Hisoka will die of old age.
he is pretty sharp actually
why is that?
that he is
illumi is cute and i want to suck her shenis
In which language should I read these books if I want to go for the maximum?
I'd rather recommend 99 but neither is for everyone. There are people who like JSBach and people who like Justin Bieber instead, which it's completely fine with me.
ja ja ja well said here's a (You) shut up and fuck off
What's so good about Departure? It didn't fit tonally at all with half the show but Madhouse wanted to emulate Yu Yu Hakusho with how they used the same OP for the whole series and it just wasn't a good fit. I prefer 2011 but Departure isn't even as good as any of the OPs from the 99 series
madhouse, more like badhouse-shithouse amirite lads :D
Even bad/shitty anime often have great OPs but HxH 2011 is the opposite where it's a great anime with a shitty OP. Even the visuals in all the different iterations of Departure OPs are incredibly lacking
I mean, Madhouse definitely didn't put much time or effort into the OPs like other anime like to do
madhouse is run by retards and lazy fuckups damn those stupid gooks
the fuck?
Hunterchads keep winning
QUACK QUACK QUACK said the duck
Hiatus x Haitus
Homo x Homo
>says the dude with an actual reddit account
upbote for u!!!ahahaha xd
I like both, but since the 2011 version covers more than the 1999 version, there's really no reason to watch it. I recommend people check out the second OP, though.
It's really unfortunate because I think the 1999 version is a better cinematic experience, like I think they did a better job of using their medium to tell a story which came from a different medium. The 2011 version only does this in the sense that they cut shit out to try and keep the pacing up and they certainly aren't faithful to Togashi's fucking napkin scribbles. However, I love the look and tone of the 1999 version and it especially fit Yorkshin perfectly. Unfortunately, I can't say that tone fits every arc or that it's even faithful to the manga, because Hunter x Hunter is such a tonally bipolar series and Togashi's art is so inconsistent no studio could adapt it perfectly (nor should they).
HxH live action
more like pitouGODS
The 99 version had some bad animation supervisors in the rotation, but overall, it's a much better experience aesthetically. The real problem with it is that Furuhashi was focused on making into his creative vision of this world, and his vision just isn't as interesting as Togashi's. It's much more akin to a generic shonen universe. Whereas the original and remake is far more self-aware, and knows when to deviate from that formula for the sake of keeping the viewer invested.
Gon is Latino and Killua is black
My dick. Fapping so hard
Based and redpilled
>Hypersonic dryhumping
B-but it's a guy!
Different species so i can make use of that loophole
Gon is written with no morality in mind or rather a twisted version of it that is worped around who he considers his friends. It's literally his entire character arc, him understanding that his shit mentality cost people their lives and is unfair.
I agree but what was the reason behind his autistic kite rage?
I wish this series WAS good, how can people stomach this trash?
Yorknew City best arc
I don't think that's quite right. He's carefree, but he has a morality. He's just a child, so naturally will let his impulses get the better of him, and being as he's a terrifying vengeful monster when he's pissed off, it naturally leads to disaster in a way that could have easily been avoided had everyone not been creeped the fuck out by him and so kept out of his way.
Really, I see Gon's arc as painting him a foil for Kurapika. Kurapika lost his temper, and it almost cost him everything. He had to learn to compromise to ensure everyone's survival. Gon is the opposite, he doesn't have the self-awareness to learn those hard lessons, and ultimately, that mentality is what makes Gon a monster and Kurapika the best waifu.
>Basically here's how it goes.
>Gon doesn't see kite die. So he just assumes hes badly hurt the next time he sees him.
>Well gon also doesn't fucking know who the eyebrow bitch is or how important to meruem and the ants she is.
>So he gets outraged that pitou would rather heal eyebrow girl, than his friend kite.
>eventually he chills the fuck out and let's pitou do her thing
>After waiting all that time pitou just whips out that she lied to gon about kite so she could save eyebrow girl
>Then Gon goes apeshit, he was lied to and manipulated and also he found out Kite died all at once.
gon is a black (because his dad is a nigger) demisexual homoromantic agender gay man and killua is an indian transmasc nonbinary autochrissexual biromantic person and he and gon are in a polyamorous relationship with trans woman alluka and trans man kurapika
>kurapika best waifu
The 1999 version had an ending before everything went retarded, in a long but tolerable 150ish episodes, it was a happy ending too.
user just ignore these fags. They are just mad they are all overweight neck beards shitposting. None of those kids would say anything like that face to face. They are just larping
Why do hunter threads have such a short lifespan? Anybody have links to archived god-top-tier hunter threads?
>replying to yourself
oh nonononono
Yeah, the entire Yea Forums Sing Departure thing was done in a hijacked Yea Forums Sings thread. It was done by people who were originally going to do the first SAO opening, mixed by a literal no name who did a terrible job at syncing the voices, and there was only 7 submissions, one of them for sure being a falseflag, because I submitted it because I hate 2011fags. "Here we go Hunterchads" indeed.
I'm surprised the thing got made honestly. Figured it would've died after the SAO thread, but there were 2 follow up threads afterwards that died relatively quickly, presumably after the voice samples were heard and people realized "This is 6 Asians and a guy mumbling".
Yeah, but if we do a real Yea Forums sings, definitely NOT OP1 and 2 of 99. First one is too static, second is too hard to keep up with in terms of range.
PALE ALE and CARRY ON are definitely doable. Could be a double feature, would love to see an Yea Forums Draws Carry On as well just to see how many anons can replicate Kurapika's face.
Pray isn't the best OP. I'd say it's the second weakest.
Wanna Stay Wanna Go, the second ED for 99 would be great, many know it as the gayest ED as well.
The OP and ED of GI Final are okay. The ED is definitely better though. Too easy though, the main line is "Thank you best of my friend".
So, in short, here are the options
>Wanna Stay Wanna Go
Thank You Best of My Friend
Here is your (You) SnK tard. Stop falseflagging
Latino gon isn't a bad fit desu.
Chrollo cheated
Hisoka cheated against Bodoro and he will pay with his life
should I catch up with the manga or am I better avoiding the despair of waiting for new chapters?
how does yu yu hakusho compares to hxh? should I read a watch it or just read or watch it?
Gonzalo Freecss
But that's wrong
Their original language of course
>“Translating from one language to another, unless it is from Greek and Latin, the queens of all languages, is like looking at Flemish tapestries from the wrong side, for although the figures are visible, they are covered by threads that obscure them, and cannot be seen with the smoothness and color of the right side.”
He literally gave him a handicap by letting his arm get cut off but Bodoro still lost fairly.
Haitus and nothing more to discuss.
Never und Ever
Kurapika is not a genius but just pretty smart.
That's Kastro, not Bodoro, you ignorant pig
Kurapika failed the third & final test but he cheated with the help of Pairo.
Kurapika Kurta
>says the faggot with an actual discord channel
BAWAHAHAH downvote downvote you are a gaymer and you live in a society XD LOL KEK LMAO what a tranny
Kurapika is a girl and is my wife
Kurapika Paladinknight
There's a reason a lot people feel skeptical the first part of the 2011, and that's because it feels awkward, the colors suggest a vibrant shonen anime but the expressions and the general mood feels lifeless.
And let's not even mention the color palette in Yorknew, 2011 blew it.
Leorio has been fucking Cheadle raw the entire boat trip.
Its done on purpose to contrast the later parts of HxH, namely the Chimera Ant arc.
My wife Pitou is so cute
Fucking based as heaven