Avatar the last air bender thread

What race of bender would you want to be and have you ever fapped to pictures of M night shamalan?

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>The best anime that ever existed wasn't actually an anime
How inept are Japanese people?

Holy shit, first castlevania now this
Would you kindly kill yourself?

I want to rape Azula.

Unironically better than many modern anime
Water is the stronges element dont >> me

Its more lucrative and easier still to flash panties and tits than storyboard.

the Boondocks is a better non-anime than Avatar

Water is shit, air is superior


*traps you in a vacuum*
Ha! What now?

>freezes your blood

Water is the strongest by a considerable margin but its balanced by being far less available unless the fight is straight up on a beach or the sea

Watch this reach bump limit like the Castlevania thread did
What the fuck is happening

Not an anime, fuck off

Fair, but you always have bloodbending and can suck the moisture in the air.

cring & bluepilled




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Based and tophpilled

Katara could even gather enough of her own sweat to slice through wood.

In a pinch they could probably even cut themselves and bloodbend their own blood as a weapon.

Only in the desert would they truly be on the losing side. Otherwise vine/grass/treebending, sweatbending, bloodbending. They could literally just make their blood freeze or boil inside their body. Maybe even saliva bending?

>saliva bending
I bet waterbenders give the best blowjobs

Bloodbending only works during a full moon, and only if you have the inborn talent for it

Why was lightning associated with firebending again?

Katara could bloodbend in the southern raiders episode and it wasnt full moon

IIRC lighting and fire are plasma, su lightning is just supercharged fire

Probably something along the lines that fire bending works by generating energy in the air, and electricity is just a different type of energy being shot through air.

retconned in legend of korra

Sorry, but anime styled cartoons are anime now.

I am 99% sure it was shown to be a full moon right before that scene.
Otherwise it would have been brought up with Yakone.


Water, and no.

It is anime.
It just isn't Yea Forumsnime.
Tom and Jerry is anime, never forget that. It got voted top 100 anime in Japan.

wtf i was insulting this kind of threads, i know the difference between a cartoon and an anime

Seconding this. TLK S1 doesn't count. The bloodbending in broad daylight shit from Korra was a shitty, artificial bending of canon done to raise stakes. The real antagonists of S1 should have been the non-bending equalists and their Dieselpunk technology. Amon was a GOAT-tier villain until it was revealed that he was a waterbender.

lets just pretend that shitshow never happened

Believe me, it was during a stormy day.
The old lady could only bloodbend during full moon because she wasnt as skilled as Katara was with water bending.

Plus easy cleanup afterwards

Except that specialized shit is either insanely hard to pull off or it requires high level training. Its just like how there are like maybe 4 firebenders that use lethal lightning.
It was a full moon
Only available to a unique family. No one else could do it

Unironically this. "Retconned in Korra" could apply to around 90% of Last Airbender, and not in a good way. Best to ser

TLK was garbage but unironically

meh, depends on which canon we are using and whether or not we're pretending that garbage korra exists.
bloodbending was only ever possible on a full moon pre-korra. DESU it should have never been introduced, as it was straight up a powercreep.
>suck the moisture in the air.
The only downside is that this leaves you vulnerable for incoming attacks. It takes alot of time to collect enough moisture for a powerful water-related attack.

ATLA (but only ATLA, not TLoK) usually pays very close attention to details to avoid these kinds of mistakes.

>get a blowjob from a waterbender chick
>after you finish she bends all the cum into her mouth and swallows it

Me too

Even if a waterbender isnt a bloodbender he can always suck the moisture out of your mouth/eyes, or even freeze them.
Easy win

Yeah, the bloodbending would be hard.

The rest is fair game though. An element that has different temperatures is superior, a waterbender could just make the water boil and throw it at someone's face. Or make ice shards and do the same. It can be steam, liquid or ice, and can be easily pulled from the environment.

Where's the Ben 10 thread? That's obviously anime.

Keit-ai is best western anime.

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This is one of the few shows to have a well-executed villain turning good story


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zuko was edgy, but in a good way

IMO S1 was the best season solely because the only thing it really fucked up in the bigger picture was the bloodbending canon thing.

The rest of the series literally dedicated itself to retconning last airbender to try and be relevant, and for shock value. The show and the comics (which just exist to flex korrasami and the plot doesnt matter) just feel like the writers directly speaking to us trying to justify its existence

how can fire be the worst when they took over the entire world

Cause muh Sozin Comet ex machina

>TLOK has a literal suicide scene

Shame Zuko wasn't with them longer.
Last season was already near the end so they just have him go on Field Trips with one of the others each remaining episode like a checklist.
And Aang was still a total noob at firebending by the show's end.

When westerns do something really really good. It easily beats anything Japan has ever done

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Air would be deadliest without the pacifism.

ATLA S2 > ATLA S3 > ATLA S1 > TLOK S3 > TLOK S1 > TLOK S4 > Shit >>> TLOK S3