Pay someone to translate one of your favourite anime or manga

>pay someone to translate one of your favourite anime or manga
>Go back in time before you paid them
Why don't more people do this? Look at how much more money you save.

Attached: idontgiveashit.jpg (480x360, 12K)

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>pay someone to translate one of your favourite anime or manga
Why would anybody do that like ever?

There's some really obscure stuff out there.

Hahahahahahaha. As if. You know that all the obscure stuff has not been translated because either there are no raws on the internet (or the quality of raws is poor) or the Japanese is too high level/technical in some anime and those poor 3rd year Japanology students simply feel overwhelmed.

Why not learn Japanese instead of paying fan translators to make shitty translated versions of manga, LNs, and stuff?
You can learn hiragana in an afternoon, learn the basics of Japanese grammar in a week, and kanji in 4 months.

What if translators are all just time travellers stealing the credit for work people already did, locked in a war of 5d chess?

>kanji in 4 months.
Why would you lie to this man like that?

But if you go back in time to before you pay them, the timeline in which they translate the work would not exist

But you've already seen it and know everything that's happening

I got through the 常用漢字 set in exactly 100 days, no more, no less. Anki + mnemonics works like magic for this kind of intensive memorization stuff.

then they just have to go back in time and steal it from you, who stole it from them, like said

How the hell have you been keeping?

I don't give a shit

>learning japanese like some weeb faggot
lol pathetic

Kanji is kind of eh, but learning spoken Japanese greatly enhances enjoyment of anime and songs. Try it.

Maybe the second one but I can't imagine that most seinen use language that's too hard, unless those 3rd year Japanese students can't deal without furigana. But I know several series with available raws that haven't been translated.

I meant anime, sorry for being unclear.
For manga, it's an even worse idea to pay people to translate, since you can simply use an OCR software to get the text and use google translate + your own Japanese skills.

ok i will

>pay someone to translate one of your favourite anime or manga
>Skip time from the moment they gave you the anime to the moment you pay them
It's diabolically clever.

They'll go back to you and ask where the fuck is my money.