Just found out they made new episodes of FLCL and just marathoned that shit

just found out they made new episodes of FLCL and just marathoned that shit


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Other urls found in this thread:


somebody better fucking explain this cuckery I just experienced

much better than progressive but only brainlets take these "sequels" seriously regardless of their opinion on the og

OST is pretty great though. Gotta give it that.

progressive > alternative

Reminder that every FLCL thread is a Pillows thread.


>when you trick shounen babbies into watching a cute girls SOL show
Seeing reactions like OP's will probably be the only thing Alt will be good for, for years to come.

And yes, it is better than the clusterfuck that was Prog.

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It's not actually episodes of FLCL. It's some dumb shit with the #FLCLbrand slapped all over it. None of the people who originally worked on it were involved with it. Some American broadcasters made it happen anyways and that's what we got. I refuse to watch it but I know I don't have to to know this shit was never going to be good and should not have been made.

Well shit. I liked it.

music was good but im not one to watch girly shit animes
the new shit didnt even have callbacks to anything except neon genesis lilith

Can't really do callbacks when it's a prequel.
Progressive on the other hand did have a couple.

how was it a prequel if you dont mind me asking

There were numerous other hints that I don't remember anymore (a number of which can't really be proven due to the fact that things weren't entirely explained), but the most obvious ones were:
1. Haruko didn't have her signature Vespa for the entirety of the show. That's because it originally belonged to Kana's boss. Which Haruko steals in the last episode
2. Haruko didn't have her broken shackle yet, as it can be assumed she's just a space officer and not yet a criminal
3. Haruko didn't seem to be aware of Atomsk at all

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Hi, I see you're new to anime. Welcome and enjoy your stay.

>watching a sequel
>expecting it to be good

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>And yes, it is better than the clusterfuck that was Prog.
Like hell it is. The only things alt has over prog is how it incorporated the main cast into the story and consistently better animation(emphasis on consistent, since while prog has lower lows, it also has much higher highs with some genuinely good scenes. Hell, episode 5 is easily the best episode of either series). Alt completely misses the point of Haruko's character entirely and the songs are poorly placed and sticks out like a sore thumb. That's a cardinal sin for fucking flcl.

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Same, hell I liked both of them. Even if there's issues with both series I still enjoyed them overall.

Prog's biggest problem was precisely that it tried to hard to be like the original. Don't get me wrong, I had high hopes for it at first as well, originally thinking that it did its first episode better than Alt. But as the show went on, each episode felt more and more pointless, with "lol so random" shit being put in without any of the comedy or underlying meaning the original FLCL used with its "lol so random" shit, side characters who could not have been more NON-characters, and references to the original thrown in that eventually went nowhere and merely came off as gratuitous. Honestly, why even introduce Amarao's son if you're going to make him so uninteresting compared to his father?
And what was probably worst of all, the main character failed to have even a fraction of the depth Naota had. How could she? She was not even herself for what felt like half the show. Ide wasn't much better.

Alt was spared by not only succeeding in avoiding some of those aforementioned pitfalls, but by also not trying to imitate the original and doing something far closer to its own thing.

That being said, both pale in comparison to the original series.

Oh, and who could forget the overbearingly bad (in comparison) animation in the finale that led people to make videos like these. But really, that wasn't what turned me off the most. By the last episode, I remember not being able to give half a shit about Prog, or any of the characters.

And as for your critique about the timing of the music in Alt, I personally don't think I remember any scene where it felt off.

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Ironically I had the opposite impression. Despite Progressive having quite a few references that got especially egregious towards the end, it's still a fundamentally different beast from the original. The original was very episodic and had a specific stucture to each episode, which is something Alternative copies to a T. Progressive follows the same story, but it experiments with a vastly different approach to said story, with mixed results. Alternative has is much more separate from the original, but still has the same story beats, with just as mixed results.

I do agree with the side characters not having much of a point though, which is something I already said that Alt does better. I agree that Hidomi doesn't have nearly the depth of Naota, but she's still a fine character on her own. Not to mention Kana's just as guilty of that.

>That being said, both pale in comparison to the original series.
That is also true, but overall I still like both series despite their shortcomings. Though the shortcomings just makes me wish that both studios would've came together to make one cohesive season, rather than competing with each other to create their own. It could've easily been something that's just as good as Classic with the various styles from both series to toy with.

>Oh, and who could forget the overbearingly bad (in comparison) animation in the finale that led people to make videos like these.
Like I said, Progressive wasn't very consistent when it came to animation, for better and for worse. It still had some impressive scenes throughout the show though, even in the final episode. It's just a shame they fucked up the scenes that people were going to compare.

>And as for your critique about the timing of the music in Alt, I personally don't think I remember any scene where it felt off.
I specifically remember a scene in the final episode where Kana and her friends are out at the beach and they were literally singing an entirely different song over the pillows cover and talking over it. It's the one thing that made me realize just how badly handled the sound design for the show was. When a Pillows song played in Progressive, they at least retrofitted the scene to respect it, Alternative just treated it as background noise.

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Progressive is 10x better than that cornfest and I wouldn't even call Prog decent

Nearly died inside during the Haruko rap

There's only one true spiritual successor to FLCL and that's Biscuit Hammer.

>Progressive follows the same story, but it experiments with a vastly different approach to said story, with mixed results. Alternative has is much more separate from the original, but still has the same story beats, with just as mixed results.
Huh, so that's why they're called Progressive and Alternative.

No one cares

This webm is incredibly stupid considering prog had an excellent fight scene with actual references to the fight scene on the left, it just wasn't the finale

And the episodes got proggressively(no pun) more entertaining, but the finale was weak in terms of animation, I can at least say i was entertained

alternative is just badly written, condescending messages, boring character interactions, and a non-plot with no real conclusion, the action scenes where terrible, and the only bit of interesting sakuga i can remember was the basketball shit, which was just dumb and had nothing to do with anything

nail on the head, prog was actually interesting to look at, the fight scenes felt like flcl fight scenes, right down to the direction and crazy designs, i actually enjoyed myself with it.

The original was gay. They fixed the MC by removing his penis. They also improved the visuals.

The animation is clearly better in progressive though.

>all that retarded screenshaking
>virtually no shading
>fucking 4:3 aspect ratio
New version is way better you dumb nostalgiafaggot.

Same. Progressive was a massive improvement over the original.

>None of the people who originally worked on it were involved with it.
Thank god. The original was an abomination, these guys managed to turn it into something half decent.

This is the objective list.

prog > old > alt

The og is dogshit. They managed to salvage something out of this franchise with these new versions.

An improvement over the shitty overrated original.

>Haha lol FLCL was trash lol do I fit in yet?
Like clockwork.

Alternative > Progressive > Original

Take a hike with that fucking strawman you dumb nostalgiafaggot.

>forced animation

>good animation

>But as the show went on, each episode felt more and more pointless
so like the original? you could hardly call what it has a story anyway

It's funny how quickly people forgot this was even a thing. Was this even aired again on Adult Swim?

>Some American broadcasters
It was Toonami, since DeMarco is a Vince tier idiot who can't do anything but follow popular trends months late and can't stop using cheap nostalgia pops to cover up how awful of a businessman he is.

I can cherrypick too. Animation in the new versions is better.

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The animation in the old version is so flat and washed out.

Japan forgot the original even faster.

Nostagiafags need to fuck off. FLCL was never good. At least these new versions are somewhat bearable.

kek true

I honestly prefer the limited animation in progressive. It's far more appealing. The original is just soulless shit that tries to hard to copy realty.

The original is such a disgrace.

This. Whats the point of realistic fluidity if you can film shit in reality?

Still miles better than the old version.

you have a vagina

Despite Prog and Alt being total failures, I do appreciate them trying to resurrect the show's spirit and trying to make a new FLCL related thing in fucking 2018. I will always love Prog/Alt's deceptively alluring promos.

I wish I lived in the timeline where all the budget and talent was consolidated into one focused 80 min tv movie special instead of trying to produce two separate 6 episode shows. In that timeline, the revival is well received by fans and critics and the next movie is already confirmed in production.

Not as much of a failure as the original though.

I didn't watch Alt after the disaster that was Prog's final episode (and I *liked* where Prog was going after watching episodes 4 & 5), but holy shit are you serious about the girls singing over the Pillows soundtrack? Fucking hell that's awful.

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I liked both seasons, come at me

It was aired twice, and it it's anything like Space Dandy they'll just shelve it for a while and bring it back once every blue moon.

Sadly no. It wasn't enough to ruin the show for me, but holy shit was it frustrating.


I'm not surprised that anons on neo-Yea Forums hate old FLCL and love the new shit.
Yea Forums is pretty notorious for it's shit taste. The new seasons were horribly directed, visual composed, animated, nearly everything about the new seasons was extremely derivative.
It was pretty disgusting to watch.
FLCL had a very distinct visual aesthetic and direction that make it very hard for normalfags and brainlets to fully understand. A lot of people watch the show and their take away is "lolrandumb", but it's much more than that on a narrative, and visual level.
FLCL Progressive was the cheapest kind of nostalgia trip, and it even sucked at doing that. Alternative was a shitshow that was only FLCL in name, it's like someone had an idea for a mediocre cute girls show and the only way they could get it off the ground was to slap FLCL's name on it.

I don't even remember the last time we got an OVA that remained in the public conscious for more than a decade or even had a proper lasting impact.
Nowadays anime just come and go leaving no impressions.
No one will be inspired by progressive and Alternative because they are souless works

These new seasons were so bad that it felt like a personal betrayal

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It was funded by Adult Swim and none of the original writers or staff from original FLCL were involved in any way. They should have focused more time and effort into just 1 season with better writing and animation instead of going for 2 mediocre shows. Even the head guy at Adult Swim said something along the lines of "I hope everyone was at least able to enjoy something from these" after the last episode aired. Honestly there were some scenes and skits I liked but there wasn't really any outstanding episodes in either of the series whereas in original FLCL every episode is outstanding in its own way

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If the original was a failure, the newer seasons wouldn't be made.

You can hate on the old series all you want, and I won't argue against it, but this is a pretty retarded statement.

The original was only a failure in Japan. It was a huge hit in America once it made its way to Adult Swim

People like you are why cartoons in the west devolved into flash animation-tier shit.

Animation's strength is that it can capture a surreal and subjective version of reality, it's not just about simplifying things all the way down.
FLCL excelled in mastering the core principles of traditional animation animation squash and stretch, anticipation, staging, timing, weight,etc.
In addition FLCL was created during the dawn of digital animation in anime, the fact that it looks as good as it does is amazing.
Progressive and Alternative though? They look like cheap tv anime, there were shows airing that year that looked way better than they did.
The visuals are lazily composed and often have no focus, progressive tries to copy the aesthetic of FLCL, but it fails so badly at it.
Almost every single frame in FLCL has a point to its existence, their composition is so carefully composed that you could create wallpapers out of almost every second in that anime.

Yea Forums likes to shit on popular stuff to be contrarian, but another huge factor is that a lot of anons don't really know quality when they see it.
Most Yea Forumsnons seem like the kind of otaku who only or mostly consume current anime and related media, and in an industry that has become extremely incestuous and fetishisticin a sexual and non-sexual sense this only makes people's tastes worse.

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When did 'FLCL is shit' become the new 'There is no Tsukihime anime'?

idk, I think it's mostly trolling since anyone who says FLCL is shit usually complains about it being random and not making sense. Anyone that likes anime and says FLCL is shit either wasn't able to follow what was happening in the show or just plain trolling. FLCL is a very short and top quality OVA for its time and there's really no reason to hate on it. I can understand someone just not liking the original FLCL but it's objectively good for what it is and it doesn't really fail at portraying what it wants to portray anywhere. The quality on FLCL is just so damn exceptional for the time that it came out that it's hard to cope with why anyone would hate it

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>just plain trolling
It's this. Contrarian shounenshitters from Yea Forums, where the only way they post is trolling.

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Good to see the "FLCL 2&3 are good" troll is back, I was really hoping he hadn't shot up a school or something already.

>I do appreciate them trying to resurrect the show's spirit and trying to make a new FLCL related thing in fucking 2018.
Why would you want anything from your youth being resurrected, rebranded, and turned into a bland piece of shit now. Why? Didn't you see DBS? CCS? Not everything is gonna get a new good adaptation/sequel like Enma-kun or Devilman. In fact quite on the contrary, you should let your favorite IPs of yore die peacefully rather than be resurrected by Production IG and two American fuck faces.
I want new IPs not them taking a shit over my favorite old-ass IP for cash.

You're being trolled if you can't tell, the guy lauding the new series is just the one person and has been doing it for months now.

I take it this is Card Captor? what happened with that?

fuck me then, haven't been on Yea Forums in a while

Regardless of Clear Card's quality, it's just a cash grab to go back to a series they had already ended because every other series they made this decade was ignored.
Well, there you go.

Alternative was DESIGNED to be a prequel. It wasn't officially confirmed to be one. DeMarco was just saying that to mess with fans' heads. It followed the dropped story idea that the original Mabase was based on Mars. But there's nothing that really confirms where it takes place in the timeline. You can't explain away shit like the smartphones and other tech advanced shit that wasn't in the original.

You could say that it was a prequel. But you can also say that it takes place after Alternative. Stuff like Haruko being more mature in Alternative, having Jinyu's hairstyle and not giving a shit whenever she saw N.O that seemed similar to Atomsk's power could also link into Progressive where they became one again on more peaceful terms.

I don't mind old IPs being resurrected as long as they have the care, time and money required to put out something good. A lot of new IPs in the current year anime industry are just not very good or just seasonal fad crap

*after Progressive

Anons.... I liked the original flcl... does that make me gay?

Do you want Haruko to molest you? Yes or no

Who doesn't want to be molested by a cute first class space patrol officer?

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The problem is the consumers right now.
The anime industry is pretty much in the same state that hollywood is in sequels, prequels, remakes, adaptions, etc.
But you have the added problem of niches in anime that have to appeal to specific tastes such as Lolicon, incest. LN adaptions, moefags, isekai, purityfags, fujos, yurifags, etc.

On top of that there's the people actually creating anime and related works.
They're uninspired, almost everything is copied.
storyboarding techniques use the same basic visual compositions.
Writers rely on some of the same jokes, like the classic "characters walking in on each other naked and screaming as the camera pans to the sky''.
The same old character traits and growth with only a few varying gimmicks like "This girl is part-horse" or "500 year old loli vampire" and even those gimmicks are starting to get old.
Even animation techniques are copied. Itano's missile technique and the guy who came up with "box debris" are great examples.

I see a lot of this in younger/newer anime creators, I think that's because these people grew up on anime so that's all they know, meanwhile older industry staff had interests outside anime to inform their creative process.
interestingly enough this isn't the first time the industry was in a spot like this, the same thing was happening in the 70s.

>I'm not surprised that anons on neo-Yea Forums hate old FLCL and love the new shit.
I like all three of them though.

>tfw only like 10% of modern anime is even worth watching
>everything else is just the same shit over and over again

>the problem is the consumers right now
Guess that explains why Yea Forums catalog is always like 80% little girl OPs. So many girly new animes out there the past decade catered towards young men, so little of it worth watching

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You should listen to some other albums too

You should not.
The pillows have been writing the same disgusting pop-rock mid-tempo uninspired drivel for 20 years. They make Foo Fighters seem cutting edge. Don't make my mistake, the only thing you need to know about the pillows is the FLCL soundtrack (and maybe some of their weird jazzy indie first records)

Speaking of The Pillows, very rarely did the music fit the actual scenes that were happening in the new FLCLs whereas in the original FLCL it felt like scenes were actually built around the music or the songs were made specifically for scenes. In the new FLCLs they just slapped Haruko and The Pillows into shows and called it FLCL as if it were a formula for the series

why would wanting to watch more flcl point to him being a shonentard

I feel like the first episode of Progressive did a decent job at that. Don't really remember any standout moments in the rest of it though.