Post ugly characters with possibly even worse personality here
ITT: Ugly character designs
Other urls found in this thread:
>hating chadneta
He is literally me
you can follow him there, m8
There are fun perverts like Master Roshi and then there are Minetas. Don't be a Mineta, aka obnoxious annoying horny midget kid who only thinks about tits and harasses everyone
>Master Roshi
>fun pervert
Mineta is based though
For your sake, I hope you DON'T remember her
But OP you posted a picture of yourself
God he looks annoying. I can only imagine the voice
there's absolutely nothing wrong with that character
now fuck off tranny
So many Mineta apologists in the Yea Forums, I should have known. Actually I wish I were shorter, because I'm too tall now
That's a she, and it's worse than you could ever imagine
Here, but make,sure your volume is down
Why do people hate him? Hes hilarious and powerful
Oh no, My ears...! Is that chopper voice screaming from top of her lungs? And that OST was oddly fitting when it got even more horrible
Why did they make my character design so ugly?