How'd she do it?
How'd she do it?
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do what
your mom
2ch hk/int/src/58690/15581287060340.mp4
Imagine being the animators who had to rotoscope their fat male coworker doing this dance.
Why does this make Yea Forums so insecure?
it's a little cute but mostly cringe.
people don't dance like that.
I'd rather anime go full rotoscope than 3dcg.
They do where it matters.
There is nothing wrong with rotoscoping, its the end result that matters and the end result here is good.
Why do some of you think it is rotoscoping?
I wish I was a charismatic teenage girl and not an emotionally constipated autist
>where it matters
So online in east asia whoring for betabucks?
By being the best girl.
the argument on Yea Forums isn't about whether or not it's rotoscoping, it is rotoscoped and the animators confirmed it.
whether rotoscoped content looks good to you is a different thing and depends largely on whether you're autistic or not.
This scene is a perfect edgefag detector.
Anyone who claims not to like it (and not to like Chika):
a) is lying
b) is prepared to tell a blatant lie rather than admit he likes something popular
tl;dr Chika = best girl and you know it
its obvious
God I wish that were me
>people don't dance like that.
This is how I would expect a cute anime girl videoing herself alone in an office to dance.
These types of "dance" movements really make me cringe and think of "Aitor meets Ai" type of cringy situations.
u mad
>people don't dance like that.
It's anime. Most of the things characters do aren't done in real life.
They hired a female professional dancer for it.
Imagine being the animators who had to rotoscope their cute female coworker doing this dance.
It's cute. Japan likes cute things. Naturally, this gets made.
You might think to yourself, "what a waste of time and effort that could have gone into production elsewhere", but the producer thought otherwise. Good call on his part because people won't stop talking about this.
Wrong kaguya retard
I still don't know who that is.
Imagine some fat neckbeard weeb doing this dance in public or even in their apartment/house.
>Wrong kaguya
better Kaguya
user, Yea Forums sings is a regular thing and is infinitely more embarrassing than someone doing a dance from something they enjoy.
i wonder why there's no jp girl cover this dance but all chinks instead
user have you NEVER seen an 80s to 90s music video in your life?
A lot of them have movements few people would do in a regular dance.
>more embarrassing
how do you figure?
It wouldn't be hard to believe that the show was more popular in China than actual Japan.
What anime is that girl from? I always see her in my social media feed
t. never danced
people just move around the way they feel like
dancing is cringe by default but everyone is doing it and nobody cares what you do as long as you don't fuck with other people
I strongly agree
Nice granny dance LMAO
Is this show at least worth watching in a way?
It's the best anime of the year user. Go watch it. You'll enjoy it.
are you being sarcastic?
You clearly underestimate the population of weeaboos who think they look cute dressing up as their waifus and imitating them
Give me some shows like this one. How are they called? Romcoms?
based china
It looks a little weird, but the choreography is fine
Are you an idiot? People do that shit in kpop literally right now