Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The shop for not having cereal

The ninja maid he went there with

The soup

the medical profession for not allowing Purp the time to continue abridging.

Clovis from beyond the grave.

Where was he anyway?

At soup


Why was he at the soup store?

Buying clothes

hard to imagine that boomers actually think this shit is funny.


Who buys clothes at the soup store?

Wrong audience, you probably meant 13 year olds.



Society, for making people need clothes

Yes crab!

This always reminded me of those GI Joe PSA parodies and Space Ghost Coast to Coast

No, because crabs walk sideways!

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Lelouch, for not getting it.

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Kino moment

this thread is what Yea Forums considers funny?
holy shit this sucks

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