What does Yea Forums think of Bouryaku no Zvezda?

What does Yea Forums think of Bouryaku no Zvezda?

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She's a leader I could get behind, if you know what I'm saying.

Kate is smoking hot.

I think about Kate every time I resist the urge to smoke a cigarette and I feel if even just a little bit of happiness.

little girls shouldn't dress like that

Why not?

I like Kate & the Ukraine scientist. The sword hag can fuck off though.


One of the greatest speeches ever delivered by an Anime heroine.

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>not smoking cigarettes
Are you retarded, bullied in school, or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest of living the longest?
>b-but it’s addicting!!
It’s not with moderation, like everything else
>b-but it’s expensive!!!!
Who forces you to buy two packs a day, you fucking peat gavel?

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still waiting for S2

That we need an explanation of what the fuck was it about.

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I loved it. Made me learn Kuno Misaki's name. I wish there had been more.

The transition from comedy to drama to back to comedy was as smooth as sandpaper

I heard there were some materials published after the series was over, anyone have info on this?

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Did any of the manga get translated?

i want itsuka to be my wife

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All I really remember was the hot scientist.

little girls shouldn't not dress like that.


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I don't remember a lot of the details, but it was something like letting kids be kids.
The main things I remember were the stark contrast between how things went between Zvezda and the white good guys and how things went between Zvezda and the government. I think that was meant to show the original conflict as a game.

There's also the stuff right at the start about the MC's dad trying to force him to grow up and the whole Zvezda crew basically being giant kids.

I really loved their outfits.


If there is a show in this universe that NEEDS a S2 is this, any expert might know what are the real chances of that happening?

It was entertaining.

I would burn smokers in cremation chambers just to let her ride on my shoulders

Great character designs, shit everything else. Would have been better if they took a page out of Prima Illya's book and turned it into yuri fanservice.