Revolver bringing the end of the world this season and Autistlove shenanigans soon.

Episode 107: 鬼を討つ – Oni o Utsu
(Striking Down the Ogre)
Roboppy uses tricky tactics to drive Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl into a corner. Ghost Girl is able to summon her new trump card with Blood Shepherd's help, and proceeds to launch a counterattack against Roboppy. Meanwhile, Go manages to find the real Ai. He then begins a Duel against Ai.

Episode 108: 不撓不屈の精神 – Futōfukutsu no Seishin
(Indominatble Spirit)
Go has recovered in order to protect the children at the orphanage. He uses his Gouki monsters to launch a wave of attacks against Ai. However, he keeps getting knocked down by Ai's powerful monsters. However, his indominatble spirit still burns bright, and he keeps getting back up to challenge Ai. Seeing Go like this, Ai starts talking about his fallen friends.

Episode 109: あなたは私が知っているすべてだから– Anata wa watashi ga shitte iru subetedakara
(Because you are all I know)

Attached: 1560000010205.jpg (1024x780, 736K)

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/zexal outsource/

Did the title for episode 109 change?

Lewd. Please, source. It looks really good.

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>Episode 109: あなたは私が知っているすべてだから– Anata wa watashi ga shitte iru subetedakara
(Because you are all I know)

user, stop with fake spoilers

Attached: c3afb338.jpg (1963x1800, 410K)

Stupid Autistlovefag, It's going to be one sided on Aoi's side because Yusaku doesn't care about stuff like that.

Attached: DYRk_36VMAAG7Ty.jpg (579x819, 84K)

Kill yourself OP.

What exactly is the appeal of "Autistlove" again?

Attached: Go Onizuka's VA thinking.jpg (675x1200, 148K)

Two people that barely know how to interact trying to interact, and failing to do so leading to cute/cringe. Also maybe a side of healing trough love via Aoi->Yusaku. As a multishiper though, those two together does nothing for me.

Attached: D7pj9ZeVsAAfuQk.jpg (880x1199, 127K)

It's more clear that he lacks any understanding of romance. It's worse than Yuma or Judai.

Attached: What's a fiancee.png (627x477, 438K)

I only like ships where the girl is taller than the boy

In Jaden's case, he was mentally like a child in the first seasons and when he matured he simply didn't care or was too dense to get it. But in Yusaku's case, he doesn't know what love is which makes it more simple if Aoi stops being autistic and helps him understand

Attached: HAPPENING.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

Why is aoi so rapeable according to japan?

Attached: 75104594_p5.jpg (862x1216, 815K)

That's incorrect, you can tell in his duel against Rei.

Attached: GX 20.jpg (640x480, 56K)

Not him but thanks for sharing!

I guess he does know about love when he's younger but doesn't care either then when he becomes mature he still doesn't care but now has more serious thing to think about on top of that. Alexis has no other option than going with The Chazz.

No, he's too stupid to know Asuka likes him like that.

no, he knows asuka is in love with him that's why he left before she could tell him, he didn't wanna hurt her feelings by rejecting her on the night before they all leave duel academy to start their lives judai isn't as stupid as people think he is, especially after season 3, he's already accepted Yubel's love after all, he promised he'd love them for as long they were together remember?

B LU J O B B E R !

> he's already accepted Yubel's love after all, he promised he'd love them for as long they were together remember?
That doesn't mean he knew Asuka liked him. I don't know how you can say from that he knew Asuka liked him. Especially since that turnaround came about only by him not being aware of his past life promises. Bad bit of writing right there as a side note.

>Nobody can lie in a duel

Attached: Bohmaker.png (500x281, 157K)

The episode they handshake he clearly thinks he's about to hear her confess but she changes her mind last second.

Attached: I'm your evolved form.jpg (1280x720, 547K)

What the fuck happened to them ?

Attached: 1552764602701.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

What's going on here?

Attached: piggu fbi.png (183x254, 74K)

No he was just confused about what she was about to say. He's not as smart as yusei.

He legit believed he was the original Yusaku. That's not lying.


Remember, you ntr another man's waifu, you lose your laifu

Attached: Grim Reminder to NTRfags.jpg (2048x1536, 143K)

Miyu would be a great addition to the series. I really want to believe her being a lost incident children eventually gives her a pass into relevancy.

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I hope so too. Maybe there’ll be a hospital team-up with her, Jin and Windy’s origin


Attached: love.png (1846x2000, 2.72M)

She'd just get handled as poorly, if not worse, than Aoi and she'd get shit on all the same. Her irrelevancy is a blessing in disguise.

Man, I really miss BA and BG.
BM's design makes her look like several years older than she should be.

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Am I the only one who liked YGO LABO? I wish they showed up instead of recaps so they can save up animation and showcase games or some extra info about the old series or information about the making of the anime/manga/monsters.

Attached: YGO LABO by Cocco neil.png (960x960, 89K)

is he the most hated competitive monster of all times ?

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>Shockmaster, Azoth, Releaser

*laughs in yata lock*

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Meant for

So the basis of Aoi x Chadmaker is that they're both autistic. In a sense it can be said to be a ship that is born out of a LACK of chemistry

Attached: Aoiz.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Miyu was introduced way too late, I feel like they would have done something with her if she was set up earlier

Locking your draws better never return. I still suffer PSTD from dueling that redhead bitch that destroyed your hand and locked your draws with Time seal in Tag force 2.

Aqua being given a human form is the key for Miyu to becoming at least a little relevant.

the only way I can see those three being relevant would be giving each one a mini arc between the current arc and the finale like they did with Earth

We won, bros.

Attached: tumblr_psmroaS21S1rthblso6_500.gif (500x279, 301K)

Isn't Aqua ded like all of Ai's friends?

Is she a friend?

Attached: pandor.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Dude censor that shit

Will I get female attention if I sit like playmaker?

>shitty gif
every time

Pandor isn't Aqua though she's one of Revolver's terrible ideas obviously set up to be the final boss

She's Revolvo's waifu

Would it have been too much for the Japanese incels if she had kissed him in the cheek like girls do here in the west to show their gratitude? Even fucking Peach and Daisy kiss Mario and Luigi.

You sound like the seething incel here.

I don't think Aoi understood her own feelings at the time to do that
Seemed like she only started realizing it was love once she started staring at her hand

I think a kiss would have been cuter and more realistic. Also, it would mean mean a bigger growth in the characters and their relationship.

you won't look chad enough

Yes. I love the way Yusaku sits. It really shows who's got the pants and doesn't care about no sister of a MultiBillion company's top executive. Just chilling.

I mean I don't care about celebrities either but it's not because I'm badass I just don't give a shit

It feels more like a number 96.

She rejected Mario like you have no idea.
There is a reason why people started to make the Bowsette shit

Not yet until this develops. Though it has to be the most romantic first meeting any MC has had. Reminder that Anna trashed Yuma after the duel they had and didn't get real interest until later on and Rebecca was just a kid.

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Attached: RIP AND TEAR.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Who's the biggest cuckold of this franchise and why is it pic related?

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>Though it has to be the most romantic first meeting any MC has had
They met in episode 6.


Attached: sho and black magician girl.png (640x480, 498K)

This. Was this kind of thing too much to add into this ?

Attached: GX chapter 4 021.jpg (728x1136, 138K)

Fine it's the most romantic second meeting any MC and MG have had
Yuya and Yuzu are shit compared to this

How will soulburner fix his anger problems?

Attached: fire man.png (1280x720, 779K)

I don't talk about being all like them. Just her giving him a little kiss in the cheek to show she's grateful of what he's done.

Attached: Decode and Encode.png (1200x600, 1.74M)

She is a cunt

He only needs to have sex.

Leave Ai to me by summoning a Link-5 Gouki

Attached: You never change.png (1280x720, 458K)

How does that replace dead parents?

>Link Go Gouki

He becomes the parent

Attached: Be there or be square.webm (1280x452, 1.22M)

Maybe somebody will point out that the man who fucked him over is dead and going after his son won't change that.
Remind me why this anger is directed at Revolver instead of SOL.

Attached: fd8ac93cd4e5301d10139b7976fd5ea9.png (849x480, 536K)

He's the vulva-poster as an anime character

Because SOL appears to be pawns.

I like how he just sort of instantly got over his asshurt mostly off-screen.
Making his entire character even more of a joke somehow

the writers got bored of whatever they were doing with Go I guess

yeah, that bothered me
apprently they thought that showing him crying while having flashbacks was enough

They'll explain it during his duel with Ai.

They did the last season. They'll probably say what happened in a flash back like they did for a lot of character back story.

Yugi outright arranges a date with Atem for his love interest.

Time for Ai to have Neo New Storm Access as a Skill

Attached: Ai Smirk.jpg (1130x636, 69K)

Ai storm access.

Stocks went down so some left the company, and the main kings took what was left.

I bet she watched playmaker duel bohman to figure out the best duel strategies.

Attached: watching playmaker vs bohman.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>be the mc
She can figure it out, but it won't help her.

She should just adopt his faith in AI, it'll work out.

Did she masturbate to Noh's Chadmaker? I did . Can someone please post the webms? I need to be able to watch them on the go.

But she doesn't know what that is.

Attached: final turn draw.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

>putting fake episode title

She learned what it is while watching the footage
Why else do you think she was practically glowing the next day

Imagine you're dueling Blue Angel, and then suddenly Aoi drops the idol act, gets rid of her avatar, and goes full autism with Trickstars

That would be terrifying.

Attached: Aoi Zaizen.png (1280x738, 627K)

Shining Storm Access
Cyberse Weapons
Rank-Up-Magic Cyberse Force

That's her thing.

Attached: nearby.png (1280x720, 800K)

I'm so fucking confused right now.

109 is wrong

Episode 109: イグニスを狩るもの – Igunisu o Karu Mono
(The One Who Hunts the Ignises)
Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo

Tell me it's only Go

Wouldn't that mean mixing different archetypes in?

Well at least the Tag Force games did justice to Yuzu's character. Then again it does take place during Standard

Attached: yuzuarcV.jpg (1920x3176, 845K)

it's going to be shillvulva and you'll like it

Well he was an ignis hunter. But it could also be revolver or specter. Also I don't think yoshida really writes go episodes.

It could be another fucking female episode

Gongenzaka fan here, I didn't even invest any time into Go in the first place! AHAHAHAH I BEAT THE SYSTEM I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA DO HIM DIRTY
Yuzu's ending stuck out as sad, while Kotori's ending cemented her absolute loyalty to Yuma.

You know, come to think about it, I'm not terribly sure if Yuya x Yuzu is that great of a relationship given how much fate and destiny plays a role


As far as I remember, Zarc and Rai didn't get along well that much even before Zarc ended insane. And Serena and Yuri reflects more of that.

Zarc and Ray didn't know each other and were literally enemies with no hints of anything romantic

How will it die?

Attached: crazy boy.png (1280x720, 794K)

We can do it, bros.

Attached: Miyu (3).png (400x347, 144K)

Let me duel against Roboppi

Attached: BuruMaiden.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

No wonder she latches onto Hat-kun. Even though in Tag Force he's literally fiction, he's probably the healthiest relationship she's ever had.

Attached: Arc_V_Yuzu_Smacks_Shuzo.jpg (1280x721, 195K)

Attached: Jim Crocodile Cook.jpg (640x480, 176K)

>thinking female ever got a chance with Yoshida. Have you never learn with this shit? You didn't learn with Aoi and all her Blue incarnation, neither Queen. Just prepare for the worst. He is this savage

That was excused by her seeing Miyu at the hospital
She was even more cheerful after watching the Bowman fight
Playmaker > Miyu apparently

There's no way to prove that. She was happy about both.

>Be Ray
>just want to do science shit and be a gud card game player
>some sperglord performer almost accidentally existences

How will Revolver beat Soulburner?

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Attached: Revolver's first turn play.png (1280x720, 1.08M)

mirror force

He'll use Zerovoros and OTK him.

you can't win a duel like that.

>fake spoiler
Neck yourself

Inhale my dong enragement child

>teehee let me put a fake spoiler in the OP
fucking idiot

He'll remember he has Fire Prison.

I bet he's thinking about hand cards.

Attached: 1559751047471.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

It all depends on Ai's intentions and wether or not there's a season 4.

Hand cards?

There no season 4.

I wonder if the writer wanted it to be an handshake of if they intentionally made the jump to autistic hand holding

Attached: giant red hand.jpg (859x1280, 468K)

Chill retard

Yusaku doesn't know how to properly hand shake and Aoi let it ride.

lmao nice joke, chadburner going to burn your dork dwagins to ashes

>implying fire prison will do anything when salamanchads only end on 1 link

Soulburner's a hot head without flame.

"I'm so fucked up"

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That hand should soon be grabbing his card to put it in her sleeve if you know what I mean

Remember that time Astral died, Yuma ascended to the Astral World, saved an entire race by touching them, then they came back to Earth and immediately fought Beelzebub? And all of this was according to Yuma's father's keikaku?

Attached: screenshot0312.png (1280x720, 838K)

She already grabbed his cards before though? What do you mean?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.21.953.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

His card is his dick and her sleeve is her pussy

That she's been practicing magic with trickstar delfiendium?

Attached: trickstar delfiendium.png (1280x720, 676K)

Do I just post Revolver to trigger that guy?

Attached: Revolver (1).jpg (2894x4093, 1.64M)

The TSA would be on him like white on rice.

So like whats Ais whole plan here?
Defeat everyone one by one?
Job to Yusaku?

Take control of SOL central computer, then ?.

No but I mean he clearly did the advance notice letter to get everyone in the same room.

Maybe his plan is to force Yusaku to socialize.

Well it failed since he came late on purpose and refused to go in the room

Should have just forced everyone into a tournament then.

Not really, he just sent it to Akira. Gathering everyone was Akira's idea.

You can't do this to him, he just wanted to protect people.

Attached: glad.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

Attached: You're lame.jpg (1920x1080, 812K)

He said nothing can start without Playmaker. Either that means nothing or he needs Yusaku for his plans in someway we don’t know yet. Maybe he’ll get kidnapped because I have a thing for that.

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The imoutoman must always suffer.

Attached: screenshot0358.png (1280x720, 991K)

Like he's much different.

Attached: brother's responsibility.png (1280x720, 622K)

Why do people hate this madlad again?

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>almost no development
>suddenly a change of pace
>the worst type
>expecting to be friendly with him after that

Now that aquas gone, what will be Aoi’s new archtype?

Back to Trickstars

>the worst type
but it was exciting.

Probably still Marincess.
SB is still using Salamangreats even though Flame is gone.


Attached: Go Onizuka's First Turn Play.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

I liked him when he was a galaxy brain drug addict bounty hunter, but just because he was a shitty Hell Kaiser.
He feels so out of place from this story I wonder why do the writers even bother bringing him back again and again,clearly neither them nor the audience are interested in his character

>but it was exciting
It was mildly entertaining the first time he did it because he went full ham.

Attached: GORUGAMESH.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

Hell Kaiser was actually beliable and developed, and it hurted. That's a million times better than lol onizuka


Attached: Kaiser to HELL KAISER.jpg (502x1024, 87K)

>I do it all for the orphan children
>Fuck it time to be edgy
>Loses yet again
>Well I guess I learned my lesson, hey no hard feelings on murdering Earthy
Hes all over the place

>Well I guess I learned my lesson, hey no hard feelings on murdering Earthy
No one cares about Earth

Attached: you ok.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

>No one cares about Earth

Attached: Rock You.png (1280x738, 469K)

I hope Ai gets really asshurt over Go.

less all over the place than shitvulva

Only Aqua and Ai care.

Earth's social awkwardness was infinitely better than whatever Go's progression was.

I don't care about that

>be one of the best duelist in the School Duel
>respect his opponent
>his first duel on screen is a victory against Judai, the same MC
>despite being strict, he cares for his lil bro Sho
>he is know as Kaiser Ryo
>literally gave up his soul instead of winning against Camula because he refused to let his lil bro dies
>from the cast he was the most mature and cool bro out there
>his ceremony duel was against Judai in which he tied
>his speech with him about being the one with possibilities while he was just perfect and that was his limit
>Kaiser discover how weak he was
>Edo, being the asshole he was (I'm so glad for his treatment in Arc-V) defeated him and humilliated him
>he was starting to lose a lot and that's where he got desesperated
>he ends in a shitty place where dueling was threated as a matter of life and death shit
>he end corrupted, something that even his own deck show
>literally all the shit that Go did except is now Hell Kaiser, also felt so sad and angry because of how things ended for him
>a lot of real bad shit happens until he snaps back
>he managed to recover his own self although he was really damaged by this point
>his deck does still contains Cyberdark but also has room for the Cyber Dragon
>in his last duel he rather trust his lil bro Sho to use the Cyber monsters
>depsite ending like in a wheelchair, he is "better" in the sense of being recovering and wanting to form a Pro-League for Cyber with Sho
Compare all of this to Go.

Revolver is just fucking ecstatic 24/7 now.
Dude was right the whole time.

AI's cant be trusted and an AI literally killed his father.

>I'm so glad for his treatment in Arc-V

Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEDO.gif (254x274, 1.89M)

Good for you. Enjoy whatever flip flopping direction Go takes next.

thanks, I will

>hates AI's
>never uses AI's
>hunts AI's for 5 years
>lmao lets just backtrack on everything and create my own AI xDDDD
retardtrashitvulvafags everyone

>sperg all the time about his dad
>being an asshole with everyone despite being his problem
>being a little smug shit with his opponent
Again, I'm so glad for his treatment in Arc-V. Fucker deserved worse. Like his dad saying "You are adopted"

There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to win

Aoi's final avatar will be bluest girl.

Attached: GX 59.jpg (640x480, 199K)

Aoi holding Yusaku's ____

Cope. Learn to have fun and don't be a smug shit. There is a reason why Judai>you.

Attached: Edo's D.jpg (634x474, 67K)


Thats part of his 200 IQ plan

chadburner will just tell playmaker the truth


Attached: Face of Zaizen Aoi.png (402x412, 116K)

The truth that Revolver just got bored since all the AIs got deleted so he had to make up some new ones to hunt?

Attached: PM.jpg (653x403, 60K)

>blue stacy
>chad onizuka


Ai is all that is left, but by then, he became extremely cautious after the last AI he fought decided to kill himself to kill Revolver.

Go feels like the result of the writers being bored out of their mind in the meeting room and apathetically playing mad libs with what they'll do with his character while he's fulfilling his shilling quota on screen. Kind of like when a kid doodles random shit in their notebook out of sheer boredom during math class

Give a reason why he isn't a chad.

Attached: Blood Shepherd.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

>becomes extremely cautious
>lmao lets create my own AI xDD what can go wrong xDD lets not learn from my fathers mistake xDD

Because this isn't Yea Forums.

His sister keeps fucking with him non-stop

his dueling not always wins

His writers

Why was Zexal so good?

Because he's a jobber

It's the spin off that elaborated the most on the conflict between the extremes of complete faith and lack of faith

Attached: Shark vs IV.png (853x1440, 2.14M)

re-contract universe

Attached: re-contract universe.webm (832x468, 1.53M)

Attached: Revolver's new trump card.png (300x435, 317K)

Anyone else finds some things odd about what Aoi said? Or is she speaking in metaphors perhaps?

Attached: by my side.png (1280x720, 1.13M)

The forces of the universe aligned to make it happen.

Did Ghost Girl finally did Yuzaku?

what is mirror link vrains battle?

I fucking wish.

It had coherent themes that were consistently expressed in both the writing and the duels, which were often treated as clashes of ideals.
Faith is part of it, but there's also the willingness to try to understand others. The entire conflict stemmed from Astral World's dogmatic pursuit of Rank Up. They rejected Chaos, creating Barian World and giving themselves cancer, but really their way wasn't the only one that would have allowed for advancement. Chaos can create cards and get into Rank 13, kattobingu can Shining Draw and create Rank 0. Eliphas lost against Yuma because he was dead set on Rank Up instead of using the monster he already had on the field.

Attached: screenshot0187.png (1280x720, 816K)

Yeah but he wasn't always by her side to protect her. Like the specter duel.

Attached: Go Onizukas Dueling.png (1051x294, 355K)

Dropped concept

Nothing quite like having physical cards + duel disk. Hope next series goes back to that as the standard

This still bothers me even more than Storm Access

How about tech becomes advanced beyond comprehension to save on animation?

some of the major shareholders pulled out after the 2nd network crisis

Attached: D8l7dOTUYAAhzeM.jpg orig.jpg (1024x2048, 179K)

That's basically what Vrains has been since they all jumped ship after Arc-V. Makes duels all the more boring when the camera is on anyone who doesn't have physical cards/the disk as a result but what you gonna do. They're barely keeping it together as it is just having to animate Playmaker

>Makes duels all the more boring when the camera is on anyone who doesn't have physical cards/the disk as a result but what you gonna do.
Playmaker is not more entertaining to look at than go.

What characters and how many will they properly introduce 15-20 episodes in this season? I'm thinking 3-5. Just for patterns sake.

kek based

Attached: STORM ACCESS.gif (599x335, 284K)

>Joey beating Kaiba

revulva is the bakura, aka loser who never wins

>roars you
>rages himself to make himself not lose resources (since zerovoros popped his field is wide open)
>beatbisons and negates you
>mirage stallio and bounces you making you waste every resource
>fusion of fires you giving violet chimera free 1500 atk

I miss him. Just errata me a HOPT nerfed version already REEEEEEEEE

Attached: DwdHoWUVsAA_UzM.jpg (865x1200, 271K)

Playmaker, if you want Zaizen's consciousness back then you must win my tournament!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.40_[2019.06.09_17.39.21].jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Just like how Trickstars blew out Cyberse.dek, right?

AAHHHH we MUST meme a Tournament arc before it's too late!!

playmaker is main character, blue angel wasn't
soulburner is main character. revulva isn't

Judai knew very well Asuka's crush on him, but he knew as well the old adage of "not sticking your dick in crazy" so he ignored her. Same thing that Yusei did.

No need to. She can use her tricksters again.

Dead thread. Post cute Kaibas doing cute things.

Attached: 69367130_p9.jpg (1560x960, 1.34M)

Judai Didn't Ignore her. She knew pretty well that he had more important things to think about and figured out it would be better not to confess.

Here we go again. Tell me stuff to draw.
Rules: No genderbend, no Yaoi/Yuri.
I'll try to do the first requests, as always, but also some random ones from the late requests.

Attached: 20932152.jpg (544x544, 102K)

this but Revolver punching Soulburner

Attached: bruh.jpg (540x304, 46K)

Soulburner with a Shingeki no Kyojin outfit

Roboppy wearing their pants on their head

Go (Bone) hacking his brain trying to solve what 2+2 equals to

Lmao. I expect this to be a big thing in future ygo Cosplay events.

Madolche Puddincess being cute.

Summoned Skull partially materialized before a smug Chaos Goddess with lightning bolts arcing around from the summoning, and in the background Northwemko is slightly nervous as a bolt narrowly misses her.
I wasn’t here when you last dumped, but thanks for your work.

Attached: ca2c6dd12ddc1cddc37a1b2df9614cb5.jpg (789x1012, 233K)

A Sunavalon/Sunvine monster but with a gun, a revolver specifically

Number 76 in cute casual outfit

Aoi taping her and Yusaku's hand together like a crazy person

Playmaker and Blue Maiden staring down Ai while holding hands

Gagaga Clerk and Backup Secretary doing paperwork, plus Backup Operator if you want.

Another 10 episodes before we see more irl interaction again?

Attached: 61716572_296700277951821_6814967223508024002_n.jpg (480x480, 42K)

Firewall chilling behind bars

Sora trying on Tron's mask

Can anyone give me the lowdown on why Zexal's production values were so high compared to Arc-V, and now Vrains? Was it a budget problem? Loss of good animators/animation directors? I've been recently just going back over Zexal and everything just looks so much better visually

A toon version of a monster of your choice.

Will she really attempt to talk down Ai?

Attached: talking.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

I don't see why she would. She's got nary a connection to him.

Still mad about Arc-V and Shun

Could be the opposite and she's attempting to talk down Yusaku before he deletes Ai

She probably would try to in order to honour Aqua's memory.

>Number 39: BEYOND ZA HOPU

I can get behind this one

More like 20.

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I could type up an explanation, but plenty of others have elaborated more than I can. Take a read and check out the other replies for the posts they're replying to.
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/zexal outsource/


She's going to drop the BA persona, just be Aoi, and finally go full autism with Trickstars. It's not Pandor or Ai we have to worry about. It's autism.

Attached: D8nZW1pVUAEh_bc.jpg (525x800, 52K)

Cute! This is more accurate tb h, considering the ignis are literally 10 years old.

>blue stacy

Attached: annoyingface.png (524x395, 353K)

Storm access doesnt bother me because you could remove it from the show and literally nothing would change.

Protagonists pulling extra deck cards out of their ass is a time honored tradition.

Yes.... YES!

Attached: BluePride.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Marincess were already confirmed for Chaos Impact by the TCG info release for the Rising Rampage Special Edition.
Marincess are here to stay and we're going to like it.


those will be from the Bohman duel

This arc has 20 episodes left so you got 3 more scenes left.

Aoi going for a jog past the hotdog stand in a sports bra

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I only hope they are nearly as good as trickstars.

If you want to draw something (semi)lewd, Asuka and Yuzu wearing only bath towels showing of their freshly shaven armpits.

If not, Serena riding a Madolche Baaple.

3 days until we find out what these do, I can't wait

Attached: RoboppiCards.png (1276x1436, 1.56M)

Pick your outfit and hairstyle

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The problem is that he still does that, even when Storm Access is treated as something special. So there's a bunch of focus, up to opponents developing strategies specifically to counter it, for something completely pointless.

bros... I miss him..

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Attached: Revenger Windy.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

actually all of them are main characters

Ah. Wow how late I was to realize.
If I am in luck for those random pick, Northwemko smiling while winking for a photo.

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These three are never going to duel again after the upcoming episodes.

Attached: these3.png (800x1293, 789K)

How in the world will they fill another 30 episodes?

Depending on how old Roboppy's model is, he could even be older.

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holy kek

Here's the source in case anyone asks.

Nobody asked, but we thank you nonetheless.

Is it too late for playmaker to have an avatar change?

Attached: playmaker.png (640x577, 249K)

>He can't use SauceNao


Revolver created what he could never have in real life, a harem of flat girls.

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Kaiba is /fa/ as fuck.

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We don't need a new avatar. We need YUSAKU to show up more often. He's the most handsome character of this franchise.

Hopefully with more relevant characters.

Thanks, dude.

Yusaku is not a corporate suit like Akira or an icon like Go. He can't show up in VR.

Which one is the worst?

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All of them

Judai and Asuka by far
>Yugi just needs to flash game maker money in Anzu's face
>Yusei and Akiza have future potential
>Kotori and Yuma actually became a thing
>Yuya and Yuzu is either incest or a constant orgy depending on continuity
>The Two Autists have time to grow closer and aren't a bad match

There are much cuter boys, even in VRAINS.

Attached: Moshi moshi, washboard desu.png (1280x738, 695K)

Aoi is a cute GIRL.

Yusei and Aki.

It's hard to tell. Unlike every other series, there are no fan girls to tell us which duelists are attractive.

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Oh you mean like Chaos Goddess is using her effect? That's actually neat although I worry about the LIGHT cost being her. Hello!
There is nothing wrong and worst about them. The only bad thing is probably that they could have gotten better treatment in their own way, only Yuma and Kotori ended relatively canon with that confession. But real talk, all of them are great!
Nothing wrong with flat girls. And more if your butt is nice!

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I can't wait for the showdown between Linkuiboh and Linguriboh. Should be half an episode at least.

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When konami reveal a yang zing link?

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not while long dong is free in ocg

>Go manages to find the real Ai. He then begins a Duel against Ai.
This character is shit. Why do they keep bringing him out?

People who watch ygo are autistic so they can self insert.

>timing of the yang zings

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I hate live in tcg

>People who watch ygo are autistic so they can self insert.
But Yusaku seems too stupid to know anything. Are you talking about women?

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>the face of the worst being a leader

Attached: Tewart.png (609x960, 450K)

shitvulva isn't


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Will he get to kill any AI?

Attached: blood shepherd.png (1280x720, 615K)

literally a background character
Blood Shepherd felt so random they had to relate him to someone from the main cast

he will kill more AI's than shitvulva

He establishes background for a lot of characters. They also had to give Revolver some reason to team up with Playmaker.

Attached: don't want you to be erased.png (1280x720, 736K)

Attached: Blood Shepherd and Revolver.jpg (1197x1800, 973K)

>They also had to give Revolver some reason to team up with Playmaker
I don't see what he had to do with that. He already saved Playmaker from Lightning and Windy.

Playmaker getting captured by Lightning and Windy is not a good reason for Revolver to team up with them.

He apparently had a good enough reason to save him. What, they need a cowboy to die before they go after their mutual enemy?

Revolver would rather work with a cowboy than other ignis.

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She's going to fix everything and put all AI in check.

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Nah, Ai is going to fuck her circuits out.

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She has to balance the ignis out somehow, it's in her goddamn name.

the eve to ai's adam

Who's gonna be Lilith?

Can someone make a webm of Aoi leaving while Yusaku just keeps staring?

Attached: aoi walks away.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)


If the next arc takes place in a forest we should get a lake and a mountain too.

>next arc

Yeah after this "protect akira" arc. Didn't you see that shot of revolver vs soulburner?

Protect Akira mini-arc you mean.

Did you see the shot of all the Code Talkers in the last OP?

That was just a glamor shot, and most of them did show up when that opening was still airing.

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I want this arc to last no more than Un to ep 101 at best.

Do you mean episode 111?

Shit. Sorry, my bad.

Will his skill be super storm access? Will it have a neat chant?

Attached: Ai human.png (1280x720, 969K)

I think it would be something like Bowman's "card formed from my will" chant.

But yusei and aki had a good duel.

That pic made me pick up the series but the chick doesn't show at all in the first 6 eps so far. Is she from VRAINS?

If you can't tell who it is six episodes in then you must have problems.

it will be RE-CONTRACT UNIVERSE and you will like it

No that was queen's.

Attached: The duel that never happened.png (1679x953, 2.39M)

Best girl from any Yugioh series doesn't show up until much later.

kiku and miyu are not the best girls of the yugioh franchise.

Attached: kiku.png (1280x738, 886K)

At least that one got a scripted duel afterwards.

They shuffle cards back into the deck and deal burn damage.

Bakura is canonically Gaijin, is he from England or some place like that?

Doesn't Yu-gi-oh usually have 145-150 episodes?

Yuma's outfit is way better if he wore a shirt with sleeves.

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He has an English accent in the dub, but other than that there's nothing to suggest he's foreign.

How can aoi improve on her avatar's appearance?

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go back to blue girl

Blue Angel is better

Use darker blue color scheme like her previous two avatars and stop using lipstick.

>stop using lipstick.
I posted improve.

I had hopes for a VRAINS manga but as long as this isn't about really dull card stuff it should be fine.

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>Please like this character more than Yusaku

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>akiza will still be a virgin compared to Mr Roboto Yusaku
Fucking lol.

I got a late start to vrains.
I'm almost 50 episodes in and I can't stop thinking to myself how much better arcv was even though it was a giant clusterfuck.
Does it actually get better or am I just gonna be watching a bunch of autistic 10 minute link summoning combos with characters that don't matter?

>characters that don't matter?
Sounds more like characters you don't like.

Attached: Punished Aki.png (1366x768, 918K)

Not for long with his hyperactive assistant. You should worry about Ghost Girl being a christmas cake.

Pro wrestling guy and blue angel have zero function in the story aside from providing Yuusaku extra motivation to slap Revolver and his squad of vietnamese cyberterrorists, which he already wanted to do in the first place.
You can argue that blue angel has relevance because she motivates her brother, but after they reconcile during the server infiltration, she has no purpose other than to make you hate that tree guy for the 2 duels that he's in.

>blue angel have zero function in the story aside
heh you sure will be mad how they asspull her into the story later on

Attached: Tree was gone.png (1920x1090, 1.93M)

That’s what you get when you just fuck around and don’t wanna settle with the nice guy

You end up like Mai.

>Pro wrestling guy and blue angel have zero function in the story
Why? Because they don't beat major villains?

Mai is a gazillion times worse. She has a fucking movie star that wanted to marry her. A MOVIE STAR. And then she went full retarded during the final part of the Battle City and the Dragon shit arc.

>Pro wrestling guy and blue angel have zero function in the story
>comparing to Arc V with a bunch of name character doing jack shit or nothing at all

Don't be an idiot, even if he's wrong about Aoi, you could entirely remove Go and NOTHING would change about the full first year's run of the show.

they do more than shitvulva

I'm not gonna particularly praise Vrains on its writing, but surely you understand that not all characters in a story have to be directly related to the primary conflict, yes? Both Aoi and Go go through moderately developed character arcs, which is reason enough for them to be here.

You know I really liked the characters back at the start of the Arc V

Than if they didn’t just completely disappear, they were replaced by what might as well be aliens

The interaction with Angel and Go with Playmaker after the terrorist attack was challenging him to a duel. If it were any other yugioh protagonist, they would have accepted their duel. Yusaku establish his character by saying fuck it and log out.

Besides you wouldn't be able to have the same character dynamics if you removed him.

>character "dynamics" for characters who don't matter
miss me with that shit, there's no point in wasting screentime on shit like that

Those things aren't mutually exclusive, you can do both. The problem is having Go, one of the few main named duelists with his own archetype being almost completely removed from the conflict. I don't entirely remember but I think he interacts with Yusaku like 3 times in the first season. What makes it worse is that the Vrains main cast of duelists in the first season felt really small we had Playmaker, Go, Blue Angel, Ghost Girl and I think that was it? At the end of the day the stakes for him felt kind of low it's not like the orphans were in any direct danger for any of the hanoi shit.

Huh. Could’ve sworn there was something going on with ghost gal and Mr Tingle. Oh well.

I meant for every character not just go's.

5. Go challenge him, then fought him, then playmaker mock him during the Gene duel, then they made an alliance, then we see Go dying in front of Playmaker.

>main cast of duelists in the first season felt really small
Given the clusterfuck that was Arc V and how they handle their tons and tons of casting, Vrains was an reaction to that shitfest.

And no character other than Yusaku, the LI victims and the Ignises matters.

This is like trying to say only yugi and millennium item holders matter.

Well, yeah, only they and Kaiba ultimately mattered, what was the point of Tea or Tristan? Joey didn't contribute anything in the end so he is pointless too.

Remember the time when Yusei did everything himself, despite the show telling us that the Signers are important and not jobbers/benchwarmers?

Can't even be consistent in your own views.

That's a bad equivalence, the only truly pointless character in the original Yugioh is maybe Tristan, and we're not counting far removed characters like Duke Devlin.
Everyone actually has pretty decent amount of meaning because of their constant screentime and interaction with Yugi as the protagonist.
Tea is sort of arguable after the very first Kaiba duel, she originally did the friendship pact thing, but becomes entirely expendable afterwards until maybe the vr arc where she actually has to duel.

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I remember when Judai and his "friends" went to another dimension and was pretty much telling his "friends" to fuck off and let him do everything himself

>That's a bad equivalence
No it isn't. go and blue angel get interactions too. Interactions that don't involve the protagonist matter too.

Tea is only arguable because they never really developed her as a love interest to Yugi or the pharaoh.

Attached: [Kametsu] Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions (2016) (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [C6B0C563].mkv_snapshot_ (1920x1036, 498K)

That wasn't one time. That was half the show.

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God I wish that was me

Yugi doesn't matter because atem takes all his screentime.

Yeah that's mostly fair, thus why I said I'm not handing out any praise. I was just rebutting that user that said they could be cut from the show without losing anything, which is blatantly false.

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Yuya doesn't matter because he became the bad guy and job everyone that isn't his waifu

Very scarce interactions.
It's not comparable to the amount of time say Yugi and Joey get together over the course of the first 50 episodes.
Hell, Yusaku gets more interaction with his fat friend than with Go or Blue Angel and I think he's characterized far better in those interactions.

Attached: Yusaku's social skills.png (498x838, 455K)

But it's not cohesive. The goal is to have a balance between personal interactions for the side characters and interactions with the main character. A large problem initially was the setting, playmaker is always on the run and none of the characters know eachother all that well irl, so these moments are almost forced to be rare.

Only Yuma and Astral matter. Even someone as important as Shark died, and everyone else is dead.

This was the best dynamic.
Looking back, he should have developed into a good duelist by the 35 episode mark and been sacrificed instead of Go.

>Very scarce interactions.
he does everything as required, what else does he need to do?

>The goal is to have a balance between personal interactions for the side characters and interactions with the main character.
Not if they're trying to tell a different story from what you're envisioning.

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>LI victims
lostincidentfags still delusional huh?

How come the wind ignis origin, the wind ignis, and the earth ignis died but spectre still lives?

Get ready for a ritual gouki.

Attached: young go.png (1280x738, 406K)

Vrains never really gets markedly better or worse. It does to some degree move up and down in quality, but mostly around the same tier of what the first 50 episodes were

Fuck no. Anything with Lightning >>> the bore of Season 1

I like Yusei and Yusaku (school uniform)

Is this porn?:point_up: ️

bohman counterbalanced whatever good stuff lightning brought to the screen

People who make ops often choose images that could get the whole thread deleted.

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I'd say it gets notably worse in season two, in part because it's a repeat of a bunch of developments from season one.
>SOL sending bounty hunters after Playmaker, again
>Go becoming a heel, again
>Everyone else dies before Yusaku spends four episodes dueling the boss for the fourth time
There's no sense of progress, something season three is thankfully looking to give us in spades.

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There seems to be a lot of strong opinions regarding certain characters here. How would you make the Vrains cast more likeable?

remove shitvulva

Remove Blue Flattie

Share Playmaker's identity earlier, allow character interaction.

Revolver should've been in jail after season 1
Soulburner peacefully taps out and goes back home at the start of season 3, maybe returning in the last arc of season 3 when the situation gets out of control
Go has his manly battle with Playmaker and actually wins or gets interrupted before dealing the last attack
Aoi figures out Yusaku identity way earlier for the interaction

basically make it more like batman beyond, maybe

>Revolver should've died after episode 12

Make Revolver the female protagonist

More Xyz summons when?

you better pray for salamangreat mirage stallio types and not borreload excrementcharge

better yet, RANK-UP XYZ CHANGE when

My favorite part of xyz summons is when they go all out for those 10 seconds of animation and particle special effects when the character summons forth the X and then most of the rest of the episode looks jank

I'm still disappointed that they're not related.

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I'm kind of late, but requesting hot dog themed duel monsters of your choice.

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I wanted to watch him duel irl so badly.

I want this one too.

so you tell me this is about card games?

Show some fallibility and personality. Maybe throw him an early on screen loss to Revolver to break any notion of being a Jesus
Follow through on his initial buildup as a threat instead of shitting on him in every way possible. It's amazing how much more people would like him if he weren't written to be a bumbling retard.
Give him a real reason to obsess over beating Playmaker than "muh pride" coming out of left field, something like his livelihood being indirectly threatened by Playmaker's actions
Real motivation, more discernible character traits, just generally make her more of a person than a plank in disguise.
Bonus round: Make Lightning survive and get away untouched after all the shit he did.

There's nothing wrong with hating yugioh characters.

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Cut out some irrelevant, unnecessary characters (i.e. Go) and divert more time to core(r) characters. There's way too many characters for the Vrains writing team to handle

>Show some fallibility and personality
The fact that the tower happened at all shows his failing. He's been captured and put in tight spot several times He has a well established personality.
>Follow through on his initial buildup as a threat instead of shitting on him in every way possible.
He wins some duels and comes up with schemes, what else do you want?
>Give him a real reason to obsess over beating Playmaker than "muh pride" coming out of left field
He's a goddamn duelist.
>Real motivation, more discernible character trait
You aren't even watching. They establish her motives quite a few times. She's a brash go getter.

>The fact that the tower happened at all shows his failing. He has a well established personality.
Failure and fallibility aren't synonymous. Care to back up your claim on his personality? One of the several reasons Ai worked so well was because his overt character was contrasted by Yusaku's lack thereof.
>what else do you want?
Competence. Was that unclear?
>He's a goddamn duelist.
And he was pretty alright at the end of the first season, then he just decides to obsess without warning, initiating a drawn out and unnecessary character arc that's essentially him circling back to where he was just before the arc.
>She's a brash go getter
You aren't even reading. A motivation's existence isn't its own justification, and now her only good, if cliche, one is past its expiration date, leaving her with a soulless "protect Akira" drive that's more plot-induced than character-inspired. Sure, she's brash at times, care to name some more? I did, after all, request more.

>Failure and fallibility aren't synonymous
Played into revolver's schemes by dueling Aoi, got capture by akira, got intercepted while trying to infiltrate the Sol server, He failed to protect his identity, couldn't stop the tower of hanoi from starting, played into lightning's schemes by dueling bohman, got captured by lightning and windy, among other things. Dueling isn't the only important thing.
>Care to back up your claim on his personality?
Yusaku is heroic, withdrawn, and socially awkward.
>Competence. Was that unclear?
Revolver's competent enough to figure out super AI again and again.
>then he just decides to obsess without warning
He outright said he was going to go after playmaker several times.
>You aren't even reading. A motivation's existence isn't its own justification
Her motivations have been to get her brother's attention, save people, help her brother, and try to help the guy who has saved her a lot. All these have been justified in one way or another.
>Sure, she's brash at times, care to name some more?
confident, angry, girly.

>It's amazing how much more people would like him
I think you shouldn't take this thread to be any indication of the general opinion, especially with that hatefag around. Many people like him plenty enough as it is now. I'd even go so far to say he's already the most popular Vrains character.

He doesn't look or feel like an AI anymore.

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It's the depression

Attached: Vrains ED 5.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

You can say the same about every yugioh protagonist and MG from the first three series.

Yusaku will take Aoi's virginity, you just wait.

Given his last conversation with Aoi it would have to be the other way around because yusaku doesn't know what that is.

>something like his livelihood being indirectly threatened by Playmaker's actions
I never thought of that, but it'd do wonders for him. You could probably do it all in about an episode, too.
>Show him dealing with a drop in popularity after the Tower
>It stings, but he keeps going to get money for the orphans (who also return to preferring Playmaker)
>Except he's losing endorsements
>He gets offered one by SOL, with the condition he undergoes a little procedure
>He refuses, but they agree to the alternate condition of him beating (and jacking the Ignis of) an upcoming duelist, Soulburner
>Go duels Soulburner on a broadcast, gets rekt, loses more endorsements, an orphan starts preferring Soulburner
>With nowhere left to turn, agrees to SOL's condition of testing their AI implant

Aoi chose both the best and worst time to talk to Yusaku.

What do you mean?

Yusaku was still down about the Ai situation and that was likely on his mind the entire time(which explains why he was quiet with Aoi)
However, what she said before the handshake also gave him another voice on the matter and possibly the push he needed after some more thought.
Sure he was acting like a ragdoll the entire time, but he might've taken her words to heart.

The way this anime is structured means that one or the other in the conversation is going to be distracted by plot. So it's more like she chose the only time to talk to Yusaku.

Man he's gonna be really pissed when Aoi kills Roboppy

What I like most about this current arc is that they're going to be the two people most affected by it.
This is surely going to lead into interesting development for the both of them

Roboppy will explode taking out Pandor.

>Go moves heaven and earth to help the orphanage
>the little shits ditch Go for everyone who beats him
No wonder they're orphans. They don't deserve Go.

Absolutely bourgeouis. I bet he is a jew

He looks like a metrosexual FF antihero

not with that many hair colors and yellow eyes.

Yu-Gi-Oh character with five hair colors when?

Maybe if you count all forms of yuya as one.

Taking out one of Pandor's clones, which is obviously a useless endeavor.

Actually wait shouldn't Ai and Roboppy have literally infinite amount of back-ups? They're Ais. Or does card game coma logic prevail over hardware

Ai can regenerate but it takes time or prep before hand.

They'll explain how the Ai clones work next episode

No they'll just explode on the scene while the real one goes down the corridor towards go.


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I hope they make each main character focus on a summoning method other than Link
>Revolver starts Accel Synchro-ing
>Soulburner already has a Super Poly so I guess go for contact fusions?
>Aoi using Rank-Ups
Obviously maybe not these characters and methods in particular but it would be neat to see each character use the evolution of a method

Attached: DTHB5FlV4AA-vaP.jpg (300x204, 6K)

Please no. How they've shoved the other methods into VRAINS without explanation is bad enough, they don't need to start shitting on the evolutions as well.

>competent enough to figure out super ai again and again
have you not forgotten how it took him 5 years to find Ai? or how he did not anticipate that lightning would do anything to win? or how after 5+ years ongoing he still has not completed his objective while go did it easily even while his main mission was playmaker?

>have you not forgotten how it took him 5 years to find Ai?
AI aren't easy to catch. He even said AI understood AI intentions better.
>or how he did not anticipate that lightning would do anything to win?
He knew that, he just had to run with it.
>or how after 5+ years ongoing he still has not completed his objective while go did it easily even while his main mission was playmaker?
That was just letting go do his own thing. Really I'm just saying he's smart enough to understand the ignis program. He can also win with rokkets.

>He knew that, he just had to run with it.
No he didn't, retard, why would he intentionally run along with the ai's plans, are you fucking stupid? His goal is to kill ignis not die by the ignis

>He can also win with rokkets.
Except he hasn't won with rokkets

> why would he intentionally run along with the ai's plans
You can't really do anything about the other duelist playing dirty when he's magic. You're bringing up things that he can't really interfere with.

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Except he can, he was never a goodguy to begin with so he should have continued attacking

Playmaker managed to win against cheating, soulburner managed to win against cheating, are you telling me revolver is such a useless fuck he can't even beat the worst ignis?

Beat windy. He just couldn't attack the helpless Jin.

except he can, he's not a good guy

Will Roboppy use multiple summon methods like AI?

Attached: Vrains 97.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

>implying beating pre pirate windy was a feat
lmao had to use an omninegate just to beat a link 3, what a joke

It would be nice to see, but it doesn't much matter since Roboppy's cards aren't getting printed.

Blood shepherd did.