Episode 10 out. 2 or 3 episodes remain, going by BDs
Million Arthur S2
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Is this yuri
Thank you for being Danchou, Danchou
My future wife Renkin is so cute.
Is this true?
What chips? Am I missing something?
To have a chip on one's shoulder refers to the act of holding a grudge or grievance that readily provokes disputation. It can also mean a person thinking too much of oneself or feeling entitled.
And completely different from anything I was expecting as well.
Extremely important and necessary detail
*teleports behind you*
Yea Forums's shishou.
This was a good episode.
It's a small shame there were no lolicon feelings involved, just an old man who gets off to the idea of his master cleaning his ears mind-controlling women so he can pleasure himself to him cleaning their ears.
>Renkin is so tiny that even Kakka can imagine
Only 2 stitches from this episode.
Dancho is my religion.
Praise Dancho.
nice chinchin
It chose the funnier route. It managed to subvert my expectations multiple times in quite quick succession.
I bet she'll be the last one to gattai.
>Bodach (Old Irish also botach) is the Irish word for a tenant, a serf or peasant. It is derived from bod (Old Irish bod) "tail, penis".[1]
I want to rub my bodach on her DFC.
There's not enough time for 1 character gattai per episode now so I assume they'll end up with a few happening during the same crisis.
I wouldn't mind if the show stays silly but I can't see them completely dropping the idea that Pharsalia was supposed to be some sort of threat so maybe Danchou's would happen during whatever she is supposed to be doing.
I'm expecting everyone else to get a somewhat quick gattai while taking care of random Arthurs, then Dancho fails at hers until shit gets really real in the final fight and it finally happens. This show is very good at subverting expectations though so who knows how it will really go.
Gay wedding
Season 3 when
Ending skit subs yet?
Considering how background Rurou has felt this season his gattai arc could just be a minute long or happen off-screen.
A shame considering between seasons I watched most of Tokyo Encounter so was more looking forward to Rurou this time, not that I'd trade that for how much yuri this season has had.
>Ohys disappears for last week, Leopard only shows up with episode's 9 raw yesterday
>suddenly Ohys shows up with 10's raw
Something feels off though.
Stupid sexy Touzoku.
Why is her cowlick a swastika?
It's actually a fidget spinner.
Between youtube and niconico the Jakusansei videos always get 200k+ views within days so I assume at least that will keep going for as long as they want to.
Hopefully some of that popularity is shared with this series so we get more seasons and the 10 people here watching it isn't a good representation of how it's doing in Japan.
>Threads on /r/anime only get 2 replies, one of which is the autobot
What are you doing on that site?
I want to use Yamaneko's butt as pillow.
Keeping tabs on the enemy
Yuka iguchi is so fucking good
There are 3 episodes to go, plus 2 specials sometime in autumn. That was the original plan, no idea why MAL listed 11 episodes for S2 for a long time. Probably because they suck and they're faggots.
>tfw no Jakusansei to end every episode with
Fucking Ryuuji, wouldn't even have taken him long to copy the subs from CR and add the 1.5 minutes of Jakusansei.
>"b-but maybe they'll release it in 10000 years, why work on it?"
Fuck the ED is too damn good.
Season 3 SOON
The second song in the ED album takes a surprisingly different direction.
Lolis are quick to recognize lewdness.
Did the finally get married?
She's been researching stuff and around Danchou for long enough to know.
Wow, who is the lucky guy that Renkin is going to get married to?
KI-TE MI-TE was still the best out of all of them.
translations for the ending short WHEEEEEN?
Never. I don't understand why funimation cut this out, but added their gay intro.
I hope they lose in court regarding this US VA shitfest.
Didn't Boharch and Renkin used to be about the same height? For some reason Renkin looks smaller than usual compared to everyone, not just Boharch
Everything is great except the dumb ball gloves.
I want handjobs with Renkin's big dumb cute gloves.
>while taking care of random Arthurs
I see them doing gattai to fight Pharsalia Arthur friends, like Tekken taking that Mercenary from last episode or Yama-chan facing the Idol
She's always been very small.
all the combines got spoiled by screenshots for the game
Is the game as gay as the show?
>ear cuck
truly some next level shit
I worship dancho, but can i worship right?
no idea, but it focuses on the team from the anime which means it has Danchou which means most likely
We also had Milli-chan or whatever in the Nepshit game who was pretty much danchou so the series is probably going down that angle
>why funimation cut this out,
They don't have the rights for the shorts I guess since its technically a different product
Such a master.
Dancho needs to get fisted by one of the girls
>check the dub cast
oh no
Alexis Tipton is great though.
Most of the women that do Funidubs sound fat, though I guess Danchou isn't bad
but I meant it has HER as Bodach
Of course this couldn't have been the face of evil.
Does ear cleaning feel this good? General medical advice is to never insert anything into the ear canal because it's harmful.
It's some Japanese thing.
I don't know why but he felt kind of likeable
what ending short are you guys talking about
is it like a chibi version of the show
see They're some batshit insane shorts
not nearly enough.
I think these change a bit more than just having more things added every episode so maybe we need stitches of it for every episode.
>Kakka's hair piece wiggles when Bridgette talks
>Renkin's lantern doesn't do anything when Bodach talks