Here we go again.
Nino a shit
Ichicute a BEST
Kill yourself
aw shit
best girls!
Since no-one likes to talk about who the bride might be, who do you guys want to win least? Ichika's pretty much irredeemable considering the things she's done before and during the main plot, so I vote against her.
>who do you guys want to win least?
Nino and Miku due to their types securing the win most of the time. Plus their fanbases.
I'll be salty if 1 or 3 wins.
45 will be the last two standing. The roles of 123 were to make Fuuts aware of the opposite sex/romance, to think about a topic he's never thought deeply of before. 45 will be the one to make him what he means to fall for someone in the romantic nature. Only those two will awaken what's needs to be awakened in him.
Nino a best
1 because of the character, 2 because of her fags.
Would be mostly okay with the rest, but 5 would be dull due to it falling into first girl wins stuff.
123, I'm tired of their bitching.
45 a shit.
Drawfag here. I brought Zetsuba for my Yotsubrothers.
However I'm not good at DESPAIR like Negi, sorry.
That's a very nice art, user!
Thanks, pen.
Its good bro. Keep it up.
23, they both really annoy me for different reasons and are bland as fuck within their archetypes.
2, because I prefer Nino to be mine.
Is Niku the best disguise to ever exist?
123 are playing a game they never belonged in. I feel bad that Yotsuba has had to put up with their shit up to this point.
Two loser
5 cause she's boring and 4 depending if Negi gives her a pity win. 3 as well cause she's boring and there's nothing appealing about her.
Ichika and Miku because they are shit.
Nino. I'm just deadly tired of tsundere trope.
I don't know who is the worst arc
>The last with Miku and her pity card to win
>This arc with Yotsuba and her desperate card to win
Nino because she a shit
1 and 5.
2, 3, and 4 are all acceptable winners to me.
We should set it to a poll, whoever has the least amounts of votes wins.
can't you respect the hustle, user
This Yotsuba/Lolikano arc seems to be very nice and kino. Still, nothing will top Seven Goodbyes.
The least worst girl is never the best girl.
Honestly, 4. Not because I dislike her, but because I liked the role she's had on the sideline so far. She can have a much more complex and gratifying characterisation by staying on the sidelines.
Gods, I was strong then.
Caved in his breastplate.
Probably shattered every rib he had.
Stood over him, hammer in the air.
Right before I brought it down he shouted, "Wait! Wait.
They never tell you how they all shit themselves.
They don't put that part in the songs.
Stupid boy.
Now the Tarlys bend the knee like everyone else.
He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart boys, and today his wife would be making him miserable, his sons would be ingrates, and he'd be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl.
3 has to go. She's kind of boring, and I really don't like the cult-like following she has. No, "she's the most popular" and "she's the loneliest" are not valid reasons for your girl to win.
I want to hug Zetsuba!
yes, Nino's a loser
That's a fucking miracle.
Which quint could Fuutarou bang if he wanted to?
>Not because I dislike her, but because I liked the role she's had on the sideline so far.
125 for different reasons
34 winning would be good
Ichika did nothing wrong
too salty
I like Yotsuba better as Fuutaro's bro than a potential partner
>my favourite quints don't interact with eachother
23 cause their characters always fucking win. I'm stick of it. I'd gladly welcome an 1 victory cause her type never wins while I like the relationships Fuuts share with 45.
Just Shitno really. I'm fine with anyone else.
I like how close they are in hair length.
Tell your cousin to get in here.
Kingslayer! Get in here.
Surrounded by Lannisters.
Every time I close my eyes I see their blond hair and their smug, satisfied faces.
It must wound your pride, huh? Standing out there like a glorified sentry.
Jaime Lannister, son of the mighty Tywin forced to mind the door while your king eats and drinks and shits and fucks.
So come on.
We're telling war stories.
Who was your first kill, not counting old men?
Evens > Odds
Is alliancefag the worst thing to ever happened?
It embarassing how they often use other girl as shield whenever they are trying to start some shit.
>the amount of seething anti-ninoniggers
>ninofag with thin skin
And water is wet.
Did you make the 8 Bobby B?
1 because snek
2 because she drugged him and I dislike tsunderes
5 because she has the least development and I hate 1st girl wins cliche
I hate it.
is bobby b posting a thing now
What about Aerys Targaryen? What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked.
Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?
I guess I'm despairfag who'd like to be saved by Negi but I'm not delusional about it.
Yeah. Itsuki being used as a common shield.
He hates it!
The Yotsuba arc is great it’s causinng readers to go back and re read and interpret the story from an enitirey new angle. If she wins and not from desperation but because she was destined
I agree. This is embarrassing.
True words bro
>23 cause their characters always fucking win. I'm stick of it. I'd gladly welcome an 1 victory cause her type never wins
literally me
>an enitirey new angle
Based stroke poster
He said the same thing he'd been saying for hours Burn them all.
in what way is my post alliancefagging?
That's not alliancefagging.
Alliancefagging is the retarded 123 vs 45 shit
Okay let's get this shit sorted out based on previous experiences with romance manga
>Onee-san vs Tsundere
Tsundere wins
>Doormat vs Tsundere
Tsundere wins
>Genki osananajimi vs Tsundere
Tsundere wins
>Galactus vs Tsundere
Is Itsuki the only one that could save us from a Nino end?
Yotsuba arc is the best arc in this series. Not from a romantic stand point, but as a character. She has so many layers and we get to see how she grows into genki. Her arc is hard for yotsubros, but it's an arc that's needed to clear the air about why she has despair.
Being a cunt then get turned on by muh blonde hair isnt tsundere.
Nino hasn't been tsun for half the manga. Might as well call Itsuki a tsundere.
>123 vs 45
It's meta vs anti-meta. The dispute started because the way the story developed has clearly set those two camps apart.
Das good shit. Good job, drawanon.
>Negi likes crazy girls
>no yandere quint
Why did he betray us?
I like how much closer it brings Nino and Yotsuba in terms of appearance. I also like how it makes Nino look like the evil twin despite having so much of a softer aesthetic compared to the rest of her sisters.
I'm going to marry Nino!
Did you not read the last chapter? Itsuki is crazy as shit deep down inside. Also, Ichika is basically a sociopath.
Negi has cute daughter now
Holy shit my dick
Ichika felt bad and won't do something like that again. She didn't even mean it.
Am i the only one that is still greatly bothered by this fact? If she didn't happen to meet Fuutarou with the wig she would be literally jumping on some random beach Chad's cock and filming porn
How long would it take for her to grow her hair out like that again?
It blows my mind how every single Yotsuba scene from the start of the manga until now can be reinterpreted. This is storytelling at the highest level, which actually catches my attention even more than the romance aspect.
Nino is beautiful
>Nino hasn't been tsun for half the manga.
it doesn't change anything. She's still tsundere type. Even her design points on it.
I'll give you the lolikano incident since it's entirely possible that she just ran into Shotarou, but even that is sketchy since she tried to claim Rena's identity with it. However, the rest of her bullshit was clearly coordinated. It's going to take more than just a simple apology and some tears to make up for what she's done.
>Even her design points on it.
The pigtails are the only thing and even then not every tsundere has them. Plus she's more dere than tsuns these days. She's the aggressive girl now if anything, like Marika.
She is tsundere with Miku
I didn't like Ichika since the start. I guess I'm not a fan of her character type.
The recent snekery didn't help.
Miku doesn't care and we know she won't do something like that again.
>Absolutely nothing about Itsuki
>Yotsuba gets some chapters for herself
>Y-yeah, Yotsuba! And Itsuki too!
Itsukifags are so pathetic.
Rent free 3nigger.
I don't understand this artist.
Why did you keep this garbage version?
>be Yotsubafag with Ichika as second favorite, would be ok with either of them winning
Am i some sort of abominable hybrid? Where my Yotsu/Ichibros at?
Do we, though?
Yeah. Someone should break all of his fingers
The second half of this series is about Yotsuba user. The Itsuki parts I don't care about though.
must be a promised neverland fan
>Miku doesn't care
Even if Miku and Fuutarou forgive her,that doesn't mean she innocent.They are just being considerate.
>The pigtails are the only thing
Pigtails, long hair, stockings - classic.
To be honest every quint is designed like this, so you could recognise their type on the spot.
> She's the aggressive girl now
Yes, she went full dere but again, it doesn't change the fact she's tsundere of this story.
>yellow sweater
Absolutely based, user.
looks like fuutarou's getting a handjob
Fuutarou doesn't want to be nice boat'd.
I actually like them all more or less equally, but I'm gonna say Nino because her fans are gigantic faggots
Itsuki is a bit of a tsundere herself, though
What if he asked for one?
>she would be literally jumping on some random beach Chad's cock and filming porn
Nino has always been the most shallow quint. Nothing surprising
I'm Yotsubro and I don't hate Ichika. Moreover I kinda like her. I think both of them are Negi's the most well-written characters. So you're not alone, user
I have only switched being a quintfag once and that was from being a Yotsubafag to an Ichifag. Reporting in.
>Being mad at a character because her fans make your tummy hurt
My feefees
literally not what he said retard
case in point.
You don't have to like a character just because they're well-written, user. Miku has some of the worst writing and yet the majority of fans like her.
Classic case of shitty shy character not able to do anything on their own, but she is cute cause she is shy so people flock to her.
Are you my evil twin? What made you jump ship? I started as an Ichikafag because i love the teasing onee-san characters, then chapter 21 happened and i just realized that Yotsuba was the one, as her character turned out to be way deeper than what meets the eye.
Yotsubafag here, fuck off with your dumb 45 broship thing. Itsuki is the one who will steal the end. She is unimportant, doesn't like the MC, and isn't worthy of an end. The way the story is written shows that a Yotsuba end is the only well written and consistent end. I hope Negi doesn't give us a shitty whore hippo end. That would be the wrong end and would go against everything he has done so far.
Yotsuba looks like shit in the anime
She's gonna win. Die mad about it.
God, I love seeing 2/4 without their accessories. Every time I see them close to each other, it's like they're twins and the rest of the girls are only sisters.
Animation is pretty lack luster in the anime too mangafag is reporting in
Yotsubro, yotsuba is endgame.
Ichika looks like a snake
A real Yotsubro is friends with all. Don't be like that, user.
I hope you upped it somewhere so I can share it
In a perfect world where Negi writes the right end yes, not in a world where the pig has a shot.
I won't be mad, just disappointed.
>her character turned out to be way deeper than what meets the eye.
I was drawn towards their chemistry and the fact that they seemed most comfortable with one another. Then upon reread, I noticed a lot of neat subtle interactions between Ichika and Fuu and I was fully convinced then. Regardless, good fucking taste my dude and accurate predictions after all.
>Literally states whoever is the bride was the one who he started thinking of
>The only quints he took notice were Ichika and Nino
>He's heavily cautious of Nino
>He thought of Nino during his convo with Yotsuba regarding taking love seriously
>Negi is very subtle with his revelations
>Nino is most likely to be the bell kisser
I mean Negi couldn't be anymore obvious but there are people who seriously need it spelled out to them? Such Brainlets.
Let's be honest here. 90% of Itsukifags like her just because they're tired of seeing their favorite girl lose in every romcom, so this time they forced themselves to root for the main girl.
Can we appreciate how Uesugi is not a total retard anymore, and is actually starting to notice how they feel
This. I’m looking forward to seeing his inner thoughts in the coming chapters.
Harem king. He should get as much ass as he can.
True she is very bland about the same personality of a wet towel
>Plans to kiss him whole scrambled eggs arc
It's beautiful. Do you have twitter? I want to follow you.
Author even foreshadowed in recent chapter that he isn't that dense anymore
So when someone like Yotsuba triggers multiple loser flags, is that good or bad?
Also what would be your reaction if Yotsuba finally reveals her secret to Fuutarou and he just says "ya I knew/had a feeling".
What if all the quints had a jealous streak. Wouldn't that be a bind.
> yfw Fuutarou doesn't love any quint and just marries because the bride is "special"
By special I mean financial benefits.
What makes you think she's triggered loser flags?
She's winning right now
that's the ticket!
Kinda getting cucked by worrying about her sister's happiness more then her own feelings.
>90% of Itsukifags like her just because they're tired of seeing their favorite girl lose in every romcom, so this time they forced themselves to root for the main girl.
But my favorite girls always win.
Nino is the main girl, though.
Isn't that just asking to get flipped around in her favour?
>Nino is the main girl
so she loses cause Negi doesn't like the main girl trope, right?
2 because I don't like the generic tsundere cliche, I find her annoying and her fags are the worst fanbase since ichirukists
we all know miku is gonna win. you fags can seethe all you want but miku will be the one who stands at the altar.
>having the balls to pursue a relationship
don't make me laugh. being a doormat is her appeal.
Childhood friend, promised girl and star crossed lovers are all loser flags aren't they?
When we will get another arc like Scramble Eggs where it just mostly consisted Fuutarou's monologue?
>The moment negi revealed she wasn't bell kisser
How will ninofags recover
1235 are all shook stupid by Yotsuba literally winning this.
He doesn't like the first girl trope.
But, yes. Nino is the first girl too.
I really like the gradient hair.
>Childhood friend, promised girl and star crossed lovers are all loser flags aren't they?
Depends on the series, but in this case, yes.
>causinng readers to go back and re read and interpret the story from an enitirey new angle
This is why I love this arc. Re-reading the manga was the most fun part about it.
>miku, hasn't had a chance to grow enough to get a chance, the other girls are all taking their chance and all getting shot down.
>miku will grow and get the guts to ask him out
Let me guess? you like fuckin bland ass itsuki or yotsubitch. the only one laughing here is me. seethe and cope harder.
you know what's gonna happen? miku is finally gonna grow balls when fuu has fallen for one of her sisters because that's the way it is with all doormats. they wait until the very end.
She is kind of a fag for turning that whole I like you thing into her sisters when even Uesugi received it well until she said it wasn't directed at him
Yotsuba is basically the main heroine now, none of the other quints have this depth of character or background and now that she’s been revealed as lolikano she actually has a lot more involvement in the story as well from earlier on.
There’s no way Negi has enough time after this flashback arc to develop the other girls this much and there’d be no significance in doing it unless something else needs to be revealed in detail
? But she did...
>There’s no way Negi has enough time
Says who? The manga is a hit. He could milk it for all its worth and have it go on longer than it was suppose to.
Miku is the Megumi Tadokoro of 5Toubun
Can't wait for the shit show when each person's theories turn out to be wrong, and the ending actually comes out. I also don't really think that is true cause he has developed characters with flashbacks similarly like wet napkin Itsuki. Everyone thought it was going to be her when the whole dressing up like another character was revealed.
That's such a kino moment. I seriously hope Yotsuba's the bride.
user, it's debunked move on.
Kodansha might axe it.
You mean Erina who's been a vegetable the entire last arc while Megumi at the very least stood up to Asahi.
She can brush off the like you part but not the whole thing about knowing each other better or how she was happy of getting to spend the last day with him or Yotsuba confirming to him that she like him
Fuutarou is not as dense as to not know
Negi isn't a hack writer like Naoshi.
>source your ass
No need to cope from desperation.
Ichika is m favorite and Yotsuba my second favorite. I don't see what's wrong with this.
What makes you think that?
Yotsuba seems to be in the lead now in my opinion.
>Kodansha might axe it.
Editors could force him to do it cause of the money it brings in.
>Kodansha might axe it.
This is not Jump.
And Toubun is WSM big bux provider currently.
All countered by destiny and the red string of fate because they got to meet each other again by sheer amount of luck. Also some shrine power might've been involved too if Yotsuba actually wished to meet Fuutarou again in the future.
are there official quints plushies like the love live ones? I kinda want one of each quint
Cope ninofag, actually iThinkfag sounds better.
Would jump axe it? It sells better than most of their manga.
Manlets can't bully Negichad.
Negi literally cannot be anymore obvious
>Begging for the manga to end so your favourite might win
Yotsubafags are becoming more and more pathetic by the day
Jump would axe it but then regret it like how it went for SnK
>Begging for the manga to end so your favourite might win
Doesn't Nino have the upper hand if the manga ends early?
I’m not begging I’m just going based off what Negi said. Of course he could still milk it but if he’s going to end it when he said he was going too then there’s no way he can provide as much depth in time to the other quints as he’s done with Yotsuba/lolikano. Just being a realist here
Whether or not Fuutaro will remember his memories with Yotsuba, I'd still would like for him to decide with his true feelings on who he falls for, not just suddenly fall for her. Yotsuba seems too obvious despite all the connections Fuu had with her. If Negi had shown all of this in earlier chapters then I'd probably be more convinced. If I recall, he did say that he wanted to make an ending that would be satisfying to everyone. Right now, depending on how Negi will handle this after the flashbacks, I'm a bit mixed on a Yotsuba win despite her being my second favorite
>That's such a kino moment.
>I seriously hope Yotsuba's the bride.
would be too good to happen, so I doubt it.
>Self-Doubt such a winning trait
No, I'm asking where you got iThinkfag from
Jump would axe a manga that sells in its first week 250k+ copies?
Other girl developed their feeling constantly way earlier,hence why they don't need as much last minute developement.They can just straight enter Fuutarou heart and win,it not even that hard at this point because all we need is Fuutarou being able to find who the kisser is.
Are literally just ignoring 3/4th of the manga just because?
all these seething youtsubitch fags and nino cucks are seething at each other while the mikuchads are all sitting enlightened knowing she will win. mark my words anons, youll all feel retarded when you realize you weren't supporting best girl.
>would be too good to happen, so I doubt it.
I think the same. Having the Genki childhood friend win would be too Kino for this world.
Yeah, why not when you have One Piece?
Fuutaro doesn't need to know and he won't suddenly love for her just because she's lolikano.
Hell, a potential resolution for her arc, romance-wise, would just be Fuutaro telling her he simply fell for the hard working idiot she is.
1. Ichika 2.yotsuba for me
>I'm still in the lead I think..
>I Think
An appropriate name for ninofags.
Not enough fanservice
A satisfying end for me is most likely Yotsuba. For most people if she’s not their favourite she seems to be a close second so that may be his endgame. Though I imagine the more diehard quint fans had her as their second favourite when they assumed she was less threatening to their favourite
all these seething youtsubitch fags and miku cucks are seething at each other while the ninochads are all sitting enlightened knowing she will win. mark my words anons, youll all feel retarded when you realize you weren't supporting best girl.
Nope my girl always winnnnnnnnnnnn in all the arc even the last arc
>6 or 7 confessions in from all her sisters
>her visual contact with her husband to check for Miku situation
>her hug main girl moment was beautiful
>her speech with Miku /Ichika was so cute
>her mommy babysitting arc with her sisters was the most good thing in this arc
>album photo the best gift for his wife
And this arc Nino will shine again with her mom side to save her Yotsuba suicide watch
Miku because of her weak chemistry with Fuutarou
Itsuki because making her the kisser would require an asspull. Or making the kisser not be the bride would be fucking bullshit. I'd be ok with her winning otherwise.
I still like both girls though
What a disappointing shitpost, I thought it was related to iphones.
This but unironically
Are you ignoring 3/4 of the manga? Fuutaruo hasn’t shown any feelings towards any of the quints, but I believe it’s been a pretty consistent theme that Fuutaruo has had feelings for lolikano since the beginning despite trying to let go. I wonder how he’ll react when he finds out Yotsuba was the one he met long ago, the one that changed his life
Lolikano is his first love I’m sure he still has lingering feelings. In fact those are the only feelings he’s shown to have so far in the story
Megumi the best girl and Miku aka muh popular like Erinashitfags
I really think this should have been translated as moment/scene.
>In fact those are the only feelings he’s shown to have so far in the story
>wedding explicitly said he consider the bride special at the moment of the kiss
Yeah sure
>5toubon thread
Are you having a stroke user?
In retrospect, because he married her.
You can't have special feelings towards some nebulous non-entity until you know.
Do you know that we can get 30 more chapters before year's end?
That's 3 more volumes and 3-4 more arcs.
And that is, if it ends this year
What is this suppose to do, make people feel nervous that Nino is in the lead? Alright.
Like I said so far, so we’ll see where that goes. Yotsuba has been at most of the forefront as well since the chapter he said that
Nope. The spelling just made it look similar.
If Fuutarou learns the truth right after the flashback, it's a bad sign for her. If Negi doesn't do it and just continious the story as it is - a good sign. It would mean that the whole point of this flashback was to justify/explain Yotsuba's actions in the future.
Yeah exactly. Are all of those arcs/chapters going to be spent on quint depth like Yotsuba is getting? They still have to graduate
1 and 5. Maybe 4 depending on how her arc goes.
I really dislike the manipulative "I'm the Lolikano" bullshit.
>these two images were meant to be side by side in the magazine
What did Negi mean by this?
Cute potato!
>I think....
Logic when
>she doesn't knows if her kiss works with Fuutarou (maybe his hates her kiss)
>She doesn't knows if her sisters are better than her in this competition.
Nino it's not Jesus and she never be so sur with her actions
Fully agree
Fuck off subhuman.
>If Fuutarou learns the truth right after the flashback
It wouldn't be that easy because Yotsuba can literally just deny it.
You mean the one thing Yotsuba is trying her hardest to avoid?
Takebayashi was his first love.
Agreed. I am also keeping in mind how Negi will handle it because he tends to rush a lot of things as well and y'know how he doesn't want end manga to last that long so it's kind of a situation. We'll just have to see how it'll go
Crush, Raiha mentions lolikano was his first love, makes sense since she changed his life
You're a lost case.
Yeah, but I'll need to see how her arc turns out before I can say for sure.
You never know what might happen.
Never post here again, subhuman.
If someone is spilling the beans it's Ichika, because Itsuki was cockblocked already, and there's no way in hell Negi would make her sink even lower.
superior hair colors
I've always had a soft spot for Ichika even after the recent chapters. Yotsuba is still the best though
I love you a lot, user. I mean it. This really makes me feel something and that means a lot to me
Are you daft?
You think Raiha knows everything that happens in Fuutarou's life?
Look at what the manga is showing is instead: Takebayashi was his first love.
That's it.
Plot points left
>Ichika's departure
>Nino's carreer choice
>Miku's career choice
>Yotsuba's career choice
>Itsuki's arc
>Itsuki's part time job
>Uesugi's family debt
>Fuut's career choice
>Final exam arc.
>Ichika's confession
>Fuut's answer to Nino
>Fuut's answer to Miku(?)
Ichika a fucking shit mate.
Anyone else think that Yotsuba being lolikano is a bit of an assull?
>If she kissed him she wouldn't doubt herself
>She thinks she's in the lead, but isn't
If she kissed him like she wanted to she wouldn't be worried about Ichika and Miku, but she is.
>Anyone is better than drug user nino.
Maybe an ichika self sacrifice redemption?
That's me, I just think they are the most interesting characters in the manga, with Itsuki having some real potential after the latest chapter.
Yeah. Ichika should have been the only lolikano. 1 is the first one to met him, it fits so well.
>tell Fuutaro something Yotsuba has been keeping a secret without even asking her about it
That's full on snek
>if I can't win, no one will
>he didn’t read chapter 79
Y I k e s
No it makes sense to anyone paying attention
It doesn't matter who or what happens in the end it'll be known. Itsuki has no obligation to listen and so does Ichika. Revealing it will be good in the end.
This. Her redemption will be helping the winner (probably Fatty) in some way.
I'm a brainlet speedreader, please explain
>Itsuki has no obligation to listen
She's gone too far for Yotsuba already, she's obviously respecting her wishes.
>falling for the biggest and fattest red herring of 2019
What Yotsuba wants to do isn't necessarily what is good for her. And if Itsuki simply reveals that she was not the true Rena Fuutarou will easily be able to find out who is the real one.
Samefag. Takebayashi was his first love.
ninofag here, yotsuba deserves to win. I‘m rooting for her
No, not at all. She's been on Fuutarou's side since the beginning, and the despair segments have always led me to believe that she was slightly more cerebral despite her looks.
Itsuki will play an important role in this arc so we can count this as a Yotsuba/Itsuki arc, just like Sister War was about Ichika/Miku with a little of Nino.
In the BUTT!
I hope this never happens because this could be one way for Negi to make Nino give up on Fuutarou completely.
ninofag here, yotsuba deserves a rope.
I'm rooting for her
Or she is worried that her kiss went badly and she has 2 other sisters to worry about.
I'm pretty sure that she will. Nino and Miku will lose gracefully.
t. seething falseflagger
Nino doesn't care if you were first or for how long you have loved him since she loves him the most.
Not samefagging but nice try. Nino also makes him realize that lolikano was his first love in the chapter where she sees his photo. Whatever number that was go find out for yourself you speedreading shitbag
We could easily make edits/color to this.
If Nino gives up on Fuutarou for her sister that's a huge winning flag for her.
I already anticipated someone would post this in response.
>All I know is that no one loves him more than I do.
She's wrong because she doesn't know that Yotsuba loves Fuutarou the most.
So all but one of them dye their hair, right? Who has the original hair color? Itsuki?
>maybe you were the first to fall in love
This should be Yotsuba
>I've never been in love before
Ichika been in love with Shoutarou before for whatever reason
tl;dr this paneling doesn't mean anything and Nino is full of shit
I'd rather believe what we've seen through Fuutarou's own eyes that what others characters who don't know shit say.
Try again.
>If Nino gives up on Fuutarou for her sister
Except Yotsuba is arleady doing this.
I've been saying it was her from the start. No one else would approach and befriend a total stranger.
4D posting Yotsuba would be proud
Ninobro here, this arc is really nice and I want Yotsuba to be happy, but Nino will win.
You're wrong because you don't know that Nino loves him more than Yotsuba.
if Nino gives up because she thinks that Yotsuba is fated to be with Fuuts, it would be a huge winner flag for her. I want Nino or Yotsuba to win, but we all know that the bride is Fatty.
That's why Nino, the one whose character arc is actually about her sisters, will end up doing so in the end.
30 chapters where Itsuki wins in the end. Bet on it. :^)
You can't love if you don't love yourself.
No, you're just stupid.
You can't measure how much someone else's love is worth. Only yours.
As far as Nino is concerned, she loves him the most
Nino is the bride, though
I wish.
>You're wrong because you don't know that Nino loves him more than Yotsuba.
Yes, let's compare 5 years worth of love to some bitch who drugged him not once, but twice, then only fell in love with him because he's being nice to her, this basic bitch doesn't love Fuutarou the most.
"No idea what's wrong or what's right" is the part that refers to Ichika, not the bubble before that.
>She's wrong because she doesn't know that Yotsuba loves Fuutarou the most.
??? How do you guys gauge people's love?
>it would be a huge winner flag for her
Nah, this is just your headcanon.
No bubbles refer to anyone,it just another case of overanalyzing like always
That kiss was a goodbye kiss user. Yotsuba was letting go of her past. We know this because yotsuba and ichika had a talk during scrambled eggs where she talks about Ichika stealing fuu away from her. It's why she helped miku out during sister wars, it's why she shut down the rumors of her and fuu dating. It's why she is okay with fuu not knowing she was the one he met 5 years ago.
Boy, I bet you guys were one of the same people that still hated Erina initially because she didn't let Soma into the school in early chapters despite the development since.
So THK give up with Ichika and now suddenly he is a Yotsubafag. Sad.
Nino loves him the most.
You can't prove otherwise.
If Fuutarou wanted she wouldn't have any chances. Yotsuba's good at hiding, but she sucks at lying.
Plus he doesn't care about lolikano's identity as much as before (thanks 7 goodbyes) and it actually works in Yotsuba's favor. If Fuutarou was so concerned about it like before he would figure it out eventually, the same way he did with Ichika for example. So Fuutarou being oblivion to Youtsuba=lolikano is justified at least.
Yeah, I was just speculating.
So i picked this up and read it in about two days, watched the anime as well, now i gotta say i'm pretty surprised about the threads i've seen here
I somewhat thought this title was gonna get praised as a cliche breaker like Masamune was (until its end) because of the main girl not winning, in fact in this case she's not even running for it and has her own problems to deal with
As for who's winning, to me it seems clear that it's gonna be Miku, not that i would enjoy it much since i only like Ichika less than her as i'm not really fond of her type, but she's got a huge list of super-major scenes
On top of that list i'd place being the first to be recognized under a disguise "because of love", how doesn't that scream "imma win this"
It's always fun to play "spot the red herring", but i don't think you'd do that on a scene as importat as that, to me that screamed clear winner
And i also started thinking that the reason she's the only one to have such a weird hobby (instead of something more traditional like acting, cooking, being athletic or studious) is just because the author wanted to foreshadow the "female Kenshin" thing with her marrying into Uesugi
Anyway, i actually had 2 questions:
1 - how did you guys deal with the fact that the bride calls him Fuutarou, like Miku does? Since the unique way in which they call him was important i thought the author was gonna hide it, but so far only Nino called him Fuutarou, only once, a bit too late, and already switched to Fuu-kun
Did you just disregard it as "too obvious"? Cause to me a this point it seems more of a case of "the answer was in front of you since the start"
2 - May have speedread this part, but during the flashforward where they have to put the rings on there's an awkward pause despite Raiha giving them the rings, what was that about? Since at that point i already thought Miku was the winner i tried recalling scenes involving a ring and her, but nothing came to mind
Literally this. Let's not forget this bitch was ready to drop her panties and fuck a dude for the mere fact that he's blonde. Talk about dumb and shallow.
Based Yotsubro. Couldn't have said it better myself.
based user
Fucking wrecked
This is depressing now.
Yotsuba made the ultimate sacrifice for Fuutaro, she gave him freedom of choice in love.
Meanwhile Nino is annoying as shit in that regard
>don't reject me yet! I love you!
Yotsuba used to call him this as lolikano. The reason she doesn't now hasn't been explained yet.
user, you might be onto something, but not because of this panel. Because of the page after.
So they keep shilling Itsuki as the main girl.
>how did you guys deal with the fact that the bride calls him Fuutarou, like Miku does?
The Japanese spelling is different. Also it's the most realistic way for his wife to call him.
they won't
Truly sad he's replying to his same post
>because of the main girl not winning
What are you talking about? Nino is absolutely winning.
based. watch all the ninonigs and yotsubiches seethe autistiically
>1 - how did you guys deal with the fact that the bride calls him Fuutarou, like Miku does? Since the unique way in which they call him was important i thought the author was gonna hide it, but so far only Nino called him Fuutarou, only once, a bit too late, and already switched to Fuu-kun
because we are not EOP like you.
miku's fuutarou is written in katakana.
This page user?
So whoever kissed him wouldn't have doubts? Who didn't had doubts? Everyone had them.
>My quint loves him the most
Kek, you guys know that's irrelevant, right?
Erina is still a shit character even now, but for different reasons, the main of them being singlehandedly ruoning the whole series with her shitty family drama
It's fun to watch but also sad.
Are you retarded?
So? Nino still loves him the most.
I see, makes sense, i thought about the spelling being different but had no way to check for myself
Anything about the rings scene however? I'm still quite curious about it if it's something i missed
>Nino thinks she's in the lead during the trip because of her botched kiss
How is this suppose to be make Ninofags shook?
Why would she doubt herself if she got what she wanted user? After finding out that Ichika was an enemy she threw away all regard to everything except kissing him. Even if she had to do it while dressed as Itsuki.
Nino is the main girl, though
People tend to really hold a grudge on scenes like that like they happened for real and never let go, probably even if the girl apologized for it
I quite enjoy scenes like that, they're pretty funny, but then you get replies like "you wouldn't like being drugged in real life", well no shit but it's just fiction and i happen to enjoy it
>2 - May have speedread this part, but during the flashforward where they have to put the rings on there's an awkward pause despite Raiha giving them the rings, what was that about? Since at that point i already thought Miku was the winner i tried recalling scenes involving a ring and her, but nothing came to mind
because he wants to give her the bracelet instead. To fulfill some promise he made 5 years ago.
How would she be in the lead of he doesn't know it's her?
Is there some rule that who kisses him first wins? (I'm not talking about meta)
>well no shit but it's just fiction and i happen to enjoy it
You just like bottom of the barrel tsundere cunts.
Because the kiss wasn't perfect and she literally stated he might hate her if she's an bad kisser. Negi is slick, not leaving any loose ends that would outright deny her as the kisser.
Why didn't he give her the bracelet, then?
What is there to be afraid of with this girl?
Being Lolikano is a loss flag and it hasn't changed.
I'm just the type of guy that you can wash off the bad acts and not being reprimanded for them until you die
Success breeds insecurities
Amazing despair, user.
because Miku is not the bride, dumb mikufag speedreader.
>Bad kisser
Fuu doesn't have any experience from kissing, how would he know a good one from a bad one user?
We Nisekoi now
>loves him the most because she said it
>loves him the most because I feel it
Stop it, please. It sounds stupid and you know it.
Tell me the truth user, how much will you suffer if your favorite quint doesn't win?
Bell kisser is a loser flag user I know she didn't do it and I don't want it to be her.
I really want to suck on those toes.
She thinks she's in the lead because she was the first one to properly confess to him. But she doubts herself because he's not conscious of her. While ninobros thinks this doubt is because she was a bad kisser. But how would fuu know a good kiss from a bad kiss? He's never been kissed before, except once while asleep by Ichika.
Ya let's compare some girl that literally spent 1 day talking with him and fell in love and never saw him again in over 5 years.
Yotsuba can't even love herself let alone another person.
Ask Nino, not me. She's the one who's insecure about kissing him perfectly and thinking he'll genuinely hate her.
All of them
It's some stupid thing a sheltered girl thought up.
It doesn't matter if Fuutarou would or not.
What matters it that she thought he might hate her for it
never try to kiss someone, I guess
hint: the teeth hit
>disagreeing just for the sake of being a contrarian.
You're not making yourself look cool by doing posting shit like this, you know?
Well yeah. I could work with both options.
And about the other part, Tou have your answer there:
too bad for you, she's the kisser
>1 day
Yes, let's just forget eveyrthing that has happened in the present chapters. Now fuck off
>Accepted him right away
>Helped him make friends
>Took him to her special place
>Listens to his problems
>Supports him
>Inspires him
>Makes him a better man
>Drugs him
>Forces herself on him
>Doesn't care about his family
>Forcibly gives him the nickname Fuu-kun
>Joins the same place he works at so she can continue to stalk him
>Desperate for his attention
>Doesn't know what real love is
>Will never hear the words "I love you Nino" from fuu's mouth.
Wow, fantastic edit! I'm impressed with my Ninobros.
> choosing to forget everything Nino and Fuutarou have also been through
You should fuck off too.
What, i always thought the kisser wasnt made obvious on purpose because we were told the bride kissed him on that day
Yeah, Nino had the plan to kiss him, but i think the author didnt want to just tell us the answer right away
>choosing to forget everything Nino and Fuutarou have also been through
>drugs MC
>MC still nice to her
>she falls in love
>she confessed
Wow, what a significant turn out of events! Just accept it, Nino's love for him is shallow as fuck.
>i think the author didnt want to just tell us the answer right away
He obviously isn't gonna reveal who this mysterious person was (Rena, Lolikano as example) but he will always drop subtle hints.
All this arguing for the 1000th time is getting tiresome.
No one will convince anyone if that would mean their favourite has worse chances or their least favourite has better chances
Yeah, but we don't see that. We only see her doubting herself because she confessed and he shows no interest in her at all. So she joins his job so he will notice her. But Ichika said you'd need to do more than just confess in order for someone to be conscious of you. So her reasoning for joining the same place he works at falls flat, if she had another reason like wanting to be close to him that would make sense. But she doesn't, she starts working there so he will notice her, because she didn't get to kiss him.
Yeah. Fuu-kun loves Nino.
I'm quite fond of her honest attitude, i'm also an advocate for no form of love is better or worse than another, you just do you
>valid points on why miku is going to be the winner
>cant think of anything that remotely resembles a counterpoint
user, hate to break it to you but youre the cringe here. seethe harder.
Man the anti-Ninofags are out in full force today.
How is this even remotely manipulative Yotsuba was even trying to hide the whole Lolikano part because she doesn't want Fuu to get botched down by it.
Unless by manipulative, you mean Negi is manipulating the readers' emotion by revealing the flashback at this stage. Even then, I don't fully understand your point
Cringing at the speed reading newfag
No idea why can't it really be something as simple as that instead of of some complicated turn of events or a 10 year love buildup
>Bell kisser is a loser flag
Good time to clean up these threads
She wanted to work with him because she loves him so she'll obviously want to be closer to him and make her feelings to him more known. Wanting to work with him "because she didn't get to kiss him" is an invalid assumption.
>But Ichika said you'd need to do more than just confess in order for someone to be conscious of you
Ichika is full of shit. She wanted to dissuade Nino from pursuing Fuutarou.
As chapter 71 shows, he's been concious of her this entire time.
>But she doesn't, she starts working there so he will notice her,
Pic related
>because she didn't get to kiss him.
Why didn't she try to kiss him after the trip, then?
>muh parallels
>muh delusions
>muh headcanon
why do you think Fuutarou checked the quints lips? Because it was swollen from hitting his front teeth.
The only thing i think i've speedread is the thing about the rings scene tho
found the retard.
Because that user doesn't like Nino.
That's all there is to it
>Since no-one likes to talk about who the bride might be
I see people talk about that all of the time
>who do you guys want to win least?
In order:
Nino cause her personality can get really annoying, Negi pushes her too much out of favoritism, and watching the Ninofags seethe would make my week
Miku cause she has no chemistry with Fuutarou, huge doormat but still wants to win, and it'll feel like she won just because Negi doesn't want to piss off half of his fanbase
Ichika cause she's a snake but at the same time it'd be kind of funny if she won despite all of that
Itsuki cause there's no real reason to hate her or her fans but her winning would feel like main girl syndrome and I'd probably like her more if she wasn't the obvious pick for the bride. Wouldn't be mad if she won but it'd just feel kind of dull and predictable, exactly what you don't want an ending to be like
I have no problem with Yotsuba actually, she's been nice and supportive the whole story and has some of my favorite moments in the series. But if she does win her arc about pursuing what she wants HAS be satisfying and not just rushed
Do I expect her to win though? No way. Huge lose flags after the newest chapter but I always like rooting for the underdog
You're an asspull. Now go read all of Yotsuba's scenes again and see how good Negi is as a storyteller.
Further proof that Nino is full of shit. She knows nothing about others' feelings and just goes "I love him the most because I said so". Reminder that she fell for the Kintarou meme after seeing his looks alone, further proving that her crush was shallow af
I just remembered Fuut stopped getting close up of the quints lips after Nino. He probably thinks it's Nino considering he's always keeping stuff like knowing Miku was in love with him in his head till he gets full confirmation.
Why do they have different hair colors?
>Huge lose flags after the newest chapter
What makes you think it's a loser flag?
A lot of anons day otherwise.
You drew this? Good job, keep up the splendid work user
Do you have an account where you post your art that I can follow?
>"these fucking Ninofags are convinced that Nino is the winner"
>"okay so using Miku and Ichika doesn't have that effect anymore..."
>Yotsuba arc begins
>"perfect! now there's someone I can use against them now!"
It's obvious how many of the anti-ninofags jumped onto Yotsuba. Especially since they are making the exact same arguments.
he stopped because it passed the time period
I was thinking about that too, but it might be because he's fed up with it just like with trying to figure out who Rena is
Marketing ploy. Canonically they all have the same hair color.
>Why Fuutarou did not realize that the girls are quint in the first chapter ?? While now he can not even identify them without their accessories? ¿
Holy shit. Now I have to agree with the user who said two days ago that fags on Yea Forums are ship jumping, this type of shitposting ITT happened with other girls too, it's Yotsuba's turn now. I guess next month will be Itsuki's.
injures heal don't you now?
Don't worry user, it's never too late to catch up on this story and it probably won't be the last time you read it all over again. I just had to read this chapter all over again because of and just to find if Negi left extra hints around. The only thing I discovered is that Nino is best girl.
It doesn't matter what Ichika is, her words towards nino she took to heart. Since Ichika said this before getting in the way of Nino.
She wants to get closer to him so he will notice her.
>Why didn't she try to kiss him after the trip
She probably still does user, she just hasn't found the right time to do so.
Agreed. This one chapter has giving us more to talk about than any chapter since 59, and half of it isn't cancer this time
Who would've expected this from a Yotsuba chapter of all things?
This. Yotsubafags are normally more civil and wouldn't do some shit like this, so it isn't that subtle
Yotsuba’s been making bowl winning moves recently. Her being the class rep with Fuu is sure to pay our huge dividends as we transition back into school life.
The hell you're talking about? It's stupid because "love the most" is a subjective concept. You can't debate on something like that. Don't be so dense, user, I didn't even try to trigger you
Will Zetsuba return or did Genkitsuba put her out of her misery?
Also consider people who are just picking up the series. I only started reading last week, and I can clearly tell the Yotsuba market is experiencing a boom.
I don't think people jump ship. xfags become more vocal. And Ninofags have plenty of haters anyway.
Still some cancer though. But it's easy to ignore.
Agreed. I was bewildered seeing how Yotsubafags were acting in this thread and I remembered how Ichikafags and Mikufags acted like 10 chapters ago. It's the exact same with the same arguments.
Which Gotoubun would white bois pick?
You probably weren't referring to me but I said something similar 5 days ago
can't be helped, mikufags were "but-"ed into oblivion. It is understandable that they are buttmad.
Are you guys for real? Lmao.
>the anti-ninofags jumped onto Yotsuba.
Itsuki is the only rival against Nino because this worst rule muh first girl.
Unfortunately for anti nino this rule Negi sama don't like i and the other girls are not in the bowl.
White bois come in all sorts of flavors, you got to be more specific. Insecure ones would pick Miku for sure.
That doesn't prove anything, retards. Why would she consider the kiss when it was bad and he didn't recognize her?
So how long do you guys think it's gonna be until the ending?
Doesn't seem to me this is gonna go for something like 200 chapters since the tutor thing is already gone and it's full romance now with the mc already aware of it, but how many arcs?
That's depressing as fuck. Personally, I liked the good reputation we had as Yotsufags up until now. Makes me wish she hadn't gotten this arc.
Why do Mexicans love Nino?
less than 120 chs
Same You seems too desperate to convince everyone around that you're right.
I think the manga is going to end either on 113 since that would be the end of volume 13 or somewhere in the 120s with volume 14. Mostly because it feels like Negi is in a rush to finish the series and that would overlap with his desired time frame from that one interview.
She loves him, so she wants to be closer with him. That's it.
>She probably still does user, she just hasn't found the right time to do so.
Well, nothing suggests that.
During the trip she was hell-bent on kissing him even though Maruo was luring in the shadows and she had to wear a disguise for Grandpa.
Yet she still tried.
Now she's working with him alone and never tried to kiss him again.
It's a bit curious.
>Low IQ ninofag rage
Cope handicap
>. Mostly because it feels like Negi is in a rush to finish the series
People should stop thinking this. He said he'd focus more on Fuut's feelings and now he has been sidelined.
>I don't think people jump ship
They do, especially in a series where the 'first girl' doesn't exist according to the author. Yotsubafags never resorted to dumb shit like "Takebayashi was not his first love, it was Yotsuba".
>Ninofags can't handle the truth
>and now he has been sidelined.
Fuutarou's feeling will continue to develop when he's with Nino
Now this is getting pathetic
Honestly i gotta hand it to the author for succeeding in making a believable "no first main girl" setting
Obviously one of them had to be the first, but he avoided the problem by making her not run for the competition, at least not as clearly as the other 3, and instead do her own stuff
Yotsubatards are just showing their true colours
Dude probably wants to spend quality alone time with his daughter and mangakas are infamous for never having a lot of personal time. That's why I think he wants to finish this year or early next year.
Technically the first girl introduced is the bride. We know the bride wins, so first girl wins again.
Ninofags deserve it.
best taste user
Nino is the main girl, though.
Damn, can't argue with that, should i call him a hack then?
He also needs money to raise her.
Mind telling me how I'm wrong then?
>Keep saying that for the past year
>Everyone shits on me because muh Itsuki
Oh, how the turns have tabled
Just came here to post that I like Yotsuba and I hope she wins but have no hard feelings on any of the other girls winning instead.
holy based
Go read ch83
>not matter who loves him first or other shit, Nino loves him the most. End.
Fuck off you obvious falseflagger
Been a while since i followed a series where i don't really have a girl i want to win, but instead to not win
Makes it sound that i find all of them bad and i just want the least worse option, but it's more like a few of them are pretty good and i'd be fine either way, but i just don't want the ones i'm not that fond of to win
Bump limit hit, move to New thread
Late to the party but 2. There will be too much smug. Umbearable.
I think that if that's your mindset you should just leave. Clearly this place isn't for you.
I want to hear Nino speak English
My favorite two hate each other and there's barely any art of them together
But I'm not even a Ninofag. She's my least favourite. I'm just trying to be rational.
Honestly i'm an avid supporter of this, i really don't like the concept that more time=more love
To me it just speaks that you had all that time and decided to do squats with it
That's because i'm quite enjoying Nino's honest gung-ho attitude, despite it being effective or not
1- dropping the honorific can be a sign of closeness and is common for married couples not to use honorifics when talking to each other so whoever ends up aa the bride would at some point start calling him just Fuutarou
2-there are many theories about possible wedding shenanigans including the bride being a stand in for the real bride or it could just be a red herring to make people discuss and overthink stuff
>Nino said she loves Fuu the most so it must be true.
>Negi to make Nino give up on Fuutarou completely.
I bet that were Negi go and the "give up" for Fuutarou sake it's will be Nino victory
Based as fuck.
>My favorite two hate each other
The quints love each other though?
>including the bride being a stand in for the real bride
Impossible. By that time Fuut can distinguish them too.
Kill yourself subhuman
Childhood friend and promised girl are some of the biggest loser flags you can get user, I envy anybody who has enough hope to think otherwise
>still replying to the same post
>She knows nothing about others' feelings and just goes "I love him the most because I said so
It more Nino assuming her feelings for him not like her sisters bullshit
Kill yourself subhuman
The scene where the 4 unchosen girls are gonna go full abloobloo and lick their wounds while still mantaining a supportive attitude to their sister is gonna suck, how are you preparing for the inevitable?
But Hinata was the childhood friend and won.
>All countered by destiny and the red string of fate because they got to meet each other again by sheer amount of luck.
The whole point there was that he didn't have childhood friends tho
Chitoge was a childhood friend although they forgot about it
At this point i'm just betting on authors breaking cliches on purposes
To ninofags
Naruto isn't a romcom
>>Listens to his problems
>>Supports him
>>Inspires him
>>Makes him a better man
God I wish she'd stick that finger up my pee hole and chip her nail in it
I just wrote off Miku as the winner even disregarding the fact that she has the major scenes because she's always the one that has the lines that the main winner girl would have
Like in a lot of minor cases the focus is always her, i just got that impression when reading it
The fact that she was the one being recognized under disguise was just the final confirmation for me, i don't see how the author can choose a different girl as a winner after that
G-guys, what's going on here? You all look a little bit angrier than usual
The theory is that Fuuts is either in on the ruse or that he noticed the change and that's why he wanted to skip the rings
Nino always wake up Fuutarou true personality!!!
>She talks to him directly when she wants to tells him something good or bad >not fake smile
>not fake joke
>not fake feelings
>not fake confession
Nino is the most honest with him.The two understand each other.
When? I don't remember anything like that happening
For me it's because all the other girls are way too supportive of her and only her, there's no motivational speech or date planning for the others like the others do for Miku
Sounds to me like she's gonna win because otherwise all this support is gonna be wasted
Kill yourself subhuman
Anime was a mistake
That's exactly why Miku won't win
From my point of view it's too big of a thing to be just a red herring, it's something that was there from the start and only got bigger as chapters went on, so it makes me think it's gonna bear the fruits
The majority of people predicted it before it was revealed and there's been a shit ton of foreshadowing that only makes sense after this chapter
Not really, even if only for the reason that Yotsuba had to at least be *something* before the story was over
Any speculation made here on the motive for the bride switching theory? I'm quite interested
Inb4 the bride just slept in and was late
You, my good sir, are a legend