Got rejected by Jump

>Got rejected by Jump.
>Made his very first work a worldwide phenomenon.
>Created one of the best protagonists in Japanese fiction.
>Improved the manga quality with every new arc.
>Successfully flipped the story over its head at chapter 100 with a marvelous 99 chapters of buildup.
>Revealed the last panel of the manga 1+year prior to the ending.
>About to do an audio reveal of the final chapter.
>Doesn't give a fuck about the anime studio and fujos.
>Has his name carved with golden letters in the history books as an all time great in the industry.
>Achieved all of this while being an average at best artist.
Is he, dare I say it the biggest CHAD in the industry?

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who is this?

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This is one of the greatest chad and deserve to be remebered with all the other great mangakas like togaChad and Kinoiura (unlike kiShitmoto , hacKubo and virginYama

Hajime isayama, the biggest example of how a mangaka with poor drawing skills can compensate iwriting and became popular at his first manga.

Is this Tezuka?

Redpill me on tvis guy and his story.

>Hajime isayama
ah the guy who made Attack on Titan.

yeah i dont think that is so special.
Goodday to you.

Didn't he once say that he wanted to kill some characters but chicken out due to those characters' popularity?

Stop posting your r/eddit copypasta here dumbass

No he decided to change the ending which was outright tragic and it was the correct decision.

One, but that character still ends of dying. LMAO

wait what, most of his characters are pretty ass, he's only got an interesting world premise. Also Jump was correct to reject him, he would've caused them a shit ton of problems and wouldn't have been able to make what he wanted probably

Why are you so annoying? You have the same mentality as the "hunterchads" that raid our threads. Stop giving us a worse name than we already have.

Attached: 91.jpg (1200x720, 337K)

he got better

Attached: isayama improvement 1.png (1380x924, 1.18M)

also this, fuck this mentality 'hunterchads' are truly cucked.

HxH shitposters should be gassed at sight.

Attached: 'HxH'fag.png (659x77, 5K)

>>Created one of the best protagonists in Japanese fiction

Did he die a few years ago? The story has been shit lately.


with all these chad Eren memes you would almost convince me AoT isn't shit anymore

Memes aside, Isayama truly is a great writer.

>SnKucks complaining about a fanbase.

That's just how cancerous HxH shitpsoters are, I'd said on par with DBS niggers.

> marley arc and current arc
>bad written

Pick one


I wasn't referring to a whole fanbase. Just the raiders who refer to themselves as "Hunterchads"

Attached: eren.jpg (621x621, 258K)

>Fake reader

>Created one of the best protagonists in Japanese fiction.
Erenfags are more insufferable than Erwinfags and Bertfags were under RtS combined. And it has been going on for too long now.
Eren was ok-to-mediocre in the beginning as the standard shonentard MC and now he is just an edgelord with an obvious grand keikaku revealing itself soon. Not like we havenĀ“t seen this before in chinese cartoons.

What was the tragic ending like?Did everybody die or what?

based, and faggots still say his drawing skills are "bad"

>an obvious grand keikaku
>Grand Keikaku
He's just planning to kill a lot of people, there's nothing grand about that, unlike Zeke's convoluted unbirthing plan.

how do I achieve right natty?

I've never seen HxH and I play the Hunterchad on this board to join the fun.

I would agree with you if it wasn't for Levi. Biggest fucking Gary Stu I've ever seen, single-handedly ruined the manga for me. He's just not a fun character. He annihilates any sort of emotional attachment you could have toward him. For that alone Isiyama is a hack writer.

imagine being that picky

Can't say I approve of your taste but you have the soul of a true Hunter. So that's a based in my book.

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