Who has suffered the most?

Who has suffered the most?

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Ainz lost his dick

Kazuma has probably experienced the most painful deaths, but lives a pretty comfy life for the most part.

Subaru > Kazuma = Ainz > Tanya

None of them because their character arcs are wholly unrealistic and out of touch.

1 Subaru
2 Kazuma
3 Tanya
4 Ainz

Ainz never suffered at all really. He just had absolute power handed to him.
Kazuma suffered a tiny bit, mostly due to the stupidity of his party members, but he's also super rich and lives in a mansion while avoiding all work for 90% of the time.
Tanya suffered quite a bit, but that's just the horrors of a regular war, plus some existential angst. It's real-life levels of suffering.
Subaru has to suffer injury, death, deaths of others, etc, countless times just to get ahead one day in life basically. There really is no comparison.
Also Re:Zero is shit

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>Kazuma suffered a tiny bit
Didn't he get digested by a hydra, eaten by kobolds, and raped to death by female orcs?

I came here to write this, and you beat me to it. Good on you, user.

Previous world?
Ainz > Subaru > Kazuma > Tanya
Tanya had a smooth road, Kazuma was a pseudo-NEET, Subaru was full NEET and Ainz lived in a shitty world, where orphans corpses were littered on the streets, his father is dead and his mother died of exhaustion while making him food. He has elementary education before he was thrown in to the business world to work.

Current world?
Subaru > Kazuma > Tanya > Ainz
This list is a-bit weird. Subaru's deaths and struggles makes him the one that's suffered the most but there really isn't that much tension, same applies to Kazuma, he's supposed to have one life but you really don't fear for his life and you'll just roll your eyes when he dies. Tanya on the other hand has only one life and she gains power as well comes close to death multiple times. Ainz is just walking on weaklings.

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Ainz deserves to be happy

You are either a speedreader or you are too naive
He got trampled by the Kobolds, and the orcs never raped him.

Subaru has probably died more times in this school world than he did in his isekai world

Not only he lost his dick, he can't even pleasure himself.

I fixed it.
> I was a patetic and virgin salaryman, but I became fucking OP.

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Was Saitama ever a salaryman? I thought he was just dressed for an interview or something, but it's been a while

THE audience.

>how to make Isekai Qurtet even worse
I didnt think it was possible

well, he was trying be one; that's even worse.

Subaru has all that death Drama but whenever I see Kazuma's death that's so fucking pathetic. It makes me mad.