You cried, didn’t you?

You cried, didn’t you?

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Yeah but Part 2 was so boring that I dropped it hard.

Lol no

It was very sad and moving but I didn't cry. I can't cry at any piece of media for some reason, no matter how much it affects me. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Oh wait, you wrote "cried" not "tried".

Nah, SHIIIIZAAAA is what got me teary-eyed.

Abba was a fucking faggot and besides it was shown the afterlife exists and he was heading there.

I think that's normal.

I love Abbacchio. His death scene is top 2 for me, and that's saying a lot since Jojo characters usually have solid deaths. Even if the character sucks, the death scene is solid - Caesar and Avdol are good examples of that. Anyway, the fact that Abbacchio trusted Giorno in the end with the job really fucks me up. He accepted that he couldn't change his past, but could change the future of Passione. He didn't mourn for what he couldn't do in the end, but tried to do what he was able to do at that moment.

Nothing wrong with that user, it's just means you're not soft, that's a good thing.
I still get teary-eyed at the ending of Terminator 2 whenever I watch it, being a pussy sucks ass.

literally who? Abbacchio barely even did anything. He's no Fugo, but still.

No; jojo is shit.

Lmao no, it was contrived as fuck. And accomplished nothing were it not for the sudden hackerman ex machina. Morons just let him stand there alone knowing fully he's vulnerable when using his stand.

Fuck off.

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yep, and then my grandmother entered in my room ruining the mommenT.

It's just that I always constantly see and hear people talk about how they cried over certain things in shows or games. It made me think that's just the norm, idk

it's not so much Abbacchio's death that gets me, Narancia's reaction is what does it

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I almost cried on the scene where he meets his dead partner. Abbachio crying was a stronger scene for me, even if I always found him an asshole.

I was laughing my ass at Narancia. Can't believe they ruined Abba's death with that annoying little shit being a faggot.

I feel nothing but "haha this is amusing" when I watch/read Jojo, so no.
How do you even get emotionally invested in these flat twodimensional characters? You'd have to be underage or very stupid. Watch more anime.

Oh no.....Abba is.....dead?

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Deku's VA is really good at crying

I only cried during Iggy's Avdol's and Kakyoins deaths.
I don't know why, but I just don't Love the gang from part 5 as much as I loved the Stardust Crusaders.
I really enjoy part 5, but I just love everything about part 3.
It's the best part in my opinion, and Jotaro is great.

>actually getting emotional over this
come on son

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>crying over grumpy boring man

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The only scene in all jojo that is justificable for a +18 boy cry about is jonathan dead.
Anything else: you are a girl or a pussy

No but the scene was really beautiful. Narancia's VA did an amazing job being a pussy ass bitch and the music was just perfect. Couldn't give less fucks about Abbachio but the scene is up there with Ceasar's death in terms of pure perfection