Why haven't you visited Aomori yet user?
Why haven't you visited Aomori yet user?
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I'm going this summer.
My broom is grounded.
Dad's accent too thick
Saving money for Gran class; waiting for Touhoku Shinkansen to reach 320km/h, and 360km/h with post- Alfa-X next gen trainset.
will i find a cute dork witch gf if i go?
Anime Senpai when
Aomori is renown for its cute dorks.
I want those feet on my face.
>go to touhoku with friend
>friend is moon runer
>friend speaks to locals about some shit I don't remember
>we walk away
>ask him if it was hard to understand
>he says no
>ask if they spoke standard japanese
>he says no
Based isolationist nips not even understanding their own fucking country.
she looks so cool, i love her design
She's a dork too
Why is Senpai always in resting bitch face mode?
She's really very nice though. I like a RBF girl who's a total sweetie.
Chinatsu has the cutest outfits
>She will never give you this look
She does.
Is it still translated only by a group of misaligned individuals who only release to reader sites/facebook?
As opposed to? Their own site releasing .rar?
Anyway there's an official release by Kodansha covering the first 6 volumes.
I didn't expect her to become a wicchi so soon, but the chapters where she gets the water gun finger was peak iyashikei.
I'd like to see her feet.
The volumes are licensed and officially translated. Wikipedia says 7 will be released in a few days.
I'm going in the winter.
S2 when?
This show is JC staff magnum opus
Proof me wrong
When I think of Flying Witch I always think of this image, I've never seen a softer looking pair of feet ever.
Never ;_;
Nooooo, I want to see more Anzu ;_;
Next chapter fucking when
I don’t care about this show, but I want to go to the town that claims Jesus’s twin brother took his place on the cross and that he walked across Asia to Japan.
Sasuga /n/
See thread