When They Come Back

Oh My Princess

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It's honestly sad this has no replies.

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Hopefully never, I used to want it but I rather have a franchise die quietly than it being soldout, ruined and become soulless corporate fanservice shit

I only want it for Sacchin's potential route, but fuck I hate very single redesign, especially Akiha's..

Porkslope Turkeyhandle

Not FGO, not relevant

It's a good thing he's jumping ship soon-ish.

The imouto was cute and I liked when you got to rape the vampire.

Ceiling is the worst TM girl

We'll move past the gacha money in time. This is only a phase.

Should I read Tsukihime, Yea Forums? I saw some screenshots of sex scenes and writing quality was even worse than Fate for those.

Honestly ? No.
You might like the characters and those ideas in the whole story but the writing and illustration is really really really bad. Hopefully Nasu will improve his writing & change Akiha's route in TsukiRe.

Vampire Mod

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it had a cult following of people acting like it was better than fate and nasus true masterpiece but it really isnt

There was a time when it was one of the few things you had to read and Yea Forums was fll of typemoon threads that weren't abominations. And that was 2007. So no, don't read it.

It got better story and character than any fate franchise combined.

What's up with all of those faggots anwering no to this. If you liked F/SN or KnK then yes, read it, it's great.

Kohaku-san is best girl

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Story and characters are better than Fate.
Everything else isn't.

In for the art? Don't.
In for the story and world building? Actually one of the best out there, way better than any Fate
If you want a taste of the main route read the manga, it's very good but only covers the main route. The Far Side routes are the real fun ones
There's also an anime but it doesn't exist

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There's even a new character (sensei) and satsuki gets a route. Nasu have better been secretly developing it

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So burial agent working together with Ciel?

Can't say, haven't read the brochure and the game isn't out yet

You'll gonna get a tsukihime gacha and you're gonna like it!

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Didn't Nasu already say he wanted to roll SSR Arcueid in FGO?
Btw this artist has a very cute artstyle though i don't really understand why he/she likes Gudako x Cursed Arm...

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what do you dont like about Akiha redesign she is probably the most unchanged with Hisui.

go for it, the waifu are legitimately really good characters, the story is a mix between horror and surnatural stuff. The art are shit tho.

Fucking release the remake Nasu we want a new Melty

Not him, but Akiha is probably my favorite one and I don't like seeing her look like some generic teen-version Homura.
Ciel and Arc look like completely different people.

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Tsuki remake could be the next big thing

No you

>taking away Arc's air intakes.

Fuck you, Takeuchi. How is she supposed to fly without her jet-powered hairdo?

Why make a new one when the old one works perfectly? On that note, Mahoyo event when.

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It's not going to happen, is it?
