Minamoto-kun Monogatari

Has he fucked the Aunt yet?

Attached: Aunt.png (608x840, 598K)

Other urls found in this thread:

jmana15.com/book/미나모토군 이야기/132809



There are others that need it first.

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Fucking hell.

Have they been lewd with each other recently then?

This series is retarded. Think the MC is barely 18 or something? And his aunt is coercing him to go fuck random women for her "research"?

Imagine if the genders were flipped. A middle aged man coercing his niece to go fuck random guys for "research".

She's not coercing him, he's doing it out of his own free will. Also it's not like she has him tied up with a bunch of girls fucking him. Instead, she just arrange things so he can meet the girls, the rest is up to him.

She'll be the last one, user.

He fucks his cousin's friend, which almost made up the for the current blueballing pace to the endgame (of fucking his aunt)

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>Imagine if the genders were flipped. A middle aged man coercing his niece to go fuck random guys for "research"
All the doujins?

When is he going to fuck his cousin? How long are they going to tease this shit?

Aunt has run off.

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Her arc is finally starting.

Maybe she wants to see if he will keep fucking everyone when she isn't there to encourage him.

Forgot this even existed. Dropped it many months ago and can't even remember what was it about. Something about that hot crazy aunt coming up with some stupid bs where the MC has to make some random thots fall for him.
Did I miss anything?

When did you drop this? I dropped it after he broke up with the sporty girl and fucked the big titted glasses girl out of nowhere.

he is thirsty

He finds the Aunt, confesses, they fuck, the manga ends with lots of girls not gettting fucked. It's not getting axed is it?

You missed the literary reference.

When he spent an entire arc saving some dumb sheltered girl who looked like the sports girl from getting raped by a nigger.
The quality of the girls really started to drop after the sports girl.
Now I just check the raws from time to time to see if there is anything fapworthy.

Chapter 317-318

>Imagine if the genders were flipped
An ordinary woman having sex with multiple attractive men? Preposterous, there has NEVER been a manga like that! It would just be too controversial!

jmana15.com/book/미나모토군 이야기/132809

So...you think your relatives would say nothing if they found out that you were asking their daughter to have sex with multiple men for "research"?

>Suddenly making the jump from anime to real life
What the fuck is wrong with you, nigger? Of course shit from anime couldn't happen in real life? Half of the age gap romance written would have the police called on them.

Holy shit what chapter?

If I'm not mistaken, it's been stated multiple times that Minamoto's father is scum and doesn't care.
Also, it's not wrong to have sex with multiple girls for 'research', but having sex with multiple men is obviously bad.

>Minamoto's father is scum and doesn't care.
what? how isn't it common in japanese story to have the kid leave the house so the new family can concentrate on their marriage?