Is it true that having sex gets rid of all the "boy" in you like it did for Baki-kun?
Is it true that having sex gets rid of all the "boy" in you like it did for Baki-kun?
What's all that cum on the ground for
Not true, had sex twice and I'm still a faggot that watches anime.
I had sex like 4 times and I am an even bigger faggot than you are, maybe it actually gets worse
here's my premise for an anime: it's a battle shonen but the protagonist gets more powerful when he has sex with different world renowned hot girls so he has to build his dream harem to become the champion of the world or some shit
If he isn't masturbating, why does he need all those tissues?
You can still be a boy even after becoming father.
Now I know to never have sex in my life, thanks!
Had sex once too like these faggots
But it was with a dude so that might muddy results
I had sex and I hate myself even more than I did when I was a virgin
Sex doesn't make you a man, loss of a loved one does
it didn't, real sex is massively overrated. i enjoy my hentai masturbation sessions more than sex.
in a stable relationship and don't watch anime
That's what I figured. Baki losing his virginity was so cringey because they made it look like he was transcending life itself.
As of anyone on this site would know
Wow this, women can be cruel.
Imagine having to clean that room, you would be picking up semen covered tissues for hours
Also imagine the stench
>tissues during sex
Do Japanese really do this?
Did your boy dissapeared when you jerk off?
you don't become chad just because you manage to knock off some stacy
If anything, sex puts even more limiters on you.
I'm still a virgin, but where I work, all the other guys have wives or girlfriends. They're all, every single one of them, whipped as fuck. All they do put of work is in the hopes their lady will give them a shitty handjob, and they get depressed if they don't have sex. Most guys are like this. The only guy I know who's bot a virgin or whipped is my cousin. His gf sounds like the one who has a bigger libido, but he only has one testicle (lost one to testicular torsion), so I dunno if that plays into his not being whipped.
does it count as a sex if your dick isn't touched at all during it?
Must suck being them. My gf goes out of her way to please me sexually and doesn't require me to work for it or use it as a tool to control me.
gfs with feminine penis don't count tho
Of course not, now bend over
Stop having sex.
I'm positive this already exists, most probably a shitty LN or something
Don't have sex.
Was this subplot supposed to be taken seriously? It was really silly and bizarre but I couldn't tell if that was intentional or not.
A daring synthesis
Baki is an unintentional comedy at times and thats part of what makes it so great
>It was really silly and bizarre but I couldn't tell if that was intentional or not.
I feel the same with 90% of the stuff that happens in Baki
>holy shit all those cucked losers having SEX
lmao @ u
i used to have sex but the girl was a massive cum slut and it made me curious so i started sucking dicks and now im gay
who don't clean your love milk off your girls ass when you're do... ohh wait...
I think they were dead serious. Men do get big confidence boost from validation from woman. A cashier complimented me on my fitness once and I ran extra hard that day savoring the moment.
You're supposed to fuck girls, not guys, you faggots
Thank you for confirming this /fit
You become an adult once you realize how the corporate world / money / wealth work and once you realized real love doesnât exist.
>it's an edgy manchild thinks he's an adult episode
>muh nihilism
Wow user do you also like Rick & Morty?
Real love does exist it's just a finite pool that you can't expect to carry. Eventually love fades a sad truth but that is more reason to not go with anyone that you can't have a conversation with..
I've had sex like 6 times and I'm gay now
Had sex a couple hundred times in my life total, nothing in your life changes. It's only nice when sex is something guaranteed and trivial. You so craving and thinking about every second. Not the case right now. Right now I'm on incel level almost
After sex, you'll stop caring so much about girls and you can focus more on training.
It's like when you can't focus on anime because you're horny, so you jack off so you can focus again.
only with someone you truly love. anyone else and you become even more of a pleb
That is what my Uncle Roy told me before our sleepover. Turned out he was wrong.