Just a reminder about best girl
5toubun no hanayome
I'm sure I'm glad to not be a Mikutard.
How can any root for Mikushit at this point?
>best girl
I don't see nino there
Honestly i don't think it was subtle at all, she's costantly shoven in the reader's face for every minor thing and then gets all the super important major scenes, they're all things you'd expect the winner girl to have
Now i don't really root for her because i'm simply not into this type of character, but i'm absolutely sure she's gonna be the bride
Your eyes are still working and can still read.
I thought Ninofags are braindead retards?
He was enviously blind and posted the wrong quint.
I admire his decision to not have a clear first girl lead, but honestly the only thing i think he achieved was to make it believable that Itsuki wasn't gonna win
However, in his effort to achieve this, he has done way too much for Miku, she has gotten way too much development over the other girls and it's not a suprise anymore that she's gonna win
He made sure the first girl was a clear non-winner, but in doing this he has shown too much favoritism to another one instead of spreading it evenly, to me it's really not that different than the usual main girl formula
Glad user didn't post Nino, what a horrible mistake would that be.
When the only options are her and Ninoshit.
Holy shit why are the quints so lewd? I want a Tosh or Ishikei or Wata120 doujin goddamnit.
Wait, was there even any doubt Miku was the bride? They have the exact same hair color, i thought it was obvious and this was just the story of how they fell in love with each other, not some mistery story on who could it be
Dude, you need to let it go
Ichika rejection
Miku's the only one with no clear career path, making it obvious she's gonna be the bride for me
All the others have an hobby or insterest and you can clearly see them taking that path in their future, but it's not like Miku is gonna be a Sengoku trivia master
>Muh parallels
>Muh Delusions
>Muh headcanon
Stop please user. They don't deserve this.
Literally FUCK Nino
What are you doing to those cute angels user! Go die in a fire.
You fuck sicks.
Please note to not figuratively fuck Nino
Rena be like
At this point I want Ichika to win JUST so those people who wrote multiple page long thesis' on Miku or Yotsuba winning can know that the days they spent writing up that cringe was wasted.
Don't even have anything really against those two quints, I just want to see the coping and salt.
I'm going to marry Nino!
This is a blue board. Take this shit to /e/ or /h/
But Yotsuba wins user..
I think 5 girls was more than he could handle and it shows on the ways they overlap with each other, after this flashback both Ichika and Yotsuba are the childhood friend who's holding back her feelings while supporting her sister
If Itsuki ends up falling for Fuu then she and Nino would end up as the tsundere that couldn't accept the guy at first but after seeing how much he cared to help her and her sisters developed feelings for him
How far these threads have fallen.
Did someone got triggered last thread?
I understand this point of view a lot. The Yotsuba ones are the worst though since they are like 40 pages of shitpost. You don't want those people feeling validated.
It's some butthurt Mikufag that got made fun of.
I'd do it if I could
Why is nino so sexy?
So the threads have finally reached critical mass huh. It saddens me watch this.
t. following the manga since the first chapter thread
These girls don't deserve this. Sorry anons we need to sacrifice ourselves.
>love is being able to notice all of the small characteristics of each other
>while the rest of them were creating their own identities Miku continued keeping an eye on her sisters and was able to perfectly imitate them better than Ichika as she loves them the most
>sacrificed getting a unique ability like the other 4 and instead tries to become better at what her sisters are good at and be a jack of all trades
>theme is about sisterly love and them being 5 parts of a whole
Miku being endgame is painfully obvious.
Why is there ANOTHER thread? Spoilers aren’t even close
>sacrificed getting a unique ability like the other 4 and instead tries to become better at what her sisters are good at and be a jack of all trades
>jack of all trades
Do you realize that Meeku can't even confess by herself? She's the most pathetic character in the manga.
Anime was a mistake
so do all five girls have the same body type?
Itsuki is the fattest
Yotsuba is leaner but has more muscle than the rest, since muscle weights more than fat she's probably not the skinnier
Nino and Ichika do some light exercise but eat a lot of sugar so they probably weight more than Yotsuba
Miku doesn't have any muscle but also looks like the type of person that forgets to eat every other day so she's probably just tits and bones
>Tits and bones
I can dig it.
5 parts of a whole confession baby
Everyday is a party
More delusion.
Nino a slut
for me
and me
What happened to the other thread?
Quints are shit
Raiha a best
Spammed to death. But don't worry, someone already made a new one.
>she has gotten way too much development over the other girls
Ichika is more developed than Miku by far. And this arc may entirely change the way we see Yotsuba.
For development, I think Nino > Ichika > Miku. Itsuki and Yotsuba are not developed so far so I can't judge them. Although Miku had many screen time but she's like a waifubait than character growth.
Imagine putting all this effort into objectively the worst girl.
Like I don't even have a quint I want to win. I like them all that much. Except Miku.
Literally any ending where Miku doesn't win I'll be happy.
that's a lot of autism right there
Best girl, best smile.
4/5 is a pretty safe bet. I'll take the other 1/5 chance then. I might lose, but if I win, its gonna be sweet. Miku ftw
Nino? How? Her development was pretty much all about her feelings for Fuutarou.
career-minded snekbitch vs family-oriented rapist
fatty vs fitgirl
miku wedged in the middle of her sisters, vs her old man
battle camps have been constructed
>pretty much all about her feelings for Fuutarou.
Change herself and left the past go in 7 Goodbyes, help her sister when they need, go deeper her love for sisters (helping Miku make Chocolate, Sister Wars arc,..). You said only for Fuutarou? Wrong. Nino has enough development for Fuu and her sisters. So Negi can hold her back for other quints development until the final end where he can pulls her to final waifu fight.
I miss when no one gave a shit about pink and blue boards when it came to porn.
I said pretty much all about that. Nino's feelings for Fuutarou were explored for a long time and she ended up confessing. Sister Wars is when she really got more development regarding her sisters and Seven Goodbyes was about her learning to let go of the past. Helping Miku was something she would have not refused to do, and it's Ichika who set that up anyway.
Ching chong to you too good sir
>that pointless graph
Jesus Christ my sides
>Change herself and left the past go in 7 Goodbyes
t. speedreader
>you'll never amount to anything, so don't even try
bros... are we sure this fan edit isn't made by negi?
Fuu-kun & Nino's wedding night will be perfect
-ly crashed and turned into a six-some
>It's a Miku poster
Shit thread. Die Mikufags.
Can you actually make sense of that graph? It makes zero sense to me.
There's nothing to discuss anymore.
You havent seen the amount of Nino porn in this thread. Mikubros should be the least of your worries here
All shall be his mistresses
Anime watcher here. Only started reading the manga since I enjoyed the show. Were these threads this bad?
I mean it's been ages since I got invested in harem series. I really like the girls. I always avoided Harem since it's nothing but shitflinging and salt everywhere.
From my understanding, it's his subjective ranking of the girls based on progress made with Fuutarou per chapter - so it's heavily biased and doesn't mean much. Combined with the fact that like half of Miku's attributed feats are actually Yotsuba's (with him outright dismissing Yotsuba because she "doesn't count") and you kinda see why this guy's one of the few things people in these threads can agree on, including Miku fans.
They went to shit right around when the anime started airing and have only gotten worse because people keep making daily threads.
There are some things can be discussed. But I'm afraid of waifufags and headcanons will ruin it.
Example about Yotsuba. Although we know her past right now but I feel something wrong and she just like victimize and melodrama herself. Something she can easily resolve but she didn't.
There were some good threads. Especially some threads some user serious discuss this manga. But almost are bad because WaifuFags ruined it.
Nino drugs people then falls for them because they're blonde. Shallow love from a shallow slut.
I want to hatefuck Ichika.
Yotsuba has not shown that at all in the series. She just deals with her shit by herself without bringing others into the mix.
>She just deals with her shit by herself without bringing others into the mix.
The one time it didn’t work was in Seven Goodbyes. It was a terrible experience for her. She needed to get bailed out by her sisters and Fuutarou because she cannot handle Eba’s ambition. Don’t forget when Nino accidentally poked at her with the “you should change” advice.
Like this, Yotsuba can easily walked towards Ichika and Fuutarou to clear the misunderstandin, but she didn't. Although she wanted her sisters to meet Fuutaoru (you can see Yotsuba brought Nino come to see Fuutarou).
She can said her worry to her mom but she did by herself which made her mom feel kinda sad (I don't know mamakano was sad or not in chapter 88 but I think she feel sad).
I can kinda understand that happening. It's a shame since I really enjoy the series.
Last Harems I watched for a few eps but dropped were Ushiro no Ichiban Daimaou and Oreimo.
Is Yotsuba the edgiest quint? She has a martyr streak after all.
She's edgy in the way she doesn't act edgy at all. It's edgy how she hides her edginess. She's a closet edgy.
Punished Yotsuba
Zetsuba was at her peak edge.
Dark Yotsuba. Zetsuba. Konosuba.
He's the same guy that was deleted in the beginning of the Yotsuba thread, pretty sure he's just trying to get the thread deleted.
I can't wait to see the others like this as children, they deserve to suffer.
Depressed =/= edgy
Very nice picture.
It physically hurts to read chapter 72 now. My chest gets tight, seriously. What the fuck is wrong with me
That must have felt like a punch in the gut.
What are you talking about? Her only arc was never about her feelings for him. For instance, Miku's character only revolves around her crush for him, and since chapter 4.
I feel your pain user...
>Am I a joke to you?
She would’ve probably started Seven Goodbyes 2 at that moment.
Ironically, yes. After chapter 88, we can see Yotsuba has still stuck too many things.
I think Yotsuba still sees Fuutarou as the only one who validates her growth. He can believe in her when she can’t believe in herself. While Yotsuba has her sisters who are there for her, I think she is more sensitive to how she feels and how Fuutarou thinks of her.
>retarded virtue signaling
>I would do the same if I was in your place.
Kyoto was a dumpster fire.
Those two should be his wives
Well it is now, before it was just her own problem with needing them all to stick together like glue because their cunt mom told them to. The obsession is just her showing she's psychotic like the rest of her sisters.
why is delinquent yotusba so hot?
>Mikufags came out of hibernation in droves
What sorcery is this?
Zetsuba makes my dick diamonds. I sincerely wish for her happiness, but this is peak Yotsuba performance.
Again, do you know what pretty much means?
Lookin good.
Because you said "Her development was pretty much all about her feelings for Fuutarou." first. If you said this sooner. No one will counter arguament you.
Has this turned into an autism contest? I'm fairly certain the Yotsubros still have everyone out autism'd with their 60+ combined page thesis'.
I wanna believe Nino still has the biggest chance to be his wife, even after when I began to notice the Kisser's face looked suspiciously similar to Ichika. Send help
I want to see Zetsuba listen to emo music and smoke cigarettes!
the bride looks very similar to miku in some previous chapter, too, so it is a moot point.
reminder that many manga artists suffer from same face syndrome, they can't really draw distinct faces at all. Negi gets away with this by drawing 5 identical quints, but rely on weekly magazine artist "art skill" is just stupid.
>many manga artists suffer from same face syndrome
You remind me of this image that NinoFags has posted it.
>Everyone thought Miku would be the cool sardonic type by her character design.
>It's actually Yotsuba
I don't know how I feel about this.
It's probably a mix of being to scared too show her true emotions and the fear that they just wouldn't get it. Unlike Yotusba all of the other quints like being parts of a whole
If anybody can sympathies with what she's going through, It'll probably be him
Do you have a link to those? I was planning on reading them along with the Miku one because autism is funny
I wish a Ninobro artists would draw mommy Nino & Fuu-kun's child, so as Ichikabro draw an art of mommy Ichika with his kid. Whilst a couple of Mikubros went too far ahead with the art of Miku & her baby
We need to see the turning point for Yotsuba's switch from Zetsuba mode and Genki modo
Would she think of Shotarou then? Because it's clear her genkiness, facade or not is heavily influenced by the delinquent, selfless, kind Shotarou.
Post loli.
This is the most concentrated autism I've seen in these 5toubun threads. It has reached the point where it isn't funny anymore.
Ikr... To think that Miku has a decent chance to win by believing in someone like Artur who made 30 - 50 pages of research essay to justify her win & discredit Ichika's & Nino's chances
Yotsuba is truly the worst quint.
There are 4 images of this size in the "thesis"
5Toubun is HxH of harem genre
this page + Chapter 88 means 4-D chess is real
If fuutaro is a muslim he can marry all the quints.
>otherwise it'll feel like her victory was hollow and undeserved
Well at least 1 part of this pic fits Miku 100%.
No victory would feel more undeserved than Miku's.
Where these already posted? I missed a couple threads.
Number of max concurrent wives is 4 (and only allowed if you are capable to provide all and be fair). So who's the one left behind?
That would be Itsuki. She should obligatory marry Maruo & let him feel the warmth of his dear Rena's genes
Surely Allah would give mercy to a man in an obscenely difficult predicament.
Only Itsuki is left, i believe
>first girl isn't Itsuki, it's miku because reasons
Even if you accept these reasons, it would point toward Ichika.
She has WAY more presence than Miku/anyone else, early on. She realizes her feelings about at the same time as Miku, but way harder. She makes (small) moves on Fuutarou in the first 20 chapters or something, while Miku still hasn't fucking done anything 60 chapters later.
She's also the first one who talks to Fuutarou in a positive way.
Itsuki talks to him first, but she just shits on him. Ichika talks to him friendly, teases him, and tell him if he needs anything he can come to her.
She has pretty much all the "firsts" among the quints, other than a direct love declaration (that'd be Nino).
Miku doesn't have shit.
If Negi decides to make an Itsuki arc, what would the arc have?
there are more options. but even if it was just her an nino, fine, take nino?
if the options were miku or a pile of shit, the pile of shit would still be better.
>miku's gonna be the bride because she's a worthless parasite
based mikutard!
Something else about Rena and Itsuki's own desire to be a teacher in the future
It's Negi, lets be honest here. We all know who's suffering he enjoys the most
>Like I don't even have a quint I want to win. I like them all that much. Except Miku.
This, only add Itsuki too. The other 3 are fine.
I suppose if Itsuki wins I'll have the small 'plus' that Miku fans will be pissed, but that's not much.
If Ichika, Nino or Yotsuba win, they'll be pissed too (especially Ichika or Nino), plus a good girl will have the win.
Peak performance right here
I can see why the based and redpilled Fuutarou prefers their loli version, it's far superior
It's over faggots
If yotsuba doesn't win we riot.
What happened to Nino's letter, though?
>was a Nino and Miku a best before recent chapters
>now it's Nino and Yotsuba a best after recent chapters
Am I the only one?
Itsuki, she's not halal.
>was a 45 a best and 2 a shit before recent chapters
>now it's still 45 a best and 2 a shit after recent chapters
negi = ( imouto > oneesan )
Nobody want that bitch to win. Nobody but snakefags.
Oh no, second shittiest girl won :c
Why not have Nino, Miku, and Yotsuba in the top 3 like most people with culture taste?
>was a Nino a best before recent chapters
>now it's Nino a best after recent chapters
Am I the only one?
Itsuki is my 3rd now, replaced by Miku at 4th.
Demi glace
Yotsuba has always been the best
that's not miku. are you that bad at identifying quints?
>the girls who's only character trait is obese is best
Famine in Japan
Nice try, Ichikafag.
Don't be like that. She also likes watching dogs die.
>was a Ichika and Nino a best, Yotsuba as friend
>now it's Ichika and Nino a best, but Yotsuba can be more than friend too
Miku and Itsuki were trash from start to finish though.
Am I the only one who doesn't care all that much about the past shit?
I want whoever wins, to win based on what she's doing now... Not because some shit happened years ago so she's magically bound by fate/animu logic or something.
>"Rena" asks Fuutarou, "You really can't tell which one of the girls I am, can you?"
>Fuutarou is confused at what "Rena" is getting at.
>"Rena" leans in for a kiss, realizes that she can do what she wants with Fuutarou without stirring any suspicion from her sisters.
>Takes advantage of the situation, she makes a move and they move from making out in the boat to fucking in the woods.
>Every day they randomly meet up and fuck as much as they can in public.
>Pinned against a tree with a leg raised up.
>Doggy inside a fitting booth at the mall.
>Cow girl on another boat ride.
>"Rena" is satisfied with this arrangement, she can continue her normal life being a sister and avoid any awkwardness with Fuutarou while getting as much dick as she wants.
>5 wakes up, looks in the mirror and thinks she may have been eating too much.
>She misses her next period.
>Her horrified look at discovering she's pregnant.
Someone go make a doujin of this.
I love her, but didn't think she could win before chapter 59. I can't see her losing after chapter 60.
this, but they all get pregnant one after the other because they saw her doing it and they started doing the same
>Am I the only one who doesn't care all that much about the past shit?
I care. This flashback arc has been fascinating for me. Seeing the origins of the quints is great but more importantly, we are finally understanding what makes Yotsuba tick and it's pretty amazing how it changes all her preceding scenes. I will agree that Yotsuba shouldn't end up with Fuutarou just because she played with him for a day in the past but i doubt that's the direction we are going. This flashback is most likely only the foundation that will be used to build up their relationship in the present.
Really? Even with a huge "first confession" death flag?
I cant believe yotsuba lost the fuutarou bowl already
I see your point.
But to take a theoretical death flag and say that you "can't see her losing" because of it?
Im not the user you replied to, i was just making fun of the ‘first girl who confessed’
Fuutarou's expectation
vs reality
>I want whoever wins, to win based on what she's doing now
That's what will happen but the past is important for their characters. At least some.
>half-face yotsuba panel
it keeps happening
>Jumping ship
The first confession death flag didn't matter to me anymore because she broke the "eh nandatte?" trope fo fast and clear.
I know what you mean, Nino. Math sure is hard.
Old man doujins with the loli Yotsuba would make a lot of sense.
That moment was beyond kino. She refused to let something like the wind stop her.
It doesn't help that the chapter was named "The Conquest Begins". It could only mean her conquest on Fuutarou's heart.
>"The Conquest Begins"
And 71 being called "Advantage".
I wonder what will the next Nino chapter be called.
But, you know, her conquest can still end in a failure.
>Theres nobody who can stop MikuCHADS from winning so much
Feels great
Well nobody has to if she does it herself
Watching ninotards seethe throughout this thread has been pretty amusing
The only tards who annoying as fuck right here are MikuFags. At least Nino and Yotsuba Fags discuss something not 'chad this chad that' or 'ninotards this ninotards that'.
I want you guys to stop and appreciate how far 5toubun has come to have dedicated pixiv/twitter artist make waifufaggotry out of their art.
Now we pray for similar situation to happen on the doujin scene please
>can't differentiate her with her sisters
>triggering her to change that lead to BTFO'd by mom and almost killing grandpa
>jealousy because he can fulfill his promise while she completely fail
is she actually telling the truth?
Fuu-kun is so lucky
So... Yotsuba is eviler than Snek?
>That shirt
I want to jiggle Nino's puffs
>Yotsuba pretends to be nice to him to take revenge
So now that Zetsuba is becoming more mainstream does everyone now agree that Yotsuba's theme is similar to "You Are Not Alone" from Final Fantasy IX and that eventually Negi will give us a "You Are Not Alone" moment at depression park?
Check the trivia of Nino page of the 5toubun wiki.
I like how none of this actually uses evidence from the manga and instead is just the most convoluted headcanon ever. I literally CANNOT wait until this manga wraps up and you Miku-fucking-tards have no more excuses when she's definitively NOT the bride. Mark my words, Mikuscum, she WILL bake the cake.
Fuutarou will confess to Yotsuba with the
>You are necessary to me!
line and it's gonna be so fucking kino.
Why not bring it here?
Nino. She'll be my wife.
>Miku best girl
>not Ichika
I like Miku too, but come on.
>same gradient as nino's ribbons
You seem to forget that we can't have nice things. A confession to Yotsuba, so Kino that will make all the other waifufags calm down? Keep dreaming.
>(No, Yotsuba's lie doesn't count)
Every fucking time.
Didn't age well either.
Ichika's line on that graph will never not be funny too.
Mikutards are objectively the worst quintfags.
Itsukifags > Yotsubafags > Ninofags > Ichikafags > Mikufags
>Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplet to give Fuutarou an indirect kiss
Wait what was this again, my memory is kinda fucked up now
71, last Nino-focused chapter.
What? That doesn't count.
How tf is blowing a kiss an indirect kiss. Are the wikia writers pure virgins who never interact with girls
What's wrong with Ichikafags?
"7.8/10 Too many First" - IGN
>last Nino-and-Fuutarou-focused chapter
ftfy. There were many Nino-focused chapters since then
last Nino and Fuutarou focus chapter.
This is the second time you've copied what I just wrote, subhuman.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>yots=liverpool meme
stop this
Would it be great if 5toubun is done like Amagami?
My ichika = United meme got deleted for some fucking reason.
Huh, they list the air kiss. I certainly don't remember an indirect kiss.
I don't know why he's trying to push this when Nino has been said to be Liverpool months ago.
Copy what? Are you a fucking retard or have mental issues or something? Jesus what a fucking cunt.
The endgame will come down to Ichika vs Nino, Legend that Binds all over again
Look at this page with the current context.
She REALLY meant it when she said Fuutarou was the first person, to made her efforts feel truly rewarded in her entire fucking life
Ninobro reporting for duty, sir!
Kill yourself.
Wait, if the "air kiss" and the "indirect kiss" are two different things for the writer, then when the hell did the indirect kiss happen?
I remember most of Nino's scenes and I don't remember any indirect kisses, at all.
>No source for the indirect kiss
It's headcanon for now
>Ninofags trying to prove a point
Champions league winner
I'd say it's more Itsuki/ Nino's since it's the favored winner from the start, or MU
Yotsuba is more tottenham, the dark horse everyone thought would fail in the quarter/semis
Me neither.
Since it's the last point on the list, I guess it should've happened after chapter 71.
I don't recall anything like that, though.
Liverpool meme? What are you talking about?
>when the hell did the indirect kiss happen?
>I remember most of Nino's scenes and I don't remember any indirect kisses, at all.
Nino you'll never walk alone
>I must associate this completely unrelated "winner" to this character to prove my ship's legitimacy!
What are these kind of people called? And when did Yea Forums become so pathetic?
Of course chapter 68 by accident with Itsuki face
Cute couple.
More importantly how warm is it between Nino's thighs?
How many panels do these two have with the same expression? That one you posted, then there's that one with the dead eyes at the fireworks arc, Miku's recent backpedal and I think there was one with both their smug faces but I can't remember when or even if it was the same chapter.
Anything more?
Very warm and soft
Does this count?
>The both
this Meekufagas is the biggest shit of this thread. He hates Nino like hell
That's not what an indirect kiss is, chink.
Even the writer made it clear those are different things.
I see.
So glad these two aren't awkward around each other anymore. Now if only Nino could stop babysitting her sisters all the time and start focusing on herself.
Though I guess the babysitting does give her more narrative legitimacy.
If you read the posts, it was being linked with the "loser", because of Yea Forums jokes.
The problem is that it aged like an egg.
Kill yourself subhuman
How moist, though?
Depends on proximity to Fuutarou
As moist as you want it to be
I think Nino might have a physiological problem if her thighs of all things start getting moist in Fuutarou's proximity.
No, I hate you, subhuman.
Kill yourself.
Damn nigga u dense
Based pure poster
I love that manga, MC is based af with his thigh fetish
Blake > Kyle > Touka for entertainment value.
Horse Mayor is a dark horse
Expect more babysitting until Negi will decide it's time for Nino to win.
Shame that blake doesnt have a lot of moments, but if he does its glorious
The piercing is not a red herring but a fate
I want to drink the dew from Nino's thighs
Enough of the fucking babysitting, Miku has finally grown a spine, probably, and Yotsuba's issue can only be solved by herself.
What kind of horseshit would Negi need to pull for her to now need to take care of Itsuki?
Itsuki has an identity crisis about their mom and shit and some fat jokes.
Nino already brought up the whole Itsuki == Mom crap in negative context during 7 Goodbyes, expect to see it brought up for Itsuki's arc.
What did nips mean by this?
Nino and Yotsuba look the best?
What if it's shown Yotsuba is actually harboring some rather dark thoughts about her sisters but she keeps it bottled up?
Wouldn't that eliminate her from the bowl?
Why is Nino more expensive by 80 yen?
Nino is the real single mom figure. No wonder she seems like a single woman seeks good man
>Ichika and Miku have the most votes.
Bride tax
I think they all cost 1780
Aren't they all 1780?
If he does, it means negi is slowly taking nino out of the race. If she is sidelined for over 40+ chapters, her "get closer to fuu" plan backfires. As this story goes on, nino slowly becomes irrelevant to the story. She had a decent build up to confessing to fuu, but Yotsuba and Fuu are clearly the main focus of this whole series, otherwise she wouldn't be lolikano. I do think the overall showdown will be between nino and yotsuba though, since they're the only two sisters that feel the strongest for him. Granted the memes on her playing sideline are funny, yotsuba over the course of the series has made moves that equal out the same with nino. Nino has the upper hand though because of the bath scene with fuu, and trying to wash his back. Yotsuba has confessed, been on a date with him and took him to her special place.
Nino's parallels are really good and focused in broad daylight figuratively, while Yotsuba's are subtle and only start to click and fall into place as the story progresses and we the reader learn more about Yotsuba.
I don't know who will win between the two, but I can say with confidence that they're the main contenders for fuu. As the other sister's doen't have as much depth towards them as yotsuba and nino have.
Calm down your headcanon dude.
I love Blake. From the steadily escalating number of 4 Dukes killed to how he stays in character even when he becomes important. I get the feeling he'd be ruined if we had too much of him, tho.
>12 hours
>still not reaching bump limit
is the party finally over?
Negi wants her to sell less, so he can pretend the underdog won when she becomes the bride.
Comeback in like 3 days for spoilers. The party should be booming by then.
Uesugi is going to be dying and he'll be marrying them all dressed as Rena or something and he'll never pick.
Or one of them has Mom Dying Disease and he marries her and maybe has a kid but she dies and he raises it with the rest of the sisters. But the only reason she wins is that she's dying, so it's not a true victory.
We're going to be cucked out of a full 'he chooses one girl' ending, start thinking of ways how.
I havent seen this gif for a long time when we kept party posting. Which is only a couple of months ago
Not really since it'll be resolved during the flashback. We still need to see when she decided to become genki.
Ended 5 year ago,still sitting on the top
Can 5Toubun dethrone TWGOK ?
Good. It's the prime example of the cancer that destroyed these threads
>Malshit rankings
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Fuck off
Only if 1 of these 2 wins
What chapter is this from?
Read the manga
This website is so trash. My favorite anime has 6/10 rating.
Don't speedread the manga
You're favourite anime a shit
Shoo shoo, malfag
Quints a best
Who's the best despair? Miku or Yotsuba?
I wish. Deep down, we all know who'll win the Fbowl.
It will be interesting watching the nino vs. yotsuba drama unfold on Yea Forums
>wanted to show how much of a dumbass she is
>doesn’t want to reveal she was lolikano
Zetsuba is still inside her all along.
Yotsuba is best girl, fuck off Mikufag
Yeah. We all do.
Seriously now, it's not Yotsuba or Nino, but Itsuki. Honestly, Itsuki isn't bad, but definitely not my first choice.
There’s no way that’d happen.
yes, Negi already spoiled the ending
Miku's character went downhill hard past that chapter. I HATE IT
5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.
There will be no Nino-Yotsuba drama
>In chapter 43 when Fuutarou tells her his Kyoto story she concludes that he loved loli Yotsuba
>In chapter 88 when loli Yotsuba tells loli Nino her Kyoto story she notices she loves Shotarou
The moment Nino learns those were Yotsuba and Fuutarou she will bow out immediately
Second best girl!
Nino is the bride, though
>Yotsuba wins
>"I'll try my best to be the best bride you'll ever have, Uesugi-san!"
>Fuu ends up bedridden close to death
>Before her muh drama I m better than my sisters, I hate them I hate myself
I don't think Nino will win, but that's completely retarded. It would go against the whole speech she gave to Miku during the Kyoto trip. With her current development Nino will drop out only with a outright rejection by Fuutarou.
But Yotsuba's a best.
I agree that Zetsuba is best girl but Genkisuba is a close second.
Where is 428 mark there??
Even when Yotsuba had the best grades, her own mother scoffed at it and went full quint doctrine.
Nino-Yots drama
>Nino will force Yotsuba to change
>Fuuts would be involved at family problems
Anons, don't give in to the BS about Nino will drop out from the bowl after Ichika. There still is the charm
>Yotsuba a deeper character than the other sisters
>Can't handle this so types a bunch of gibberish
>I m
>With her current development Nino will drop out only with a outright rejection by Fuutarou.
That was before Nino learned she was inconsiderate of others at the end of Sisters War. She completely backed down on her "I want to win even of it means knocking others down" from chapter 65.
Plus, she saw how Fuutarou talks about Lolikano and concluded he loves her.
You think she will keep fighting under the impression that Fuutarou loves Yotsuba?
He hasn't shown liking Ichika or Miku before, so it was a completely different situation
I think the mom was trying to comfort Yotsuba by saying that she (Yotsuba) didn't need to try so hard to be the best and differentiate herself from her sisters because they are already special and unique in their own way.
There's much more than just the charm.
Latest chapters haven't changed that.
I don't think it will be nino, since yotsuba and her don't interact much in the series. Plus yotsuba has changed, we're seeing her past in this arc. She's changed before meeting fuu again, but she still suffers from depression. I think this arc symbolizes yotsuba letting go of the past, all of it.
>The moment Nino learns those were Yotsuba and Fuutarou she will bow out immediately
More like she'll go full ichika.
>Am I the only one who doesn't care all that much about the past shit?
>I want whoever wins, to win based on what she's doing now... Not because some shit happened years ago so she's magically bound by fate/animu logic or something
Please Negi comeback to the actual timeline!!Unfortunately for Yotsuba this arc doesn't have a sugar...her drama is unless
>It's boring arc,it's boring chapter,it's boring flackback, it's boring drama, it's boring Loli/ado Yotsuba, It's boring thread, it's boring spoiler weeks...
Now I wonder why is it that Yotsuba saw her own mother’s advice as something negative.
>Nino has reason for being the bell kisser because she wants fuu
>Yotsuba has reason for being the bell kisser because she wants to let fuu go
The thing is negi made both of these two equal, we see nino getting closer to fuu, and we see yotsuba distancing herself from fuu and letting him go. This is shown at the end of sister wars when Itsuki confirms yotsuba is lolikano.
Kill yourself, subhuman
GTFO, SEAmonkey
Can you write that again? In English tho.
Because children
It's a braindead chinese ape that plagues these threads for the past year
itsuki will not fall in love with fuutarou
but fuutarou the one who will fall in love with itsuki
i can see it will clearly that Negi is planning something like that.
Nearly 4K likes after 15 minutes. Let's see how it compares to the others.
>See it clearly
user, chill with the headcanon.
Why? What trait of hers would he fall in love with?
It's indubitably the best looking.
Yotsuba > Ichika > Nino >>>>>>>>>>>>> Miku
Why would Fuutarou fall in love with a fatty though?
>disregards about the kisser
The your conclusions are rotten just like your brain
>lolitsuba tries to change herself so that Fuutarou could differentiate her from her sisters
>present-day Yotsuba doesn’t do jack to make sure Fuutarou noticed her
What did Negi mean by this?
She's very well rounded.
If yotsuba wins, it will be because of who she is now, not who she was. That's why there are two lolikanos, ichika who tried to use it to promote herself, and yotsuba who's running away from it.
Take a look at yourself first, retarded ESL
Ninofag coming thru
Is Itsuki the only one aware of Yotsuba's despair side?
She's rotound, it's different.
Putting Yea Forums aside, I'll there be much salt when this ends? In Japan and elsewhere.
Fuck off ESL
Your pics are weak
It's so the other sisters had a chance with him. If she told him straight up who she was, he would only develop his relationship with her and none of the other sisters. That's how important she was to him, he didn't start moving on until Yotsuba told Itsuki to tell him to let go.
Itsuki only knows a small part about Zetsuba. She doesn’t realize how much Rena influenced her despair.
At least Itsuki is sane.
Bad timing. Yotsuba was already in a fragile mental state at the time and truly believed that forging her own identity away from her sisters was the answer but then Rena tells her the exact opposite which probably confused the hell out of her.
If Rena had said those words to Yotsuba just a bit earlier, it probably would have had a more positive effect.
I think so. Itsuki isually has some sort of knowing response or look when Yotsuba mentions certain things. Reading from the beginning therevare quite a few scenes where Yotsuba's true bits leak out and there's an odd Itsuki reaction panel.
see She's the one who lost all faith in herself
Now she only holds onto a faint vestige of hope Shotarou gave her, the kindness, positiveness and where her genki originated
You think she doesn't harbor feelings of negativity over Fuutarou's opinion once he learns she is lolikano?
>if anyone of you ever met me in the past, raise your hand
>there's no way she could be an idiot like you guys
Just oof. BIG oof.
I’m starting to think Maruo isn’t the ultimate cuck in this series.
Itsuki seems to only know that Yotsuba is keeping a secret from Fuutarou.
I don't think she knows about Yotsuba's despair as there really hasn't been any panels of Itsuki stealing worried glances at Yotsuba.
So the common theory is that Yotsuba doesn't love Fuutarou?
I don’t know about that. 45 are endgame. I just want yotsuba to be happy
>tells Yotsuba to change
>interrupts Fuutarou before he could confront Yotsuba’s despair
Nino is tone-deaf.
I thought that's already been established.
the quints all look the same
Did you read the latest chapter?
She loves him, she just thinks he deserves better than her.
What if Negi dabs on everyone with an Ichika end
No, she basically doesn't love Fuutaro but the common theory is that she love Fuutarou. FTFY
They made a promise to each other that they would study hard. Fuutarou becomes a smartass, though on the other hand Yotsuba is a retard, breaking her promise (Someone post the "those who break promises are the worst" panel). Yotsuba is probably disappointed at herself that she couldn't tell him that he met him 5 years ago in Kyoto. Though, it's not canon that Yotsuba already knew that it was him she met 5 years ago, yet.
She's mad at herself that she wasn't able to keep the promise while Fuutarou did.
She doesn't love him.
There's no way that'd happen
When can I expect a yotsubro to color this? God I love her so much
No u
I think she loved him but not anymore.
>Yotsuba doesn't love Fuutarou?
She loves him though. There's no way she doesn't love him after saying all this shit.
You fags really love taking this chapter out of context huh?
She pretty clearly does throughout this chapter. And the reason she said that was because she was being overly self-conscious about the rumor that she and Fuutarou are dating. Her reaction to her classmates telling her he might not be against it spoke volumes. As was her very obvious overreaction to his joking statement that them dating would never happen.
That panel in particular was just her dumb attempt at distancing him from her because she was thinking too much about said rumor. Get professional help for your speedreading, it is pretty bad if left untreated.
>I have to let go, Fuutarou doesn't deserve someone like me. I'm not good enough.
Probably something like that.
As a best friend
>half face panel
Itsuki knows something is going on with yotsuba. She has weird reactions to yotsuba at certain points, which given what we’ve found out make sense. She’s also the one who knows about fuutarou and yotsuba and all that stuff. Which is why astute anons are saying 45 are endgame as their arcs are coming and they’re the most likely to be the bride. Of course it’s going to be itsuki as first girl.
Reminder that the Yotsuba edit's breakup ending is canon.
It's one person shitposting user
I don't know if you're an ESL or just bad at grammar.
I haven't been to these threads until very recently. But are the "Yotsuba doesn't love Fuutarou" guys this series' version of denialfags? Or does that honor go to another girl?
It's not even shitposting meant to elicit response. It's clearly a joke.
Denser than Fuutarou.
If after reading chapter 72 you think that she doesn't love him you really need to stay away from heavy machinery.
Fuutarou doesn't love Yotsuba enough to recognize she was lolikano.
Then what the fuck would be the reasons that Yots literally is in love with Fuuts?
I could feel the whispers in my ear when I made that.
Guys, I'm pretty sure Nino hates Fuu-kun.
user I'm too far into this to take a joke..
It could go either way.
Congratulations, you were possessed by the tulpa of Negi Haruba
They've walked through Kyoto together for a couple of hours.
It's better than Ichika who only needed to play cards one time, but worse than Miku who needed 2 days.
Can I get a ZET-
Because they both had a profound impact on each other. Oneitis. Also they’ve had a very good relationship from their remeeting. As tsun as fuutarou is he does enjoy his time with yotsuba. I mean there’s a lot of reasons for it. We can’t say for sure, but there’s good reason to believe yotsuba has some feelings for fuutarou.
>but worse than Miku who needed 2 days.
AAHAHAHAHA You can't be serious, right? Miku fell in love by the third chapter simply because he learned some sengoku trivia. You can't compare it to a promise to study made when the both of them were depressed and wanted to feel necessary.
This makes my cock so hard
Yotsuba is an easy lay
She loves him, just not romantically
How will Yotsuba get her white ribbon? Will she die?
Yotsuba could be like fuutarou and felt grateful for that day in kyoto. But her falling for him in the current day would be gradual, but she’s fighting it because of self worth issues
Well, I was talking in terms of the amount of time Fuutarou needed to put in
>It's better than Ichika who only needed to play cards one time
Can you please stop with that BS. She fell for him twice. Saying that this was the sole reason is literally ignoring everything that happened in the previous arcs when she was even wondering why she liked him..
Those are not even exclusive to her
A gift from fuu, after learning she's lolikano.
It's a white flag
Miku fell in love with him over time. It wasn't until the ski trip that she really acknowledged her own feelings.
We know, Rena.
She said so herself, user.
I'll take her words over you headcanon.
She was denying her feelings, but fell in chapter 4.
Yeah. He's absolutely terrible. The worst. And...
She acknowledge to herself that she liked him during the fireworks festival, during the school trip she decided to break from the mentality that the quints should be equal and share everything and that she wanted him just for herself
See? She hates him.
It still means that she fell in chapter 4 and accepted her feelings later.
You only drug people you really love user. Drugging your loved ones is the most thoughtful thing you can do.
What a bitch.
The real doujin we need is the origin of when Rena was pump-and-dumped.
Falling in love is not an instant thing, she started to fall in ch4 but didn't fully until he saved her from Ichika's manager
liar, they're all 3870
Why is Miku so boring?
Because negi had no plans for her beyond the oneshot
Now that we know Yotsuba is the smartest quint, and that she's definitely gonna win, i sure hope these threads won't be everyone laughing at how their favorite quint gets rejected every week
Talentless sengoku-otaku. Shit tier waifu for me. Though I have to give credit for her hardworking.
>I want to become mom!
She's the same waifu-bait you get everywhere else. Girls like 1, 2 and 4 are far rarer.
>generic tsundere
1 and 4 are the only ones that are not that common
Her ribbon will be drowned in Fuutarou's semen
Someone a year ago used to deny that Ichika was in love with Fuutarou
>Sane responses
I've learned to just ignore everything these threads say regarding 2. It's either blind adoration or blind hatred with little in between.
All the girls where generic shit since the beginning.
Generic tsundere
Generic genki
Generic onee-san
Generic main girl
Generic yamato nadeshiko
But everyone else changed since the half onwards except, guess who? That's right, the one equivalent to three units .
So it is true
Tutor threads were better
>How many panels do these two have with the same expression?
You fags are forgetting Shark Nino and Shark Fuuts.
1,4 are the only ones who've changed in a non generic way
2,3,5 have all followed the generic development for their trope
So sensitive. You don't see Ichikafags crying this much when everyone called her snake or Miku doormat. Ninofags are really fragile.
5 isn't done. She might be a well of bullshit.
This guy gets it. 5 still has hope of having expectations subverted. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in the present after this flashback. Negi is a madlad
What is so rare about Nino?
Nino is the main girl, though
I hate it. I hope shark Nino will never come back
Rare foot and thighs compare to Miku with dull boring headset girl
Nino needs to button up her cardigan more
I'm not a Ninofag -- I just recognise that she's so polarising here that it's impossible to talk about her sensibly.
Not him, but she seems kind of immune to tragic irony? I could go straight to "muh two confessions" as an example, but it also seems like Nino has a higher level of social awareness than the others. She pretty much predicted Ichika's shady shit at the end of Scrambled Eggs while Miku had to catch Ichika in the act several chapters later (and still didn't immediately get it). Most tsundere characters typically flounder in a harem scenario, but Nino just keeps coming back.
I don't see Nino as Tsundere, sorry.
Ch82 and ch85
Rare-type pouting Nino
You might not see a tsundere, but a lot of people who discredit Nino also tend to write her off as one.
Her face is really poorly drawn.
What the fuck, Negi?
"muh generic tsundere" and "muh drugging" are just buzzwords they throw around because they can't come up with actual criticisms. Which there are a few.
Post panels that prove Nino is a tsundere!
She's a bitch whose fallen madly in love with Fuutarou. Not a tsundere.
Too easy, though that's the only instance in the manga
So are they 159cm or 165cm? My autism needs to know.
>Pushing drugging under the rug like it's no big deal
user, drugging people is a very big deal, this isn't criticism, it's just facts.
159cm plus a 30cm ahoge
>Ch82 and ch85
>Nino has a higher level of social awareness than the others
And my answer is:
God I wish that were me
Got your back bro.
Official twitter has acknowledged the rise in female readers and is reaching out asking them to reply to this tweet regarding what they like about this series.
Did a quick search for each quints name out of curiosity:
Ichika: 20 hits
Nino: 23 hits
Miku: 39 hits
Yotsuba: 35 hits
Itsuki: 8 hits
Seems Miku is popular with both guys and girls.
Yotsuba unsurprisingly is popular with female readers.
Most alarming is how far Itsuki seems to be lagging behind though.
Did the Nino fangirls say they want to fuck her?
That's bullshit.
159 + 30 = 189.
One of the introductions said that Itsuki's ahoge sometimes prickles Fuutarou in the eyes.
That means he's around 195 cm tall.
That's more than a full head of difference.
Nino is the “literally me character” of females
You're a fucking retard.
Not only you completely missed what that shitposter wanted you to post, you've also posted something completely unrelated because you wanted to appear smart.
No, you're wrong.
>You're a fucking retard.
>Not only you completely missed what that shitposter wanted you to post
How mentally challenged are you?
I said she was more socially aware than the others, not that she was perfect. Nino wasn't even wrong in context of what was happening at the time.
She's not wrong though.
Didn't read through all the comments but generally when a quint's name is mentioned, it is tacked on at the end as some variation of "I like [quint]"/"I hope [quint] is the bride"/"[quint] is the best".
The rest of the tweet is mostly what they like about the series.
>Nino wasn't even wrong in context of what was happening at the time.
You know, I'm pretty sure, of all people, Yotsuba didn't want to hear this from Nino.
Yeah he's a head taller than them, though he was a manlet in the first two volumes
I'm going to marry Nino!
It is both good and bad.
Some like her because they can relate.
Some probably hate her because she reminds them of someone they personally know in real life.
And that doesn't change anything. You're a fucking retard
Nah, 30+ pags pdf tops that by a landslide
This is too much autism even for Yea Forums standards
No you won't
25-30cm is a standard head length.
That ahoge would go up to the tip of Fuutarou's head in your pic
If anything you’d think Miku would be the least popular amongst females. I may be thinking is terms of North American women though not japanese
The ahoge is not straight up, it curves down at the top which is why it pokes Fuuts eyes, is only 30cm if you straighten it up
Over my dead body
Yeah, but she probably needed to. She have been the first to change back then, but in the current plot she's stagnant.
It does though. You're saying Ninoh as higher level of social awareness than the others but Nino literally doesn't understand anything about Yotsuba's situation and now she's suddenly preaching that Yotsuba needed to change because she got a fucking haircut? Are you fucking stupid? Yotsuba doesn't need to hear that from anyone because she has changed enough times in the course of her life that these petty little words wouldn't even mean anything to her anymore.
Seriously. Yotsubafags spamming their imaginary sob stories is getting fucking annoying at this point
Japanese women can't relate with miku.
How is she not wrong? Nino thinks she knows a lot but she literally doesn't know anything about what the fuck is happening.
FUCK nino
No. You're a fucking retard because being "socially aware" doesn't make you a clairvoyant.
Stop trying to bend everything to your "look how poor Yotsuba is!" narrative
Why is fuutarous dad such a chad? He looks like he’s fuutarous classmate. Damn no wonder marou hates him
Right away
This is true, Nino is retarded. Anyone that thinks she has social awareness is reaching. She believes in a prince charming, that right there should let people know how dumb she is.
You're fucking retarded too.
She told her to stop being a pussy and stand up for herself.
She wasn't wrong.
FUG Miku
>Nino BTFO by Yotsuba
sasuga nips taste
>most alarming
ebin negi madlad of fat shaming women around the world
4>power gap>5>2>1=3
>No. You're a fucking retard because being "socially aware" doesn't make you a clairvoyant.
You're a fucking fool. Nino doesn't have to be clairvoyant to know what the fuck is going on, she's been living with her ever since Yotsuba changed, If anything, Nino never gave a fuck about what the fuck Yotsuba was doing to herself.
>Stop trying to bend everything to your "look how poor Yotsuba is!" narrative
Oh how fucking ironic.
>Meeku no more!, the pic
I love it
>autists arguing about who's socially aware and who isn't
Better than going to the movies.
>Never gave a fuck
>Over-protective of her sisters
Nino has no clue how yotsuba feels, and what you're saying makes nino look like a really shit person.
Ichicute a best
>Nino never gave a fuck about what the fuck Yotsuba was doing to herself
Couldn't agree more.
She really does come off that way. Ichika and Nino are the shittiest sisters out of the five. Thank god fuu doesn't end up with either.
>Nino has no clue how yotsuba feels
Yes, that's the fucking point. These idiots were arguing that Nino has social awareness higher that the others but Yotsuba never came into her fucking radar for 5 fucking years.
My god I hope Negi proves me wrong when middle school chapter comes out.
Yeah, that's why when Yotsuba was fucking herself over with biting more than she can chew she helped her out and told her to man up and solve the issue herself.
Stop spewing your retarded headcanon.
>Boo boo! She said "change"! Poor Yotsuba. Don't you feel bad for her?!
Grow the fuck up, kid
Yeah, I see your point user. If Nino was the social observer, she would of realized Kintarou was Fuutarou sooner.
And you're even more fucking retarded than he is.
Read the fucking manga. It's explained in detail there.
And how does this make Nino have levels of social awareness again? Everybody knows what the fuck is going on, not only Nino. Even Ichika knew more about the situation, you fucking retard. I'm not spewing any headcanons here, you're the only one pushing this "NINO HAS HIGH LEVEL OF SOCIAL AWARENESS BULLSHIT" when she really doesn't.
>Nino is a shit person
Why would Fuutarou marry this person?
>Boo boo! She said "change"! Poor Yotsuba. Don't you feel bad for her?!
Literally no one is talking about this but you keep changing the subject at hand. Fuck off already.
user, unless you can speak with clarity and not hostility, then you're clearly the headcanon faggot here. Go slurp the cum outta nino's asshole, fag.
Because he loves her very much?
>Yotsuba didn't want to hear this from Nino.
It's not Nino fault that Yotsuba fake her true feelings, her fake smile, her fake story. Nino was right
I'm sorry that I don't condone speedreading.
>Nino: 23 hits
I think you may have included twitter.com
>Nino was right
No, also never post here again subhuman.
>this is what ninotards resort to when they're shown for the fools they are
Yotsuba btfo Miku
>Ninofags acting like retards.
>Completely misses the point
I shouldn't have expected anything else.
Whatever. If your headcanon makes you sleep better at night then more power to you.
That's loli Nino was the only sisters to be worried about her last chapter
Kill yourself subhuman
Kill yourself subhuman
You're the only one spewing your headcanon here you dumbass. This is the last reply you'll get from me since you can't even defend yourself anymore.
Yeah when they were kids she seemed to care, but nino is a pretty shit sister, until sister wars when she finally stopped being selfish.
I hope that every single ninofag gets cancer. Ninobros are alright, but you mongrel faggots spewing the most incomprehensible shit need to feel your body eaten by cancer. Also fuck miku
Yotsuba changes at the end. See the white ribbon.
>N-no! U!
>Runs away
So it's another day that ends in y?
Thanks captain obvious.
Nobody noticed how Yotsuba was feeling. You're acting as if Nino is somehow especially at fault for it.
LMAO not even him but you're the only retard here running away since all you can spout is m-muh headcanon with no arguments. You're genuinely retarded.
There's nothing that suggests nino is observant user. Unless you can post chapters and pages showing your argument.
Another day, another ninotard BTFO
Not the subhumam chink, but Nino was obviously right.
Yotsuba needed to change and stop being a rag that everyone can walk on
Itsuki picks up on it user. When fuu got sick, but she wanted to play tag during the skii trip. Yotsuba felt really down about it and itsuki witnessed this. I'd say the other 3 probably don't notice it at all though.
I can post multiple pages, yes.
Better than getting mad that someone doesn't support your headcanon
Shhh, user!
Don't interrupt his
>Nino bad!
do you know it now?
If we compare middle school Yotsuba vs. high school Yotsuba. Then she is changing, isn't she? People can say all her emotions are fake and despair is her true self, but there are moments in the series that suggest she is also happier now than she was in middle school. Yotsuba is changing, her change just takes longer because she has actual issues unlike the other sisters.
>Ninofags make ridiculous claims
>gets BTFO
>start anally shitposting again
Sigh, rinse and repeat.
>There's nothing that suggests nino is observant user. Unless you can post chapters and pages showing your argument.
Brace yourself, user
>Nino gets BTFO by Yotsuba
She learned to hide it. There's still a few glimpse of despair in her high school though.
How does that counter anything I said?
Yotsuba was hurting herself and the people she loves because she couldn't say no.
Nino said that its fine to be a bit more selfish and not try to help everyone around
Looking at this page though, user. It only suggests that she takes extreme notice of fuu behavior because she's in love with him. So are you suggesting that she's overall observant because of this page? Isn't it normal to notice things you didn't notice before when you start developing feelings for someone? That could explain her observation towards fuu. If you have more of her being observant towards others besides him then I'd say your argument is strong.
And clearly yotsuba and itsuki have some sort of understanding if itsuki donned the Rena persona at her request
>There's nothing that suggests nino is observant user.
Nino is ok. It’s ninofags bad
Nino a bitch
The most blatant of observations. Jesus what retarded evidence for your “claim” Juan
This page without context shows she's observant, but the previous chapter he shows up drenched in water, and clearly looking depressed because of his conversation that just happened with rena who he believes is lolikano. Also, this was when nino started suspecting he was Kintarou, who she has feelings for. Being observant of the one you have feelings for is pretty common thing in people, user.
>*posts Nino being observant*
>w-w-well that doesn't count because
lel the coping has begun
ahahaha oh NO NONO
Yotsuba plying the long game. Get raiha to love you and you are halfway to winning fuutarous heart
She knew what Ichika was going to do so she gave Miku a piggy ride to get there immediately
Congrats, speedreader. She didn't start developing feelings for him until 2 chapters later when he saved her from drowning.
Everything makes sense now. Thanks.
Here's another page.
Nino immediately noticed Miku's feelings for Fuutarou.
I can keep going, you know?
Itsuki wasn't hiding anything from her though.
This picture isn't about observation at all, it's about how Ichika was supposed to tell Fuutarou to go to the Bell at midnight. Instead she sent her step-dad. Also the part about Itsuki keeping anything from her doesn't make any sense, because Itsuki wasn't meddling with Nino plan to kiss Fuutarou. She was helping Fuutarou figure out which one asked him to quit tutoring them.
the very next page, man
You only showed moments where she was observant with fuu though. Also those moments were very easy to read for anyone that doesn't have a negative IQ. It's alright user, maybe negi will eventually play into your delusions. Have a good day. :)
In fairness, literally everyone BUT Itsuki and Fuutarou knew about Miku's feelings at this point (Miku was in denial)
Despairchads are winning so hard it’s not even funny. Ninofags, mikufags, ichikafags are all gonna start to COPE when despair sets in.
Ninofags fall and crumple when holes are poked in their delusions and proceed to insult. Full COPE.
Man I need to go back and reread since we got the reveal. I know some anons said it changes perspectives on stuff
Yeah, i figured there would be one or two like that but i couldn't be bothered to go through every single reply. It was just for fun anyway.
the funniest part of this whole arc is that people are using yotsuba as an excuse to shit on their least favorite quints. somehow nino's getting the brunt of it when she hasn't even done anything yet
Itsuki was directly hiding that secret from Fuutarou or Yotsuba. Nino was desperate at this time too because she thought another one of her sisters is going to betray her like what Ichika did.
Despair will consume you.
Who will be the Chihiro of 5toubun? I need some salt collage
>it's another "Nino this Ninofag that" episode
I’m not a quintfag I’m a despair chad
>somehow nino's getting the brunt of it
You know this is totally the ninotard's own fault, right?
>Have a good day. :)
>doesn't want Yotsuba to be alone in a group during the trip
The genki girl is the cutest sister
>notices those retards were talking about periods and saves Yotsuba from embarassment by correcting the misunderstanding
May hope come your way.
Not even Yotsubafags are this obnoxious. I feel bad for them that people are using them for shitting on others now since their arc. Just like Ichika.
Christ, Nino is so ugly
>"Even if there were, I wouldn't be able to tell you since it'd be a secret."
that seems pretty damning to me
And Nino is the yamato nadeshiko and 3/4 onee-san.
>how about we do this instead
Lmao, you'd really think she cares about her sisters at that point but she suddenly used this same situation to be a selfish cunt and try to group Fuutarou with herself.
Post Nino noticing something between Itsukii and Fuu and her imitating Itsuki's voice in the bathroom. Easily the proof far before falling for him.
>immediately noticed that Ichika wants to fuck Miku up again
Why are we so scared of her?
I never understood why the other 3 were trying to make a period joke here, unless it's true that Itsuki has a period that day.
It doesn't matter how many examples are posted. He won't accept any of them because it goes against his anti-Nino narrative.
Quints have periods at the same time user.
I don't think they were making a joke. At least Yotsuba wasn't.
I'm scared that Nino will drug and rape me.
I want to drink Nino's period blood
What's so selfish about it, though? You act like Nino can only choose between her sisters and Fuutarou when she obviously cares about both. And what of Ichika, who literally shafted everyone in an attempt to get to Fuutarou? What about Miku, who does almost nothing for her sisters and wants to be Ichika but doesn't have the guts?
Yes, I'm scared of that too, I seriously hope it never happens. Nope
She doesn't know about Ichika dressing up as Miku though. She's only cautious of Ichika here because Ichika betrayed her in Scrambled Eggs.
Ninonee is a such a good sister.
Yup. It's shown 4 chapters later
>gets proven wrong every single time
>it's the anti-nino narrative g-guys!
I'm scared I'll be unconscious when it happens and I'll never know.
And a few chapters later, nino apologized for being so full of shit since she would literally do the same if she was it ichika's position.
>makes dumb claim
>gets btfo by multiple pages of proof
>cries samefag
>posts f/zn
Who do you even think you're fooling, you clown?
>gets btfo by multiple pages of proof
All of that headcanon doesn't make it proof.
Nino is such a wonderful girl
>ninotards wake up
>thread suddenly went to shit
It's been happening every single fucking thread and I can't stop laughing.
You're too green, that's why you should hide cameras everywhere.
Imagine being this upset over a single character
>>thread suddenly went to shit
Now let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's been a continuous pile of shit for weeks.
Go back in time and swallow the seed that birthed you.
Nino's sweet and creamy puffs
He said ninotards, not Nino.
>been around since the whole thread
"i-if I type this in every thread then I'll look look cool!"
>it's been a continuous pile of shit for weeks.
For you. Early spoiler threads have always had good discussion.
let's be real here, people will attack the character if it spites the fanbase
Stop posting so we can start a new thread
I love yotsuba so much, bros. I want her to be happy.
Don't shit out another thread.
She's perfect.
I’m gonna, can’t stop this train
Yotsuba is mentally ill, she'll never be happy. She has clinical depression.
No, seriously, I missed this week's but if you tell me that the threads back when "I love my family after all" weren't pure, undiluted retardation I fear the kind of threads you frequent besides these.
Nino is so sexy