Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

is this Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

or should it be Yea Forums?

dunno but their cartoon forms make me hard

Was it made in Japan?
Then yes, it’s Yea Forums

No, it's a cartoon. It belongs on Yea Forums.

It should be Yea Forums.

It's got some anime in it like attached gif but it's mostly Yea Forums.

That's retarded. Anime is an iconic Japanese originating style. Here's the definition.
Learn to pronounce
noun: anime
a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.

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The part where they're stripping in the casino is so fucking hot.

Attached: stocking buy me.png (2210x5000, 1.08M)

It’s anime and belongs on Yea Forums, the style doesn’t matter.

I think you might be retarded.


I think you might be the retarded one, my friend.

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I feel like I remember Inferno Cop threads on Yea Forums


or ninja slayer threads

>the Castlevania thread is still up hours later

Attached: modsarentdoingtheirjob.png (1598x761, 1.57M)

Why do the mods hate us so?

this board gets exactly what it deserves

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You could probably post it in Yea Forums and Yea Forums and be fine.

It deserves better.

This. It's definitely more Yea Forums though.

>piss shit gargle
I only do this shit because you shat on what I like first and you're generally insufferable as well as a breathing cliche.

No.Take this shit to Yea Forums.

>studio Gainax's last real hurrah
>is this Yea Forums?
Are you dumb?

It's Yea Forumsshit.

Pants & Sock with Gertrudebelt
fuck off

Fuck off. This shit was an embarrassment. Last good thing they did was EVA.

Are you the same autist that shits up FLCL threads?

By your definition avatar is Yea Forums

>hurrr it's not anime unless it's one specific style
Are you guys retarded?

So, who hold the right?

Wow, you sure showed them.

This. Don't know why it's so hard for newfags to grasp.

Anime is a style. Country of origin doesn't matter

Your opinion is like putting your face next to an anus and breathing deeply

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I have no clue what you're on about. I've not seen flcl. Also fuck you. I'm not autistic, you are.

Imagine the shitposting if this came out today

It's some guy who has issues with gainax, he does this constantly.

>shit lagan

Who the fuck knows? It's almost certainly not Imaishi himself and trigger wasn't even formed yet. It's either at Gaina or whatever is left of Gainax but whether or not Gainax even exists after Gaina splintered off is basically a mystery.

Not anime. Take this calarts ripoff to Yea Forums.

>reddit lagan
Take a look in the fucking mirror.

Shrivel up and die already you boomer. How are those rebuilds coming along? I personally don't think they added enough CGI to them yet.

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God this was so cancerous. Hopefully he will return Gainax to it's former glory after Triggershit like this killed the studio.

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It's time to unite with Yea Forums

Let me ask you something. Do you think avatar and castlevania should be allowed on Yea Forums?

Why do you faggots have to shit up PSG threads?

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If TTGL is truly a reddit anime than I must say they have better taste than what I'm seeing from Yea Forums in this thread.

Did you not know, anime is short for the "animation" part of the name of the company which invented it: Kyoto Animation

It's not like the way OP started us off helped.

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It seems like there's been a lot of these lately. Probably too many, because then they end up like this.

Speak for yourself dumby, not everyones a bitter asshole who cant enjoy fun things.

yes its Yea Forums. now let's post obvious best girl

Attached: kneesocks.jpg (1500x844, 199K)

>obvious best girl

Attached: Panty.jpg (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Way better than shit lagan and clannad.

Would you a demon Yea Forums?

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Ahh, I see now. Flcl/trigger shitposter is bored again.
>inb4 500 replies of samefagging

Angels are better.

Attached: Angels.jpg (1280x1829, 186K)

Not anime, make this shit on Yea Forums next time.

>not anime
>made in Japan

Great thread.

So? All animation is a style of audiovisual media.

>was eva good?
>was it better if you watched EoE instead of episode 25 and 26?
>is it better than clannad?
>is either version better than TTGL?
Fuck no.

Don't see anyone with gainax issues here cartoonfag. On that note EVA is the best anime.

Oh right right. So then what was the problem with the Avatar threads then?
Anime is not just a style, its also a subculture that comes from Japan. If its not Japanese then its not anime. Otherwise, korean cartoons would also be considered anime.

Are you trying to prove something with this reply?

>>made in Japan
lol and? most anime is outsourced to chinks and koreans. Also Houseki no Kuni opening was not made in japan


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PSG is made in japan, by a japanese studio, what exactly about it is cartoon?

and yet threads about the Boondocks and Avatar get deleted on sight

i dont care whether its Yea Forums or Yea Forums i just want S2

Don't pay attention to these newfags. Yea Forums went apeshit for TTGL back in the day.

Cry more redditor.

It's not going to happen, I think. The landscape of the medium has changed too much. If we got S2 it would have had to release in 2012 or so. As it stands it's almost been 10 years. Most anime viewers don't even know it exists at this point, let alone give a fuck about it.

>The landscape of the medium has changed too much
In what way? Pop team epic did pretty well.

You are astoundingly retarded.

>PSG is made in japan, by a japanese studio
That means nothing. So was star wars the clone wars.

>what exactly about it is cartoon?
It's literally humorous, simplistic and exaggerated.

It's a japanese animation.

Not fucking anime. Get lost to Yea Forums

This. Not all Japanese animation are anime/japanimation.

>It's literally humorous, simplistic and exaggerated.
Do you think pic related is Yea Forums as well?

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Mostly yea.(except for the obvious anime styled opening) That's the literal definition of a fucking cartoon user.

So Shin-Chan, Kaiji and Ping Pong aren’t anime?

On a one hand, it's an animation which was produced by japs in Japan.
On the other hand, they fuck, so it's definitely not Yea Forums.
Angels are demons, user.

Thank you. These newfags need to lurk more and watch more than 3 anime.

Opinion fucking discarded then, go back to discord.

Never used discord you projecting faglord.

I still don't understand why this user spends literally 10+ hours a day shitposting trigger/gainax threads to death. What's his end game?


So you are a redditor then? It doesn't matter where you came from, all that matters is that you go back and never leave again.

This. It's too good for co anyway.

You go back to discord first.

This. This is the core rule of Yea Forums and anyone who argues otherwise is a retard.

inb4 go to Yea Forums

Pop team epic wasn't nearly as sexual as psg. In fact the humour itself is completely different.

go to Yea Forums


More like Yea Forums is too good for it. Literally discount calarts for fucks sake. ahahaha

So what you are saying is that the climate nowadays is sexual = bad? There are plenty of fanservice anime getting released.

I know. But that was Yea Forums of yesteryear, not our wonderful nu/a/ full of contrarians, falseflagging discord teens and seasonalshitters with grandage taste.

Oh I'm crying, tears of laughter at your cut and past tryhard boogeyman routine.

I would say it's stylized and animated way better than the average "calarts"-style cartoon, but you're blatantly shitposting so why even bother.

it's anime satan kun

An answer lies in the question, user.
They're faggots, therefore they cannot help it.

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this shit scream Yea Forums

I'd buy stocking.

There's a large difference between fanservice ""comedy"" and the quite vulgar humor of PSG, and, yeah I get the feeling that isn't very palatable for modern audiences.

Anime means the Japanese animation. Nothing more, nothing less.
If some jap in nipponland will create an animation which copies the style of Tom & Jerry, that's still an anime.

I'm rolling my eyes to the entire thread.
You people are fucking ignorant



Me too. PSG is literally a cartoon. It belongs on Yea Forums.

The dance the only good part. Rest is Yea Forumsshit.

Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and thought "my life consists of spamming the shit out of threads I don't like, where did it all go so wrong?"

>says the homo who's spamming the castlevania thread

Worst fucking canon relationship

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>everyone I don't like is the same person
Just so you know, I hid that thread the moment it popped up.

Stocking has the most disgusting fetishes

Get therapy dude.

Reminder that Panty may be a slut, but she is unrelentingly vanilla.

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that sums up my thoughts about the entire cartoon to be quite honest

>he's still at it

Attached: bro why.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

>everyone I don't like is the same person

Legend of Korra must be anime then. Especially season 2, since it was animated by Studio Pierrot. By that vein, I guess so is Netflix Voltron, Last Airbender, Totally Spies?

It's Yea Forums, because it was made in Japan. The same goes for Gregory Horror Show for example.
If this is the right definition then take your fucking RWBY threads back to Yea Forums. We don't want them on Yea Forums.

RWBY is 3dpd lmao. It hardly looks like anime.

>3D anime is not anime

>anime made outside of japan is not anime

>If this is the right definition then take your fucking RWBY threads back to Yea Forums.
All or none, no exceptions and 'special cases'.

That's not the fucking style. It's just jap animation. We need a normal animation board anyway.

this is more anime than netflix's castlevania will ever be. fuck of back to Yea Forums fucking falseflagging niggers

>dumb PSGnigger outs himself as the castlevania hate spammer
Burn in hell.

Castlevania is anime, deal with it.

>that episode where Stocking fell in love with the fat ghost that wouldn't stop farting

Attached: santiana-laughing.gif (540x304, 1.6M)

When are mods going to nuke this off topic shit? It's not even anime.

Of course not. Cant you read? This is the Anime and Manga board. That shit is a cartoon.

it is but its animated in a style close to western cartoons. If its animated and from japan its an anime

>2012 was 15 years ago.

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Yea Forumsshit no question


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>This pointless thread AGAIN
How many times did we discussed this since it aired?

Google says it's anime, Cannipa says it's anime, Netflix says it's anime. You just keep seething PSGtard.

Cut OP some slack, he's only watched 2 anime. If he'd seen more he'd obviously be able to tell it's not anime.

LOL no

I havent even watched psg. but it was produced by gainax and even has a corresponding manga, so it's clearly anime. castlevania is just netflix trash with no ties to japan. fuck off

Are you the OP of the castlevania thread? Why to you feel the need to spam the thread of a show you don't like?

Yea Forumsbsolutely

Yes. Now please keep this shit there.

>with no ties to japan
No one will take you seriously if write this BS PSGspammer. It's obviously anime styled.

No. It's a cartoon so it belongs on Yea Forums.

anime is not a style

>anime is not a style, Yea Forumsspammer.

>anime styled

So you agree that it's not anime, just in the style of anime. Thank you.

>flclshitter has been at it for 4 and a half hours

>Anime styled japanese animation made by a japanese studio in japan is not anime

The only difference between Yea Forums and Yea Forums is taste. Good taste like P&S belongs on Yea Forums.

>watered down calarts
>Yea Forums

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You're the one who called it anime-styled, not me. It's not my problem if you don't hold faith in your own point of view.

What's that?

are you retarded?

you mean """anime styled""" american animation made by an american studio in america is not anime

havent you necked yourself yet?

style (noun)
\ ˈstī(-ə)l \
Definition of style (Entry 1 of 3)
2a : a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech)
writes with more attention to style than to content
the flowery style of 18th century prose
b : a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself
the formal style of the court
his style is abrasive
also : a particular mode of living
in high style
c : a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed
a unique style of horseback riding
the classical style of dance
b : GNOMON sense 1b
c : the filiform usually elongated part of the pistil bearing a stigma at its apex
d : a slender elongated process (such as a bristle) on an animal
4 : a distinctive quality, form, or type of something
a new dress style
the Greek style of architecture
5a : the state of being popular : FASHION
clothes that are always in style
b : fashionable elegance
c : beauty, grace, or ease of manner or technique
an awkward moment she handled with style
6 : a convention with respect to spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and typographic arrangement and display followed in writing or printing
style verb
styled; styling
Definition of style (Entry 2 of 3)
transitive verb

1 : to call or designate by an identifying term : NAME
2a : to give a particular style to
b : to design, make, or arrange in accord with the prevailing mode
-style adjective combining form or adverb combining form

Definition of -style (Entry 3 of 3)
: being in the style of
a Beaujolais-style wine

You are wasting yet another day away on this stupid shitposting. Why?

If you're not the FLCL dude, why even bother responding?

In a heartbeat. They’re doing each other, too, so it’s a guaranteed threesome - or should I say, “Devil’s 3-way”

Why the fuck did the FLCL dude decide to target PSG? I get that the OP did not help, but what's his fucking issue?

Fucked if I know. Anyway, here's the best PSG track.

Close, but not quite.

I'm not that dude. but if you're not the FLCLdude, why would you even respond to the dude calling you the dude if you're not the dude?

Are you sure you want to invest in the Stock market so suddenly

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This post gave me epilepsy


but scanty is better, though they're both lightyears ahead of the ''angels''

Attached: Scanty.png (395x300, 132K)

>liking RURU freaks

>liking the whores who's confirmed dick count is over 1000

It's obvious it was him actually. Pretty pathetic.

>shitposter gets banned
>thread grinds to a halt
Really makes you think.

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Who's got the best theme song though?

The mayor.

Stocking isn't a whore.

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These two are just teenage Lambda and Bernkastel

But if the dude doesn't admit to being the dude, then how do you know he's that dude and not some other dude. dude?

Not sure if you're serious, but he spams in the exact same way.

Good to know, dude.

Is this anime?

Attached: DxB0BpSV4AAwf2g.jpg (650x971, 98K)

It's not animated, so no.

Enjoy some distance to recover.

Attached: Partyhardporygon.gif (275x300, 27K)

Anyone who thinks that this is Yea Forums is autistic. Fuck off back to R3dd1t and watch more than 2 anime.

Posting some more Stocking.

Attached: 1555677111522.jpg (1200x1600, 269K)

That was a 10/10 episode