ITT: Anime Villains who did nothing (0 things) wrong

no Griffith

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Other urls found in this thread:

His goal was noble and good.

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Good luck trying to have this thread with the flood of 13 year olds currently making everything and every thread shit and not worth discussing anything.
The fags gotta go and the autists who only ever talk about sexual shit need to fuck off too, I'm tired of both groups and the fucking false flaggers who pretend to be overly enthused in order to get a certain fanbase labeled "the worst"
The people who apparently dominate this board ARE FUCKING CANCER.


The only one who did nothing wrong is CHASSSSKKKYYYYY

In the image below.

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Gotta love the first real posts of Summer.

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He was such a higurashi fanboy. This song filled his heart with hapiness.

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He hurt me feelings

The tears shed for Toki and Rei will never dry.

Attached: raoh tears.png (730x543, 566K)

If everyone had power of their own, law and order would no longer be necessary to maintain peace. The grey king was right.

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>extremely competant at her job gaining enjoyment and a sense of purpose from it
>conquered new territory for the good her Empire
>defended her Empire against threats both foreign and domestic
>all she wanted in return for her tireless efforts was love

Literally nothing wrong.
except dying this is.

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Indeed. Chasky. Dinu.

Those words are a combination for something I AM LOOKING FOR GRAAA WHERE IS CHASKY

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Tie between him and Valentine, maybe Kars.

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He isn't even a villain.

Other universe Diego is a joke of a villain though

How about no

Sorry for annoying all my buds here tonight during my search for Chasky! Turns out Chasky is actually a video game dog, and not a real one!

Homura Defence Force where you at?

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>Villains who did nothing (0 things) wrong
homosexuality is a sin

I'm pretty sure she let her men pillage, rape, and murder women and children who had nothing to do with their father/husband action.

Yuri gets a divine pass

No it doesn't.
You're a fucking degenerate.
All gays need to be removed, their genitals be damned.


Raoh did plenty of wrong, he being retconned into a guy who just wanted to cease greater evil by being a tyrant came later in the series, in the early manga there's some henious shit he ordered his men to do that didn't make it into the anime, like locking a couple of peasants in cells adjacent to each other, so they could look at each other but never actually meet, they were starved to death.

It did incidentally have the side effect of saving the world after all.

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Fire Punch is the unitentional best manga ever created.

>caring about peasants
They were standing in his way. The greater good is more important

I lost my pet dog, Chasky. Could anyone here help assist in finding my dearest budderino?? Pic is last picture I have of him.

Attached: CHASKAYYY.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

There was no greater good, that shit is only mentioned mere a few volumes before Kenshiro goes to face Souther, Raoh wasn't meant to be redeemed.

you dare question buronson's literary might?

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Bursoson himself questions it, he and Tetsuo Hara thought the manga would only make it into the Shin battle, and after that they planned it to be about facing Raoh, then that didn't work out so they just kept thinking stuff on the spot till the manga became unbearable to read..

Truly an inspiration.

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>Raoh was literally so bored living a dystopian post apocolayptic society that he just somehow learned to force his spirit/soul into heaven and then turned into a statue.

I guess ruling the world as a king and mastering every martial arts style was too boring as well. Was it ever explained how that whole turning into a statue shit worked? It was like he committed suicide in a way.

Symbolic shit, Hokuto was full of spirital stuff with all the constellation themes, that and literally every major villain in the series gets redeemed in a way, except Jagi who had to get a non-canon spin-off to make him "good" as well.

I don't understand


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My discord username is Reinerblox#0197! If you find out where Chasky of Budapest, Romania is, shoot me a friend request!

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Fuck off, Bai Jin

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Does Roah know where CHASKAAAAAYYYYYEEAAAAAYYY is? i've seem to have lost my dear romanian pupperino delbertino el goblina la hechizado americano dog... Chasky. please help me find him. pic attached is another image of chasky, yet in a different format.

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>offered unlimited and unrestricted power
>still choose to fight for the liberation of japan

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He just wants to die.

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I honestly can't remember what he was about, not even after you said that.

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100% justified

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Yeah no.

I wish I was as thick and meaty as daddy Raoh.

Don't we all?

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The most complex villain in all of shonen

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>no Griffith

Winner takes all.

>implying griffithfags can read

>step up to fight my man Fudo
>get scared
>step off like a bitch

>trusting the Lunarians
Get out Phos

He just wants to end suffering

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unironically Yoshikage Kira

He isn't a villain



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Light was right

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>Yuritrash ever getting anything but a boot to the head
Her of all people? There are better choices in AoT you know?

>there are better choices
name one

Different user but, Marley

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they shortened annie's lifespan, fuck them

What's the sacrifice of one waifu compared to an entire civilization of potential waifu's

Reiner for sure. But I don't think he counts as a villain anymore.

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Can't wait to see him animated today.

If Diavolo is a villain so is everyone in Buccelati's gang

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Diavolo and (T)Polnareff are the only good things to come out of part 5


FUCK Trunicht
FUCK Jessica
FUCK The Galatic Empire AND

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honestly the ushiromiyas deserved it

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He's wide.

don't worry his son takes over the world in the manga