Jojo thread
Are you ready for this friday episode?
Jojo thread
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Sure, but I don't think you are.
Why didn't Giorno inherit Dio's vampirism? Being Jonathan's body being human shouldn't matter now that Dio has merged with it. For god's sake, he's still feeding on people and turning them and using Jonathan's fingers to do it. There is no reason for Giorno not to be a vampire.
What's this face trying to convey?
Why the fuck didn't DIO use his eyes lasers on Jotaro? also why didn't he use his ICE powers on Jotaro?
possessed by a stand.
I believe in DP.
jeez its a real phone
uwaa my cute innocent baby boy!!
>Why didn't Giorno inherit Dio's vampirism?
It's never stated to be genetic
>It's never stated to be genetic
But Jojo as a series that's all about "bloodline" and "heritage" how is he not a vampire?
It's not genetic
Araki forgot
>It's not genetic
DIO acquiring the world caused Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno to acquire their stands as well, its the bloodline
Why wasn't Jolyne born with a stand?
Yeah, stands are. Being a vampire is not.
Because women are weak
Not stands, vampirism.
An old drama CD has DIO use the move during his fight with Jotaro. Star Platinum deflects it with ease, and DIO admits he mainly tried it out for old time’s sake.
Polpol survived so much just to be turned into a lego figurine. And then a turtle. I really hate it.
He really shouldn't have messed with the boss then.
Is Narancia going to die in the next episode, or the one after that?
next week
Yeah I think we're in for some kino eps boys.
When are they going to fuck with the OP though? It's not like the past 2 arcs where there's a clear protag vs main villain stand-off so I doubt we'll get JUST a King Crimson'd version of the OP
What are we getting this week? Think there's a chance we'll see SCR?
Diavolo reaveal, pic related and probably requiem
It'll probably be the cliffhanger
I cant fucking wait bros. people shit-talk this fight so much as if the only part of it WAS Giorno curbstomping Diavolo with GER. the race for the arrow was intense to read in the manga, I can't fucking wait to see how they animate best Stand SCR.
With only a handful of episodes left, the real question is, how long until SO?
I see plenty of people shit-talking the SCR clusterfuck too
based headcanon
But I saw it in a youtube video so it has to be true
Hopefully never, SBR when
Hopefully never, JJL when
What's genetic is her ability to get a stand without dying. But she didn't awaken it at a the start because she wasn't around when DIO awoke.
why? I loved it when I read it, it's such a different take on a "final battle" and it was weird as fuck. I'm sure the anime's probably going to nail it better than the manga did considering how good the past few arcs have been.
also if they don't drop the ball with lots of QUALITY in these next few eps this'll easily be the most consistent adaptation yet. goes to show what an entirely in-house production can do over partially rushing via korean sweatshop workers.
>my boy Shin Hyung Woo got onto the main team though
feels good
Fuck jewtube.
That's my theory and mine alone. I've seen NOBODY else express it. It's not hard to imagine somebody else also considering it though given all the clues throughout the entire part. Dude's a stand. That's all there is to it.
part 4 was rushed and they were under heavy pressure, and it shows.
Hopefully at least a year and a half. The more time they have to work on it the better it's going to turn out, part 5 was helped a fuck ton by them taking their sweet time with this adaptation. I'd rather they do the same with the upcoming parts.
Fuck Jojolion, I want to see Rohan Kishibe goes to Gucci animated
I'm assuming you are an anime only
No actually.
An animeonly wouldnt consider it because it hasn't actually happened yet.
There are two souls in one body, not DID.
SBR is going to be monumentally difficult for them.
But someone who read the manga would already know that King Crimson came from the arrow
Crazy shit's about to happen and animeonlys are just gonna be like "whoa...."
definitely, the amount of episodes that had like 4-6 directors working on it floored me. Despite that I think the part 4 adaptation made up for a lot of its shortcomings with some genuinely top-tier direction, Rohan 2, the ghost-alley ep and Bite the Dust 1 are some of the best episodes in the entire series.
but the worst case scenario is DP release SO in like a year, it's such a divisive part that I feel like the more time they spend on it the more likely they are to win people back over.
I honestly don't think it'll be as difficult as people claim. DP have strived in pretty much every way to avoid using CGI unless it really fits like with Aerosmith, otherwise all Stands would've been CGI I imagine. Plus they've had experience now making 2 OVA's with Araki's later style, as long as they take their time with SBR I think they'll be the perfect studio for it.
wouldn't have it any other way desu, we at least have a sense of stability in knowing that DP are doing these adaptations as actual fans, imagine if the series got handed to a company like J.C. staff or some shit
daily dose
That can still happen.
KC is an evil stand and it possesses him once awakened. Some stands are just a net negative. KC being one of those double edged sword kind of stands really makes sense.
I honestly don't get how is the arrow hot potato fun to read, it's a big chase scene and then the Diavolo oneshot, I get the simbolism and stuff, but still feels lame to me.
Imagine how shit the last fight in part 7 would have been if it was just Johnny and Valentine chasing after Lucy's ass for several chapters, then Johnny pulls act 4 like that just because of the corpse and oneshots Valentine in a second. It's just your opinion but I can't wrap my head around it.
my animeonly sister's been genuinely enjoying every bit of this part so far, I think most fans even animeonlys are along for the JoJo ride at this point
I thought part 4 was excellent but my last viewing was the BD rips maybe they fixed a lot of stuff I didn't see before.
Orange Gappy or we riot
Seriously though, any Gappy will be fine as long as he's not white or brown./spoiler]
But he was the same before and after he found the arrows. King Crimson didn't change anything.
And that's how DID is explained in the manga. When a child undergoes trauma, their soul can split in half.
Why would you not want White Gappy? He's a sailor? He's white in the manga?
White and brown just look boring, compared to other versions
> He's white in the manga?
Giorno's dark blue in the manga, didn't stop them from making him pink.
White Gap is best since he's wearing a sailor uniform
>I honestly don't get how is the arrow hot potato fun to read, it's a big chase scene and then the Diavolo oneshot, I get the simbolism and stuff, but still feels lame to me.
There was a lot more to it than that though. if you generalize every JoJo fight like that of course it sounds lame
>SDC: it's a big fight then Jotaro stops time and kills Dio by punching his leg so hard he dies
>DiU: it's a game of cat and mouse until Okuyasu comes back to life, gets stray cat, Kira gets gangbanged then dies from an ambulance.
There was a lot more happening in the fight than just running, it was one of the tensest and most bizarre final clashes in the series up till that point. All SCR's body-swap fuckery building up the tension that Diavolo was among the group as they went and no one knew who's body he was inhabiting was tense shit, plus there were moments throughout the fight where the group band together and counter Diavolo without even knowing where he is. It's a different sort of fight than we're used to but I don't think it's bad at all, the payoff with Requiem felt fine to me. My only wish was that we got to see GE and King Crimson actually duke it out beforehand.
i'm hoping at least the anime will change a lot of people's opinions on this last stretch, we've got like what, 4-5 eps until requiem? There's so much stuff to come that I think a lot of people have forgotten about since people only talk about GER when mentioning this fight.
Consider that Diavolo, the real one, had brown eyes and KCs are green. When Doppio is turning into "Diavolo" his eyes become green. Their souls also get divided into two separate bodies which wouldn't happen if it was a personality disorder. He got separated from his stand. We don't even see that Doppio has any stand abilities once SCR puts him into Bruno's body. He wakes up and gets shot to death immediately.
As long as we don't get green Johnny and neon shiny Gyro I'm fine, their default colors look so fucking awful in Eyes of Heaven.
>trish gets tons of naked edits
>doppio doesn't
Please naked Diavolo...
Honestly, they could wrap up everything left up in 3 episodes. I'm glad they might be padding it a bit.
That's because the original jojo fanbase is hetero as hell and it's not really a safe space for trannies and fujos.
Oh god DP usually does pick the default game colors. Then again, they went with blue Ghiacco instead of blonde so let's have some hope.
That's the thing that surprises me, the pacing has actually been really solid throughout the anime but it still feels like we could end the story in less eps than 39. The scenes they've added so far have all been beneficial to the story, even if they're in small ways, but it looks like we're going to get the brunt of the new additions in the next few eps. I'm expecting a lot to be added to the ending/sleeping slaves at the very least like they did with DiU.
There's 27 chapters left, that'd be 9 chapters per episode
Was incubated in a woman, had it been a female vampire and a male human it would have turned out the other way. That's why you get ligers and tigons.
For tomorrow's episode I can see Polnareff's flashback with King Crimson being expanded further. Explaining how he tracked him down, where they're fighting and how/why Pol couldn't contact anyone.
>it was one of the tensest
>building up the tension
>was tense shit
You seem to be struggling
The anime would be literally unwatchable if they went with this. Johnny's ASB colors are god-tier though so let's hope DP makes the right choice.
Maybe a better look at his injuries or lessen them to actually make sense. I just dont buy the losing the legs at the waist and still being alive thing.
This is peak Johnny performance.
That's going to be really interesting to see I think, I wonder how young Pol and Silver Chariot are going to look animated in part 5's style.
english isn't my first language, sorry
They made Jonathan's hair blue in PB.
Expect unwatchability.
This looks so good, I wish the colored manga went with this.
I'M anime only, please don't tell me Pol dies
PB was really ugly but it was the first season so whatever. They've only improved since then.
You might want to not read Jojo threads until you catch up
He's actually immortal now.
Not gonna say why.
>in a jojo thread
please leave you're going to get spoiled immediately.
DP also has a habit of randomly changing the entire color pallet of every character on the screen.
it's worse than death
>Not wanting pink Gappy
Blue-haired Jonathan isn't nearly as eye-soring as two neon-glowing dudes going through the old west, if clashes too hard.
>they made fugo green even though he's a strawberry
that gyro is fucked up
It's really not. You get to hang out in the red room all day and advise Giorno to mafia better, somehow.
It's pretty much always done to deliberate effect, and it's practically a staple of the series at this point. Still their most creative decision ever imo, I can't think of any other studio that would be so faithful to the series they'd even integrate the series' bizarre and inconsistent color palettes as an actual direction choice.
>we get blonde yasuho
No but giorno does
That's just done for dramatic moments.
Fuck you for making me picture that
Oh God please no, she looks so damn pretty in pink it's criminal to change her colors
>they make pucci white
it's not random
comfy thread bros
As long as it's a brigher shade of pink.
>blonde kars
This could actually work.
Perhaps all of the pillar men could be aryan.
I'd probably bust the most angry nut
>they make Weather black
I like how this looks but it'd take away from Giorno
Why is Part 5 so bad compared to other parts?
>otherwise all stands would've been CGI I imagine.
reminded of the shitpost that a modern jojo animated would just have all cg stands and i considered for a moment what a timeline like that would be. How scary...
that live-action film had CG stands
also DP's Jojo IS modern animation
Why is JoJo so bad compared to other manga?
The amount of "never ever" shitposting people have done with this series is great, I still remember the thrill of that part 4 announcement when everyone thought the series wouldn't go past part 3
>They give Pucci a coochie
yeah, i know that. It was just a floating concern that was thankfully waved by DP. I'm just imagining having to watch the jotaro vs dio fight with badly animated different-frame-rate-to-the-users star platinum and the world. keyword "timeline"
the "never ever" shitposting was so far beyond a joke in the part 5 desolation, I'm so glad I'm out of that period of time because it had my psychotic.
Fags I need to know something?
Was it ever explained if the whole issue with Diavolo being born 2 years (or how long was it) after his conception has anything to do with the whole split persona issue? Was his dad like... you know, he himself and then he lay dormant in his lovers womb or some shit like that?
>Why is JoJo so bad compared to other manga?
Why are you even here?
No explanation
He didn't become Double D until he pricked his finger with an arrow so I doubt it.
1. i dont think so
2. thats fucked up man
I think the next major bout of that sort of shitposting will come after the eventual SO anime. The radio silence between an SO anime and an SBR anime is going to kill me I fucking swear.
It's my favorite series.
Will he ever recover?
>He didn't become Double D until he pricked his finger with an arrow
I give that period of time a solid 3 years max. Anything more and I'll just assume it's never going to happen and i can die
Then why the fuck was it even in the story?
The way the anime handled it it looks like the spilit personality was there from birth. The circumstances of his birth honestly reminds a bit of Jesus' ironically
araki ____
because it's fucking spooky you idiot, not everything needs a concrete explanation, it's just supposed to make the circumstances around diavolo's birth even more mysterious and supernatural
You literally see his eyes change as a baby.
to make him seem mysterious
Yo, Angelo
I want to believe man. I'm sure if they worked hard we could get a proper SBR adaptation over a process of 2 years. I just really want to see JJL adapted, I can only imagine how stylish it'd be.
I remember them being open but not green.
He blinks and they go from brown to pink and back.
It's cool. In the manga it was portrayed more like vague hearsay at least.
what? because of the whole "virgin birth" thing with there being no way his mother could've gotten pregnant so suddenly/in that location?
Honestly more excited for JJL's anime than SBR or SO. It would work really well if done right.
Convenient asspull explanation. Truth is a circumstance like that and the way it's presented indicates a mystery that will eventually be explained.
How about he had a split persona already in the womb and then kept erasing time due to his schizo fear of being born? See, makes more sense huh?
>the way it's presented indicates a mystery that will eventually be explained
no it doesn't
Let me guess, you also believe that the guy who rescued Josuke's car is him as a time traveler.
a real JJL animated would probably be the best thing to come out of this dedicated studio, honestly. Not that SBR is less important, but still.
Are Trish and Giorno the only natural born stand users in Part 5? Apparently everyone else got it from the arrow, even Diavolo.
>colored manga
>How about he had a split persona already in the womb and then kept erasing time due to his schizo fear of being born? See, makes more sense huh?
Is that in the manga?
SBR colored starts out really really badly but it looks great by the end of it
Kek what? Oh an I was joking, I was trying to tell you that even a quick asspull like the one I just wrote would at least account for some form of an explanation. It's not ok to just leave it hanging in the air, especially when it somehow could have something to do with the split personality thing and his ability to change his age.
Fair but still, like it or not the colored manga is what most read since it has the (so far) best english translations.
I just watched it again to make sure. He blinks but they don't actually change.
No I just pulled that out of my ass honestly. Better than nothing.
Please stop refering to everything as an asspull, the term is a few centimeters from losing it's meaning.
When it comes to mysterious backstory it's better off not to explain it. Honestly I think DP did too much even if it was done well (apart from that edgy smile Diavolo? does before killing the priest)
>It's not ok to just leave it hanging in the air
Why not?
This, not to mention the "asspulls" so far in the animated have been made exciting by DP anyway as stupid as they are
They do change.
I adore SBR but I completely agree, a modern JoJo part with the aesthetic color palettes of the volume covers with a synth soundtrack. Fucking hell imagine how good that shit'd be.
Also, the anime director for the series has said before that JJL is the part he's most looking forward to adapting, so I'm only expecting good things.
They do though? They change to red and back before the prison lady has a double-take
Then you post a screenshot of it.
Why lie?
But his mom claimed there was a dad only added that it happened like 2 years ago. Quite different from a virgin conception.
I have no idea if vaporwave will still be in fashion in 7 years when JJL finally gets an anime, but a pink sky would look perfect for part 8 Morioh.
We're not looking for red, we're looking for green. KC and Diavolo's eyes are green.
What's wrong with that?
Honestly, the man who rescued Josuke was fucking Josuke, exact same hair, exact same uniform, exact same face, covered in blood. Araki probably had the idea of Kira turning back time already but didn't know how he should handle it, and when the Bites the Dust arc happened he decided Kira could only turn back to the morning of the same day, needless to say, the Josuke saving himself thing was scrapped.
How about I consider the multiple infodumps in the story about Diavolo having a split personality and how they function? Yeah, I think that's better than considering a headcanon.
he has a penis for a nose
Nope. Makes literally no sense.
Babies' eyes can change color over time. Just thought I would let you guys know.
Elaborate on how this is not the most plausible explanation, then.
You forgot to say "like and subscribe"
>Why not?
Because of what I already explained. If the nature of the mysterious birth itself does indeed coincide with the logic of his abilities which are erasing time and changing one's age then the most logical assumption is that the answer to this mystery lies in these abilities.
If it was just some mystery that has nothing to do with his abilities then it would not be of the same nature.
>makes no sense for Araki to change his mind about something
come now
There's no explanation, nor is there one required. The hair is the same because he intentionally styled it the same. The uniform is not the same and doesn't have any of Josuke's personal adornments, but even if it was the same, they live in the same town.
It's just a backstory. It establishes why Josuke is a helpful, empathetic person to everyone he meets, as well as giving him an explanation for his short temper about his hair.
They don't have the same face or uniform, Araki doesn't even draw a face on him. It's a flashback retold by Koichi based on what Josuke's mom told him while he was dying of a cold.
Kira did not even exist when that flashback arc was written.
>every theory in the community ever is from e celebs on youtube
All theories are cancer
That's just a theory
That's exactly what I was thinking, I hope they mirror the odd color palette choices for part 4 with the part 8 adaptation but go for a vaporwave sort of feel. It'd be so damn perfect, especially considering how much the part's volume covers lend themselves to that sort of style.
I got the impression it just more or less showed there were 2 people inhabiting his body with that bit.
>Honestly, the man who rescued Josuke was fucking Josuke, exact same hair, exact same uniform, exact same face, covered in blood.
But this isn't true at all. Koichi literally says before his infodump on Josuke's backstory that a lot of the aspects are from his perspective since it was Josuke who told him the same story. No shit the stranger who Josuke described would look like Josuke, that's the direct reference Koichi had to work with.
The whole point of that bit was that the man who saved Josuke was just a stranger with a heart of gold, that exact action is what led Josuke to wanting to follow the same path to better his town the way the stranger saved him.
the OP is already King Crimson'd so they'll will use GER for those parts
Trips confirm
The man who saved Josuke was Kujo Josefumi
>DP decide the ending of part 5 is dumb.
>Change it so when giorno stabs himself with the arrow he just screams in pain and bleeds out.
How would you feel
>exact same hair
Obviously it's the same hair. Josuke copied it.
>exact same uniform
No it's not. It's missing all the peace and hearts in the uniform
>exact same face
we never see his face
>covered in blood
that doesn't prove anything.
And Araki debunked this stupid fucking theory while he was writing the part.
Fucking imagine.
I would buy the BDs
Hello everyone, araki here!
You are correct user-kun, but please keep this under wraps as I have something big planned for part 8!
Finally this debate can be put to rest
>27 posters
>185 replies
What form of autism is this?
is this your first time stepping into a thread with actual discussion going on, newfag?
Level 3 autism
what do you guys think?
>Animated the WRYYYY
>Added scenes of mista loading his gun
>Got rid of reused frames
>Animated the car falling
and more
are there more of these?
how come?
Taking full advantage of college's wifi since my hood's IP range has been blocked out since months, the reason? No fucking idea, gook wants more Pass money I guess.
After joining the gang, Giorno is so borin...
Based DP
Nice to see some changes are starting to prop up now, I hope they fix up Clash and Talking Head 1
>Op is as normal
>Doppio shows up
>end of OP
I hope DP fixes whatever was going on with Diavolo's hair in Mystery of King Crimson.
>the way it morphs into a revolver in the frames proceeding it
how do you let this end up in a BD
>fixed the reused shots/animation entirely
>all those new bits of animation and new scenes
Based DP, this was already a good ep, they just went ahead and fixed all my nitpicks for it.
>that entire added bit of Narancia freaking out
So, basically, Pucci literally created the SBR universe?
I actually like some of the TV shots more, like Giorno driving or 'Dil Molto'
Yeah, for some of them I think they tried to overwrite what was perfectly fine to add some kinda context that wasn't necessary. Of course, that's just like a 1/10 for these shots.
Don't worry, they'll fix it in the BDBD
i'd buy it twice
I think it worked better in total though, the new shots and bits of animation have better angles overall. My biggest nitpick was the reusing of frames and animation, which at least was fixed in more ways than one
The last song you listened to is now your stand.
What's its Crunchyroll name?
I'll do it myself too, obviously.
>E-Z Rollers
Easy Roll
>Crunchyroll name
Why do newfags still think Crunchyroll makes the names?
> Path
>Dragon Attack
>Crunchyroll name
Dragon Punch
SBR has the exact same translation
I love The Grateful Dead.
not art
Coloured is so much better, I legit didn’t even see valentine in the black and white image
to be honest, you're not encouraged to buy one of these
>creates new QUALITY that wasn't there in the TV airing (Mista's gun not being a revolver for a shot, what the fuck)
>completely fucks up already good shots for no reason
For what purpose
Did they fix the CLANG in the train fight?
>Silver Bullet
Probably something like Silver Shot
In the back of one of the newer English manga releases he claimed he didn't want DIO using vampire powers as new readers might get confused thinking it's part of ZA WORLDO'S abilities.
not sure, don't know where to find a comparison online without just getting the BDs myself
Wow but they couldn't redraw the Killer Queen scene?
Didn't they?
It still looked bad, and Kira still had his Super Saiyan hair for some reason
Mad snail disease?
I don't want Gappy at all.
This is 「Madness」!
that works pretty well, nevermind
>set in 2001
>Mista uses a revolver like it's the wild west
Wouldn't it make more sense to use a handgun that has more than just 6 rounds?
The gun looks more like a Stand.
He only has 6 stands
>Paper moon
Paper bloom
>Kira still had his Super Saiyan hair for some reason
like in the manga?
It's a modern snubnosed hammerless revolver you dingus, it's small and perfect for concealment.
It’s so he can reload almost instantly you fucking donkey
>Love Foolosophy
Well... That's complicated
simply Love Fool?
I kinda want one.
I bet they're cheaper than a brand new semi auto.
like a 45 or something. One of those is about $700
Love Fool is a different song the radio stations played into the ground in the 90s. God I hate that fucking song
Legit question, can they really get sued for using the original names? Like yeah I guess very obvious stuff like Green Day, Foo Fighters, fucking ACDC etc etc could be but simple shit like fucking Oasis or Echoes are actual fucking words, there's no reason to change them.
copyright is gay, jewish and creatively stifling.
"stealing" properties is bad but this shit is way overblown and is just ruining everything.
>Oasis or Echoes are actual fucking words, there's no reason to change them
They are just playing it safe
They're being dumb and any band who would sue them deserves to have their fortune and fame stripped from them for being such bitches over the mere use of a song title or band for a fucking name. JUST A NAME. Fuck these kikes.
Most of it's just there to ''protect'' massive corporations.
I miss the Tarot theme.
Simple, easily recognizable and no need to change names.
When I knew nothing about DiU aside from Josuke and Kira I thought stands names were based on poker cards (Diamond, Queen) then shortly after I realized that I was absolutely wrong
this is kinda true for jojolion
I am so tired of it.
It's just text on the screen for now but it still affects my enjoyment of the material.
>I thought stands names were based on poker cards
That's actually a decent idea.
It's total bullshit, especially now that they're printing the english manga of DiU and using those awful dub names, it really takes away from the whole musical inspiration charm of the series. Not to mention old French and Italian publications actually kept the original names in their publishing cus they're not autists like in America.
Neither can I.
Still feels like a bit of a dream, let alone that the adaption is good. I hope they get the build up right.
The last moment before the Part goes to shit
Why is part 5 ending so soulless
Araki killed off all the good characters until only Giorno and Diavolo were left
>deflecting a laser beam with fists
Because Diavolo literally kills four major characters, so the victory feels Pyyhric and empty.
>he thinks Dio's vampire lasers are actual lasers
lmao gtfo speedreeder shit
It's entirely because of Giorno. In fact, that's the whole problem with part 5. It has the best supporting characters, some of the best stand fights, and even the villain is set up to be great. Giorno kills it time and time again. Not only did Araki change his mind several times on what he wanted gold experience to do, when giorno fights with it it just felt cheap.
>Lol actually I gave life to that so you lose kiddo
Look at how boring of a fight Baby Face was, and guess who was the only one fighting there. Gold Experience is lame, Giorno is an unlikable asshat, and GER is the most contrived stand in the entire series.. Abbacchio had it right all along: fuck Giorno
next to next week
A Cruel Angel's Thesis, shortened to "Cruel Angel"
>Wicked Messenger!
Not to mention Giorno coming out on top in the end is completely undeserved.
no one's going to defend giorno here because you're right
Tiz ,Squal and Cioccolata , Secco where gay. Was Carne gay too?
>this gif will have better animation than the actual scene
He was a spiteful repressed homo.
Which is why Trish had to defeat him.
I bet you're one of the redditors who think Doppio beat him because be threw the knives (he didn't) or that Diavolo could defeat him if he used King Crimson (he couldn't).
FUCK, I can't wait to see Trish acting all manly and dirty!
He’s nervous about joining a gang give him a break
It's made even worse cus he's actually a good idea in principle, a new JoJo ironically being Dio's son(which is made completely irrelevant other than him spouting some fanservice muda wry and that's it.), GE in the beginning being hinted as a more utility/trickster stand, and he has actually some personality in the first couple of episodes before becoming some bullshit messiah figure that just wins everything in the end. All in all, part 5 is bursting with potential but Araki fucked it up.
Ummmm king Crimson is invicible, it can phase out of all dmg lol
Diavolo simply didn't want to fight him because he would have been discovered. King Crimson with both abilities would have annihilated Risotto and Metallica.
Trishta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trish
"Trish" shooting people with a gun does funny things to my peepee
Both of these posts have the same level of intelligence (very low). Brainless Redditor NPCs
>Trish killed Abbachio
Oh no
Remember when Giorno had the character quirk of stealing things
I remember that, someone didnt
Don't now how I missed the panel with Bossu instructing Doppio to say the "What's wrong with being a girl?!" line. My sides.
I hope Konishi and Saitou use silly voices for that line.
He said don't do anything, dumbass.
I can't believe I fell for the "Part 6 is bad" meme and neglected NO, actually ended up SKIPPING IT ENTIRELY.
Well whatever, more stuff for me to read.
Sperm is sperm, can't hold vampiric essence. It just had scuffed DNA
Does this asshole really have both of his eyes in the anime? Did they really screw that up?
you should know with jojo more than any series that the fans are fucking stupid and you dont trust anything they say, especially on this site
shouldve been tipped off when it drove you to
>skip a part
He stopped paying attention and got shot by a stand he KNEW was around. That's sloppy.
Sharing with you:
reflect/mirror coat would've been more appropriate here
his caramelldansen and crazy train vids are pretty good
>Hai Yai Forces
What the fuck does my stand even do?
I really can't find any reasonable complaints for hating Part 6, people say it has the worst fights but I care a lot more about fights between Jolyne and Pucci than some random goons in an Italian gang.
I wish spice girls would've fought more
It's a dumb reason but I kinda assumed it was bad because it has a fem MC.
Makes you go fast
No like he's clearly wearing white, no color. Even black and white scans can convey that
What do you even think the purpose of Doppio even is? Diavolo only comes out when Doppio is absolutely threatened beyond his ability to survive or when Diavolo is pissed off enough.
The Fortune Teller kept bugging Doppio hard enough to let Diavolo out to kill him. He entrusted Doppio to fight Risotto using his abilities simply to remain anonymous and only ever came out to actually kill him in the end when he deducted he was the Boss anyway.
Reddit appraise all the fuck you want, it's just the truth.
Good Christ N'Doul is back and he's got a gun this time.
> Even black and white scans can convey that
And I guess Giorno is clearly wearing bright pink.
Aztec Pillarman science vs. alien rock arrows. Completely different shit.
>What do you even think the purpose of Doppio even is?
Last ditch effort to damage control the absolute nonsense non-character that is Diavolo. A little too late.
Will this be the cliff hanger tomorrow?
giorno is the one who puts an end to him cunt
>Doppio will be dying soon
>Polanarreff will be dying soon
>Narancia will be dying soon
>Bucciarati will be dying soon
Still better than part 5 finale.
Nah, I think the cliffhanger will be SC getting stabbed by arrow
>machine lover
I predict it will be a still frame of Doppio with his shirt a little up and then will cut to Pol's face, then another still frame of it being Diavolo. Animation's for squares.
>those soft cheeks
>Was his dad like... you know, he himself and then he lay dormant in his lovers womb or some shit like that?
>Pull Me Under
Drown me?
as if
the absolute q u a l i t y of last ep is because they savin budget and time to invest in doppio undressing scene. It'll be sakuga as fuck
>Mista being able to touch a stand
Immersion ruined.
Erection gone.
I honestly have no idea why people disliked the Manhattan Transfer fight. It's one of the better small fights in part 6.
People just don't like the illusion stuff surrounding it.
There is a severe lack of Spice Girl lewds.
is Secco legitimately autistic?
He acts like a fucking madman at first but after Cioccolata dies he starts talking mad shit about him
He had no idea that Diavolo threw the knives at them. Bruno's team did not know his identity.
He's Cioccolata's mindbroken gimp, he's out of his mind.
Then let's just see how DP handle the character further then tomorrow.
He was putting on a tough face.
He was about to cry when cockolata got retired.
I think I even saw a teardrop fall on his camera before he smashed it.
>24 chapters left to adapt
>7 episodes left in the anime
>each episode covers about 4 chapters
What the hell is the last episode going to be about?
They will probably drag the fuck out of Silver Chariot Requiem, making it even worse
I like those kinds of asspulls tbqh.
anime orginal about fugo
First episode of part 6.
I think it gets overshadowed by Whitesnake stealing the show and the scene with Jolyne outside of prison.
Because a floating keychain is ass cheeks.
>Diavolo will be dying soon
>I think I even saw a teardrop fall on his camera before he smashed it.
It's spit
It's not random, and it's amazing. That cheap trick ending is amazing
What’s going to happen in this week’s episode? Diavolo reveal?
and possibly SC getting pierced right at the end
Probably up through SCR appearing. Maybe a bit before that if they want to do more with Pol's flashback.
Why did Dio kill Wekapiko (part 7)? He already knew what would happen because Valentine told him, so there was no hypothesis to test. And there is no reason to suggest that he had to bring the second version of the guy he killed with him in order to be able to return.
ok, go back to anime
Sleeping Slaves will be extended into 2 full episodes.
Can't believe that Bruno is going to die tomorrow. I hope Jean saves him and dies instead of Bruno.
That timeline might have adapted OPM s2 better in exchange for jojo. I'm glad I was born here.
You just reacted to the same fucking thing with TWO DIFFERENT REACTIONS.
Which is it? Is it based or is it cringe?
Why are the BDs so much worse? They added in some good shit, but ruined the best shots in the show and added in more animation errors. Aren't BDs supposed to be better than the TV airing?
>Sanguine Paradise
Good Place, I guess.
A lawsuit can still cost a lot with lawyer fees and take a very long time even if you think it should be an open-and-shut case in your favor.
It's best to not play around with it.
Not him but it's not hard to get, PHF is cringe but DP adding their own Fugo scenes isn't.
Getting rid of that godawful still beatdown already makes them better.
Just speculating but I have to wonder if Araki writing Trish like this didn't lead to Stone Ocean.
A PHF adaptation would, by definition, not be anime original because it's based on preexisting material.
PHF has also been contradicted in the anime with Fugo's backstory.
He stole cars
Le Arrow? What the hell is that!?
Well we didn't get animated DMQ after 4 so an animated version of any of the sequel novels is pretty much out of the cards.
Araki said once he was depressed and actually felt very creatively restrained with Part 5.
It is NOT NORMAL for a stand user's eyes to become that of their stand. Diavolo has this happen to him. He's the only stand user that has this attribute.
DMQ is actually canon.
An entire episode of Diavolo deaths.
I like the part but a lot of the minor enemies are useless, dumb and ugly (fucking lang wrangler) which feels like a step back from Part 5 which at least tried to pretend the goons of the week existed beyond being cannon fodder. It also didn't learn from Part 5's mistake in not utilizing it's tight-nit group, and in fact it's even worse there.
Foo gets killed off early, Hermes is kicked out of the story multiple times and Anasui hogs all the relevancy.
What the fuck are you talking about
Yeah and he's saying that even then it still didn't get adapted.
The biggest problem I have with Part 6 is that the minor villains really don't feel like they matter as characters, it's just their Stands that matter. This was an issue with Stands at first, but it was fixed by late Part 3. Why the fuck is this problem showing up again 3 Parts later, that's nonsense.
Good thing Jojolion does that.
I've noticed something pretty funny about Araki.
The man can't draw butts.
They're always just spheres with a flat line indicating the crack. He never actually draws the ass. Stone Ocean has a lot of female characters and every single one of them has that weird butt.
Anime-original epilogue.
He's drawn some juicy man asses though
Dunno user but acdc's ass here looks perfectly fine
I still don't understand how the fucked that up in the first place.
I get that not every frame is going to look good. But surely they'd set their priorities to make the reveal of the main villain's stand look as good as possible?
>The man can't draw
You'd think that but he actually draws them the same exact way as the girls.
It was an outsourced episode, koreans drew it all not dp.
But it has a much higher chance of being adapted in the future.
Part of it is that SO in general is just kind of ugly and janky.
I know Foo was definitely not gonna last long but I'm still mad that she fucking died.
The only reason why I rank 6 lower than any other part is that after Foo dies it becomes a drag and Anasui fucking sucks.
>Jotaro and Star platinum
He did the same thing to lucy steele in SBR and that's with the new almost photorealistic style he developed. I just think it's funny.
Why would they outsource that episode of all episodes to koreans?
They both have normal blue eyes so how would you even know? Diavolo's irises become the same weird shape as KCs.
I guess they thought shigechis death was more important, they shouldve just had the reveal happen the next episode and leave it vague in the outsourced one.
>Crunchyroll name
Araki picked out these names didn't he
Because Kira sucks
Bandai Namco did.
Hr picked the Part 3 ones which is why they're much better than most of the others outside of Flaccid Pancake
It was a collaborative effort between multiple parties. It's really annoying when people assume that Crunchyroll has the authority to just make up names on the fly when this is the official English localization for the franchise.
Bandai Namco came up with most of them.
The stands that never appear in the games are named by Crunchyroll.
>king crimson has fishnets
>wears the same shoes as diavolo
The last song I listened to was Good Vibrations.
So the localized name would be something like Great Vibrations or Tremor Man.
Hunter x Hunter is better
「Great Undulations」
I hope Araki will write more one-shots about Ghost Kira.
I don’t think he will.
nothing is screwed up
>Smooth Criminal
Smooth Gangster or Slick Criminal
I dreamt Mista knocked Giorno up
Smooth Man
Brunos movement in oasis doesnt really make sense, like where even is he in this pic?
Where does the terrain he displaces go? Is he just noclipping?
Oasis turned solid into liquid, Bruno in liquid ground
Yeah, but it's still solid to anyone but Secco. It jiggles and all but still soild
>PMD Sky Tower
Behold, my Stand!「Sky High!」
>>Bucciarati will be dying soon
He's in the zipper dimension.
cried thinking about abbachio and mountain tim today lads
I had this dream I was being attacked by an enemy stand that was some monkey that looked like AiAi from super monkey ball but had a barrel-shaped body and floated around, shooting out color ful music notes while blasting some kind of Brasilian fiesta music, and all I knew was its stand power was to break into peoples houses and tell jokes and I was super scared of when that would happen, and eventually it did and it started going like "HEYDIDYOUKNOWTHAT-" but it got cut off because I pulled the enemy stand user in and tried questioning him but all he was doing was going like "what? no" and spinning around
we believed
purple gappy, white and black gappy or teal gappy, no other acceptable choices
>the BLACKED logo appears in the corner whenever pucci or weather are present
Same, they had more variety or interesting cuts rather than just forcing everyone in one frame
>part 5 was helped a fuck ton by them taking their sweet time with this adaptation
But it's still plagued with slideshow segments
Is Araki gay?
i wouldnt call reused shots varied or interesting
Giorno would knock Mista up.
based hairposter
They weren't part of his stand anyway so it's not like it would have done anything to SP
late, but based.
His body was weakened for most of the fight. After gaining Joestar's blood, he may have used them but I guess he was too used to his stand and began to use it more.
Orange gappy me1ns Orange Kira
So Nope
We know, Abbacchio.
Had a dream recently that DP changed the final fight so Fugo was there but his stand was Kraftwork for some reason and he just froze the arrow in midair to prevent Diavolo from getting it.
I dont think Araki wrote Fugo out for being overpowered. He just didn't want to draw the disgusting effects of the virus again. Once was enough I figure. He probably had to search for images of necrotizing bacteria.
How long until the fag community tries to use him as one of their "icons" just because he has a rainbow on his mask.
Araki literally stated that he loves drawing gross shit.
Rent free.
>crying about mountain tim
All I want is for last train home to play briefly during Polnareff death flashback
He's literally the anti christ and has god's son coming for his ass, are you really this dense?
Fuck you, man.
I am so fucking sick of you unironic faggots plaguing this place.
It wasn't like that before, I don't know what happened or why you think you're welcome. You won't be RENT FREE when you're fucking dead. Go get AIDS
>He's literally the anti christ
Read the Bible
Imagine being a homophobic JoJo fan
not that user but I recommend you watch this video and do some soul searching
Still rent free it seems
Just because something has a rainbow doesn't mean people will start appropiating the character, paranoia-kun.
Either way, he's a villian. Not an important one at that, he isn't a bishonen or ikemen either which is the type of character most of the people you hate like.
You should probably be more worried about literally anyone else in SBR, specially Hot Pants since she could easily be labeled as trans because she crossdresses but who fucking cares?
where is the change?
I always assumed he put too much faith in The World
nobody is scared of you fags
You are colour blind my dude
>australian street
australian road
actually yes, to me both images look the same
arent both like green or brown?
>Mountain Tim
My fucking nigger
one is red
left is brown and right is red. His eyes briefly turned red
i'm colorblind and i can just barely tell the difference
is it obvious to you?
Can someone make a stitch of this? please
it's pretty obvious but I guess it's understandable if you miss it as well. I've made the colours larger. They are similar colours but it's clear they're different
Anyone who freaks out over a rainbow certainly is.
next week
Are you going to wish him a happy birthday?
Happy 30th birthday, Araki.
Kuchizusamu MERODII ga
Jonathan's body was the father, DIO never got his vampiric abilities back after losing his body and he wasn't back to "full power" physically until he drank Joseph's blood
Happy 500th birthday, Araki.
YO, Angelo! There's only 1 way out
Everyone post Araki.
>touching a stand
>Bucciarati will be dying soon
he's already dead
You guys ready for the best episode of the season? David will pour all the best animation for tomorrow just like they did for the Polnareff episodes in SDC, they know who the best is.
I hope it's good. This is pretty much the last good moment in part 5.
one full episode of them just sleeping
kinda hard to do because of how it pans down and out so if you look too closely you'll notice tears but I did a quick one
Good job, thanks
Why the fuck didn't Polnareff just leave Italy after grabbing the arrow from Diavolo? He could have easily get his legs fixed with the foundation
Watch the new episode to find out why
Mountain tim was the real part 7 protagonist
The anime effect looks like shit.
How would you fix it?
It took 18 months to birth him because he's literally two people.
Can't believe Bossu is the one who got stuck with that fate when fucking Chocolate existed.
According to Araki science split personalities occur because of a traumatic event in childhood.
This guy knocks on your door and when you open it he forces it to stay open. What do?
That is pretty much how it works irl, right?
Are each character going to keep their own voice when they switch, or will they have their new body's voice?
Probably just punch him like any normal person would
He just got really into the sub thing and was partly doing it to protect himself since Cio was strong. And Secco had been a patient of his before, remember. After Cio died he was probably mildly upset but also realized he had to find someone else to be his master. He's just a freak. Probably why Cio spared him, because they're both creepy fucks into BDSM.
Show Secco my bag of sugar cubes and try to convince him to kill cioccolatta
>「Crying Rain」
>cr name
Sad Winter?
Does DP have respect for its audience, or does it realize that unless it bends over backwards for them people will misinterpret everything?
Not make it look the same as stand auras. The manga uses an effect that makes it look like a ghost.
next to next
>after grabbing the arrow from Diavolo?
That never happened
>the way it's presented indicates a mystery that will eventually be explained
Oh like mystery pompadour hair man from Josuke's past and so many other unexplained things?
Welcome to Jojo, faggot.
They will keep their own voice, or else Polnareff can't talk