What is your favorite mango set outside Japan, Yea Forums?

What is your favorite mango set outside Japan, Yea Forums?

Historical and fictional stories are allowed as well as manhuas and manhwas

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Vinland Saga.
Sauce on OP image?

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Otoyomegatari which is set on 19th century central asia

this one

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I am still mad it got axed at Gangan Joker

Hole's got it all

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used to be great but the last 2 years has been kind mixed for me. the humor is killing it for me and the crossbow woman is super lame and 1 dimensional

what´s that anime again where this horse archer woman marries an younger boy?

maybe not my favorite, but I'm enjoying the Cestvs sequel.

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haven´t read it but looks interesting

>set outside Japan
inb4 Isekai
Soul Land probably
The Breaker

Arslan Senki, to be honest.

Shoukoku no Altair AKA not!Turkey vs not!HRE

I genuinely like fantasy "medieval" settings the most. Doesn't need to be historically accurate to medieval times. Just something that looks overall medieval without too much modern stuff mixed in is what I like the most..

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Blaster Knuckle getting axed was a crime

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My nigga

Translation for the spinoff starring Not!Eastern Asia when? It is not exactly set away from Japan per se but it looks better drawn than the main source

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Crunchyroll is gonna continue working on this manga, right?

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You've posted mine in the OP, user
>tfw no steppe waifu

you sure you want the answer to that user?

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Yeah it's great.

My favourite is probably pic related.

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Reminds me, shame there's only a few chapters of Neun translated.

its already mentioned here by everyone else, os heres another candidate to add.
>story wise
easily wolfsmund
>creator wise
its a toss up between hive or sweet home
thoughts on breaker:new waves?

the author of neun has a lot of other mangas he's working on tho,so its only natural for there to be a hiatus

i would say eden:its an endless world, but that manga is usually all over the place

user, i wanna thank you for introducing me to nigger guts, holy shit this made my day. thanks alot user. as a word of thanks, i recommend you read the recent manga called "a wolf wont sleep" recent but damn is it interestingly a good read.

damn, always kept putting off this manga for later but I am finally reading it
It's great

Danke, Colonel user

I didn't realize that Cuvie had a second ongoing series about Elisabeth of Austria. Presumably anyway given the name (Erzsebet) and design (since Elisabeth was known for her long, thick hair). Considering how much I love Kenrantaru Grande Scene and 19th century history it's a goddamn shame that there doesn't even seem to be raws of it anywhere, much less any translations.

Also christ, two ongoing series and regular porn work. Cuvie's a madwoman.

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This one's written by the artist of Rainbow. Set in America

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I love Cuvie!

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Isnt he working on a fantasy manga set on Rome?

Thanks. Looks good, the illustrator seems to really understand what central Asians traditionally wear.

Backing Otoyomegatari hard. I even made Uzbek style bread while I was reading it.

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I really wish I had a central Asian/turkic tunic and vest now.

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>comfy Belle Epoque France SoL is never coming back

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more turks are better

Molto bello!

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t. Mehmet

Red: Living on the Edge. Guns, Gore and Wild West.

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t. zhang

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto.

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>outside japan

Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. Catcat is super cute and courtly not!imperial china is a cool setting for intrigue and politics.

Apparently the spinoff introduce magic and supernatural elements which is pretty weird.


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