Monster Girls = Happiness

Did you marry her yet?

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>sexy snek with huge knockers and inverted nipples
This should be illegal.

>and one day, that will be for you as well...

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The centaur one was A++

I want a monster girl summoning program


What's that mango name?

Its a hentai doujin, something about e-mail beastgirl.

spiders are great at sucking dicks.

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What happened to all the monster boys in that world? And the female humans?

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>that batgirl

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What kind of monster girl is that in the top right? Oh I get it, monster girl as in girls are monster.

she's a frog

This shit right here reignited my fetish for monstergirls.

Do you know how strong that guy would have to be to lift a Lamia of that size without looking like he's struggling?

smelly bat

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She might be lighter than you'd expect. Also he's not carrying all of her.

She is supporting part of her weight with her tail.

Horse pussy is the worst desu. That's the only monstergirl I don't get why people like

Someone post that pic.
Human pussy has nothing to do in sex terms.

low test shit taste.

Bat = Horse > Snake > Cow > Frog > Bird > Tanuki = Cat

that hole looked like the most worn out 3D pussy, get a better taste

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You got everyone wrong except the bat.
Roll for your animal Waugh harem. I got:
and >Steer

Horse > Bat = Snake > Cat > Tanuki > Didn't care for the others

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She hasn't proven it yet.

i recognize that cow

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OP is a faggot. The series is called Animal Girl Hotline. Here is the link:

Now shoo.

>Not instantly recognizing the artstyle
You shoo

Touch the cow.
Do it now.

I'm not one for harems, so I figured I'd just take the first one off the list. I got whale. Nice

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Everyone knows the sauce and even if not they can search you dumb faggot. Why are you even spoonfeeding when no one is asking for sauce?

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I’ll do this too. The first one I got was walrus.

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>no pandagirl in the series
>the only one that Jun did was only 4 pages

2 furry.

This is some peak taste if I've seen one.

>And one day, that will be for you as well
Don't make promises you can't make

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But OP, I want to be the monster girl, not to marry one.


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Not bad.

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why do monster girls have such huge tits?
how are human girls supposed to compete?

Translations fucking where

iirc it got licensed so the scanlation is dead after only 3 chapters

Volume 1(11 chapters) is already in the wild. Volume 2 end of July.

Anyone who prefers "monster girls" over real women is fucking pathetic.

Real women don't even have a horsepussy.

You're a fucking freak. Go have real sex, that'll cure you quick.

I can't, horsepussy irl is only on horses, and that sucks too.

/y/ is that way homo.

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We are my Demon Girls bros at?

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Not bad but usually too vanilla.

Have sex, see what happens.

Not that series of hentai. It all about the despair.

>No girl could possibly love us
C'mon user don't torture Yea Forums

I like dragon girls. But I don't think my pelvis would hold up.

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Did somebody call?

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Dragon girls are better than dog girls.

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Is this good?
Its a isekai so I just assume its dogshit.

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I don't like the art style, but the content seems good.

I could do a lot worse than this qt

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>No qt dragon waifu who considers you her treasure
Why even live?

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Let Suu suck your dick.

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The pandagirl was too great to be in a wholesome end

I don't know how most of these would work.

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The cow is the apex monstergirl. You know it's true.

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>Mfw that one doujin

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She's sucked just about everything else but that so far.

>Not a horse
>A stallion
Well that harem is no longer your harem

>dung beetle

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>Trap centaur girl
How would she hide it?

Very carefully

Keeping it stuck in the other harem members.

>P-please stop giving me gifts, sweetie, I love them but y-you're spoiling me

Inside you.

>how are human girls supposed to compete?

They don't. Which is why you don't see any.

I can conceptualize something from this.

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>and one day, that will be for you as well...

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>user has the constant fear of being alone with a trap horsegirl

Lizard & Vicuña for warm-up snuggling, Puppy & Armadillo for energetic play, and Panda & Jaguar for sexy wrestling.


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My life would be filled with constant headbutt noises.

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I don't like harems so I'm just getting the first one like did
Oh my.

What's this? Manga or novel? If the latter, where can I read it?

>Thorny Devil
>Gila Monster
It knows

Get ready to be buried under piles of cold-blooded girls in need of some heat.

Am I going to be okay, bros?

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I'm sorry, Anonymous. But your pelvis will not survive the night

They don't have a single thing in common, but I get to reenact the taming of the shrew.

The chicken stands out too much.

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>4 out of 5 harem members are all Bovidae
>The last is just a chicken
Death imminent.

he's supporting part of her weight with his tail

>mfw granberryfag

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>mountain goat

I don't know how to handle the cock to be quite frank guys

oh my fucking god the monkey(?) is the best one.

>Cat tongue is like sandpaper
My dick is not going to be okay and that's if my throat doesn't get ripped out while I sleep.

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That snake girl is pure sex.

>The ultimate catgirl harem
Good god

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> gorilla
>tiger(fuck yeah)
>dung beetle


Dumb frogposter.

Snake > Cat > Bat > Horse > Frog > Cow = Tanuki

Oni girls best girls.

I knew i was a dead man before i saw anything else

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Devotion for your waifu can turn any man into a superhuman.

Would a giraffe girl give good head?

Its not really that good.
>user are you asleep, yet?
>Okay, just checking.
>They all continue to watch you lie in bed waiting for you to fall asleep.

She would give the best deep throat.

Wtf are you talking about, i am not want to fuck an animal thats horrendus

My man
I'm more of Erubestie type

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Fuck you.
Tthe monster girl communication service is decided by your favorite animal. I want my cute monkey girl.

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They have leathery lips and tongues so you’d need a lot of spit/lube to really enjoy how dexterous both are. As for deepthroat, you wouldn’t really get to enjoy it because you’re dick might not reach her throat.

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>Cheetahs breed throughout the year; they are induced ovulators. Females are polyoestrus – they have an oestrus ("heat") cycle every 12 days each oestrus lasting one to three days.
>The tiger mates all year round, a female is only receptive for three to six days. Mating is frequent and noisy during that time.
>Depending on the region, leopards may mate all year round. The estrous cycle lasts about 46 days and the female usually is in heat for 6–7 days
>Jaguar: The cat probably mates throughout the year in the wild, with births increasing when prey is plentiful.
>Panther can either be a Jaguar or Leopard
>The wildcat has two estrus periods, one in December–February and another in May–July.
Literally non-stop sex.

what the hell is a guanaco

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>shamelessly large smelly, sweaty, freckled bat tits
How could anyone like this?

How the hell can you not?

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>they have an oestrus ("heat") cycle every 12 days
Well, user is dead

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>Hey sweetie could you pick up that pencil for me? You know how I have a hard time bending over. You just seem so much better at it than me

Fuck man. All the cats.

Your right. Lets go with this type of bat instead.

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Wild ancestor of the llama

i wish user
i motherfucken wish, you have no idea

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>Oops, I dropped my fork! user, could you get that for me?

>Tthe monster girl communication service is decided by your favorite animal
More specifically it's your perfect match. Some guys have a perfect match because they have a specific preference like the frog guy wanting a little sister-type girlfriend, and Lamia guy liking snakes was a given. Others were matches because of compatible personalities or in the case of Felice she got paired up with a guy who was hung like a horse and lived in the countryside which is probably a better living area for a large bodied creature.

So rolling for a waifu isn't against the rules, because she'll be the ideal partner for you in other ways. So going off that logic
>thorny Devil
Fuck it, let's go. Someone to snuggle up with in the fall and winter

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>Get “her” an old-person grabby claw
>Crouch down, never bend over

You sound like a massive faggot for not liking this.

>It's a "Have a shower with user" episode but he keeps his back to the wall at all time

>Favorite animal is a lion
>Not sure if a lion girl would worshe would make me even more lazy than usual. House husbandry doesn't suit me.

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If you crouch down you'll get a cock shoved into your mouth. Its better to use your feet to pick items up.

to ch11 somewhere
raws to 23+ something

Jun is my spirit animal

Will he be called monkey boy for doing so?

cow is such a BLANTANT Special-wek rip off
>If we make her a cow instead of a horse now one will ever notice :^)
I at least approve of this bottom right panel more balls than what Monster Musume would allow

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>Normal harem protags need to worrk about harem hijinks
>user needs to guard all his orifices from horse dick
Sounds about right

>Crouching down
>Getting your face at eye-level with her crotch
there is more than one hole, user

>Use your feet
>Now she thinks you’re showing off how flexible you are

>user gets skewered and a victim of the "all the way through" fetish
That sounds rough.

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>Has to guard his ass or it's BALLS DEEP
>Has to guard his face/mouth or it's BALLS DEEP
Having to deal with her when she's in heat must be a nightmare

I tried to roll for the harem, but it seems I got a "Killing bite" team instead.

>grizzly bear
>ground hog

Not bad.
Feel a bit stiffed because there's a human in my monstergirl harem, though.

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They're attached to a terrible, console hogging NEET bat that bites to boot.

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You just have to take away her hours on the console by making her lose an hour of playtime with each orgasm until she gets more addicted to the sex than the gaming.

Pro-Tip. If you wrestle a horse to the ground by tossing them on their side, they will calm the fuck down and fear you. Its a step in domesticating them.

t. Used guy who used to wrestle young horses for his great-grandfather's neighbors.

>more balls than what Monster Musume would allow
That also applies to

>Suddenly user is really into WWE for some reason

≥t. Used guy

You’d end up having to work at her family business after ousting her dad, she and her sisters/your other wives would handle the minutiae but they’d make you defend/expand their store’s territory. Expect to bulk up and grow your hair out since they’re into dudes who can fight with long, dark hair.

Uhm, thanks.. guy.
Tell me when this works out with your horseboy.

Typo. Guy who used to wrestle young horses.

Can confirm

I would just dump my semen into her. I don't care if she's a NEET.

Isn't Polt a Kobold?

That makes more sense
> Due to law of harem protagonists coincidences keep happening to make you look stronger than their Papa lion even though he could bench press a truck.

Not sure if it's possible, but imagine getting a Mantis.
Your life is forfeit.

Is the right one fat or pregnant?

Damn typ

Only if she’s stressed because aliens abducted you both and are recording you fuck. In the wild, mantis females don’t usually do that and can even be placated with other food.

She got knocked up

>Favorite animal is a lion
>Not sure if a lion girl would work.

She would make me even more lazy than usual. House husbandry doesn't suit me
>Damn typos.

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what? Male lions don't fight, that's what female lions do.

Male lions sit around preening so they have the biggest prettiest mane to show off

Actually. Not all Mantis women eat their mates. They only do it if they're hungry like certain spiders.

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>Mantis GIRL
I don't think she will eat user unless they are into vore.

The Cat-girl doujin was the best one

So basically have sex with your Mantis girl after dinner and not before
That whole "Dinner, a bath, or me" thing is fucking Russian roulette now

Dog-like kobold, not lizard-like kobold.

Better bring some food in the bedroom and if she starts to act the fuck up, throw that food at her.


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Pretty sure that whole mantis eats mate is a captivity thing only, since there's no recorded event of it happening when mantis is observed in the wild, and doesn't always happen in captivity.

>user has a mini fridge in the bedroom purely for sex

I've seen many a documentary that has mantis' eating their mates

Not sure how to feel about this.

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Your harem is very smol

>They only do it if they're hungry like certain spiders.
Fun fact, scientists discovered that female spiders might kill their mate if he doesn't do oral right.


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Males fight each other for control of the pride, generallys it’s younger males trying to oust the one currently in control, and occasionally they step in when it comes to hunting something big like buffalo.

I thought it was a sure thing with mantises and a possibility with spiders.

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Also, you’re fart box is getting tongue punched.

Capybara are fucking huge bro.

They're also the most chilled rodent to exist.

I gotta go with snake, but the catgirl one was good too.

so basically you have a girl in a doujin drawn by a blowjob enthusiast

Yeah I thought so. It's the anteater isn't it?

>They're also the most chilled rodent to exist.
Sweet, I like chill.

Oni girls are shit. Shit!

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>Chill monstergirl that's more into just hanging out and being a bro than sex
Best girl

You dare?
Also saved.

Yep, also surprisingly buff arms and pecs.

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Why no love for Anglerfish girls?

Not all Roosters are male and they're not all always small. The United States used to breed their own genetically super roosters called the Brahma which served as their main meat source until the 1920s.

The US also tried to breed a race of super dolphins, but it didn't go anywhere.

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She is definitely gonna be his tomboy oner chan. Even approaching mom oni levels.

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>Wrestles trap centaur to ground
>"Now you have to mount me user!~"

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>The US also tried to breed a race of super dolphins
That sounds like an absolutely terrible idea

>Have to pin her down or she'll get out
>But that bulge

Its not that bad. The US also used dolphins as mine sweepers and scouts in the military.

Still prefer IronTom, his girls are a nice balance between cool monsters and cute girls

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A world with oni girls would be a more peaceful world.

Trap centaur sounds fun. I miss when we used to have dozens of writefags who would green text stuff like that.

>Forgets about oni males
They are literal murder machines user.

>I want my cute monkey girl
Simian love is pure love

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I miss his hentai originals but I'm happy for him getting serialized work

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he's cool with me impregnating his daughter.

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R.I.P my pelvis
What is this?

It would be a nightmarish world of aching pelvises and men reduced to being little spoons.

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I see you are a man of refined tastes.

she'd be best girl in any other series except this

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I will ignore that.

I'm both a monstergirlfag and an NTRfag but these two genres should never EVER be mixed.

I love the design of this stinky NEET batgirl.

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>her arc is still volumes away
It hurts, but at least it fuels the translations

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>Go to wake up your trap centaurfu
>She has morning wood
>It's extremely hard to not notice it

>Has a PS4
>Never played Dark Souls

>thinking tiger rapist is superior to Kansai Monkey
I enjoy playing Sagat as much as the next guy, but she's too much Tiger for me.
Amen brother

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Never seen somebody use "nightmarish" to refer to something utopian before.

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That doujin was cute. Not quite childhood friends- that would've put it over the top.

>200 pounds
>Full plate mail/chain mail
He must be rather small.

>Human male
>6ft tall
Let's not kid ourselves. I'm 6'5'' and majority of the guys I meet never even touch 6''.

Come in user.

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You would tell her she looks beautiful, wouldn't you?
You wouldn't put her down, r-right?

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I know this bitch has a phone in her home. The moment I'm alone I'm calling the police to come rescue my ass before she eventually murders and disposes of me.

Your treating this like it's her first rodeo. If she has a house phone it doesn't work and is rigged so that she'll know you tried to use it.

Police don't go to the bug district

If she doens't use her house phone then how does she make phone calls? Because if not I'll have to steal her cell phone.

I mean, she's hot, soft and adorable. What's not to love?

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If the police were Japanese that would make sense. They're kind of cowards.

She most likely has a cell phone. And since she would only have it near you when she's at the home you would have to make the call with her nearby, and she'll have a record of the outgoing call that you could try to hide I guess.

>tfw you will never get to cuddle your fluffy mothgirl gf
why even exist

It's explicitly mentioned that they do.

But they do
For this specific reason
It's a god damn house of horrors in the bug district

To dream

>user gets picked up by 10/10 bug waifu
>user now how has to do what he can to outsmart bug waifu and obtain his freedom using various methods in the apartment to contact people outside.
>Afterwards he has to survive the Bug Ghetto and getting chased down by bug waifu to make it to the human side of town.
Its literally Carrie and Warriors cross-over

It's like being told that you can look, but you cannot touch.
I long to touch, damn it!

I would've used my shoelaces, shirt, pants and strangled myself to death than ever live with these moths.

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Meh, unless futa.
Never heard of it.

>he wouldn't fuck horsegirl ass

What would happen if you were to open the shed and walk in? Its not like the parents can own the property forever or stop burglars.

Best time to escape is during the day. Most (dangerous) bugs are nocturnal

This is pretty neat.
>and one day, that will be for you as well...
Someone kill me.

So the challenge is this. You're stuck in a standard Japanese apartment light furnishing and odds are no house phone. The landlord is in on your captivity so you can't expect them to help and the neighbors likewise either don't care or would just eat you if they caught you outside. If you call the police you have to wait for them to get there, but if you're bug Captor finds out she can easily call the landlord or come herself to eliminate you. The cops entering the district alone will tip off bug people nearby since it's the man-eater district.

In my opinion the best way to make a break for it would be to do it on your own but there's the matter of how well you can stealth your way out of an apartment building and then across so many blocks without getting caught. You would have to do with when your captor is at work to give you the best head start but you're not sure what the surveillance is like outside of the apartment.

>get sweet moth oyakodon
>cry like a bitch
There's just no pleasing some people.

Ungrateful little bastard, isn't he?

There is nothing wrong with getting moth milf. There is a problem being held against your will and raped and NEVER EVER getting to live your own life. The guy is trapped in a hell that he can never leave with some strangers he doesn't know who randomly "loves" him, but doesn't know anything about him.

Fuck off.

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She doesn't love him. She keeps him as food/pet. She has had multiple hims before.

Which one?

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doesn't care, has sex forever.

I personally think the easiest way to escape is to cause a distraction. (AKA) home-made explosives, detonate it in the apartment, the bugs will flee allowing you the chance to escape with the items and humans will eventually show up to put out the fire, you just need to hide until they get there.

Mashiro, she's easy to handle.

>angel is hung
Now I'll buy the manga.

Left is just messed up. Right is a psychopath

I want to grab a catgirl's tail.

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Maybe if he wasn't such a little bitch about it she wouldn't have to resort to drastic measures.

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How is right a psychopath?


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>those digits

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Left is a sociopath, Right is a lonely bug.

Right. Mahiro can fuck off back to her cuckshed while I fuck this other moth.

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>got a fucking dugong of all things

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>He doesn't love her and doesn't want to be with her.
>H-He's being a bitch and faggot.
Fuck off. He's free to be with anyone he pleases and doesn't owe her shit. If the roles were reversed you wouldn't be defending him.

Wrong Regula girl.

Different girl, user. I think girl on the right is

That's insect girl isn't a moth, mate. The moth girl by Regura is the one who sits with her husbando and stares at a cherry blossom tree.

>He's being a bitch and faggot.
I'm glad we can agree.

But why would you want to leave user?

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To avoiding getting eaten seems as good an imperative as any.

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Not him, but I would try and leave because I have a career that I need to see, a life I need to live, and more importantly a family that I need to see and take care of. Don't get me wrong, fucking a bug girl for a day or two is nice, but in the end its just lust and not love.

Also I don't like my freedom to chained down by someone else's will.

Attached: onib.jpg (621x900, 209K)

Attached: oniy.jpg (1200x1200, 374K)

>single asymmetrically placed horn
Why is this allowed?

Attached: Hony-Collection.png (800x1281, 150K)