>Emma comes running to Ray from a closet, slaps Ray, Ray turns back to normal, Emma yelling at Ray, Ray looks confused, Emma explaining something to him, Ray shocked, some more monologue and stuff, Ray and Emma hold hands, Ray turns into a child, they hold hands for like 5 more pages, they're in some cube room, Ray saying random stuff, lots of words, cube with black ball in it appears, back to norman, they're doing shooting practice, Vincent and norman talking, they set off or something
The Promised Neverland
>Emma slaps Ray
>Emma yelling at Ray
>Emma explaining something to Ray
Could you repeat that, I didn't catch how many times you wrote Ray.
Emma comes running to Ray from a closet, slaps Ray, Ray turns back to normal, Emma yelling at Ray, Ray looks confused, Emma explaining something to him, Ray shocked, some more monologue and stuff, Ray and Emma hold hands, Ray turns into a child, they hold hands for like 5 more pages, they're in some cube room, Ray saying random stuff, lots of words, cube with black ball in it appears, back to norman, they're doing shooting practice, Vincent and norman talking, they set off or something.
>Ray and Emma hold hands.
>for five pages
>Forcing herself on Ray
There's no end to Ray's suffering.
>Zazie is five years old.
>Norman not in Minerva mode is as tall as Ray
>Leslie is Zazie theorists BTFO
Isabella will have no shot at happiness.
>nat x Anna is endgame with ray not caring
>blushing norman
Mega slut
>Don holding Jemima
Is there anything they won't take from Ray?
>Ray and Emma hold hands
>they hold hands for like 5 more pages
What a slut.
The pain.
Of course.
>Back to Norman
This boi is so adorable. I hope he wont die. sigh.
>hold hands
>hold hands for five pages
Yoo, what the fuck. I thought this was a child's magazine.
Maybe she achieved self-awareness and realised she's the least popular of the main heroines and believes herself to be a failure.
>Emma slaps Ray
>Emma and Ray hold hands for 5 pages
Wew lad
>Norman becomes the antagonist because of this
if the rumor is correct then we're expected to see something of an event during the timeskip between Ray and emma that will completely push Norman off the edge of sanity, and it honestly seems that way since norman went from the male MC to the third wheel in his own little world getting built up as a big bad in the future. Plus it's highly possible Emma and ray aren't virgins at this point anymore
Bro what
NoseCHADS always win
Sounds like a bullshit but this RE art is beautiful
Got it off sankaku, don't know the artist tho
Bump for leakfag is posting spoilers.
I hope leaks come soon because they're really late today
Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist
Eat my ass.
Really degenerate kids.
Spooky bald army.
How did Shirai get away with children holding hands?
Not to burst your bubble but the top left panel is Hayato's imagination. He's asking if that's what the boys are thinking.
>Army of chad Normans
Not to bust your bubble but that's a joke.
Children holding hands is fine. A whole spread of children holding hands is problematic and moms will sue Jump.
Senpai, some people are retarded enough to think it's true.
>there's a rayemma week on tumblr
>no normanemma week
. And itll only get more popular since Norman's gonna fuck off during the second season of the anime
Shitposting aside, why are they doing that? Does it have anything to do with the wall magic?
Ignoring the fact that this is a retarded point, there's a smut week going on right now and it's actually pretty fucking creepy.
>get hold of yourself, grandpa!
>Emma? The real one?
>I'm the real one!
>It's just as Ray said.. 7 walls is about space-time, it's messed up, and the key is the momory/brain (?)
I give up
>and its fuckong creepy
Where have you been? Half the time this thread is talking about Lewis ravaging Emma and Emma milking Norman
This is getting boring, why is Emma the one figuring shit out.
Yeah but we're all shitposters in here.
>What is that? So black..
>An orb?
>No wait, this is..
Cant stop winning
Sue powers.
Oyakusoku Anna is the best character
>A black hole coming from Emma and Ray holding hands.
I thought you died, Mimilaa.
Don't stop this now that we got pics.
I was assuming it was so they wouldn't lose each other. But I guess if demon shota wanted he could just teleport them elsewhere.
Start, damn it.
Both me.
inb4 anna comes to teach emma a lesson
I know.
Anna and Emma becoming rabid lesbians when
So no one cares about the chapter huh
Normanfags are to busy preparing there suicide notes
There's only handholding, bald men and a cube we don't what the fuck it is.
Don't reply to me, ESL faggot.
>highly possible Emma and ray aren't virgins at this point anymore
Fuck yeah
Shippers are the worst thing to happen in the history of mankind
guarantee it's one dude samefagging
That's still more interesting than whatever this is, I've got like 75% of the thread hidden already and we're not even 100 posts in.
I for one welcome holding hands posting.
Holding hands posting is different from cuck posting. One's funny, the other's boring.
>Let us start our move, as well
>We shall proceed towards our target: the Royal's city
Don't kill me if I'm wrong
I'm confused, so it's been 8 days already then? Wasn't he only gonna attack then?
It might take his group a couple of days to get there, maybe?
>rayshippers still exist
it's called a shitposter and you're feeding it
8 days is the tifari. He will attack and kill the queen at that time. Doesnt mean he wont do anything in the mean time. I think he will try to ambush one of the royals. Maybe.
The it seems that the inevitable ending is norman getting NTR'd
Wouldn't that risk giving his position away though? That's a big fat group he's got there.
Ray is trapped in an abusive relationship between two people who use his kindness and show him none in return. Free the poor soul, he’s suffered enough.
So we went from Ray being the cuck to Norman being the cuck because Ray and Emma held hands
What if Emma reveals she's gay at the end of the manga? What do we do then?
We didn't go from anything, one guy samefagging doesn't count.
>The chapter is just Emma forcing Ray to hold her hand for five pages.
Was it rape?
Norman and Ray become cucked together and get married
NTRfags need to unironically get tortured and gassed. Literally the worst fetish in existence.
For real though, why does he keep getting smacked?
Based fujobro
>Don't know if it's samefagging or there's someone actually triggered.
Spinoff manga with Norman trying to find the legendary 7 balls that will change him into a girl
stealth origin story to dragon ball
He might doing a sneak attack, or luring one of the royals to one position, i think he talk about it, but i dunno. It might just be really the beginning of the war.
Norman's plan is gonna go to shit real quick and he's gonna need help. No way this goes smoothly or this is awful.
Why did you greentext that?
Man. It really smells like the end is near then. It's probably gonna get dragged out even after Emma returns but it still feels like the final stretch is that's the case.
I don’t know, maybe he’s a masochist? Is it a trope I’m unaware of?
I mean, he's not asking to get smacked.
>maybe he’s a masochist
He's not asking to be beaten, they just beat him.
Freaking timecubes.
What a bitch
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Based oyaku giving us more Ray yeahs.
What the hell is this isekai like landscape that Japan does in manga?
I really want emma goes back before hes gone. But i guess now she'll have to rushed over to the war to baka save him.
Why does Ray have a massive hand?
I don't think she'll make it in time. He has to look retarded first to make her look good.
Because Ray is clearly for yaoi
He shouldn't say yeah, what if she goes bald?
Big hands equal big dick, which just goes to show his sexual prowess far surpasses Norman's little fingers.
It's big feet that equal big dick and Ray's a dicklet.
That's some quality Ray troll-kun.
>cube with black ball in it appears
Is this Gantz now?
what the actual fuck
If she wants to be bald then let her be bald.
>It's big feet that equal big dick
It's big hands.
I ship Ray with Isabella though
>Ray and Emma hold hands, Ray turns into a child, they hold hands for like 5 more pages
Norman's on Suicide Squad
>you know what they say about guys with big feet
The only beautiful thing to come out of that Steaming shit pile
Why would he care
Hands. My feet are big but my hands small and I got a tiny dick.
Well my hands are big and my feet tiny and I'm also a dicklet so.
Press F.
Probably, becuase Emma is his main motivation for doing literally everything he does.
Show me!
Then why is the president being a bitch about it???
Post Norman with a gun pls
So what?
Is that white hair on his head? OSHIETE
be the become the irrelevant character
>Is it a trope I’m unaware of?
It's an extremely common trope, yeah
Geez, user, I dunno. That might disturb him a little bit. I mean, a lot.
Literally why?
What if Emma becomes Mom? In fact, where are all the custodians, you at least think each facility have workers yet it's just Mom and orphans.
If she was gonna be a Mama she'd have become a Mama in the first arc. She's the hero.
Literally because being with Emma is what Norman cares about the most after making her happy. Or are you trying to tell me he'll be alright with his two friends finding happiness?
lmao. I am sure norman will get hurt badly enough and emma will see him at that moment and then dramatic rescue happens.
>finding happiness
Okay, you're baiting. Just making sure.
Is it a (You) you want because everyone has been ignoring you?
That's gonna make him look pretty pathetic but I don't really doubt it.
Of course he'll be alright, did you forget he choose to be shipped so his two friends can lives
And look at all the (you)'s I get.
Are you implying he doesn't already by being the cuck he is?
This thread reeks of samefagging
We're going through a rough spot.
You know it's bad when in a 2019 thread we only have 28 IPs in 150+ posts.
It's called holding a conversation
With yourself, maybe.
I dont think its pathetic. Afterall he is ready to get murdered by any sides. Theres the royals, ratri, and also giran. From the start he's gambling his life.
And yet here you are involved too and i love you for it
I suppose, but making it a bit overdramatic is probably gonna make him look silly. He's supposed to be Minerva, a figure to be revered by all the children. I know he's gonna fail and Emma's gonna pick up the pieces but I think he should look a bit dignified while at it at least.
It's a cute and blessed Emma chapter.
If you love me then pay for my dinner.
I love you too, Anons.
If we do our best, we can have comfy threads again, plus we no longer have breaks or half chapters, so things should get back to a better pace from now on.
But that's every chapter.
Great, innit?
I fight with you fags but it's all in good spirit and I love you.
Parking lot quickie after? I'm down if your down
Dang, not even taking me home, user?
Let just get back to discussing the manga, kinda sucks when we devolve threads to bashing and pissing on each other, truce?
But it's more than the usual.
I would adopt and protect her baby Emma!
You like dogs? I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable with my pets around, your right you deserve better user, I've been a terrible date
I love dogs, user, please let me pet them.
I also like the user 1 x user 2 ship going on. Truce.
its shirai you know. he'll definitely made norman badass genius before all go down. When does shirai made norman looks silly, never lol.
>When does shirai made norman looks silly
He's riding a white horse here I expect at least one full page spread of him riding into battle.
Allow me to contribute
It's that expression again. The one that makes me wanna deck him.
In all seriousness tho is it possible for emma and ray to just easily forgive norman for deciding to go against their arrangement of peace for his plans to genocide al monsters, his ulterior motives for finding sonju and mujika to kill them, and basically sending emma and ray on a goose Chase to try all this behind their backs, this is a something that might truly rapture the trust and companionship between the three, probably with norman having to truly choose between emma and rey or his new Crew. [/Spoiler]
What do you think about Phil?
This is fun LOL
I'd let him top.
Emma can forgive demons for trying to eat her, user. Of course she'd forgive Norman, he could probably piss on a demon corpse and she'd excuse it. And there's not much of a choice to even be made in the first place, Norman already put the plan into action, he can't go back even if he wants. The deal with Giran was done when Emma even came to talk to him.
But even ignoring all this, it's a WSJ manga so everything will be alright in the end.
Huh? But he's not doing it behind her back, he told her he wouldn't stop it, so she had to come back if she wanted to talk again.
God, I just want Emma to peg Norman until he passes out in bliss.
Is that too much to ask?
Could his asshole even take that?
why is everyone obsessed with norman's anus?
The Normanus, you fool.
Your probably right, she is cheerfulness incarnate, my only worry is that the latest chapters are being built up to to create divide amongst the three, norman already had to pick sides and stop playing favorites and emma and ray both feeling doubts toward him not being the same they knew two years ago plus tensions with his crew, these feel like the baby steps towards an impending event yet to occur between the three.
I kinda missed that point, sorry, the probably thing behind her back is the kill mission for sonju and mujika
Emma and Ray said he was the same person as before though, I don't really think they're wary of him. Heck, Ray didn't even seem to really disagree with him per se, he just chose to support Emma because they're friends and this could really mean Norman is fucking himself up again.
Personally I think Norman's just gonna mess up super badly and they're gonna have to fix the mess he leaves themselves.
Oh yeah, but I don't think he promised her not to, did he?
Leading a revolution, y'all
>Neverland ends with a Norman healing arc
I'd be okay with that.
Blessed trips confirm trio hug for last panel of the manga.
This could probably be the best way to go, hopefully as an ending, with norman finding peace with the monsters. Or at least with himself that they aren't all that bad.
Ray feels like he's just doing what the plot requires to be honest. He's all over the place. Poor guy.
I've seen a theory of Musica somehow being the key to saving his squad and that changing their minds too. I'd like that.
You make great points and i really need to get back at rereading, im guessing my habit of skimming trough new chapters per update really doesn't help me, but a slow read from start to finish will be good help to fully understand and catch up,
Mister Minerva.
Don't worry user, reading it weekly also makes it easy to forget things sometimes, especially in slow chapters. Have fun.
It hasn't been revealed much , but for some reason they are desperate for medication, could be lobotomy or mental experimentation, but either mujika heals them all, or emma and ray find some way to do so if they get to the human world. They do need saving, and it seems their times getting less and less shorter between painful attacks.
I wanna see Norman breakdown and Emma and Ray helping him get back up and show him he's not alone and doesn't have to be. It's one thing to hear it but I want him to feel it too.
It just shows that we can have good threads, great save Yea Forumsnons.
It probably is the reason why they're so strong too. Personally I hope it's Musica so it opens up the door for them all that maybe demons truly aren't all bad and takes some weight off Emma's shoulders right now but yeah, they're gonna bite it if nothing's done soon. Still go a feeling at least one will die for real but probably not because of the disease but because of Norman messing up in his plans or something.
Neverlandbros strike again.
So are only women reading this or why are those threads full of shipping?
Nobody is even talking about shipping
>why are those threads full of shipping?
because Shirai is a shipper too
>It's that time of the week again.
>Ray had really forgotten about Emma, but she slapped herself into his memory again.
>Emma discovered that the place is linked to their conciousness, and they found a desert because they were searching for sand.
>Changing the world by the power of holding hands will.
>Ray's autism is reaching critical mass.
>(Maybe) figured out what [redacted] is
I'm a guy and I want Emma to dominate and ravage Norman. What's the big deal? We're just having fun.
>Ray's autism is reaching critical mass
But he's already peak autism
Reglavalima is best girl
Did Norman practice shooting? I need to know before i fall asleep-
He can't even shoot a handgun, user, how would he ever do that?
>the power of holding hands.
TPN confirmed based and redpilled. It truly is an OP power.
The entire cast of Fairy Tail characters held hands to defeat the big bad, I don't think you mean that at all.
B-but the summary..
>back to norman
>they're doing shooting practice
Got my hopes up for nothing, baka. *goes to sleep*
Why does this exist.
Huh how did my "baka" become 'baka'..
Muliple hand holding is a degeneracy.
I didn't know there was a filter that changed something to baka. What is it
I think it's t b h but I could be wrong. Memory's fuzzy.
Ray's autism will collapse unto itself and the ensuing black hole will wipe the demons.
Scratch that, it's s m h.
I wrote s m h there..
Wait, are you memeing or does he actually summon the black hole?
Yeah, t b h is desu
s.m.h baka
t.b.h desu
f.a.m senpai
Just know it gets automatically filtered. Some words are like that.
But why.
>It wasn't [redacted] Ray was just being a drama queen over Emma disappearing.
Really though this chapter makes me wonder how much gay is Ray that he manages to not fall for best girl.
Tomatoes and onions are the base for any good sauce!
It's the power of friendship and not being a degenerate who falls in love with their siblings.
He's probably just gay.
Norman's the exception, not the rule. Ray's a proper respectable man.
The dick isn't reasonable. Ray is gay.
Wouldn't his dick react to Norman then? He seems more interested in fucking dying than anything.
>You really are crazy
Why's Ray so rude?
Emma fucking slaps him, I think he has the right.
>interested in fucking dying than anything
literally me.
Can you blame him?
Death's hot.
I want to steal Ray's wife!
Do you agree with her?
Legravalima is everything Ray ever wanted.
Emma is the cutest one.
Spinoff Anna is hot.
Too bad Death and Ray share a special connection.
I know this is a spinoff but it doesn't make sense how the narcissist character is the only one who lifts a finger to help the loser.
Maybe she wanted a haircut.
norman getting raped by a horse
Why are their rubbing their cocks together?
You don't rub your dick against your friends?
You're my friends, and you're too far away.
I want to marry Anna and impregnate her three times.
What the fuck do you think you're doing Emma?!
The plot is progressing so fast I bet you didn't notice Emma cut off her back antennae.
She's trying to be less OP
Don't give me that bullshit, put on a shirt. Please, Emma.
This reminds me, Posuka fixed Emma's ear in the volume release.
But she's still missing the antennae
Posuka's a fucking hack
It's probably hugging Norman's head, and that's why we can't see it.
Like this.
What happened to the pen she dropped before this scene?
Norman kept it to shove up his ass later.
I'm not sure why but this feels extremely lewd.
Norman has a VERY big dick.
How can one man be so based?
>smells her dirty sweaty shirts
Canon Norman could learn a thing or two from spin-off Norman.
>he got beaten up by Emma
But he literally just said he likes that, what's the point?
Why does he keep endorsing this behavior?
Yeah, because shipperfags are not known to be rational regarding their OTPs, right?
I mean, just look at us.
Since it's a gag strip, any deaths?
He should've learned not to encourage the beast by now.
Vincent and cisclo isnt with norman on the last page, i wonder whats the plan. I want to see phil..
Phil is a traitor
*the mastermind.
I want Norman to kiss Emma! I think they would work well together if Norman gives up the genocide gambit. Just saying my opinion.
That's hot,
I want Norman to love Emma!
Fuck me please
When did they get eczema?
Hope mom doesn't find out.
Mama got railed by Leslie.
What on earth is "fuck?" Norman... is that a bad word? I'm shocked!
>It wasn't [redacted] bullying Ray
>It was Ray bulying himself
She wishes.
emma needs to fucking kill herself and let norman and ray be the mcs
she's the worst part of this manga
Wow, user has a death wish.
Great pages
yooo, so Adam is retarded Norman clone?
I agree. These two spreads were beautiful
That one panel with Ray going insane is more dialogue than he's gotten the entire amnga.
Damn it, why is Norman denying the background kids screentime?
Emma really is stealing Ray's spotlight again, fuck this.
An actual tesseract
Next chapter will be norman i guess.
Which one of you fuckers wrote this
Finally, only took 3 years.
>Norman denies characters like Gillian some screentime
>Norman gives Don and Gilda screentime
I hope he dies for this
Don't open this.
Absolutely based
This is boring
You're boring
Fuck Ray, I want to see Norman
A hole... a black hole, a gate to Phil, or an entrance to the human world?
It'll send Emma to the middle of Times Square where she will humorously mistake Trucks and Cabs for demons.
One of the cab drivers would loudly yell "GET OUT OF THE STREET YOU CHOWDAH HEAD" as she blunders wildly on the mean streets of New York
It's the entrance to the Inferno, if only you knew how bad things were gonna get
I want Norman to cum inside of me.
I want Ray to cum inside of me.
I asked the question seriously, but now I desperately want this to happen. Imagine a "reverse" isekai arc where the girl who used to fight demon royalty now has to learn to use phones and ride the subway, all while trying to alert the government that fucking man-eating monsters farm children for their brains in an insane alternate reality. This would make it so good. It would revitalize everything. Please Shirai, if you're reading this.
See image. Made it just for you.
>Yugo didn't get to live to impregnate Emma, all while Ray dies and Norman goes full genocidal
This is the worst post in the entire thread.
That Anna looks like she has an extra chromossome.
It's like IT
These two are the fucking cutest
Only Emma is cute
I want to play with shota Ray's bangs!
I want to cut his bangs off and watch him cry!
Stop being so mean to yourself, Ray.
Ray sucks and should die.
Ray please.
You mean the lewdest.
It's not lewd if they're like 5, begone pedos
>handholding so lewd it moves you through time and space
For real though, all shitposting aside, is Ray an actual faggot? There's so many cute girls around and he'd rather die than get a waifu.
He loves Norman
Everyone loves Norman
>bed breaking space-time defying tantric sex
Blessed trips for blessed couple
Why do you people only gang up on Ray when the vast majority of the others isn't looking for waifus either? Am I missing something here?
Ray is the big gay
>not a faggot
Is that post-rape Ray?
Yes. Reglavalima is merciless.