How would you have rewritten Future Trunks to make him an actual character rather than a plot device?
How would you have rewritten Future Trunks to make him an actual character rather than a plot device?
I would have remove Gohan and make the story about him instead.
Remove the cell arc, the threat he is trying to prevent is babidi and his goons rampaging through earth to collect energy for something, he doesnt actually know about majin buu yet. androids 17 & 18 could replace those two weaklings that goku and vegeta fought before the gohan vs dabura.
What the fuck is the point of Trunks other than to ruin Yamcha's relationship with Bulma? The fuck doesn't even come from the same timeline.
instead of making him a super saiyan, have him be the future son of yamcha and bulma who travels back in time to warn the heroes and then never show up again.
That would just be making him even more of a plot device rather than a character though.
Remove him
Future Trunks was one of the more relatable characters in the shit show that was Z. Served pretty well as a foil to the general stupidity that was rampant among all of the characters, and had enough power to back it up unlike Kuririn or pre-Kami Piccolo.
>tfw you want to save the future but your father and his friends would rather let the villains power up more
remove time travel.
Make him more of a mentor for Gohan. Or just have him replace Gohan entirely as the main protagonist of the cell saga.
This. He was pretty much the only strong fighter that actually had some common sense and sanity in Z.
he would teach some cool techniques to gohan passing them from future gohan, and then they would fight together defeating the baddiess
Nothing. He was one of the only characters in the arc that had a sense of urgency and showed palpable growth from start to finish.
Get rid of the special snowflake Mary Sue super secret Vegeta's son from the future and also a Super Saiyan and sword master bullshit. Either have him show up without SS and job, or else have him go SS but still be weaker than a serios Freeza, which makes Freeza giddy that he's apparently powerful enough to beat a Super Saiyan now only to get his shit stomped by Goku. Trunks being the son of Vegeta and Bulma from the future was fucking retarded and relegated him to being nothing BUT a plot device. Also this guy is a retard.
Fixing his introduction would be good enough. His actions in the Androids arc was great. Fuck Super though
>Trunks being the son of Vegeta and Bulma from the future was fucking retarded and relegated him to being nothing BUT a plot device
In what way? His being from the future ceases to be relevant when it's discovered that pretty much everything from his timeline is invalidated by him changing the past. The only plot devices in the Cell arc is the contagious retardation that inflicts the entire cast that enables the majority of the stupid shit that happens in the arc
>Cell tells Piccolo that he's a combination of all of the strongest people on Earth
>Rips off his arm and demonstrates regeneration right in front of him
>16 tells 17 to stop being a fucking retard and escape so that Cell can't absorb him
>17 sticks around anyway just because 16 curbstomped him, even though 16 told him that he didn't
>Krillin wants to smash pussy so he smashes the controller that would detonate 18's bomb
>Nu-Vegeta lets Cell get perfect for no reason that fits his character in the slightest
>Goku gives Perfect Cell a senzu bean even though at most, there were two people that could stop him on the entire planet
>Gohan hesitates to kill Cell (though in fairness he was hopped up on Saiyan at the time)
What does Trunks do that advances the plot past his introduction? Pretty much all he does half the time is tell everyone to stop being fucking retarded, to no avail.
>forgetting that Cell himself came from an alternate Future Trunks timeline
Just scrap time travel
That makes the time machine a literal plot device, not Trunks.
Not an argument
Make the time travel permanent instead of having him pop over for tea and scones every once in a while.
Also his younger version should be riding solo, not get shackled to that little good-for-nothing Goten.
Yes it is. The very fact that they established time travel as a thing means that regardless of whether or not the machine was stolen from Trunks, it could've been stolen from any timeline that Trunks didn't try to fix. Trunks isn't what enables Cell to travel to the main timeline, Bulma's time machine is. Trunks didn't need to be in it to begin with.
>Trunks didn't need to be in it to begin with.
Glad we agree