One Punch Man

>still no episode 9
Where is it?

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TVTokyo cancelled it after their shafted the WDM fight. That was their redeeming chance and they blew it. Badly.

it's delayed to next tuesday because of tennis you brainlet, it's been two days and you still somehow don't know

>you brainlet, it's been two days and you still somehow don't know
you anime fans are delusional to think that everyone spends his days on fansites discussing their favourite shows and reading news about it
i wonder what you say about the fact that i missed season 2 even existed until it was 7 episodes in

You could have just searched the archives instead of being such a cocksucking faggot.

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cry harder sis

This is a male only board

For me, it's kill yourself.

The hell are you doing here then.

I actually refused to believe this isn't a meme, what the fuck's wrong with japs

i know. that was an insult you if haven't noticed

>fucking tennis

Nuke Japan

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>weebs hating physical activities
no wonder all of you are either obese or underweight

we're all little girls in here, newfag

Japs have absolute shit taste when it comes to sports, despite classics like Tsubasa and Slam Dunk influencing the entire globe these fucking retards choose to play basebore (imagine playing the national sport of the country that nuked you twice, fucking stockholm syndrome ameriboo cucks), and apparently fucking tennis

This. Newfrens Don't know the history of this board. They weren't here when MOOT rained his fiery vengeance and banned all of Yea Forums when he banned women

>shit taste in sport

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>telling everybody you are a filthy casual on Yea Forums
This isn't leddit, newfag-kun.

>the newfag that uses cis is also a frogposter

man, what happened?

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JC staff

i wish he was my wife

This isn't lebbit, you won't be praised for your newfaggotry.