Why are cat-girls much more common in anime than dog-girls?

Why are cat-girls much more common in anime than dog-girls?

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women are dogs already you don't need to anthropomorphize them

Because dogs aren't really as common in Japan. The reason why they like shiba inus so much is because they're one of the only dogs that actually come from Japan. Most popular domestic dogs are quite likely European.

Okay, based

Not really, dogs are actually loyal to you.

I suppose it also makes sense considering the living conditions for the average Jap aren't well suited for dogs compared to cats.

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Cat girls are way cuter.

>extra ears

dogs are loyal to food youtu.be/RsjqDLsCqJg

and cats are loyal to nothing

>cats are proven to recognize when you call them by their name, they just choose not to care

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mine didn't give a shit about the cucumber wish he did because it looks hilarious.

itsnt that cucumber look like a snake thus it scare the cat?

yes, there are videos on youtube about it

Redundancy, youtube already imply a collection of videos

I'd call you a faggot, but that would be redundant too.

why so harsh? i was just trying to promote the simplicity of words

My cats come running to me to get petted whenever I call their name

Being a retarded beta and being loyal are not the same thing.

Because dogs fucking suck

I agree that cat owners aren't loyal, but what does that have to do with dogs?

Wow, I didn't realize we had so much in common, I love dogs now



t. toxo zombie

cats > dogs

Attached: lovecraft cats.jpg (465x742, 82K)

Yeah but Lovecraft was the most autistic author of all time, so we don’t need to take his personal opinions too seriously.

That only means he's relatable.

Lovecraft presumes the cat even understands what's going on. If you want to get into pretentious philosophy and namedropping, I'll raise you Camus. The dog is like a happy Sisyphus, realizing the meaninglessness of it all and finding joy in the routine, useless and meaningless task of retrieving a thrown stick only so it can be thrown again.