If you don't remember something, it never happened.
If you aren't remembered, you never existed.
If you don't remember something, it never happened
Empricism is a terrible philosophy
If you see someone struggling, that means you're better than them for entirely subservient reasons.
How do you make sure you're remembered?
Do something memorable.
Philosophy is overrated like your sex addiction
Anime for incels
What isn't remembered never happened.
Memory is merely a record. You just need to rewrite that record.
Of course, the difficult part for people who aren't Lain is ensuring all records of any type are gone.
That's absolutely retarded. Your mere existence leaves a mark on the tissue of causality and history, and even if you want to be a pessimist you influenced the entropy of the universe irreversibly.
You existed and no matter how quietly, you fought. And the universe itself knows it.
Fight on anons.
Mentally ill fuckwad, I'll humor you and adress you just this once to tell you to fuck off.
Tbh I liked Yusuke more and you need to get a dildo bong and consider what you're doing with your life
Check em
This is the real problem: it's impossible.
Even when Lain is out in the world, people only recognize Lain from the Wired. The people will never know Lain, and Lain will have never existed eventually. Only Lain of the Wired would ever be recognized as Lain. People even show cognitive dissonance when Lain shows that she isn't like Lain of the Wired. The troubling aspect of this is that while Lain of the Wired -- Lain's persona, public face, what she lets out online which is completely foreign to her actual personality -- will be remembered, Lain will not. There is no way for her to be remembered, and this causes her significant emotional distress (e.g. the "killing myself" scene). This extreme disconnect between the online persona and the real personality makes itself clear as Lain's mind crumbles ("Am I me?" "Lain is Lain") and she attempts to integrate Lain of the Wired into her own personality. This leads to Lain no longer holding a place in this world, losing her physical form. The Lain who is the result of the combination of Lain's personality with Lain of the Wired is neither Lain nor Lain of the Wired, and thus has no place either in the real world or in the Wired.
tl;dr: You will NEVER be remembered, and even if your name is remembered people will not understand who you actually were.
Being remembered is for Charlemagne and Constantine. Seeking to be remembered is just hubris and pride.
Seeking entertainment as a faceless asshole ended with the silent hill live action movies. Nice fog filter.
Chuck Rocked
>If you aren't remembered, you never existed.
You guys will remember me right?
What the fuck does this even mean
The universe doesn't know shit it can't even think.
Zamas plz stop doing black powder, we had a very special episode about it and everything.
what's your damage, schizo?
annie are you ok?
I think user is talking about determinism. Say, if you called a kid a faggot in school and he decided to work out and become UFC champion. You aren't remembered, but among sports fans the effects of your actions will be remembered and may contribute to the evolution of the sport itself. Or, say that you steal Lain from younger Elon Musk's house before he watched it, and he never starts working on the neural link. Even if you aren't remembered, your actions have a cascading effect.
I was about to ask, I don't come on Yea Forums very often, is linking to other threads an Yea Forums thing or is it just one schizoposter?
That sounds pretty fucking dumb and like it's trying too hard to be optimistic.
Don't you all know?
>background conversations and your sense of sexual obsession with
I haven't seen this style of posting before either, I guess it's just one weirdo.
You don't even feel a thing.
I'll never forget you, user. I will die cursing your name.
It's actually simple application of maths to reality my man. The butterfly effect and chaos theory and all.
When you do something it will have that deterministic effect, the smallest alterations can and will generate a literal infinite amount of repercussions, you are what the continued stack of actions and decisions you took amount to. So a single action you do may or may not have a huge effect on your experience, as it could have on the experiences pf others, but from your point of view you will only really remark those that affect you, which happen rarely, so the medium of actions seem insignificant from your point of view even though it isn't.
Its the law of truly large numbers applied to the butterfly effect anad confirmation bias basically.
Also every action stores information on the molecules that participated, so the universe may not think as we understand it friend, but it sure as hell remembers.
take meds
That doesn't make it any less dumb, user.
this. it's pretty hard to destroy information
You are the wraith of the sub con girly boys, congratulations!
Alcoholic pill popper with nothing to prove to their imaginary enemies.
>OP thinks cause and effect doesn't exist
>He thinks if he can't see something, it isn't real
What's it like having the mind of a toddler that thinks their parents disappear when they play peek a boo
You're correct. That's why we should strive for greatness and the betterment of our fellow man. Whether it be through actions, written word, or kind thoughts we leave with others.
They don't want their actions to be remembered. They want their essence to be understood and recognized. There is a sense in which Newton is remembered, but could you tell me what Newton enjoyed? What paintings he thought were nice? What kinds of music he would actually dance to? His attempts at romance? His internal struggles? The things that really made him human? No, you remember his calculus and his physics, if anything.
I mean if you think about it, existing here is not just about matter and entropy. Existing here should mean more of existing as a living being in other's conciousness. We define ourselves based on other's perceptions after all. Oh, reminds me of Neon Genesis
that's what you think
t. the universe
It's forcing an optimistic view on everything. everything you do will be forgotten by people. The universe and molecules don't think, they just exist and even that will be gone one day.
Lain said [while alone]: "I only exist inside those people who are aware of my existence. But this me that's talking right now, it's me, isn't it? This me that's talking, this me, who is it?"
>Nobody remembers the big bang, therefore it did not happen
why is everyone taking this quote so literally when it's clear what the actual meaning is?
And that's because I'm merely human, I can't hold, record or perceive that information yet because of it's form. It existed and it is comprehensible to any entity with superior technology or """power""" than us. Or even ourselves in the future. The thing is, the past is fixed and marked, but the future is pure chaos and possibility. I understand the present necessity to be understood and looked at (and I say this in it's most innocent sense), it is the human struggle, but to deny that you can be understood or acknowledged by some superior entity (even if you believe that that entity is the universe itself as a tissue we live over) is to deny very basics laws of reality.
Sauce me on that, where is it from?
Boku no Pico
>tfw Yea Forums is better at philosophy than Yea Forums
Everyone will die and be forgotten eventually.
Does it really matter how soon or later from your death that occured?
Just enjoy being alive, don't give a shit about people recognizing your achivements or not in the future.
>enjoy being alive
>If you aren't remembered, you never existed.
God I wish that were me.
Tell that to Diavolo.
Serial Experiments Lain
Why should i care? It won't matter to me when i'm dead.
I think people are giving way too much importance to the fact of being remembered ( we have already made our full contribution by existing in this world), while they should primarly pursue truth and enjoy it in all its aspects.
If 2 persons have different contradicted memories, which is actually happened?
Memory is not something what you should use to measure anything.
Literally who?
Humanity will end eventually, one way or the other, in a thousand or a million years, it's a fact that at some point there will be no one left to remember us, nothing can be eternal except for the very fact that something exists.
You cannot be remembered forever, leaving your mark on humanity is futile for humanity itself is doomed to be forgoten.
Your efforts should be focused on something else.
Btw, does anybody know what were the ayyys about? Is it a significant thing in the manga? Ugly cunt creeped the shit out of me.
>He doesn't remember the Big Bang
Fucking newfags.
Bullshit, human memory and objective reality are separate. Every day the world you live in is shaped enormously by things no living human is aware of. That alone disproves this shit-tier edgy teen bait """""philosophy"""""
He's saying that even literal individual insects have a tiny impact and therefore mean something. Which is retarded and only faggots would actually believe that.