Conan is coming to America
>4D screening of one of the worst Conan movies with the shit Bang Zoom dub
Nobody asked for this
Technically I asked for Conan in America again and this the monkey's paw presented.
In case no one knows about it.
This is probably what they're showing.
It even answered my wish that it was select theaters... by being one specific theater literally on the other side of this fucking continent. Why did this all turn out this way?
Hell I even wanted to see what a 4D screening of Conan would be like, though I'd prefer normal first. As glad as I am that Conan is in the states even for just a short time, this is the dumbest way this could have happened and completely opposite of everything I wanted and where I live. Yes I'm pissed off.
>get shot
What a fucking hilarious post it gets funnier every damn time.
God, it really shows just how much Jerry Jewel carried the Funimation dub. I hope the Bang Zoom dub at least has Conan doing narration cause that Shinichi voice is terrible.
Conan O'Brien better be at the opening ceremony
It's all just that obnoxious gruff woman voice as Conan, its a direct dubjob with no Case Closed inspiration, no Shinichi monologue, no Junior Detective League, no "One Truth Prevails" etc. I'm glad at least someone else loves Jewell. Case Closed was rough but I could stand it more than a single thing in this bang zoom dub, I skimmed around it. Everyone is fucking awful and Ai and Ran have awful girly voices with no character. They feel fake. Bang Zoom does this way too often.
Not happening, that'd make it enjoyable.
So the Shinichi dub actor doesn't even do Conan's internal monologue? That's cheap. I mean he doesn't have the acting chops for it anyway, but it doesn't seem right to have Conan use his normal voice for his internal voice when none of the other versions, original included, do that.
Case Closed's problems are not the dub cast at all. Aside from dumb shit like Agasa's german accent it's all mostly script problems. And even with TMS breathing down their necks to do changes I think Funimation did an admirable job. Like how they adapted the Moonlight Sonata case and other stuff so that it actually makes sense in English (which is lost in all the last DVD releases of it).
And yeah Jewel is great in the dub.
The Japanese has Conan do the internal monologue. It works there cause the voice actor has the range to actually make it sound decent. Whoever at Funimation decided to make Shinichi do the monologues deserved a raise.
What? Minami voices Conan's thoughts. There's also one dub somewhere where Conan and Shinichi are the same actor so when he uses his bowtie there is no difference.
I agree 100% with everything you said.
>go to murica
>"nice bowtie jacky chan"
>get mugged by basketball american
>ran gets raped and catches aids
>It works there cause the voice actor has the range to actually make it sound decent.
Maybe I worded it in an unclear way, but this is what I meant. Minami uses two voices for Conan, regular little boy Conan and her "adult Conan" voice, and her monologue is in a lower pitch. She also uses a completely different speech style for the internal monologue so you can tell it's two different personas.
I never noticed different speech styles I just thought it was her doing a deeper voice that made words come out sounding different aside from pitch.
Have this one yet?
>this is what tms meant with blue sapphire
Conan does this whiny upset voice in the new dub that if it was my first exposure to the series, I'd fucking hate him. In the end this might do more harm than good for Conan here. I mean maybe going into it they won't have standards and will check out the series more...
This is why I I hope this showing bombs. If it takes off then they might dub the TV series with that cast and that would be terrible.
All things considered if it bombs I'd still feel bad.
>Conan is coming to America
I would be much more excited if this were news that Minami Takahashi was going to be at a panel in AX.
Americans don't seem to like Conan so I expect it to bomb, even if they had given it a decent dub.
I don't know if they even air ads for special one night showings in LA so anyone not already in the know will likely bypass it. It's free apparently.
And yet he still has a talk show.
You confused me for a hard second.
>I don't know if they even air ads for special one night showings in LA
I used to live in LA, and they don't. You have to be a film enthusiast and keep track of the theaters that do those special showings because they never advertise.
It sounds like it'll just be listed on the program for AX and it's unlikely it will get publicity outside of posters at the venue itself. No way will it get TV commercials or bus stop ads or anything like that.
But I would be surprised if it even gets that many AX attendees watching it knowing the mainstream tastes of the average US anime fan and con goer. Maybe they'll get more takers since it's free.
That's sad. Maybe a 4D anime experience will entice anyone who manages to find out.
Some guy in the last thread was explaining Shinichi's very specific accent; makes sense that it would be carried over to an internal monologue? (though to be honest I can't hear thr difference myself)
Maybe, I remember him going into detail too, it was interesting. I guess it'd make sense.
>Americans don't seem to like Conan
Leave it to Americans to not be interested in anything that is not a battle shonen.
Why wouldn't they just sub it like the monogatari movies? It'd be much cheaper and I won't want to cut my ears off.
It needed exposure, where it got popular like in Germany was because it had great exposure. My friend said it aired after school there.
This stupid ass dub was made for some english speaking asian territories and we're seemingly getting it just because it exists. If the asian areas didn't require a secondary eng track it wouldn't have been made and they wouldn't have dubbed it just for a one night showing in one theater. Probably.
Typical limited screenings involve many theaters but like, just Regal theaters. They'd do a dub night, a sub night, and maybe another dub night and sub night.
>If it takes off then they might dub the TV series with that cast and that would be terrible.
That is never happening. Even if it was super popular. At most it would mean more movies being dubbed but the TV series is never getting dubbed again. Dubbing 800+ episodes is logistical nightmare.
And even then, Funimation admitted that the movies were more popular for whatever reason.
>It needed exposure, where it got popular like in Germany was because it had great exposure. My friend said it aired after school there.
I don't know how it is in Germany, but Conan is in a weird spot in the USA. It's too violent for a kids show but it's too kiddy for adults. When it aired in America back in the early 00's it aired at midnight and then later deathslotted to like 4 am in the morning. After school is the perfect slot for it, like the old Toonami slot back in the day, but good luck getting a network to agree to that. Best hope would be getting it on Netflix or some other streaming service people actually use.
Because the movies came later and exposure was growing due to more seeing it over the internet. Season 5.1's DVD sold really good but they didn't finish the rest of the season despite having the license. Germany managed to start up from like the late 300s late last year somehow, even with most of the cast returning when possible, like without retired or dead guys.
>It's too violent for a kids show but it's too kiddy for adults.
This is such an awful thing. Aside from the awful timeslot Adult Swim was the only chance for it and they screwed it over because the execs are shitty and have bad taste.
Netflix I guess could host it but I wouldn't want them to do a redub, I imagine everyone at netflix is garbage. It's not like Funi would ever give Conan a chance again though.
>Detective Killua
Why are the kids in DC so cute? Well, except Genta.
Because Aoyama understands cute.
I thought he sounded like Gon
Now kiss.
Kogoro wouldn't know what to do.
If his daughter became a shotacon? But I think he would mind it less than seeing her kiss a fully grown Shinichi.
Too bad Conan still wouldn't enjoy it as much as if he were Shinichi since he hates not being himself.
Poor Shinichi. I guess that's why they can never go full /ss/, it's too injurious to his pride and dignity.
Where does it mention it's dubbed?
Also, it's on wednesday which is preview night so even though I'm going 4 days I won't be able to see this. Thanks a lot
>Open up user, I know you're home.
Is Genta actually a kid? Or is he a retard that's been held back one too many grades?
Another user posted this clip from one of the eps where it really hit them that from the perspective of the guilty party Conan is one hell of a creepy fucking kid. I've been thinking about that more now as I've resumed watching the show and yeah, if I came across a kid like this I would be freaked as fuck too though I'd be more likely to think it was some kind of possession rather than a genius intellect kid coming back by themselves to ask seemingly innocuous questions about some earlier crime.
I wish they picked the 5th or 6th so that people would go to this and not the Aqours concert
>tfw scalped tickets for the Aqours concert are $600+
I wish they picked the 5th or 6th movie. 22 is the fucking worst hands down, its boring as shit. I say this as a big Conan fan.
Not the user you're replying to, but I'm the user who posted that clip. It would have come off even creepier in the context of the whole scene, but I had to trim down that webm due to the file size limit.
I think characters started seeing Conan as a bizarre demon child way too late in the series. Shinichi isn't a good actor despite having Yukiko for a mom and he only has the weirdness of his situation to prevent others from seeing him for who he is. His attempts to act childlike come off as artificial and just make him seem even stranger.
I stopped watching and reading about 13 or so years ago and have only just resumed (about ep429 now) and had to laugh when, oh maybe 50 or so eps before, the detective boys finally call him out for how he talks differently to adults compared to how he talks to them, all exaggerated saccharine childlike and how it's creepy lol
Is that the festival dolls in the sun episode?
Probably. I can't remember but it was around then.
The case closed version of the runner app has been out for a couple days now, I wonder how many downloaded it. I used the qooapp and downloaded it ahead of time so I probably don't count.
Movie 22 brought some very strange secondaries into DC fandom in Japan. I wonder if it would do the same in the US if the movie got a wider release there.
maybe a bit
>His attempts to act childlike come off as artificial and just make him seem even stranger.
It is pretty incredible that as smart as he is he can't act like a kid for shit. It's not hard, and you don't have to be a good actor. The "I saw it on TV" excuse is bullshit, and the "arerere~" thing is so obvious even Kogoro suspects him.
Kids answer a lot of questions with "I dunno" or blankly staring off into space trying to find an answer. Shinichi thinks every question needs to be answered with a logical response, so he'll come up with something plausible and then deliver that answer shakily. He should just respond as though his head is fucking empty, because that's what children are like. Or just start babbling about something unrelated, like racecars.
The detective boys show that there are kids in this universe that think like he acts.
I don't think it's a matter of being smart or not. I think it's more like he can't really empathize with the mindset of a child, and may not be good at empathizing with others in general.
I think Shinichi has trained the DBs to be good assistants, but none of them are on his level of natural deductive ability, even accounting for their age.
He's basically a high functioning autist. The only balancing factor is his mother as his father lives, breathes and eats that one thing (besides that fine, Yukiko puss): detectiveness.
He can do two things well: play detective, and kick a football.
Everything else beyond this is irrelevant. It must be somewhere early on in A Study in Scarlet, I don't recall exactly, but when Watson and Holmes are only just new flatmates Watson quizzes him on random shit like Astronomy and current events the "common Victorian Gentleman of the day should know" and Holmes (probably feigns, because he's a massive asshole) total ignorance and disinterest as they don't directly fall into the purview of his specialization and thus take up valuable space in his head he would rather be filled with one thing: the art and science of deduction - same thing here.
Look at all times he really gets lost in thought so deep that he's totally oblivious to the shit going on around him that he gets whacked by kogoro, picked up by ran or some other bullshit occurs that usually has to physically snap him out of it. Acting like a kid, when he was probably already weird enough when he was actually a kid due to his parents and upbringing, wouldn't come so naturally I wouldn't think, not to someone like him.
Ran (and the Prof.) is probably his only real link to anything beyond detective shit when he was growing up, well that and
>muh football
and his whole thing with classic cars.
>He's basically a high functioning autist.
People sure love saying this.
It'd just a meme I'm parroting. I'm sure a real high functioning autist is still a fucking retard incapable of being as cool as Shinichi, but I lack the vocab to describe this fictional person in any other way that doesn't involve maymays and other cliches.
I guess Im the true autist all along.
Is it all that strange? Many geniuses have some autistic-like traits like hyper-systemizing. It doesn't mean he has to be diagnosably autistic.
Wait Shinichi was into classic cars? Was this one of those one mention things back during the Haibara arc when he named Gin's car?
>Acting like a kid, when he was probably already weird enough when he was actually a kid due to his parents and upbringing, wouldn't come so naturally I wouldn't think, not to someone like him.
This is a good point. Shinichi may not know how a normal kid acts because he was precocious as a child and preferred to spend his time reading grownup books (as implied in Memories of Sakura Class and which Minami talks about in an interview). So his "areree?" act might just be his vague impression of how little kids are "supposed" to act in his mind.
thats kinda sad but at least he seems happy
He names Gin's car there yeah, to such autistic detail that he can recognize the sound of its engine through a tiny wiretap over a great distance and also the car his mother drives in LA or NY or wherever the fuck it was where she was driving like the typical asian woman driver but on steroids. He's familiar with the engines and their capabilities well beyond anything else "normal" where he usually has to have Ran or Heji explain to him some basic or generic fact about whatever. Also the case of the four Porsches in the parking lot: he knows all the models inside out including the newest model there.
During the fiasco with vermouth, gin, vodka, korn, chianti and some other fucking drink about the sniping of that dude he named all their cars to detail I think (like the dodge viper) but he says shit about their motorcycles beyond just calling them that.
There is a two-parter filler that directly deals with classic cars and creams himself over them, if this counts for anything.
It's probably just safe to say that Aoyama is into cars and at least some of the filler writers are into that too.
It's made all the more apparent when akai conspicuously drives a massive dodge pickup that would've been incredibly rare in Japan due to its relative fuel inefficiency and large cumbersome bulk. It's a very American car, too much so.
There's probably more but that's all I'm up to right now.
>movie 22
Its the newest and best selling.
Fujo audience, it counters the aqours event somewhat.
Takagi got some before Conan did by the way.
>best selling
I've not watched it yet. Was it good or purely because fujo like what said
The fujo thing, it wasn't the best Conan movie at all.
Sapphire hasn't beat Zero and I think its time in theaters is about to end...
Oh fucking shit what if Bang Zoom puts this out on DVD.
>the aqours event
That isn't comparable even somewhat.
Overrated smelly boy
Worse than Eisuke
>That art
Conan is being raped by a blob of fat with a head.
I really hope this isnt the sapphire thing
On the topic of different speech habits I like the kid thing when Conan calls Ran nissan. When he gets panicked he drops the kid thing and just calls her ran which is an indication he isn't a kid.
Its definitely Killua's VA
>Its definitely Killua's VA
*It's definitely Killua's VA
>He names Gin's car there yeah, to such autistic detail that he can recognize the sound of its engine through a tiny wiretap over a great distance and also the car his mother drives in LA or NY or wherever the fuck it was where she was driving like the typical asian woman driver but on steroids.
I lol'd.
I enjoy these discussions; there are a lot of examples like this for him. Autistic traits exist on a spectrum and people who are not clinically autistic can have them too, in which case they don't need pathologizing but are just personality quirks. In Shinichi's case they clearly come from Yuusaku's side of the family.
I think it's all part of the homage to Sherlock Holmes, as you said in your earlier post.
I like reading about DC on the Japanese side of the internet because they always have a lot of character analysis discussion on a daily basis. One theme that comes up from time to time is how Shinichi can be appallingly tactless, and cluelessly so, especially when it comes to girls. While he is cool when it comes to solving cases, that doesn't necessarily extend to his social skills. Like the end to the aquarium case with that phone call, when Shinichi obliviously went on and on about Ran's bra, that weirded out a lot of readers. And they'll point to how he'll do things like prattle on about Holmes when on dates with Ran and call him a loser (affectionately).
The image of Shinichi in Japan is by no means some one-dimensional Gary Stu type.
You mean neechan. You're right though. I wonder how he doesn't screw it up more often since he always thinks of her as just "Ran".
That reminds me of a chapter I read recently, where Ran accidentally heard Conan talking on video using his normal adult language and cursing. Surprised it took until vol 88 for her to catch him in the act. He's just that careful to make sure to speak in little kid language whenever an adult is in earshot.
It must be really stressful to keep this kind of act up all the time.
There sure are a bunch of errors in Case Closed Runner
That's a nice and cool detail. Shinichi looks like he has girl lashes.
Yeah, now that you mention it. The face shape is pretty feminine too.
I miss classic manly Shinichi.
It's weird to see the two back to back especially in the anime. The remasters using new OPs highlight this. Coulda bumped the thread.
Just my old habit.
I wonder if Gosho forgets how to draw Shinichi from time to time since he has few opportunities to draw him, similar to how Kappei has said that he has a hard time getting into character as Shinichi since he might go years in between significant lines as him.
Which ones?
It's possible, but maybe he sketches him here and there between when he actually needs to draw him. Though I'm sure he takes all the time off from drawing that he can especially considering his health and that time when he had very few hours of sleep, which I think has passed.
It'd be kind of sad though if he really does forget how to draw Shinichi a bit. The new style is more synced between characters so it might actually be easier for him that way if the over time without drawing him issue is a thing.
I've read about a bunch of spelling mistakes and a few character descriptions being wrong.
Yea Forums should watch Conan more
Should this thread die and a new one be made for the episode tonight? Conan threads are hard to get to take off.
I would prefer that myself. I kind of hate that the OP is about that shitty Bang Zoom dub getting a theatrical release in the US. Better to make a fresh thread about new content.
Yeah, make a new one.
>a theatrical release in the US
This could have been so great god damn it. Just reading this again fuck man.
New thread
Are you the guy talking about accents in the last thread?
I have to ask this now before I pull up my filters since apparently some big shit's going down tomorrow so I don't want to get spoiled:
Kaito's accent: is there anything special about it?
That's me. When speaking informally he has the same accent that Shinichi does. I haven't read Magic Kaito in a long time so I don't remember if he has any speech quirks beyond that.
the page after this is pure comedy jesus christ heiji
Right oh thanks for all the info.
Shields up and leaving Yea Forums until I catch up with this shit.
enjoy your conan endeavors user
Not any battle shonen. Americans could not handle Saint Seiya.
Saint Seiya and DC are too high test for Americans.
Check your privileges, my land can't have nice things