Why haven't you visited Aomori yet user?

Why haven't you visited Aomori yet user?

Attached: 685118.jpg (2500x1598, 1.6M)

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I'm going this summer.

My broom is grounded.

Dad's accent too thick

Saving money for Gran class; waiting for Touhoku Shinkansen to reach 320km/h, and 360km/h with post- Alfa-X next gen trainset.

will i find a cute dork witch gf if i go?

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Anime Senpai when

Attached: Flying Witch senpai.jpg (1114x1600, 400K)

Aomori is renown for its cute dorks.

Attached: 05db539d8dfa81c7754e0ce3312433081452205725_full.jpg (640x694, 133K)

I want those feet on my face.

Attached: 69f52be74116eef62169610.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

>go to touhoku with friend
>friend is moon runer
>friend speaks to locals about some shit I don't remember
>we walk away
>ask him if it was hard to understand
>he says no
>ask if they spoke standard japanese
>he says no
Based isolationist nips not even understanding their own fucking country.

Attached: fe5b6698b3e182e307644309c.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

she looks so cool, i love her design

She's a dork too

Attached: flying witch 9.jpg (1115x1600, 489K)

Why is Senpai always in resting bitch face mode?

She's really very nice though. I like a RBF girl who's a total sweetie.

Attached: flying witch senpai.jpg (869x1300, 207K)

Chinatsu has the cutest outfits

>She will never give you this look

Attached: senpai smug.png (257x353, 91K)

She does.

Attached: 1463314535740.png (800x750, 304K)

Attached: Chinasuit.jpg (1115x1600, 627K)

Is it still translated only by a group of misaligned individuals who only release to reader sites/facebook?

As opposed to? Their own site releasing .rar?
Anyway there's an official release by Kodansha covering the first 6 volumes.

I didn't expect her to become a wicchi so soon, but the chapters where she gets the water gun finger was peak iyashikei.

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Flying Witch - 03 (1920x1080 10bit AAC) [B5ECEF34].mkv_snapshot_11.42.png (1920x1080, 3.42M)

I'd like to see her feet.

The volumes are licensed and officially translated. Wikipedia says 7 will be released in a few days.

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I'm going in the winter.

S2 when?

Attached: flying-witch-05-17-makoto.jpg (1280x720, 93K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Flying Witch - 01 [1080p] 002242.webm (720x540, 440K)

This show is JC staff magnum opus

Proof me wrong

When I think of Flying Witch I always think of this image, I've never seen a softer looking pair of feet ever.

Attached: 1557297753777.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Never ;_;

Nooooo, I want to see more Anzu ;_;

Next chapter fucking when

I don’t care about this show, but I want to go to the town that claims Jesus’s twin brother took his place on the cross and that he walked across Asia to Japan.

Sasuga /n/

See thread