What is this feral cat looking at, Yea Forumsnons?
Shingeki No Kyojin 118
Other urls found in this thread:
>EM confirmed
good chapter
>Let it die bro
I rabu Piku.
Reminder that PP is based, redpilled, cute, canon, and endgame.
Where where you when Chadgath became GODgath?
Who is this beautiful girl?
Did the pedo kill himself?
>be self-hating cuck
>end up killing your own parents
>get adopted by a self-hating cuck
>decide to kill off your entire race
>lose the only person close to you by eating him
>develop a kind of friendship with other warriors
>they get sent off and killed, or broken mentally
>go on a mission to retrieve them
>get absolutely rekt and only recover one person who is now a broken wreck
>develop a plan that involves you getting cut up, fake your own death which only works to confuse people for a few minutes instead of just joining the scouts
>still not trusted by anyone, they imprison you
>try to break loose and get cut into pieces
>almost kill yourself, Ymir herself has to come down to save you
>the guy who cut you up three times now gets away
>finally make it to Eren
>get BTFO once again
>all your followers see your brother as the savior now instead of you
>the only person in the world you see as a friend, your own brother is going to betray you and just use you for his own plans
This guy is the Anthony Burch of SnK
her God
>s-s-so cool
A lot of (air)ships got sunk today.
>long black hair
Is this why he's being so forgiving towards Eren?
Hans is Boyega's ocean
Pieck, porco, reiner deaths when?
I still think Onyankopon isn't being truthful here. His fucking name means "God/creator of all things," he has to be plotting something more interesting than just going with AMJC.
Never. Falco will eat Zeke, Eren will get btfo by the mong, the Marleyans and Paradisians will work together to defeat the rest of the titans, and in the aftermath Magath and Paradis will strike a truce.
Yeah, there is something weird about it, too "I'm good I swear". I still believe in him being actually one of the real masterminds
>Falco will eat Zeke
t. brainlet
Trapren is best
He'll find a nice Eldian girl and create a bunch of small things
shitren bros...
Isayama already shoved it in our faces with this side by side paneling.
Post the next page faggot
What are they doing?
the fandom couldn't take it
He’s in this because he wants his own people to be free from Marley. He will sperg on the 104th when Eren’s keikaku won’t make that happen
You forgot pic though he has a dick
That's my wife.
We know, Zeke/Jean/Reiner/Armin.
How is Hans fault EM is dead
Zeke/Yelena's plan is pretty shortsighted. Euthanasia of the Eldian's doesn't exactly mean an end to Marley's reign, which is probably Boyega's main concern. So it makes sense that he'd question why they came to the island just to kill off their strongest ally.
t. shitrenfag self-inserter
Yeah but this whole chapter killed all doubts, if any
t. shitrenfag self-inserter
I just want Jiiku to be happy.
Zeke is going to get killed by Colt or Gabi next chapter
I don't get this: what would be stopping an erenfag self-inserter from simply becoming an erenfag himself? Why self-insert as an erenfag instead?
>CHADren Kruger
>Farmer-kun royal pussy slayer
>FalCHAD the soon to be the new CHADMOR titan and Gabi pussy slayer (new addition to the list).
Zeke isn't going to die this early when he's been set up to have a huge ideological conflict with Eren and when he was revived by lolimir three chapters ago.
Built for coños
The conflict is Eren using Historia. I can see Zeke dying in Shinganshina next chapter
we know, Yellena
How do Zekefags feel about the fact that Eren is going to betray him?
The second post was mine because the EMcuck never says that when someone posts EM.
can I get a link? I just woke up.
that was an Good chapter...
say it ain't so...
>The conflict is Eren using Historia
No, it's much bigger than that, it's that they literally have perfectly opposing ideologies
does isayama know that artillery shells aren't just scaled up bullets?
>Mikasa killing EM
Based as fuck, one of the ugliest pairings there
the short hair actually suits her much better without that omnipresent scarf...
>>Mikasa killing EM
EM was dead all along from Eren never showing a shred of interest in her.
EM is right there in the trash along with other toxic ships like SasuSaku. Fight me.
t. butthurt Mikasafag
Is there anyone deader than Nile right now?
No one is going to comment on Yelena's nice butt?
Eren and Zeke holding hands would end the series
Too busy admiring the view. How tight is her bod?
leave Eren to me
No one likes female lanklets
>leave the jobbin' to me
absolute madman
I'll handle Cuckren
Does Eren even need Zeke alive to trigger rumbling? He just needs royal blood.
I unironically want Manlet and Hange developing something more between them.
based Falchad
Don't worry about Shitren, i'll take care of him
Reminder that the father is Levi
I paid more attention to mini-Yelena's butt.
a royal titan and he went out of his way not to sacrifice the only other royal
With the whole "CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE" motives in this chapter and Eren true intention being still vague + Hisu not appearing ONCE so far after timeskip it is basically 100% confirmed that Eren is the father, right?
Either him or the farmer has broken eyebrows
I'll handle Dogren after I finish Zeke
If he isn't, how would it make you feel, user?
I think he's telling the truth. His name could just as easily be a simple nod to the fact he believes in God and a divine plan (when he explained that, Yelena looked at him warily, suggesting she did 't agree) and Armin was used to remind us again of this upon recruiting him into the Scouts resistance against ZY.
If anything, I think Onion is going to be ride or die for Armin and the scouts against ZY later, and will kill/be killed by Yelena.
Gabi has broken eyebrows so it could be Falco in the last panel
It's not necessarily an explosive shell, though. The intention is to annihilate the shifter iniside the titan which is better achieved with some kind of armor piercing round.
Not denying it that, Eren might use the rumbling with Zeke...or not. I feel like Zeke's death will be a punishment for Eren's actions, having not choice then than to sacrifice Historia.
Who knows, maybe? But the choice is still between Eren and farmer, but I think the conflict fits Eren more
Ok, Aamin knows the real plan:
kill all humans except those from Paradis.
But why now?
And what's the threat Yelena made to him?
Zeke did ask after their wellbeing when being restrained by Levi. There was no pressing reason to do that. They aren't nothing to him, but I doubt guilt over Falco's death would come before his life's goal.
I don't like the Nile character development, cause it's working and making me care for him which means he's gonna turn Titan. (Maybe the character development is just a red herring...)
Historia isn't really pregnant
Making Moblit Ackerman
It's a death flag. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
What was going on here?
Will they go to their kids' wedding?
But how pissed off would you be if it turned out to be a ruse by Eren?
Falcon Titan soon
Yelena probably knows Armin is bullshitting but she needs their help
I know you are that butthurt Erwinfag but I think the whole point is for manlet to break from the Ackerman autism just like Mikasa did, and start thinking like a normal person and be more logical with his actions. Even he noticed there was something wrong with him.
>confessing? what the hell is that?
I want Hanji to help him overcome his obsession over dead people. And I would like also to get some confirmation of their feelings but I doubt Isayama will do that. With NS, GF in recent chapters it already feels like too much for Isayama. And considering upcoming EH he probably will decide not to add even more romance.
I'd be 0% mad since I'm not invested into neither of the characters related to the pregnancygate.
This, if anything they will remain ambiguous, they are not the focus.
What if it was also the idea from the SL, hence why they weren't surprised to hear about it?
>a single punch from Eren almost took out Jobco
What does Yel smell like? Does she use perfume or does she rely on her natural aroma to seduce Yaeger bros?
Levi wasn't a retard like Mikasa, he was just a regular person
So what could Armins intentions be? Turning on Eren on the battlefield?
Not even into the farmer??
she tried, once
From beginning it was shown that Porco was all talk. He is basically useless.
But Eren is also now an absolute madman and probably the strongest character.
>Reiner's jaw separated from his head and at a completely different angle
Jesus christ...
Do you think it will be on the same level or close to it as the Zutarian mess years years ago which actually got a public takedown by the creators?
ZP won
Jaw titan ain't built for defense
Porcobros it's not fair. Why does he always fuck up like this
Unironically, he wants to talk. Bros I'm scared, are the 104th going to end up taking down Eren? I don't think I could handle it
SergeantGross loves to suck black cocks
>Still can't out job Reiner
Jean just bitches that trainee, haha.
I feel like she would wear cologne
>not a retard
He thought it was a good idea to shove a missile in Zeke's gut and stand right next to him
I haven't read whatever manga you're talking about. Could you fill me in?
Yeah, instead shitty (I'm sorry) GF is the focus.
A feminine one though
Eren will betray Zeke but I doubt he hates the guy, he must have seen how bad was Grisha with him
>Y-Yelena you smell like my dad...
Clearly that's her 'I know you're playing me' face
Dumb and angry is only good for comedy
Yelena is supposed to be STICC
Just 1 dumb thing
ArMOG brainmogging and Titanmogging everyone next chapter.
I like FG, they are cute. I doubt Isayama wants to piss off fujos even more
>Eren vs. warriors + Marleyan military +104th
I wonder what would have happened if Marcel survived and got to be part of Paradis for all those years, he seemed hesitant unlike Reiner and since he was basically the leader of the pack.
Are you telling me you cant see that obvious curvature from the cheek?
He thought it was a good idea to hand Eren and Historia to the secret police
Why didn't BRAM just stealth into the walls, or just pretend their mother cast them out because she was poor or some shit? It's not like anyone inside the walls (bar Grisha and the Reiss) knew titan shifters existed at the time. They could have gone in without the full genocide and then just do a pinpoint attack on Frieda from the inside. Then again, they were convinced Eldians were devils back then... but it still doesn't seem like the best way to have gone about it.
it's his destiny
Not manga. The main shipping war of the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. I am very sorry to say that I actually got involved in that stupidity. Though... considering that the creators pretty much publically humiliated the Zutarians at ?SDCC?... yeah, they were that annoying. Even though I supported the winning ship, it was such a humongous timesink that I vowed never again and that I'll just get out the popcorn if I happen to be interested in anything with rabid shippers.
>Hisu not appearing ONCE so far after timeskip it is basically 100% confirmed that Eren is the father, right?
Or Hisu is no longer very relevant to the story after getting fucked up with farmer babies.
>Nile talks about his wife and children
>He most likely showed pictures of them to Falco
>He is two days away from retirement
>He gets good boy points and three star stickers
He is deader than dead, isn't he?
That's gonna be Falco soon after this blows over
Eren is a beautiful man.
Manlet is obsessed with dead people tho. He wants to avenge every fucking comrade that died and now Erwin, and also to kill Zeke because muh promise. The truth is that he isn't going to avenge anyone this way, but just get himself killed eventually. Last time he almost died. I hope Hanji will cure him.
Someone has to die and every other named character besides Floch has got titanium plot armor
It was to provoke the FT into coming out by causing mass havoc and destruction by letting the titans in.
Why didnt Marley just airdrop RBAM in front of the gate at night time? Then they wouldn't have lost Marcel
Nile deserves to live the rest of his life with his family.
Deader than Hannes when he went to rescue Eren, yes. This series plays those types of Death Flags very straight
Fuck off, Jean
>Nile has daughters
Just when you thought he couldn't get more cucked
No t enough intel
I wonder if he is ever going to figure out why all his daughters are blond bombshells and look nothing like him.
So Spoof got it all wrong
>epic 'having daughters makes you a cuck' meme
I know what coño means but I don't get it, explain please
Why would Falco tell his baby it's free when it would logically take place years into the future long after the conflict has been resolved and the question of Eldians' freedom has long since been answered? Wouldn't it be more impactful if the baby who heard that line was actually one from the first generation of Eldian children to experience a world where the freedom Eren has always saught for has been secured? Would also fit the "surpass the father" line from the documentary much better I feel, since carrying the sins of the past so the children in the future won't have to seems to be a prominent theme in this arc, which would a lot more relevant to Eren.
Link to chapter?
frodoposting really brings me back
Read the thread
Read the thread, piece of trash.
Nile's death will have emotional impact but not big enough. He isn't a major character. I want Reiner to be eaten by Falco. Then it will be pure emotions!
Reiner is too big of a jobber to die. He'll job to death and somehow manage to make it out with healable injuries.
I'm not joking when I say I don't understand how the fuck can Reiner job so hard. At least Porco is super fast and can get you surprised and one shot you and he has never been a relevant character nor titan so I can understand he just jobs, but Reiner is supposed to be one of the main antagonist, a parallel to Eren, the titan who doomed the first wall years ago, etc etc, yet all he does is jobbing
coño JIKU DA
It's all going to end soon isn't it?
Jean is a pedophile
Apparently for the years Reiner has had, he decided to learn ZERO martial arts and relied on his armor and brawling. Now it just doesn't cut it.
the only thing Reiner really defeated was shiganshina gate rematch when?
It feels like its nearing conclusion, how do you think this ends?
Women built for cock are feminine, she looks like a man so "she" is built for pussy instead.
Well I was reading Tokyo Ghoul when the sex chapter happened so undertand how utterly BTFO can shippers get . Since I believe I'm an attentive reader I've never been catched by surprise by any manga I've read.
I just woke up and I'm reading the thread, you asses.
Looks like within 4 or 8 more chapters.
Then shut the fuck up and read the thread instead of asking first.
Because eren changed from the hero who supposed to job everytime into a massive Chad.
This manga is a shonen decostruction where the chad protagonist do bad things and the jobber antagonist is actually a kinda-good guy who supposed to be the hero.
Can't wait for the femdom orgasm-denial doujin version of this.
He needs Annie to training
There are still way too many unresolved plot points to end in a year or less
Thank you kind sir.
Something like that lmao
Feminine women who are build for pussy are called lipstick lesbians.
Imagine being more an incel than this hand-user.
Does it matter though, Yelena is just a crazy bitch and Armin is the fucking Colossal.
Eren only had Annie training for a little while. Reiner's known her for 10+ years and didn't think once 'hey, Annie want to teach me how to fight?' Hell he could have learned with Eren.
After all the titans gather and after the world's armies gather and are crushed and after loli Goddess and the Devil of the Earth and the reasoning of the first king are all elaborated upon
I hate that user
>world genocide happens
>the last chapter takes place in the future, where we see the Paradisians worshipping a statue of Eren
>Floch is the emperor
I believe the same too, it's a good combination there. Personally i think Hange was always emotionally stronger which is what manlet needs
Floch is going to die 99.99999%
Floch is a shitheaded shithead and you too know it's true.
>EGfags SEETHING because FG is canon
Good chapter
Yeah but why would you type coño instead pussy?
chochete is also a funnier word
I give it a year.
Neat. Someone with an attention span and an IQ above room temperature.
I dropped TG long long time ago. But this Touka girl was with mc almost from the beginning. How could anyone be btfo or even just surprised if they were canon?
Obviously that would be the bad ending. But I think a super grim and messed up ending suits this series.
It wasn't me so I can't answer that.
Wasn't it just one pedo who was spamming "CHADREN WILL DESTRROY GABI'S PUSSY"?
He could still nuke everyone if he loses his cool.
Wit did too good job making me feel bad for those two, so yes - I agree that they need each other for emotional support.
The REfujo and Sneed who got triggered because they insulted PP
Not right after this current battle. Anyone that thinks this is the series' finale is delusional
Armong is too feeble, weak, and shit to handle the Colossus
How can someone like porco?
Put your trip back on,Android zeke"chad".
*Snipes Zeke's titans*
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you needed these
*Headshots Zeke*
Whoops, there goes the HEAD of the Yeagerists
Heard Isayama is gonna release the last chapter after the anime airs. (I haven't personally verified this information.)
A literal Tsehov´s gun.
>How could anyone be btfo or even just surprised if they were canon?
Ask that to EMfags. The tenor of the SNK clearly depicts Mikasa attachment for Eren as pathetic but somewhat people found them cute.
I hate how Colt has none of Zeke's influence on him, even though he was his mentor.
Probably means this season, otherwise the series could continue for up to 4 years or something.
All the titanshifters jobbed against the island Eldians.
I like salty asshole types with a heart of god, hence why Jean will always be the stallion of my heart. The difference being Jean has a triple digit IQ and Porco is a retard who cannot stop jobbing. More like Porco Failhard
The last chapter is going to be Reiner waking Bertolt up informing him that the scouts are arriving soon, then the warriors (Zeke, Reiner, Bertolt, Pieck) will actually kill all the scouts and get the founding titan, with zero deaths
So let me get this straight: Eren and Zeke's plan was to bait the Marleyans into Shiganshina to BTFO them with the rumbling?
The colossal titan really looks better when skinny.
There are a few EGfags here
Absolutely heart warming and sad at the same time. Based Falco Chad restoring the hype.
Prett sure this is what’s being called the “final battle”, so yes.
it cant be a final battle without levi
I'm not ready for the betrayal bros
We bout to see Pixis titan form
>pixis titan is a beautiful busty female one
>instead of eating people, he just begins to fondle his titan boobs
>Taking care of anything
The shifter looks so much better when he's not shitmin
Et tu, Eren?
>>How could anyone be btfo or even just surprised if they were canon?
The outrage was from fujos that shipped him with hide, and fujos are mentally ill.
On a side note, don't pick TG back, you did good dropping it, the manga goes full trainwreck in the last 100 chapters of re
I never believed Eren supported the "Euthanasia plan" from the start. I mean why would the most hot-headed freedom-obsessive brat just casually accept that all Eldians should go extinct without ever being free? "We're all born free" has always been the guy's punchline... It doesn't make any sense. Plus his personality is influenced by the attack titan which strengthens this hypothesis.
I think Eren only collaborated with Zeke so he could use his royal blood to trigger the founding titan for some other goal. He's only tricking Zeke. Besides that, Isayama wouldn't end this godly plot on something as stale as a Euthanasia plan. I smell a huge plot twist coming...
>The amount of Zeke/Eren paralels
>ZP little hints
>Colossal joining
Next chapter is gonna be interesting.
I wonder if Pieck is gonna shift again, her titan is so small that she could probably shift some good amount of times.
And Zeke's situation, plus Nile speech, plus Falco, plus Zeke's abnormals, plus the anti-titan weapons...It doesn't look for Zeke.
I love jean too but I don't give 2 fucks about porco
What did armin puzzle?
Still it's different because in TG mc canonically was with that girl for a long time before the sex chapter. EMfags are delusional but they just follow this trop "mc + main girl". The same trop was used in TG where mc quickly fell in love with main girl and they became canon. So I can hardly imagine how somebody could seriously expected him to be with someone else.
that's a quest in new vegas
I don’t see how he can do anything at this moment. Him and Hange will probably be spared from what’s going down.
>Maybe I should have Annie's dad train me for a rematch.
>Nah I'll just keep going for tackles and swinging wildly
Isayama had to make Levi practically kill himself so Marley could have a chance at winning.
bro, he knows that Eren will smash the fuck out of big bro from the world
World destruction soon.
By punchline you mean catchphrase but yes to everything else
Global ethnic cleansing of all non-Eldians. Can’t be genocided if you genocide everyone first
The next three episodes title (Updated with Episode 8 and 9 Title)
Episode 7 - 地下室 (The Basement)
Episode 8 - あの日 (That Day)
Episode 9 - 進撃の巨人 (The Attack Titan)
I mean, Reiner's swings aren't that wild, but he definitely should have trained more after Eren nearly tore his head off.
Will they translate the episode title as ‘Attack Titan’ or ‘Attack on Titan’ or ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’?
Hype af
Fuck, it's so close
>this level of delusion
>I'll try tackling, that's a good trick
The Attack Titan
ZP confirmed? Pieck panels looking at Zeke doesn't seems like she is seeing him as a enemy, and Zeke thinking she was dead made him sad(main reason why he was shot).
To be fair, touka and kaneki literally had nearly 0 interactions for +100 chapters and they had to confession sex and marriage in the spawn of like 7 chapters of the manga. So it basically used the "they get together and mc falls in love with her because she is the main girl" trope. In fact most toukenfags support EM as far as I have seen and want something simmiliar to happen (eren suddenly saying that he was in love with mikasa all along because she is the main girl).
The thing is manlet would doom Paradis if he fed Zeke to a placeholder. What the fuck can do to the blimps, he's not that tall you know
>Misses the kill and makes Zeke scream
>The episode titled "Basement" will not actually contain anything significant regarding the basement
Hurts a little.
>children are the future
>Falco wants to marry Gabi and have children with her
Is pieck crying in that panel?
is Zeke a pedo?
He does more than just wild swings and tackles
Fortunately Isayama hates that
>Marleys are stranded on Paradis
Bloodbath soon.
EM episode soon
Also water is wet.
If he was he'd have woken up with an erection after loli Goddess rebuilt his dick
>oh yes my dear brother it's almost time
>"rumbling sounds"
What's up with the dumb leftists in that other thread who claim this manga is anti-nationalist when the enemy of the protagonists is "The world"?
>wasting pages with FG
>conveniently edits the gabi panel to make it look like the 108 chapter
Manlet would murder any soldiers on the ground.
eldians are a race not a nation
>shit thread
>shit series
I hate Armin so fucking much. It's feels awful knowing that he's going to survive all the way to the end because he's Isayama's favorite and he'll never let anything happen to him.
Gabi's (while Falco hides in the closet)
Its starting user.
I can't wait seeing AoT in /pol/
Posts like these make me smile
The CHAD Stallion vs virgin "yeargerists"
Hey hunterfriend we just got a new chapter. Where's yours?
>SnK hype as fuck
>One Piece hype as fuck
>Berserk came back from hiatus
>REAL came back from hiatus
>HxH still MIA
>"You have been defeated like that...Pieck-chan"
Soap opera incoming.
I hope Zeke mumbles "as expected from Pieck" in the next chapter.
Colt never got to see the special way Zeke wipes his ass.
more you hate, more you love
>EMfag spamming the thread
>No one calls mikasa "shitkasa" "pisskasa" or "cumkasa" and says chadren will cum inside gabi
>One post that mentions eren and historia in the same page
>EHfags killed my family
He'd zip inside the blimps and destroy them from the Inside
>thread dead at 34 replies
The difference is eren was talking to literally everyone there and falco was confessing to gabi
Fuck off /u/
It's now technically both since Paradis is seen as Eldia, as Hange stated in her exchange with Floch.
I think Eren will do a partial genocide at least on Marley to make the rest of the world stay away from Paradis. There's no way they can negotiate without some use of violence and have the writing not be terrible.
How the fuck did these pussies even mog Shadis? Did he just let them?
>>One piece hype as fuck
Its because the EMfag is also the shitposter
I can't wait for clean scans
W-what? But I thought he was confessing to Mikasa!!
>Did he just let them?
Queen is fucking finished, my friend.
What if Annie's father died in the attack?
What if Karina died in the attack?
Can't wait for Armin to destroy Eren's plan and save the world
Guess he's too soft to just brutalize a bunch of kids. Would love to see him beat the shit out of Floch though.
t. Shitren self-inserter(Attackonweeb)
Reiner would have killed Eren (or himself) if that happened
Where did all the EHfags go?
Come on, bros, chapter 118 can't be that bad for us-
Its funny how this is a meme edit but EMfags genuinely see that panel like this
Prepare for fillers and snooze fest next ep
Eren wants to flatten the world
2 motive:
-the titans made to them impossible to know what is happening to the paradisian
-zepelins produce sounds, the night wards would spotted them easily.
>that tiny waist
im fucking dying right now literally every shonen series is getting hyped in their threads with the spoilers and then we have huntards pretending they're not jealous
>samefagging this hard
He brutalized children for a living though
>Why didnt Marley just airdrop RBAM in front of the gate at night time? Then they wouldn't have lost Marcel
I think Marley wanted to conceal the existence of what was going on in the outside world
Otherwise they could have just invaded with a conventional force + titans and won easily
stop it, it hurts
huntertard rage is the best medicine
You really got mad that you got called out, EMfag
Don't worry, people will eventually discuss something related to EH, and you will be able to cry about shipperfags spamming then, even though you are spamming this entire thread with your delusions
So is this unironically how EMcucks read this manga?
Did you read the chapter in which they messed him up? He antagonized them because they were not going to beat him up otherwise, and in that case Floch would have killed them, he just made it a little easier for them by shit talking, giving them somewhat of a reason to no feel that bad for beating him
Did Shadis ever actually hit his trainees besides headbutting Jeanbo? I know he ran them ragged, but we never saw him beating them.
M-muh Chimera Ant arc parallels though! You can't take that away from me! Nyeh! Leorio looks like German philosopher so if I read HxH I understand Emmanuel Cunt!
Only two characters are children in cast full of adults, every shonen cliche was realistically deconstructed from the start and A CHARACTER MADE AN ACTUAL LOVE CONFESSION.
That was my first post actually
But keep your delusions up.
I have been browsing 4channel for two years now.
It's safer to assume every user is a different user to avoid dumb mistakes like these.
Floch needs to get what he deserves soon... which is an asswhooping by Shadis.
floch getting the shit machine soon? :)
He headbutted Jeanbo, lifted Connie from the head twice, systematically molested Armin inside the broom closet every monday and he was very,very mean.
>I've had enough of being betrayed
EMAJC harem soon
>Muh very own, custom bro-definition of a shonen
a shonen
is a manga
released on a shonen magazine. its not a genre nor an age restriction
But the shit machine is dead user
Are shit machines allowed into heaven?
>Floch and his men are in Shiganshina
>Nobody is looking for Manlet and Hans
Well, we don't know if Darius 'Shitmachine' Zackly's shitmachine died with him.
If anyone deserves it, it's Reiner.
He was pretty based at the beginning for shitting on Armonk and Mikasa and wanting to save Erwin, he went full retarded and try hard with this Yeagerist shit lately
Good page for Connie
The bomb was in the Shit Machine
>reddit spacing
>I am an oldfag I have been 2 years in Yea Forums
>posting reddit links and emotes yesterday
La creatura...
Yes, and I don't know if that is funny or just sad
That would imply they actually read what's inside the bubbles and don't entirely replace it with headcanons of their own making.
Armin being confused with Eren's motives and suddenly he says no way. Then Mikasa says EH. Is this message from Isayama?
Seriously, what was Armin thinking when he said no way?
>hunter"""""""chad""""""" SEETHING about Hiatus X Hiatus
>I hate Armin so fucking much
Cringe and bluepilled
In the arms of the angels
fly away from here
One of you is making a fool of herself in the HxH thread
While armin is right in the rumbling thing, he isn't on the "Eren was just lying thing" since mikasa jumped into armin to stop him from hitting eren thanks to her ackerman blood
dios mio.... el newfag cancer del 2016...
No... those monsters...
>Faceapp won’t recognize the crazy yii panel
Can someone shoop it and this one too
>what was Armin thinking when he said no way?
That Eren wants to rumble all the world outside Paradis
Why is there a HxH thread? Did you get spoilers too? New chapter coming up? Isn't that just the greatest feeling?
EMfag is the REfujo, LEpedo was in the right, the Mankasa selfinserters are frightening
Yes, Ymir will use it to punish sinful shifters.
americans are asleep
dont call me a creatura again
reddit is a useful website most 4channers probably come from.
am I a benign cancer or a malicious cancer?
honest answer only
you hunterspergs always start it first
Pieck is in her 20s
You're literally using
Threads of these popular shitty manga always show us how low has Yea Forums fallen.
That's not a pained expression, it's a "summin ain't right" expression
What's wrong with an ellipsis?
I thought it was a joke but retards actually believe the translated "eh" means it's a hint from Isayama what the fuck LMAO
What's next? "Hm?" means Hange x Margath? Or "Oh" means Onyankapon x Hange
EMfag hates floch
Wow and I though you couldn't get any worse
sorry bro. its one mentally ill BRAPfaggot whose mind broke after seeing his favorite characters job once again in this chapter. i expect a lot more of shitposting, poor soul is broke.
I'd say 15-20 more chapters.
Is Eren just completely racist against humanity now?
Dude he is joking, calm down
I keep forgetting who that nobody is until you bring him up.
Why am I supposed to hate him, again?
If it was, his following words wouldn't had been this.
She is also getting triggered by LH
>REAL came back from hiatus
Are you serious? Because YES!!
based unironic redditor shitting up the thread. whats your favorite ship cancer kun?
Yelena is way too important given that she just came out of nowhere
This chapter 100% confirmed, the final fight will be Armin x Eren after they defeat Marley
Yeah, chapter's already out. The three protagonists are finally in the same place at the same time.
>He was only pretending to be retarded
revenge for ragako fucking when
It's not that he hates them, he said he met good and bad people beyond the walls after all. It's just that at the end of the day they are still his enemies.
Why are you so scared of giving (You)s. (You) isn't upvote you know, so stop making a retard out of yourself.
Sounds like Connie is not mad at Ymir anymore, probably because of what Hisu said
Why are Reinerfags even triggered by EH or LH.
Because it's not a Reinerfag, it's the ErwLmod.
You have to be a detective to join these threads, user.
>it woke up
But user, she is an oldfag here, didn't you read her? She has been here for TWO years!
I doubt any of them even remembers Ymir apart from Historia
So... was Zackly going to put Eren in the shitmachine if he'd been given the chance?
why didn't they kill her right there?
Was that a Durarara reference?
Holy shit, you shipperfags are braindead. Armong is remembering what he said at the ocean and realized what Eren is planning.
I see, that would explain the autism does it ever sleep?
I think sneed went to sleep, so thread is gonna be less shitposting.
shit machine? more like..
the BRAP machine
But only Marley has really antagonized Paradis, is it really fair to judge the rest of the world like that?
>Zeke 9/11'd his hometown and puts them in direct danger
>"M-maybe Z-zeke won't scream if he knows that falco swallowed his juices"
Are CFG retarded?
That's the ErwLmod/EMfag. She is probably upset that those two are actually good and not abusive
Eren wants to restore the Eldian empire.
I think Colt was trying to comfort Falco and Gabbers
If you're not with Eren you're against Eren.
>whats your favorite ship cancer kun?
Soul and Maka.
>Being this much of a newfriend
(you)s are the equivalent of upvotes.
Every shitposter and baiter agrees.
Please keep lurking or get off the website.
This is all I could do
>when you tell them he said he has always hated you
>restoring an empire
>not creating a post-apocalyptic anarchic dystopia of FREEDOM
Connie didn't really consider Ymir a traitor, and she wasn't actually trying to destroy humanity unlike RBA.
Everything about this post is pure fucking garbage.
Is she also the new psychologist of this thread that I've read in the previous thread?
Onyankopon is also a sky god. We first see him piloting a blimp.
>Mikasa stops Armin from punching Eren
>three seconds later she lets Armin punch Eren
Seems like the Ackerman blood is kind of inconsistent in how it works then.
Endgame right here brothers.
"Anonymous 06/06/19(Thu)13:22:50 No.189072837
A nigger sky god, the blimp was stolen after all.
The rest of the world literally just resolved to genocide Paradise. Yes, it's fair to judge them like that.
During Uprsing he was mad at her, but I guess more about keeping infos hidden. Although Hisu explained to him she did it for his own safety and not to mock him
>this level of cope
You spammed those threads into oblivion for years with you shipperfaggotry delusions to the point they've become Yea Forums's tumblr general and made every other discussion impossible
If its ending how about we start killing off some characters already?
So you're admitting you're a shitposted too? Good. Internet point isn't something worth bragging about. Try to think how sad it is, dumb millennial.
Who? Anyone can see every time one person mentions Eren and Historia you have CHADREN WILL FUCK GABI just a little after that. I bet 150 posts belongs to this crazy psycho who really believes she is Mikasa and Eren is her prize
Jealous of what? A mediocre series written for fujos that is going to end soon and be forgotten?
What kind of happy ending would that be?
these threads are proof that women shouldnt be allowed to use the internet
I have no doubt we’ll be seeing that once Zeke yells.
take your midday nap, grandpa.
Gabi is just too cute fellas.
>f-for fujos
Fujos in Japan are seething with this arc
Pixis, Nile, Falco and Shadis are as good as dead
She said she is baiting but this dedication confirms how much is she shitting her pants with the idea of Eren being the father
Discussion is possible, retard. No shipperfag, even the ship shitposter, would barge into an ongoing discussion beside the pregnancy discussion.
I believe Eren is the father, tho.
But he will still be in love with Mikasa in the end.
Im afraid of zeke, this chapter is basically a return to shinganshina 2, and zeke is the one who got shot and not only shot but shot just like erwin
Based and redpilled.
Falco is obviously eating Leina.
Does Eren give a shit about Zeke?
Falco will eat Zeke
they talked in Marley so.....
>Discussion is possible
it's like trying to have a conversation at a loud party
a party of disgusting fujos
Don't care if he lives or dies I just want him to accomplish something big with collosidaddy
Makes sense since nips are literally shitting themselves otherwise why would antiEH thread be the most active one in 2ch/5ch
No thats retard, and im not even they guy who calls you retard everytime
Holy shit, do you really even care about Mikasa?
Try to filter or try what a normal adult would do in this kind of situation, try to ignore them.
Uuuuh, I hope you realize that Eren being the father and EM coming together aren't mutually exlcusive.
If 5 Eren will marry Historia with Mikasa as his maid
Meant for
n-not based
ZiiPii thread, a Zii thread but with Pii. Zii+Pii = ZiiPii
Based, but Eren doesn't want a stinky slave near his child.
You already lost the last time.
>posting an obvious edit
Please. If you're trying to make a point about EM, at least post the real page, like this user did
I'm tired of this shitty place, where is the chapter link retards
Is this the most lazer-focused manga ever?
It feels like every page and event has a purpose, everything is exciting. You can just feel how much Isayama has planned it all out.
nah she will snap out of her ackerslave autism and choose to support Eren and Historia by becoming their maid
I think that kind of worked to it's determiment especially in the beginning, there wasn't enough character development
Bert had about 10 lines total before it was revealed he was the colossal
That user just keeps moving forward...
So we all lowkey want Eren to kill the world right?
When was the last time a mangaka had the balls to do that?
She will become Historia's mistress
And she will regret not accepting Jean when this one confessed his loved before dying
The only one truly confirmed dead is Yelena because she started acting wacky.
Well it's like these automatic "EHfags are [insert generic insult #5284 here]" replies to posts that have nothing to do with EH 99% of the time. If people are already this triggered when there's nothing concrete yet, I can't imagine what what state the fanbase would end up in with an actual confirmation.
Aunt Mikasa
Mikasa's fate is licking clean Eren's cock every night so he can continue to make love with Historia
This is worst then EM not happening. I fear for their mental health after seeing how they reacted at mere possiblity of EH
More like keeps shitposting and is rightfully being insecure about his ship.
Yeah, like I remember posting about the Eren and Historia betrayal not romantic shit and suddenly I was spammed with the Gabo pedo spam. EMfags have mental problems
Does Jean still not believe in humanity?
Then why do you feel then need to address his past if you're not the insecure one? It's just shitposting.
In the meanwhile marley had to face against many wars and rebellions, they couldn't invade the island for this reason
"EMfags ate my dog"
>Falling for a falseflag
Because dumb posts like this only exist to shit up the thread even more.
you just know he's gonna develop some kind of strange Helos hero complex
I shitpost with EH sometimes and I see Gabipedo posting appear a little after that, and when I shitpost with LH blacked posts. Triggering the EMfag/ErwLfag is fun but it became repetitive but her level of dedication is impressive
That's just one post though. You're the one keeping score on shitposting which is more pathetic.
How do you read black text?
I understand how you feel dude.
Is not like they have many other options at the moment.
Shouldn't be too hard as long as there's a significantly lighter background.
I only saw him him making that shitposts once and it didn't work. Sorry it's difficult for you to count to one.
A saw it too where he got 4 instead but since it's just a shitposting, I disregard it like every normal user.
But Isayama killed EM and ErwL himself. I don't know what were they expecting
think Louise will become important? I kinda like her.
last for EH and also dubs
Eren cumming inside Hisu's warm tight pussy
unless you weren't joking, it's the girl that saluted Mikasa in Trost arc, also this chapter she talked to Mikasa when she left her scarf.
you mean cummed
no U
What are the chances that her stalker stole, sniffed, and masturbated to that scarf the moment Misaka got out of the room?