Scanlation Thread

How's that project coming along?

Attached: 1541737758901.png (2000x1967, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:{CID}/frames

Should I use Waifu2x if the raws are 700x1000?

just say translation you fucking retard

What DPI do I scan a tankobon at

pls send help

Just say dick you sluttard

I request to rip キリンジゲート

Attached: 51rt+AWGyWL.jpg (352x500, 57K)

Svould I ask Laruffii or cgrascial or translations?

There arent any good manga left to translate. Manga future is in china.

No. Get better raws. For most shit there’s better stuff available somewhere. If there isn’t, go scan a tank.

True. The fact that MMORPG based/Isekai manga is so popular is baffling. Fucking zoomers.

600 or 1200

You might as well ask that automated OCR software and google translate m8

You're in luck the quality is very nice:

I mentioned it a few times on Yea Forums but I have this 4koma Kirby 64 manga sitting around. Unfortunately it took a bit to find my scanner only to find out that its installation software is nowhere to be found online because the damned thing is ancient (from 2007). I can only provide shitty phone pics of the manga until I can find the software or shell out for a new scanner.

Why is the OP image of this thread always the Photoshop logo?

Because the plebs can't take Adobe's cock out of their mouth and use Affinity Photo.

Attached: 4ca8e-c283-4f7f-860a-9869a27225d4.jpg (150x225, 7K)

Because some retards may unironically use gimp otherwise.

Attached: ichihime-0.png (240x240, 97K)

I dont scan manga, i take shittt raws and paste shitty tl onto it, and people give me donations because isekai fanbase is trash, but also retarded

Is there any place that has a collection of raw manga that were scanned over the years? There is the DJT one and a 1TB torrent on Nyaa but they probably don't come close to complete
If only someone created a site like sadpanda for these or forced aggregators to host raws too. Sadpanda has all hentai raws dating back to ancient times that would normally be lost in all other places

I'm waiting for someone to create that site so I can dump stuff. If only someone would actually make it

Is it weird that I'm interested in how my TL's ratings change over time?

You can dump all porn on sadpanda

I mean Non-porn.

That's allowed on sadpanda too, really.

I swear to god that guy is a robot

For the love of god someone translate Iruma-kun or I'll have to butcher it with google. I can't wait a month for a weekly manga series TL'd by fucking rice farmers.

Does anyone have good quality rips of the last six issues of 月刊ビッグガンガン? I bought the issues myself for the latest six chapters of the Oregairu Monologue manga from Rakuten, but the quality kind of sucks.

nobody cares about that as long as it's not x1084 or something.

If nobody's doing it, then it's just not popular at all.
But you can always scanlate a chapter or two to force the current scanlation group to react though.
It works 100% of the time.

when dealing with shitty digital raws that got jpg artifacts up the ass, is it acceptable to just level it a bit to get rid of most of them? In my opinion it looks moderately better but I got potato vision after all. Left is unleveled, right is leveled from 15-240

Attached: Untitled-1.png (1548x1200, 1.25M)

human eyes can't detect the differences.

If you have it from Rakuten, you already have the real deal.
It's shitty 1280px and noisy as fuck everywhere. Identical.
Blame the publisher.

they can also only see up to 480x640 and 24Hz

anyone have that uploader comment on a touhoo doujin where he had a meltdown?

Quick question, why do some scanlators leave out periods or other punctuation (commas, semicolons, the occasional question mark)? I know that's how the original Japanese is written, but it looks really unnatural to native English speakers. Do other languages native to ESL translators just not care about punctuation that much?

Attached: 1555377364400.jpg (504x470, 98K)

Same reason why some typesetters leave [] and Japanese quotation marks, etc. Because they're retarded.

How do you rip comicwalker in 2019? Chromium's dev tools show jpeg blobs that you can save, but this is slow and you have to manually copy giant base64 encoded data urls. Surely there's some way to automate the process.

Isn't it just some shitty xor?

You give the link to what you want ripped and ask kindly

I'm not sure, the main issue is it uses a canvas, which makes it very hard to debug compared to conventional websites. I can get 650x934 jpegs from the debug tools, but there isn't any fast way to do this. I tried a chrome extension called "Save All Resources" and it only downloaded the control buttons on the page, not the actual pages.

Surely there should be some Electron tool that can automatically rip every single Blob object that gets loaded by a website. Maybe a userscript that monkeypatched the blob constructor would work?

There's a lot of stuff that gets picked up by a direct download blog like 13dl but most of it is mediocre quality

Old releases aren't reliable since most links are already expired.

You basically go here:{CID}/frames

Change CID with whatever chapter you want. You get the drm_hash and xored JPEGs there in a nice JSON. Next you just do some coding after you find the xor function.
Just hope some other user does it since I'm lazy today.

Thanks for the info. I'm certainly capable of coding a tool to rip a website myself, it's just the poor debugging tools for canvas make it frustrating. Apparently there was a chrome experiment years ago that you could enable to get a canvas debugger, but it's since been removed.

I saw the parameter named "drm_hash," but it's not really clear what a drmed hash is. Perhaps by using the decoded image from chrome's dev tools and the obfuscated original file I can derive the xor key, but I really doubt they made it so easy.

In fact, simply googling "comicwalker drm_hash" found a python program on gist that appears to work ( Can't believe I didn't think of googling that yesterday, all I found was a super old ruby gem that didn't work. Apparently "drm_hash" is simply a misleading name for the xor key. Thanks.

I suspect the images ripped in this manner may not be full quality because the resolution is suspiciously low and doesn't look as good as other comicwalker rips, but maybe that's because of filtering, idk.

First 16 bytes of the "drm_hash" are the xor key. They surely didn't even try huh. It's still that shitty resolution though.

Yeah, my speculation is that maybe these pages are a lower quality version that gets served to phones or browsers that either aren't powerful enough to support a more complicated drm solution or are missing support for an existing commercial solution like Widevine.

I have comicwalker rips that are 2048 pixels tall from the goddess, so 934 pixels tall seems strangely low.

No, xor is very fast. And 2048px on CW is a thing of the past.
You just have to accept that it's yet another case of Japan being a shit.

>No, xor is very fast.
You're misunderstanding what I meant. I was speculating that xor was a fast low security way to offer low quality content for phones or browsers missing support for more complicated drm. Based on your second sentence I was wrong though.

>And 2048px on CW is a thing of the past.
Yeah, you're definitely right. I looked at more comicwalker releases and they look low quality no matter what browser I use.

I think the best bet in that regard is usually manga-zip, since the DDL host they use nowadays doesn't expire, but it's still very incomplete [plus you have to fill out captcha and shit].

Come one people, you seriously think the x900 res of the viewer is the real res? Check this nice img from :

I didn't originally think so until the other user convinced me. It's possible the second image was simply upscaled in waifu2x.

Or maybe you only get the higher res images if you pay for some sort of premium account?

Everything that was originally on CW before they switched readers has been downsized to 1200px. I archived that though. After the transition, they uploaded 1200 for a while, now they've gone up some, sometimes up to 2048px again. But getting the 900px version from the reader is the *wrong* thing to do

Comicwalker has no premium. The premium is "buy the mag/tank"

If the version in the reader is only 900px, then where can you read the 1200px-2048px version? Some kind of app or something?

Something like that. As I said above, you can send me a link. Too risky to publicize the method since it's easily fixable. I already publicized it a bit somewhere and regret it.

I'm not asking how to rip the high quality version, I'm asking what's the intended way to simply read the high quality version. Unless you're saying it's not intended to be served to users at all, which would be incredibly strange.

Not intended for users at all because it's retarded. Nippon has a habit of thinking crap quality is fine because everyone's on their phone anyway.

How much money do you make? Asking for a friend.

If it's true that comic walker/nico seiga hosts high quality versions of images that aren't intended to be accessed by users, then that is absolutely retarded. But isn't it possible that the higher quality versions are meant for premium niconico accounts and you simply found a way to access the content provided to them?
Given that you can also read comicwalker manga at urls and this requires you to log into your niconico account even though comicwalker itself doesn't require you to log in.

There is no premium. Both seiga an comicwalker's readers simply downsize the image with no easy option available to readers for better quality

Have you actually tried a premium nicovideo account and tried the iphone/android comicwalker apps enough to say that with certainty?
It seems likely that if the full quality versions are publicly accessible and you figured out how to access them, there's also an official client that's also meant to access the full quality versions.

Someone else linked the api URL for the app above. Same quality

Who is the most autistic member of your scanlation group Yea Forums?

The *website version* uses that api url. Pic related. The user who linked it never said it was used in the app. It's possible the mobile app uses the same API as the desktop version, but it's also possible it uses a different one.

Attached: Capture.png (1280x842, 96K)

Yes, the app uses a slightly different api, and yes, it's still crap res.

I've got around 6 pages left to redraw and decensor, but finding time and will to work is hard.

Attached: 001.jpg (2560x3598, 1.95M)

>Everything that was originally on CW before they switched readers has been downsized to 1200px
Maybe the _18054 that's in every drm_hash is some sort of size code? Of course if you reverse engineered from an old reader it may be impossible for me to do the same from the information in the new reader.

Basically with my trick, I get back the true original files that have been uploaded. Sometimes that even includes original Photoshop metadata etc. Comicwalker's old selection, which used to be 2048px, has "original" files of 1200px.

Wow, if it includes the original psd data then there's no chance that the content is meant for user consumption.
I don't know how incompetent you'd have to be to make a website with such files accessible, sasuga nippon I guess.

Or the other group can throw a fit and drop the series, then you have to keep working on it, or the readers will then hate you for scaring the other group off.

the group was already dead to begin with
the readers are pissed at you? who fucking cares?
it's a no lose situation for the sniper who's trying to revive dead manga (that will get an anime very soon).

Translator here. How should I phrase 戦の申し子 in English, since pretty much everything I've come up with sounds medicre at best?

War Bitches
Goddess of War

Doesn't 申し子 mean "child sent by the heavens"?

Then how about Battle-obsessed Child of Heaven? It might be a bit too literal though.

How about "Child of War"?

That could work, but it specifically refers to a child that has divine origins, so I would still like to maintain that somehow in the translation.

Maybe Warrior Child?

Divine Child of War then retard

Not him, but that doesn't sound good at all.

Angel of War?

What's the context?

I don't think it refers to an angel. More like a childless couple pray to the gods and get sent a baby.

Violet Evergarden

The head of the army is saying that the 戦の申し子 ran on ahead of the other forces. He doesn't refer to the character by name though.

Japanese quote marks look pretty cool around a skill or spell name, imo. They're obviously garbage everywhere else.

I should add that I'm not sure if the character is male or female, so it has to stay gender neutral.

"Heaven-Sent Warrior Child"? A bit mouthful though.

Nah, at best waifu2x is for its de-noise tool.


Is there a trick for that? Or you just have to be a good artist to draw clits? Also, Godspeed user.

In that case I would drop any assumption that the child is divine. The head of the army might've just meant that the child is just really amazing at waging war. And in that case Prodigy of War could work.

So it's just him calling someone that off-the-cuff? Or do you not know at this point in the story? I'm looking the term up right now, and while is the original meaning, "____の申し子" seems to be a generic nickname for prodigies, particularly sports [there's a fast pitcher nicknamed "スピードガンの申し子," and a pitcher with good control or whatever called "ストライクゾーンの申し子," for example], so I don't know if preserving the literal origins of the term is really that important if it's not being used literally in the story. "Our prodigy warrior, "our young battle saint," something like that would maybe work depending on how serious-vs-sarcastic and/or widely-used the nickname is meant to be?

The old men in charge of running the army are at the base. The 3 younger generals (which includes a young woman) are all off panel. The main leader of the army starts talking about how one of the generals went on ahead to attack the enemy.

It's meant to be mysterious since the leader doesn't mention names, but the 3 characters have been named by this point in the story, so it's being ambiguous on purpose. In fact, all 3 of the young generals could be considers prodigies in one sense or another.

"Heaven-Sent War Child"

I'm seconding this guy's suggestions, since they sound of best of anything that's been suggested so far.

If it were me, I'd just go with "young battle saint" for now and then maybe fiddle with it in retrospect if whoever it gets revealed to be is at odds with that image somehow.


The holy maidens of war.

Probably what I'm going to have to do since I don't have any more info to work with. This is what's annoying about aggregators. Even if I fix it on the site I upload to, the other sites won't bother updating to the fixed version.


Names can be annoying, but very vague lines are even worse.


With a line like this you basically have to use the preceding line to guess at what the character is trying to say.

And this advise works here to. If you don't have any other info to go off of, you just have to take a guess and fix it later if it gets contradicted somehow.

It's going okay. But it's not like anyone loves the group I'm with anyway...
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.

>But it's not like anyone loves the group I'm with anyway...
Is it because the series you're working on isn't that popular?

Do they dislike something about your releases?

In my experience people just want something fast and in decent image quality. Even if I stopped translating tomorrow and someone else picked the series up, I doubt most people would bat an eye as long as someone else was still releasing chapters. I fully accept the fact that most readers view me as easily replaceable.

Just make a throw-away account and release as user.

- Create throwaway account
- Name account Sniper
- Release chapters of a ton of popular series before the original groups can release them.
- Watch the popular groups and their fanbases seethe that you dare snipe them.

I liked that doujin, ganbatte user

I'm lazy and I secretly hope that someone snipes the series I'm working on.

Miraculous Warrior. Tweak it to something like "our little Miracle Warrior" if you want to emphasize age. Also, I'm just making this up based on what has been said, I don't know runes.

I think it's just how slow people are working, that's really it. I mean, it's taken one series multiple months to get a single chapter done with 90% of that time just being people too busy IRL to do anything.

Not gonna lie, I think that too sometimes. But they'd have to do it as good or even better for me to not give a shit. Too many times snipers come out and do a shit hackjob and expect people to praise them.
People do, but it's only really the braindead isekai retards that slurp that shit up.

>our little Miracle Warrior
This sounds like some kind of children's doll or dress up set.

think of all the horny autistic anons who will appreciate your work

You and me both, user. But deep in my heart I know that they'll just do a shit job and I'll end up feeling compelled to keep going for a third the views.

How do you get the motivation to keep on translating? I'm at a point where I'm just reading raws.

I like being able to come up with my own interpretation of what the author's trying to tell with his story. Another user mentioned vague lines, so being able to come up with my own conclusions to such lines makes it worth it. Or how the "how would you translate this name?" discussion came up with so many completely different answers to a single name. By translating a series, your interpretation will be shared with everyone (for better or worse if you happen to screw up or you interpretation gets proven wrong in a later chapter).

I got a job and all my projects went into limbo.

I've seen how horrible some competitors' work can be and since I love the series I'm translating so much, I'd rather keep up a steady pace so the competitors won't get a chance to snipe it.

Do any of the readers complain? You could just announce that due to lack of time you're putting your series up for adoption.

No one's outright mad, but since I haven't said anything people are wondering why I haven't released jack for a while now. I should probably tell them.


Nah, not him.

Well at least you don't get sniped if you don't release within a week after a new chapter comes out.

Depends on the manga. If it's one with decent views they're not going to just let the sweet donation money go like that.

Because most Translators are retarded ESLs who have no idea what they're doing. This is why proofreaders exist.


Hey, based ripper user. user who made that little request from last thread here and sure, I can wait. Sorry for not being able to reply back then, though.

Attached: eri_blushing.jpg (500x375, 93K)

From what I've seen it's usually the other way around.

I would never trust a full English speaking team as proofreaders. While it's true that they probably know the language better and thus are better at ironing out the wrinkles, for whatever reason they seem much worse at recognizing typos than the ESL do. It's almost like they don't know how to spell their own language or something.

No it's definitely the truth in my experience from working with TLs over the years, even a lot of professional ones I worked with were ESL and made the same mistakes.
Typos are just something everyone has trouble with due to the way our brain works.

You waited, and shall now receive your healthy dose of uncensored tiddies:


Attached: 1024-apps-calligrakrita.png (1024x1024, 185K)

Does anyone have raws for Take-Moon? i plan to have me and my group do it at one point

I'd do it because I hate these fucking viet double-translations, the only problems are that 1. I just got a job 2. I'm an autist so even if I did it I'd start from chapter 1

Or in other words, he doesn't work on utter dogshit.

I have yet to see anyone getting sniped that didn't fully deserve it

Retard here. I bought a volume of a manga on Booklive. The reader app lets you download it as an epub but I guess it's encrypted since I can't convert it to anything or open it in another reader. If it isn't obvious I don't know anything about this kind of stuff.
Looking for a way to get the individual pages for potential editing, or could someone here do it if I upload the file somewhere?

There seems to be a ripper for the website at least.

Absolutely based. Thanks a lot my man.

Any translators with spare time to translate quite a few chapters?


How do I typeset stuff like this

Attached: 3ec8cd2ae49d04ab5577975ed6015bf3.png (862x557, 227K)

I don't

Rotate the text?

I mean to get the text to be behind the dotted patterns and the left speech bubble.

Is not behind the pattern, and mask the text layer to put it behind the bubble

Just reproduce the dotted pattern and fuck with the layering?

Ootsuka Reika is still doing stuff?

Alcafus in Dragon Age, yeah. Although its placement hasn't been good lately so it may not survive.

clone stamp for the pattern. Manually select the speech bubble and copy it to a layer above the text

I wish my proofreader would actually fix the punctuation in the scripts.

I can't dump anymore since my Yea Forums pass is gone now and I can't renew without meme digital coins
good bye Yea Forums

Attached: 1509582874994.jpg (935x903, 144K)

You can renew with paypal

ah... Yea Forums and 4channel pass have different pass pages for some reason.

Attached: 1515975264696.png (1280x720, 689K)

Someone pick up ragna crimson. The korean TL is already out for the 20-23th chapter but in korean so i thought the TL team doesnt understand them and forced out to buy them in japanese which they dont have money to

h ttps://

Nobody will be able to help you if you provide the file itself because it's encrypted with a key stored somewhere on your PC. If anyone is willing to write a simple tool for you (I can't due to lack of time), last time I checked the decrypted epub can be dumped from the process memory if you search for the ZIP header. It's just a matter of finding the right function and hooking a single .dll.

Or if you feel like a hax0r you can try opening the book, attaching x32dbg to the booklive viewer process and searching for the "50 4B 03" byte sequence in the memory (there can be more than one result), selecting as many (or more) bytes as the encrypted .epub file has starting from the result and dumping the selection to a .zip file. Same can be achieved with a memory viewer like Process Hacker.

>The korean TL is already out for the 20-23th chapter but in korean so i thought the TL team doesnt understand them and forced out to buy them in japanese which they dont have money to

Attached: 1502134347984.jpg (362x346, 38K)

>not dumping a volume daily for TWO FUCKING HOURS, constantly solving fucking captcha while being utterly exhausted after work and knowing that only five anons will read it
Small time.

Attached: IMG_20190607_153115.jpg (2272x1704, 1.07M)

Wait, is this actually possible? If I haven't ever bought a pass, can I still buy one with paypal? I have been intending to dump my translation of Nekojiru here for about a month, but I haven't been able to because of IP-range block or something.

Yes, you can. I convinced a friend recently to buy it for the first time and it worked with paypal.

Or rasterize the text and delete what you don't need.

Or use a layer mask

Wow, thank you! I wish I knew of this earlier... I hope this solves my problems and I can finally post pictures and make threads again...

Just erase the dotted patterns bro lol

Who even reads manga on Yea Forums, go read on MD and come back to talk about it. Yea Forums is many things, but a manga reader it's not.

It's a desperate attempt to get discussion on a site that isn't filled with Facebook-tier Redditors.

Yes, it works!

Attached: NekodiruUdon-02_001.jpg (924x1400, 206K)

Or set the text layer blending to multiply.

Making web-rippers is fun! What websites haven't been done yet?

Someone should make a list of sites that upload new chapters because every publisher has his their own these days.
For stores with desktop readers you're better off making tools for those instead of the web viewer.

4chanx lets you solve captchas in advance

If you're scanlating this I'll suck your dick.

Can't think of any.

The trick is to force feed the manga you like to the only people you care about.
It only lasts for 2 minutes.

Attached: Koroshiya 1 - Ichi the Killer v10 - 59.jpg (1560x1100, 211K)

I never tried using layer masks. It looks intimidating.

It's not hard. You paint with black to erase some parts, you paint with white to show them again.

It's super simple, just select the mask layer and paint with black to hide or with white to show

Is there a simple way to make your font be filled with a pattern instead of a flat colour like pic related in Photoshop?

Attached: cf9d26f.png (150x185, 30K)

You could just create mediafire or dropbox links to post here. I've even seen some imgur galleries linked here. That way you don't constantly have to dump a crap ton of images with captcha.

Thanks, I'll try it out next time.


Imagine unironically sucking adobe's cock

I've been using pirated Photoshop for years and I can't imagine such a thing.

Everyone here has pirated Photoshop.

But then the thread dies faster because of less bumping.

What's wrong with using gimp?

Pattern overlay on layer styles. Or the monkey way:
>put pattern over text
>select text, inverse selection
>go to the pattern layer and delete.

There's nothing wrong with using Gimp. There's also nothing wrong with eating spaghetti with a spoon or soup with a fork.

This, I switched to powerpoint long ago and it's been fine for me

Unfortunately I don't own any of the physical volumes. I'm just translating the ones I have in my possession, I'll dump my translation of Nekojiru udon 2 today. I'll make a thread for it later today when I get home, in a few hours, if you are interested in that.

Thank you.

>not eating both with chopsticks

Why can't Powerpointfags into text rotation?

Just rotate your monitor you lazy fuck.

Why does nobody try Affinity? It's literally photoshop with very few missing features (which are meaningless for scanlating)

Is it free?

You're only getting a suck if you complete it.

>scanlator is lazy
>everybody is lazy
>nothing gets done

Attached: 2.jpg (720x1017, 178K)

No, but it's not a service like Adobe software. Also, you can pirate it.

>Also, you can pirate it.
If you can pirate it, what's the point since you can pirate Photoshop too without losing out on those missing features?

For me, performance. Something as simple as scrolling slows you down in Photoshop, let alone when you have the software open for a couple hours.

I guess I have no choice, then.

It performs fine for me and by todays standards my PC with haswell i7 and 8GB of ram is a potato

I use an ancient toshiba laptop running on i3 and 2 gigs of ram. Just pirate an older version of photoshop and you're golden, you won't be missing those new fancy features anyway.

Good boy

Why do you faggots upload the most bloat-est of all jpgs with translations? Holy fucking shit please check with pngs on black and white images and get the most efficient filesize you lazy fucks. Storage for me isn't an issue, I'm mentioning it for everyone else. Please don't degrade yourselves to the software devs of today.

>Why do you faggots upload the most bloat-est of all jpgs with translations?
Because I don't give a fuck. Besides, lord knows fuckers get uppity over not having their badly-scanlated jaypegs in fucking 4k.

Because I have a number of PS scripts and actions I use that work very well for me. I don't think switching would get me any benefit.

As long as it's not jarring it's fine. Most of the people don't even care about the details anyway and just speed read to know the latest story.

Don't do this. The text will inevitably end up with an error in it and you can't easily fix it.

Sure is!
I’m not sure if there’s really anything that hasn’t been done before even if that program never left the author’s hard drive. If anything my forays into web rips have shown me that there’s always someone with more free time and more autism than me.

Can you share those PS scripts?

Do the scanlators of Yea Forums want people to thank them for their work?

Not acting like a fucking idiot is enough thanks for me.

>people give thanks
>it's only to the translator, rather than the other roles that put as much if not more effort into the project

The best thanks you can give is posting about the series.

I rather they talk about the manga than wasting space thanking me. There's no point to scanlating something if people aren't talking about it.

>Not acting like a fucking idiot
What do you mean? People reading your scanlation acting like idiots?

Sure. No guarantee that they'll work without a hitch for you though. I wrote them, so I know what to change if they do break for me. I encourage you to read the comments at the beginning of the first script and experiment with it. The second is a simple batch release script. Choose a folder, hit 'Add' and remove the lines with documents that you don't want to release in that run.

Thanks user.

People like to complain about dumb shit sometimes, even if they have no fucking idea about what they're talking about.


This is a good example why avoid Mangadex comments.

>Affinity Photo
I suppose I could pirate that, what does it offer over Photoshop?

I don't think anyone wants to pay the monthly bill for 13+TB of shit that'll get scraped nonstop by chink insects.

Just don't translate manga with sluts in it.

>hotpocket forum mod

I'm the TL. I've got 6 scripts for the next 6 chapters ready-to-go, 7 scripts still needing to be translated, and all the extras are completed.

Problem is, the cleaner/redrawer and the typesetter haven't applied all those stuff that's ready for them. They have access to all of it in its highest quality...they just haven't done it. As a result, we're literally 8 months behind. And we've got an anime adaptation being released in less than a month.

It'd be nice for hype if we could release at least those next 6 chapters asap.

easier crack

You're in an abusive relationship

pft, Photoshop hasn't had a problem with cracks since like 2000.
The MD staff are all gigantic faggots, especially Zephyrus.

Just cut the dead weight and do everything yourself.

Not that guy but from what I liked when I used it: customizable shortcuts, live previews, layers work as smart objects, you can backtrack a shit ton of steps with the history panel, some options are better arranged, and it's more responsible overall.
There is other stuff, but for now I'm still using Photoshop because the it's missing minor stuff that drives me crazy like using right click with a brush to bring its menu.

If I've learned everything, manga actually kills hype for upcoming anime, since it tends to spoil things that happen even to people that haven't read it somehow.

Meant responsive.

>translate manga with lolis in it
>get police and jail jokes everywhere

>/fit/ gyaru
barely anything to spoil. maybe KA cameos?

Who tends to be the laziest member of a group Yea Forums - the translator, the typesetter, the redrawer, or someone else?

Fuck this makes me so angry.

Still funnier than the "say cunny without getting b&" game our local pedos have.

I mean, the cleans and typesetting is really really good and my access to MSPaint sucks ass, so it's better for the English public that I don't do it myself...but it's tough being patient.

Well, it's not a story heavy series, but that's mildly affirming to hear at least, thanks bro.

moralfags newfags from other sites piss me off to no end with that kind of shit.

At least that doesn't attract reddit normalfags as much as shitty FBI jokes do

Translator, their job is the least time consuming, but it's always that guy that everyone's waiting for.

definitely typsetter
they're universally slow

If it's a comedy, the jokes that get told get spoiled. I learned this when I scanlated chapters that end up on the 2nd season of a series I like, only for the 2nd season to be treated as inferior possibly because of that.

You do have the opposite problem if you release the chapters after the anime ended when hype is dead and everything in those chapters are covered by the anime already. So yea.

Pay someone.

I tried to typeset something myself and I understand why they're slow. It fucking sucks.

being slow =/= lazy

Usually the redrawer. That job sucks ass.
From LEAST lazy to MOST:

1. Raw Provider is usually best because he's got access and loves spreading it.
2. Editor usually has zero problems giving the script a run over, assuming he's not also the TL.
3. Uploader is equally not so lazy, usually, because he's usually a bossman and is doing TONS of uploads at a time and doesn't have to do much else.
4. The typesetter has a mildly easy job to copy-paste a script into bubbles, but it takes some organization and they can start ignoring his role unless he also loves the series.
5. The TL usually loves doing stuff for, like, two chapters. Then they don't wanna do it anymore. Also, they generally need a lot of help with their translations and it starts getting frustrating to receive criticism (which is usually valid criticism, because the tl SUCKS). TL can range from instantly loving to getting out the script to saying "fuck you" to everyone because he's a p.o.s.
6. But the laziest is usually the cleaner/redrawer. Because that job is literally art and is just plain work. Unless you love drawing and the scans you got are super high quality, this is easily the worst job on the team.

I usually do everything myself and typesetting is my least favorite part. It's just so mindless but time-consuming.

On top of being quite easy it's also monotonous and extremely boring. They basically lose interest very, very fast.

Attached: Rage of 1000 suns.png (423x470, 163K)

>the roles that take the least amount of effort are also the roles that're the least lazy
Really makes you think.


QC that not only fixes some typos but also some translations. There are chapters completely done sitting around for months

useless meme "role"
a complete time waster

What counts as "cleaning" anyways? Just simply removing Japanese text from the raws, or is it some crazy shit like making physical scans less dirty?

I've seen 'cleaning' and 'redrawing' used separately before while others call everything cleaning that happens to the pages before the translated text is placed. I think it's safer to be specific.

Just use the clone tool bro lol

his moon is very good and he sometimes fixes up some significant fuck ups in the translation. Just takes forever

>Just takes forever
then he's no good at all

If your translator makes significant fuck ups then you should consider getting a different translator.

Why couldn't the QA guy be the translator then?

I mean, all the groups define their roles differently, but basically IF THERE IS A DIFFERENCE:
>Takes poor quality scans and turns them into higher quality. They can do a little photoshop smoothing, a little blurring, a little color fixing, all kinds of little stuff on every page and every panel that makes it more presentable for the typesetter. This role hardly exists because the re-drawer will basically do all that, usually.

>They will take the text over panel art, remove it while re-drawing what they think should be there so that the typesetter can place his language over what they ust re-drew and it isn't obviously complete copy-paste horseshit. They'll also do similar thinks for sound effects and otherwise do all the stuff a "cleaner" will do, but better.

If neither of those roles exist for the manga being done, the typesetter has to do all that PLUS make the script look good in the bubbles and whatnot.

I don't think he takes so long, he just never gets started

I'll take a fuck up every couple hundred pages over no translation at all. Not like I'm in a position to decide anyways

if it takes a month to QC a chapter translating one would probably take half a year

Which role is just using eraser tool on bubbles?

Attached: 1546834941258.png (612x535, 216K)

Cleaner if there's already a redrawer.

Probably all of them

>do a shit job redrawing
>ask translator to hide shit job by putting the text over it

Your work is appreciated

>post about mangadex autism
>no mention of kronix or whatever his name is
Wasn't expecting that.

Sup, Danberubro? I still think you ought not to MS Paint everything.

I actually use the clone stamp because I noticed once that eraser white looked kinda odd.

What's both funny and surprisingly irritating as a TL is seeing your work get set into the corners of the page of text that appears directly over some image in a panel:
on the one hand
>Okay, I get it, that would be way too much work to redraw and it's better for the readers to see the original quality
on the other hand
>I altered the meaning and translation and everything to make that as small as possible while being perfectly accurate only to have it shoved to the side and not placed in that spot to fit? You could've told me, guys.
and more annoyingly
>the Japanese text is visible and so is my TL on the side: "that's not what it says, it says THIS (because I google translated that kanji) and also the sfx is actually THIS not what you wrote c'mon get your shit together"
I'm both amused and annoyed when readers go nuts things are transliterated 100% of the time or when they miss the joke entirely and don't understand the author's reference so they blame the translation as just being wrong because they didn't get it. i usually prefer when readers don't get to see any Japanese RAW on the pages. Ever.

And I've taken it to heart and I won't! It's nice to hear genuine feedback!
I've been cobbling together more albums of allllllllllllllllllllll these reaction images and cropping stuff and scouring Japanese twitter and pixiv and all that for fanart and news and anything to keep bringing over. In fact, I just made a new imgur album post (390 images) of most of the reaction images I have. It's here if you like to download 'em. I don't use imgur basically ever, so I dunno if you can grab it all in one go, but hey.

It's been fucking ages since I last did this shit.

How mad do people tend to get if they get scanlations made in Paint? Or are people generally just happy to get anything at all? All I know is how to translate.

Attached: 1.png (1900x2721, 2.24M)

Just use fucking Wild Words instead of that shit font and no one would care that you used Paint.

The one thing I've learned from comment sections is that NPCs are unironically real, and there is definitely a section of people who would still suck off MSPaint leftaligned comic sans just because it's available.
Just find a single person to do all of the editing, because at least then the person can cheat by putting text on things that are a pain in the ass to redraw.

It's really dissatisfying to see obvious paint text just thrown into speech bubbles. It makes you question if even the team responsible for bringing the translation to you in the first place cares about what they're doing or the manga. You start questioning everything: is the translation even accurate? how popular is this manga? am I stupid for continuing to read this? will this team even continue doing this? does this mean I'm wasting my time getting interested in this manga, because outta nowhere this team is just gonna drop it and I'm never gonna be able to read this ever again?

You can do it, but be really careful to make it more presentable than size 12 Times New Roman in some un-centered position. And be even more careful your grammar and spelling and punctuation is absolutely flawless, because people will tear you apart if it looks like this and they see an obvious error.

That just means your aren't levelling the pages correctly. Check to see that the backgrounds that are supposed to be white are actually 255,255,255.

That I can do.

That's fair, and I do understand that. There's no team here though, just me, and I'm just going to upload as user anyway.

Attached: 1.png (1900x2721, 2.27M)

Be persistent. Set deadlines. If they don't meet them, start looking for someone else to fill their role. The worst thing that can happen is they ragequit without telling you what fonts they use and the new guy suffers a minor inconvenience.

>bossman is doing TONS of uploads at a time and doesn't have to do much else
How many series do I need to do before bossman means "watch everyone else do their jobs for you" and not "do every fucking job yourself"?

even GIMP would be better though, or you could just get the cracked portable photoshop CS6 that everybody's using

>start scanlating series because I liked the anime
>every chapter someone comments about how shitty the anime was and thanks me for doing the story justice

Attached: [Tsundere] A-Channel - 09 [BDRip h264 1920x1080 FLAC][B19BE15E].mkv_snapshot_04.03.jpg (538x856, 43K)

>or you could just get the cracked portable photoshop CS6 that everybody's using
Where do I get it? I'm still using an old garbage version of Photoshop Elements and I can't multistroke.

Scanlators should never post their own opinions as part of credit pages or whatever. I was reading old releases where every chapter started with a credit page and commentary that was just "yawn... dragging on again, get back to the fights plsss" and holy fuck did that get on my nerves.

Scanlators should never post credit pages.

Sound effects are very open to interpretation. They can mean entirely different things depending on the context used. I even know some translators who don't bother looking them up and just translate them via what they see happening in the panels.

Speaking of, what's the most complete list of sound effect translations available online?


it's by portableappz and you can usually find download links in typesetting guides

Would you rather they put their opinions on the actual pages themselves?

Attached: 8.jpg (720x1017, 184K)

>I even know some translators who don't bother looking them up and just translate them via what they see happening in the panels.
>mfw I do this
Would anyone bitch about blatantly made up sfx?

Do not allow opinions, or references, or jokes, or comments or ANYTHING to appear anywhere. Not in the front, not on the page, not in the "credits" nothing.

If you want to here the staff's little comments, go to their forum or something.

>or references
>not explaining the super obscure joke that only the japanese would understand

What I see is not people bitching about "muki muki muki" being translated as "flex flex flex" or something.
What I see people bitching about is seeing "flex flex flex" but some idiot sees the Japanese sfx still on the page and feels compelled to leave some comment or post or something saying, "THE SOUND EFFECT ISN'T FLEXING, IT SAYS MUGI MUGI MUGI, IT'S TOTALLY WRONG WHY ISN'T THIS BEING EDITED???"

Unless it's a note that explains something that doesn't make sense to the English audience, I agree with this. Don't insert staff comments or jokes or anything into the manga you're working on. Just don't.

I don't understand why it's a problem to have the garbage in the credits page that the majority skip anyways.

People still do this? I thought it died out with that Whitepod guy.

Attached: 003.jpg (1426x2048, 1.05M)

I will, but only if you don't Don Martin it.

It made me angry that I have to practice averting my eyes to avoid reading crap that shouldn't be there.

Attached: 12.jpg (720x1017, 186K)

not as bad as kusocake dying mom message in every single fucking chapter

>those faggots in the comments that actually like it and encourage the shit scanlators to do more of it

What pissed me off about this was that Whitepod wasn't even the translator. I don't know how the translator allowed his faggotry.

Be sure to thank your scanlator Yea Forums!

Not that user but two reasons:
1. Don't let readers know anything about you. Seriously, don't let them form an opinion of your state-of-mind or characteristics by inserting your jokes or commentary on someone else's product. Just perform a role and don't draw attention to yourself.
2. If you need to explain something, that can be okay, but make it as robotic or impersonal as possible. As for some extra page, that commentary or whatever should be pretty eye-opening or something, not just some frivolous joke or meme reference or something.
So, the reason "why" is the manga is not a platform for you (the staff). Never make it a platform where you (the staff) get to talk to people beyond explaining what that demon exclusive to buddhism does or what they do on that Japanese exclusive holiday.

Attached: thermaeromae.png (357x83, 4K)

Just typeset first and then redraw whatever the text doesn't cover.

>1. Don't let readers know anything about you. Seriously, don't let them form an opinion of your state-of-mind or characteristics by inserting your jokes or commentary on someone else's product. Just perform a role and don't draw attention to yourself.
>tfw I agree with this but the group I joined already did this and you can't really stop them from doing it

Paint guy from earlier again...

how much shit can I expect to get from these zero-effort "redraws" like the one in the bottom picture? It's not going to look better than this.

Also fuck that wordplay, it doesn't translate well and this beats tl notes

Attached: 3.png (1900x2721, 2.73M)

That's rough.

Would the following on an end page be an example of being too unrobotic, particularly the last line?

>Konata was dressed up like Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Her mannerisms were based on what is seen in the OP and the character herself. This is no surprise from an otaku like Konata!

Looks way better...when it comes to the text. That obviously pixeled filled white circle draws attention, though. As a result, it makes me more critical of what I'm seeing on the page (like that failed wordplay.)

If the joke is a pun about chemical reactions with the word "yokai", then make "yokai" look like it's literally elements from the Periodic Table smashed together. Like "YbKAl" (Ytterbium, Potassium, Aluminum). It won't necessarily change the terrible English wordplay, but it shows you've put effort to actually make the joke plausible to the English reader. Lets the girl confuse the term in quotations, something she obviously doesn't understand, with something she does, like elements used in chemical reactions.

It's literally just that she's been calling it "ようかい学園" up to this point, but when she sees all the yokai walking around she realizes that ようかい is 妖怪 and not 溶解. It's not so much a pun as just her confusing two words that are pronounced the same but written with different kanji.

You don't need to explain a fucking Haruhi reference, dude.

Sentences 1 & 2 are nicely distant while descriptive.
Sentence 3 looks like I'm reading a person's interpretation, and the exclamation point gives it emotion.

Do not make a statement that uses the preposition or adjective. Just make it a statement, or an observations stated as fact. Don't let the reader question the validity of what they just read. For example:
>For Konata the otaku, this reference is obvious.
or simply
>This is no surprise for the otaku, Konata.

By "roboticism" I mostly mean you should sound unquestionable. They read your comment or sentence or anything and simply go, "oh, I get it now" with absolutely nothing left to judge. By saying, "like Konata" there's room for the reader to start thinking, "no, I don't think Konata is a huge otaku! She's kawaii!! This is better than Haruhi and I got this anyway, it's like the tl just wanted to reference Haruhi and Haruhi sucks I didn't need to be reminded of that anime I hate!"

I'll keep this in mind, thanks.

Right. So, just as an example I'd write the page as:
>YbKAl School
>This is...YbKAl school!!
>So, this is the school senpai's at, huh?

>How do you do?

[Protagonist (Year 1) Miko Yakutsu]
>This is gonna be fun.

>Oh. It was never "YbKAl" school, it was "Yokai" school!!!
>No way!!!
>I guess it's a science school?
>I'm such an idiot!!!

It might be obvious that this is an English translation, and probably not the same joke as in Japanese, but it's better than explaining the joke in English via her text bubbles. Plus, it shows you're thinking hard about what's being presented and how to make the meaning and tone just as good as the raws. PLUS, you might teach them a little science!

>no, I don't think Konata is a huge otaku! She's kawaii!! This is better than Haruhi and I got this anyway, it's like the tl just wanted to reference Haruhi and Haruhi sucks I didn't need to be reminded of that anime I hate!
I wonder what kind of turbo-autist reader would make that sort of stretch

I honestly don't think people are going to look at "YbKAI" and instantly think of chemical symbols, user.

Children and turbo-autists. So, people reading manga online. You're in a scanlator's thread and you'd be surprised how far people jump with the tiniest amount of dislike for something they just read, and how much you suddenly come to be blamed for it. And responding to it never ends well.

I'd rather he'd do it too, but that's not happening.

If they're reading the manga, no you're right, they'll probably instantly read "yokai, that Japanese word that means 'demon'." Which will make the joke of how the protagonist Miko Yakutsu could possibly have confused "yokai" the demon with something so obscure like Ytterbium, Potassium and Aluminum. She really an idiot!!

It's just an example, btw. I'm not trying to get you to use it, you should do you. I can almost guarantee your readers would hate what I suggested. It's just the kind of translation I'm used to doing myself.
>If it's a joke that only works in Japanese, make it a joke that works in English
rather than
>If it's a joke that only works in Japanese, translate it word-for-word in English but tack on an explanation to the joke that didn't make sense so the reader understands it now.
Sometimes readers like the idea they need to have knowledge to get the joke, but you're right that most readers absolutely do not like the idea they need to have knowledge to get the joke (especially when they don't have it). They'll just hate it and complain it wasn't blended to their level.

>but you're right that most readers absolutely do not like the idea they need to have knowledge to get the joke (especially when they don't have it). They'll just hate it and complain it wasn't blended to their level.
So basically, they get angry because they're retarded?

yea nah, having translations up to 120 is pretty neat. People can read them here, the rest will have to wait until the poems get fixed up

It's amazing. Readers are usually convinced they're brilliant. It's their favorite manga or their favorite waifu or or or and they are the #1 fan and most intelligent person reading the manga. So, OBVIOUSLY, they need to leave a comment and say everything they are thinking (comments, compliments, corrections or otherwise).

So when they don't get something that's obviously a joke they're supposed to understand, and there's even the tiniest level of pre-requisite knowledge required to get it, they explode with anger. They do not want to be reminded they aren't perfect and they will instantly turn that #1 fan-badge they gave themselves and switch it into the most poisonous vial of death and vitriol they own and let everyone know how much they hate things now and how the staff translating this manga for free is 100% awful and they clearly aren't doing things right.

And, in the internet age, how will anyone else know any of their amazing-ness or opinions if they don't scream it, constantly?

I'm fine with rewording and replacing jokes to make them work in English (like the principal's pun here), I just don't think that "YbKAI" thing will even make sense to readers.

This series is going to be full of names and shit people will have to google unless they're super familar with yokai anyway.

Attached: 4.png (1900x2720, 1.99M)

>text over a texture over a gradient.

Fuck this shit. This is impossible to redraw.

Attached: 13165262627.png (341x623, 256K)

it is. best option is to remove it entirely and redraw it from scratch

Just hack the original photoshop files from comicwalker like an user was claiming he can do above, then no redrawing will be necessary.

With a stroke that thick, there's barely anything that will need to be redrawn.

>you can try opening the book, attaching x32dbg to the booklive viewer process
I got up to here. Now I don't know how to search for the byte sequence you mentioned. Tried "find 50 4B 03" in the command thing but it says you need two arguments, the other one being the address to start searching from but I don't know how to format that command.

Just write it as a TN note bro lol

That's gonna be a tough manga to translate, I feel bad for you if you're hoping to draw attention to this manga you like. You'll end up making a lot of explanations and people are going to quickly grow tired of not getting "the full joke" until they know they have to read your explanation of why "The Ge*Ge Song" is funny. Good luck to you, bro.

I'm fairly sure people know what Gegege no Kitaro is in this day and age.

Literally who?

Probably not.

I've done it a few times when I couldn't find the word on the jaded network. Just pick a similar sound effect that does fit the context.

I wasn't really planning on tossing in too many translation notes and whatnot. With referential humor, you either get it or you don't.

I wasn't really planning on posting all these translated pages here either, but I figured I might as well get the occasional feedback and hopefully build some minor interest in this series while I'm at it.

Attached: 5.png (1900x2720, 2.53M)

Oh, could I get some input on this? Left or right?

Note that the series itself is called Bakejo too.

Attached: ygs.png (1032x581, 223K)

Just put the text above the raw text/in the margins, literally no readers will give a fuck.

left but put the TL note below the panel. Also reduce the line space and try to make the text look bubble shaped.

Attached: 1559959113207.png (1032x581, 247K)

Why not leave the note outside of the panel as a small text?
I don't mind having a note in a speech bubble in general but here it is too small to be readable well.

You wanna do manga-bang or mangaz? I have a method for the first one though, it's just extremely retarded and I'll probably end up making a auto hotkey script for it.

I would go for
>This is "Bakejo", the Yokai Girls' school. "Bake" refers to monsters and Jo refers to girls.

Or something like that. The character herself is explaining the name of the school so I think it'd be OK to rewrite her explanation for your audience. The MC is usually an audience surrogate in these stories anyway.

Either leave your explanation out of the text bubble and place it in the page margins, or, incorporate the explanation to her dialogue like says.
Leaving it out of the text lets the reader know you're looking out for their interests, incorporating it by changing the text makes the read overall more pleasant but you will not bring any notice to your involvement as the tl.

I thought it looked too cramped like that, but I guess it's okay.

It's not like people will know what the original text said, though.

>It's not like people will know what the original text said, though.
With the left option, leaving the text exactly like you have, but adding a tl note on the side tells your audience
>I'm giving you a 1:1 translation of what's written. But, in case you don't understand why "Bakejo" is a pun, here's why it's a pun. You're welcome!
The reader will appreciate it (because they will not understand why "Bakejo" is in quotations unless you explain it to them) and enjoy the explanation, kept short.

With the right option, changing the school name to an English acronym
>You've removed the joke and you've created a parlance you'll have to "commonly" use throughout the rest of the manga, never ever calling it "Bakejo" ever again.
The audience won't know because they aren't reading the raws, obviously, but they'll also never understand the acronym being a joke ever again (or the title of their manga). Until they look it up, of course, where some forum post explains what "Bakejo" the title means and they begin wondering why you ever translated it to "YGS."

With the incorporation option like mentions,
>You've both explained the "Bakejo" pun AND you've made it so this senpai character is dutifully and lovingly explaining it to her kouhai character (and all your readers) in exactly the language they know.
The downside is, it doesn't fully explain "bake" as referring to "bakemono." And, unlike in the first option, the audience will assume the Japanese raw is identical to what you just translated and not acknowledge that you, the TL, are actually looking out for them by altering the text to make this all more palatable. Ultimately the better choice for a smoother and more immersive read, but unless you're easily satisfied, but your readers will have no idea it's because you're putting in that extra work to make it that way. Basically, a less narcissistic approach than just saying "tl note:" by taking a more invasive method.

It's not really a pun, just shortform,

Would this work? It feels like the most elegant solution, and it's pretty damn clear from the text here what bakejo means without going into really lengthy explanations.

The downside is that it kinda looks like that dumb "leaving nakama in Japanese" crap One Piece got notorious for.

Attached: 6.png (1900x2720, 2.35M)

>I-I don't have time because I am a student
Fuck off I am a fulltime workcuck + doing a distance learning night course,
yet I still managed to do some scanlation work.

Whoever use this excuse to justify their laziness should just kill themselves.

Looks good! Both the more appealing text form, its closer, centered position and the size alterations + typeset (italics, bold) shows you're putting in effort to make this look nice. Like you're more than just one guy, and you've got experience bringing quality releases to people.

Don't worry about equating "bakemono joshi" with "nakama;" while there are English equivalents for "nakama" (friend, buddy, pal, blood brother, etc), there isn't really an English equivalent for "female demon," only examples of female demons.

Congratulations, user. If I could get a PhD in Computer Science then everyone should be able to as well!

>The downside is that it kinda looks like that dumb "leaving nakama in Japanese" crap One Piece got notorious for.

Different guy, if you want to avoid that, you could maybe do "attended by female monsters - 'bakemono joshi'." Might make it a little clearer what you're doing.

Late reply cause >time
It used to be just skill, no real gimmicks aside from taking something already decensored and throwing it on, blending it in, etc., but now there are things like DeepCream that'll do a lot of heavy lifting on color pages. B/W, you're still SoL, but there are a few tricks. In a lot of censoring, due to how it's printed, the lines underneath the censor can sometimes still be visible if you look close enough, giving reference points. Just barely visible in pic related.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)

Wanted to release chapter 8 today but for several reasons i couldn't finish. I'll have to wait until next week.
my wife Lynne a best

Attached: 8B.png (1446x2048, 500K)

There was a time when raws were scanned on paper scanners, you know. Digital releases are a fairly recent publishing for manga. It wasn't just translating things; there were a lot more steps. Like buying the magazine and owning the equipment.

Is there anything special I need to keep in mind when uploading a two-page spread to Mangadex Yea Forums?