Carole and Tuesday

Did you enjoy the latest episode of the FUCKING BULLSHIT adventures of up-and-coming Martian singers?

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I want her to give me a love bite.

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Is the person a he or a she?

One of the few scenes to make me literally burst out laughing in recent times

They got robbed :(

funny shit deserves a win too...

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This part was awesome, too bad is going to offend a lot of people.

No it won’t.

More like only Americans would find what's so funny about it.

This is how you end up getting stabbed.

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C&T = cybelle & Tuesday

Nice diversity for pride month

European here, can confirm
It was very unfunny.

Filipino here, found it funny, but mainly because we can appreciate American humor. I can't imagine Japanese thinking that it was hilarious.

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C&T is trending on tumblr.

And the LGBT community hates that aggressive lesbian cybelle.

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Cute lesbian

need some angry fagposts to back up that claim

Fucking bullshit, fucking bullshit, fucking bullshit, holy shit, oh fucker! Fucking bullshit, fucking bullshit, fucking bullshit, son of a bitch, what the hell? Oh motherfucker, goddamn bullshit, holy shit! Oh holy shit, bullshit, goddamn motherfucker! Oh fucking bastard, goddamn, fucking shit! Son of a motherfucking bitch, oh shit!

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>Nigga you gay

Also, both C&T and Angela had the most lamest and shit performances out of everyone but they had to advance thanks to plot armor. My boy OG Bulldog got robbed because of the judges' shit taste.

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Well Cybelle raped bite Tuesday during pride month.

Based wantanabe saving anime will bullshit songs


This is anime fag!

Fucking bullshit!

The only one on this tournament that deserves to win is Pyotr, but he won't because C&T and Angela plot armor, this is unfair.

Angela will win

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Most likely

Angela will die

Angela will pee.

I just hate knowing that she will get BTFOed. By the feds, by Tuesday breaking her heart, or most likely by both. Cybelle deserves Tuesday’s pink butthole, but she’ll never get it

GGK will get this dick

also, getting major gankutsuou vibes from this song

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Why is the sister on the right dressed differently? S/he also barely contributes to the accapella at all.

That’s his swag

Episode was fucking bullshit

Isn't her character and style inspired by FKA Twigs?

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Cybelle may have marked her but Tuesday just can't resist Carole's armpit attacks.

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This was so fucking out of left field it was hilarious



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Doesn't this thread belong on another board?

American (Mexican) Filipino here, yeah that was the shit in a funny way. Man i've always find funny how japs represent fags it's almost satirical.

What's her endgame?

A nice boat.

Wearing tuesdays skin

Her song was ok but there was NOTHING special about Angela's.

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Agree with you guys those performances were the coolest, i can't take that OG bulldog lose for an absolute bullshit reason.

I don't know I could definitely see someone else winning but then C&T get picked up anyway and become bigger than the person who won. IIRC it's a somewhat common occurrence in American Idol type shows.

Background aside he also called everyone fake and shit.

>whines about everybody being fake poseurs
>is the most fake poseur of them all
OG Bulldog deserved to lose.

Actual Contestants

Meme Contestants
Mermaids>OG>>>>Old Dudes

I liked Angela's song better before it even had music added, and C&T's song was their weakest by far. OG's concept is cool but neither the opera or the beat was impressive.

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This shit was so unfunny. I can't believe Watanabe is involved in this garbage.

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Cybelle & Tuesday

What are you talking about? This part was legitimately funny, perhaps the best part of the show so far. Which is a shame since the rest of the arc has been lackluster.

Cybelle in Tudesday

I'd love to know how this idea came about in the planning stage.
>what if we have 3 men dressed as mermaids singing a song that contain profanity every word
So many people are missing out on this show due to netflix, One of my favorite this year.

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I feel like I haven't seen you in a while Lelouch

I'll be on Yea Forums till I die.

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The mermaid sisters song was the funniest thing I have seen in anime in years, kys yourself

Since it's a 2 cour show, obviously. The fame from the show will still advance Cybelle and Tuesday to the next arc though

Wasn't so keen on her before but after this song I kinda want her to rape me.

Cybelles performance was obviously better than Angelas shit. Fuck this plot armor

Yes, but that's only because you're 14.

C&T's plot armor is unironically worse, considering it's safe to assume they're likely going to win it all.

Honestly their story could have just as easily been told in a present day setting. There's nothing preventing a story about a music duo making it big being set today. But instead we get this nonsense about them not using an AI to make their songs, leading to everyone treating them like the hottest shit when there isn't really anything special about them for the audience's perspective.

>The remaining contestants of Mars’ Brightest are Carole & Tuesday, GGK, Pyotr, and Angela. Ertegun joins the proceedings as a monthly judge, and the semifinals begin. The first round is GGK vs. Angela. After seeing GGK’s amazing performance, Tao visits Angela’s dressing room and issues a certain order, which Angela accepts. Meanwhile, Cybelle appears before Tuesday to bid her farewell.

Cybelle's farewell gift to Tuesday will be stabbing Carole.

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The whole competition is a joke - out of tens of thousands of auditions they ended up with like 5 serious competitors, and those 5 range from mediocre to alright. Angela is about as bland a singer as you can get and will only win because plot demands it. I'm glad this tournament only lasts several more episodes

>leading to everyone treating them like the hottest shit
Not yet? People at the Cydonia festival kept booing them until they got replaced and the judge at this talent show told them they're too plain.

Redemption arc soon.

Cybelle is better than Carole anyways.
Cybelle was ROBBED of her victory over both Angela and Tuesday

>people are still watching watanabe's latest flop

but why?

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Forgive me -- everyone that matters in the story.
Although admittedly, that aforementioned "everyone" is still hyperbole, but people like Tao, Angela, the judge that matters, and Chipp iirc, seem to treat them like they're something special.

>Cybelle is better than Carole anyways.
>can't even play an instrument
>probably doesn't even write her own music
Miss me with those pleb opinions.

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more enjoyable than angela's shitty song.

Caroles music sucks anyways.
only retarded japs fall for that shit. Being written by a person doesn't automatically make something better than an AI that (successfully) composes appealing music

You're at a club when this creature walks up and bites your waifu's neck. What do?

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Point out one of her grey hairs.

Sasuga contrarianfags. I knew Yea Forums would be shitting on C&T performance and saying the only advanced due to plot armor before the contest even started.

>There's nothing preventing a story about a music duo making it big being set today. But instead we get this nonsense about them not using an AI to make their songs,

It's a metaphor, dumbass. The AI-controlled industry is an extreme version of today's industry. Go back to English class.

Yea Forums thinks a song about bullshit isn't funny?
What the hell happened to this place?

And maybe you should stop reading sentences only half way.
If the show wants to make them seem special, then make them special. Because as it stands there's nothing that makes C&T's songs seem any better, or that makes the other artists' songs particularly offputting or worse in comparison from the audience's perspective. Rather, a number of people have said they liked the other contestants' songs more. And several others have (in my opinion not unjustifiably) said that Crystal's song has so far been the best in the show.

Make her eat a croissant with ketchup on it

drag her into the bathroom and fuck her, willing or not

If she was real, I would do everything I could to obliterate her sexually. I would be arrested for breaking the Geneva conventions once I'm done with her. My body would look like that of a war veteran with all the love bites she'd give me. God, I feel so bad thinking about it, but I also feel really good.
>inb4 she's a lesbian
It doesn't matter. I know I wouldn't need to dilate beforehand, because I will forcibly fill every single orifice with my semen. When I'd be done, you'd think she was a giant mound of mayonnaise, which wouldn't be too far from the truth, as I would've changed her very DNA.

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They are showing off this miraculous 7 minutes at the start of every episode, but we all know it's going to just be another one of their generic shit songs. Meanwhile every episode with another singer completely blows Cunt and Tuesday out of the fucking water. Its just going to be embarrassing when they finally show us what this "miraculous" 7 minutes

I didnt mean to reply but I also would fuck Cybelle, the music in this show mostly sucks but the girls are sexy

>Because as it stands there's nothing that makes C&T's songs seem any better, or that makes the other artists' songs particularly offputting or worse in comparison from the audience's perspective.

Very much true, however it's kind of hard to debate the issue because we don't know how easy it is to compose a song with the help of AI compared to writing it yourself.
One does have put in some work, as we have seen with Angela, although again, we don't know if Tao did this to train her to ba able to sing the song the AI had already made, or if the AI required that input in order to compose the song.
If, just for arguments sake, composing a song by AI essentially came down to pressing a button and maybe setting a few parameters before that, I can see why it would be impressive in comparison to be able to make a song from scrath.
If somebody right now were to create a new instrument and composed his own music with it, people certainly would be more inclined to consider it something special, if only for the novelty of it.

>They told me I could be anything
>So I became an ugly fucking caricature that lack self-awareness

Will her soul go back in time, the time when she was happiest?

SJW invaded anime?

Netflix is all about inserting as much extreme left wing tripe as possible into it's shows.

>This shit was so unfunny. I can't believe Watanabe is involved in this garbage.

I really expected to hear the big red buzzer from America's Got Talent

>tfw Cybelle is going to stab Tuesday to death in the next episode
It's been good until it lasted.

I have a feeling that she'll just apologize, and tell her something about cherishing her relationship with Carole, to which Tuesday will go "Uh?".
If I'm correct, gay end is 100% guaranteed.

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I started watching anime this year and I've noticed there's a lot of gay shit. Apparently every show with a female main cast is subtly about lesbians.

Little did Tuesday know that Cybelle's fangs injected her with nanomachines that will slowly take over her brain.

There is no other show like this. It's surprising in all kinds of ways. Truly we're seeing the evolution of anime to kick off the 2020s.

The 2020s will be nothing but CGI.

>Ertegun joins the proceedings as a monthly judge
Oh shi-
>Cybelle appears before Tuesday to bid her farewell
Cybelle, NOOOOOOO!!!

>The whole competition is a joke
It's almost as if it's a parody.

This bulldyke needs the Power of The Dick to save her from a life of sin.

Who will win the TuesBowl?

Holy shit, what a bunch of obnoxious cunts.

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I really hope this isn't the last we see of Cybelle.

This nigga is based.

Roddy unfortunately

Japan caught that degenerates lgbtq fever hard huh. I'm disappointed in you, Shingo. well it means incest, pedophile and zoophiles are next to becoming mainstream. Good job retards.

I would tell you to go back to /pol/, but i'm not sure even they are this stupid.

Jesus why doesn't the government just arrest the people that make this.

This is why I think that China will surpass Japan (the government cares about the quality of the culture).

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>final episode of carole & tuesday
>cybele rushes stage and stabs tuesday with a rapier
>judge leans back and shouts WAKARIMASU

Based chink chonk

god I just want to press my face into her hair

Eh I'm in Japan actually but w/e

you're expecting too much from an anime. Artists can't create something better than themselves. If the producers were somehow able to create a 10/10 song to show how amazing C&T is, they would be musicians, not chinese cartoonists. And yes, I know they songs are almost certainly outsourced to musicians, but the point still stands. It's an anime, not battle of the bands. Just accept the plot armor


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Arguably already mainstream in anime.

Only them are watching this trash. Btw, if you don't want to get banned or deleted don't say that word in C&T.



Don't mind me, Yea Forums, just being cutest and best girl her.

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Is this a parody?

Again, the Mermaids are technically not trans. They're gender non-conforming.

>Cybelle appears before Tuesday to bid her farewell.
Cybelle is going to douse herself in gasoline and commit suicide right in front of Tuesday.

Of what?

American here. It was funny for all of 1 second and then I cringed really hard. I only listened to like half of their song before skipping to when it was over because I was reaching max levels of cringe.

Spotted the Frenchie. Angela's song was way better produced.

Cybelle doesn't sound that good if you actually know French (despite the singer being half-French).

*click click click*

Yuri incoming.

>crazy lesbian getting btfo
Will she ever recover?

Pls be bait

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Same, this and the presentation of the other singers were supposed to be funny? It was more cringe inducing than anything. I don't think Watanabe did those episodes or maybe he is too old now

It may surprise you but most people here don't find stupid shit funny. I know this is Anime but grow some standards

Actually made me laugh

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This show is FUCKING BULLSHIT/10

>One person on Tumblr with 2 followers will say it's offensive to trans
Fuck off Ricky Gervais

Hype man

How will they ruin this in the dub?

Cybelle should just kidnap and rape her 2-3 times. It works in lesbian JAV. Unlike shitty het porn, lesbian rape porn always ends with the victim falling in love with the rapist.

Yeah it could work

Do they really need to dub the songs if they're already in English?

>Do they really need to dub the songs if they're already in English?

Nah, it makes far more sense to just dub the dialogue and keep the songs the way it. Frankly, the English dub has afar more potential of sounding a lot more authentic than the Japanese one.

And I want Steve Blum voicing Gus

They're obviously going to keep the songs as-is. That's a big part of the reason why they did them in English in the first place.

Whoever's in charge of the dub is just going to think his day got easier


I thought that the dub was confirmed to be done by the people that sing the songs.

That would be unusual. AFAIK, most of the artists have no voice acting experience.

so they will sound like every other dub, whats the issue

To be fair is not that english dub actors have ANY skill whatsoever on what they do, the english dub industry consist in whoever is walking by at the moment they need a voice.

Shitty judges chose generic fucking pop over actual innovation again

American customs.

It’s pride month.
C&T is a show that’s treats LGBT people badly.
Tumblr loses it’s shit.

>LGBT can be creepy stalkers and sing fucking bullshit

Cybelle&Angela soon

fug, would be good revenge

It doesn't though. Gus' bi ex-wife came off as fairly kind and helpful. And Carole & Tuesday are also alright assuming they do end up going the yuri route.

What anime is this guy from?

Stop looking so deep into things when you don’t need to

That’s not enough for tumblr.

They would have won Eurovision


>Cybelle's song left me wanting to listen to some french music
>realize that the only french artist I know is daft punk

french music thread?

Shinichirō Watanabe messy Afro Hair

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Why must you remind me that five existed

Essential pedocore.

Because of her hair

But the main characters are LGBT and they haven't done anything bad

I have the feeling that the only people watching this are here so I doubt none of these people will watch it until the end of the year when this will be up on Netflix, so who cares, nobody here will for 2020.

>But the main characters are LGBT

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Tuesday burned down a famous DJs house just because he didn't listen to her song. She is a danger to society.

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For C&T I think the point is that they're still out of their league with the other famous artists and there's still a lot of room for growth. Here's hoping that they make a much better song for the next round.

Legit didn't understand anything she was saying for half of the song and I'm fluent in French

>Okama gay characters
The only SJW thing they inserted were those older pixie-cut lesbians kissing.

Bitch please, Reddit threads for this show has been reaching 300-400 comments per new episode thread.
Say what you will about the audience for this show, they are there.

>People saying that this is an SJW anime
>All gay male characters are effeminate mid-aged dudes and okama stereotypes who blush at straight guys
>Lesbians are mid-aged dykes with pixie-cuts
>Transgender character (Mama) is an abusive old ugly fat dude with super deep voice and bad hair
>Non-binary characters (Mermaid Sisters) are clearly weird ugly okama dudes in dresses and are meant to be ridiculous
Watanabe is inserting LGBT characters, yes, but they're all literal comic relief stereotypes as if we're meant to see them as ridiculous (except Gus's wife). If this was an SJW anime they'd have these same characters but make them look cool, not comic relief characters.

Just wait until C&T realize they're gay.

I was expecting these guys to pull off something like
All my disappointment when they just do literal kiddy humor

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>Muh superior AI
Get the fuck out of Yea Forums, Jeff Bezos. Don't think we aren't on to your shit.

The FUD is real and weird.
I:m lefty as fuck, and so far I can say that LGBT Twitter is perfectly happy with this show.
>Mama being implicitly trans but never made a big deal out of it. Got her new name and all
>Gus' wife turned out to be bi but never made a lecture about it, even got Gus' blessing to move on
>it appears that this sci-fi society is somewhat cool with LGBT people, judging from the matter-of-fact-ness to it
This should be the perfect show for those people who (understandably) complain about liberal preaching in media.
Here, some characters are LGBT, while others are straight. Some are decent people, while others are jerks. Not a big deal, just facts of life.
This is what they want.

Real life Carole & Tuesday/ vocalists

>and people say Carole don’t look black

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I ship it in anime and real life

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I don't normally do this, but
>>and people say Carole don’t look black
WTF? How?

You're not really black until you are very dark skinned.

Some people here on Yea Forums in C&T threads say Carole don’t look black. (I guess because she’s not drawn in the stereotypical way)

TV tropes listed her as “ambiguously brown “ like most dark skinned anime characters

How dark? Mr popo dark?

but Pyotr isn’t straight

He’s not gay

he seems like a pretty stereotypical gay youtube vlogger
if not then what is he?

Just an air headed bishounen

According to black people a super dark pigmented brown that looks almost black.

was it rape?

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Tuesday is tasty

You know she liked since it's the first time someone does something kinky to her.

I've been really liking the music these past two episodes. The mermaids' song reminded me of Lily Allen. Also, Cybelle was fucking robbed.

But she was the best part of the show.

But she said ow

This was hot

Tuesday a cute

No, it was an assault.